Reconnecting to the source of one’s inspiration
21 September 202030th Sept 2020, 7 pm, a free talk following the Society's Annual General Meeting, by Andrew Taylor FMGP.
Andrew Taylor FMGP, a glass artist living in Devizes, Wiltshire, will present an illustrated talk discussing his work and including a video of his trip to ‘Colin’s Barn’, a building near Malmesbury with windows by the late glass artist Colin Stokes AMGP.
He says:
‘Stained glass from design to finish can be a very long-winded process and over time one can lose touch with one’s initial spark. A short paragraph of John Piper’s really stuck in my memory when he spoke about the importance of regularly getting back to the source of one’s inspiration and refinding what one really loves. At popular request I propose to talk about Colin Stokes’s barn as a good example, rather like an incredible one-man pyramid, an undertaking of 10 years work. I’ll also show something of my work, perhaps other examples too, and hopefully promote some discussion.’
Free talk (members only)