Online exhibition of stained glass in progress
28 May 2020Journeys – Teithiau
In 2018, Jonathan Cooke and friends held an exhibition Fire, Light and Shade at Ilkley’s iconic Manor House. Last year Jonathan was one of the invited exhibitors at the highly acclaimed Inspired by Burne Jones event at the Grange Gallery, Rottingdean, renewing friendships with other stained glass colleagues. These serendipitous connections were the background against which plans were conceived for a new exhibition in July 2020, in the Grade1 listed All Saints Church, Weston, in Wharfedale.
Journeys: to Wharfe from Thames and Tawe – Teithiau: I’r Wharfe o’r Tafwys a’r Tawe
By the time it became clear that CV19 was going to disrupt the project, some the artists had started work, developing their ideas and realising designs on the theme of “Journeys”: with the world almost at a standstill, the theme seemed more than ever to capture the imagination.
The original exhibition and associated events will be rescheduled as soon as this proves practicable and, with this very much in focus, some of the participating artists are creating here a virtual evolving gallery of work in progress, with a vernissage planned to coincide with the original exhibition date of July.
Here you can see fascinating glimpses of stained glass in the making by
Jonathan Cooke
Catrin Davies
Nicola Kantorowicz FMGP
Elizabeth Lamont
Rachel Phillips
Christian Ryan AMGP
Caroline Swash FMGP
They hope that you will find the development of ideas and designs of interest, and will revisit as the stained glass evolves.
The finished pieces will form a virtual exhibition here in July 2020.