Artists’ General Benevolent Institution
The Artists' General Benevolent Institution (AGBI) is one of the oldest charities in the United Kingdom. It was founded by the artist J. M. W. Turner in the year before Waterloo and incorporated by Royal Charter in 1842. It is the only charity run by artists for artists.
The British Society of Master Glass Painters supports the AGBI, a charity for stained glass and other artists and designers, and has been raising annual collections for this important charity for over fifty years. Any professional artist or art teacher can apply for help if they have earned all or the major part of their living from art and cannot work or earn because of illness, old age or accident, either temporarily or long term. Widows and orphaned children of artists are likewise eligible. Assistance is given as a grant for one year at a time. All information relating to applicants and any help given is strictly confidential.
The AGBI is run by a Council and Stewards representing approximately thirty societies. Funds for grants come through donations, legacies and investment, and about a third of the total is raised by the Stewards, who give generously of their time each year to help. Jane Campbell FMGP is the AGBI Steward for the British Society of Master Glass Painters. For further information about donations or assistance, please contact her at through the secretary