If you know of a course that isn’t listed below please contact secretary@bsmgp.org.uk

The main institutions offering degree and other higher qualifications in stained glass and related techniques are listed below.

City of Glasgow College HNC Art and Design – Art Glass (1 year full-time)
City Campus, 190 Cathedral Street, Glasgow G4 0RF
Contact: Lindsay Watson or Kimberley Armstrong
Email lindsay.watson@cityofglasgowcollege.ac.uk or kimberley.armstrong@cityofglasgowcollege.ac.uk  Website www.cityofglasgowcollege.ac.uk

Edinburgh College of Art MA Glass (1 year full-time) or MFA Glass (21 months full-time)
Edinburgh College of Art, 74 Lauriston Place, Edinburgh EH3 9DF
Programme Director: Geoffrey Mann Telephone +44 (0)131 650 4086 Email geoffrey.mann@ed.ac.uk Website www.eca.ac.uk

Royal College of Art MA Ceramics and Glass (2 years full time)
Kensington Gore, London SW7 2EU
Acting Head of Programme: Felicity Aylieff Email ceramics-and-glass@rca.ac.uk Website www.rca.ac.uk

UCA Farnham BA (Hons) Glass, Ceramics, Metalwork, Jewellery (3 years full-time) and MA Glass (1 year full-time or 2 years part-time)
Falkner Road, Farnham, Surrey GU9 7DS
Telephone 01252 722 441 Website www.uca.ac.uk

University of Hertfordshire BA (Hons) Design Crafts – Ceramics and Glass (3 years full-time, 4 years sandwich, or 6 years part-time)
Hatfield campus AL10 9AB
Contact Antje Illner Tel (0)1707 284000 Email a.illner@herts.ac.uk Website: www.herts.ac.uk

University of Sunderland BA (Hons) Artist Designer Maker – Glass and Ceramics (3 years full-time and part-time also available), MA Glass and Ceramics (1 year full-time or 2 years part-time), MPhil, PhD
The University of Sunderland, Edinburgh Building, City Campus, Chester Road, Sunderland, SR1 3SD
Senior Lecturer in Architectural Glass: Cate Watkinson Telephone 0191 515 3090 Email cate.watkinson@sunderland.ac.uk Website www.sunderland.ac.uk

University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) BA Glass – Design Crafts (3 years full-time or 6 years part-time), MDesGlas – Architectural Arts (4 years FT/8 years PT), MA Glass (3 Semesters), MPhil and PhD, also short workshops & master classes
Swansea College of Art UWTSD, Dynevor Campus, De Le Beche St, Swansea, SA1 3EU
Contact: Catherine Brown Telephone 01792 481 058 Email catherine.brown@sm.uwtsd.ac.uk Website www.uwtsd.ac.uk

University of Wolverhampton BA (Hons) Glass and Ceramics (3 years full-time, 4 years sandwich 5-6 years part-time)
Glass Department, School of Creative Arts & Design, City Campus, University of Wolverhampton, Molineux Street, Wolverhampton WV1 1SB
Contact: Paul McAllister Telephone 01902 322222 Email enquiries@wlv.ac.uk Website courses.wlv.ac.uk

University of York MA Stained Glass Conservation and Heritage Management (2 years full-time)
Department of History of Art, University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5DD, UK
Administrator: Gillian Galloway Telephone 01904 323910 Email gillian.galloway@york.ac.uk Website www.york.ac.uk

As well as the main degree courses in higher education, other institutions offer contemporary stained glass options within degree and diploma courses. Stained glass is variously included in fine art, design, public art, architectural and community art and similar courses.

Kensington and Chelsea College UAL level 2 Diploma Art and Design – ceramics, glass and jewellery, BTEC Certificate in Art & Design Level 3 – glass
Kensington Centre, Wornington Road, London, W10 5QQ
Telephone 020 7573 5333 Email info@kcc.ac.uk Website www.kcc.ac.uk

De Montfort University BA (Hons) Design Crafts – A multidisciplinary course with glass and hot glass options
School of Design and Manufacture, The Gateway, Leicester LE1 9BH
Telephone 0116 2 50 60 70 Website www.dmu.ac.uk

Dudley College Art & Design BTEC Diploma – A multidisciplinary course including glass working
The Broadway, Dudley, West Midlands DY1 4AS
Telephone 01384 363000 Website: www.dudleycol.ac.uk

Manchester Metropolitan University MA or MFA Design: Craft (MA 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time. MFA 2 years full-time or 4 years part-time) – a multidisciplinary course for makers looking to explore craft practices across a range of materials including glass.
School of Art, Cavendish Street, Manchester M15 6BR
Telephone 0161 247 1001 Website www2.mmu.ac.uk

Nottingham Trent University BA Hons Decorative Arts (3 years full-time) – A multidisciplinary course across a range of materials including glass.
Faculty of Art & Design, Waverley Building, Waverley Street, Nottingham, NG1 4BU
Course leader: Lharne Shaw Telephone 0115 848 8663 Email lharne.shaw@ntu.ac.uk Website www.ntu.ac.uk

Some of our accredited members – Associates (AMGP) and Fellows (FMGP) – offer stained glass classes in their studios or in adult education classes. You can search for their details in the Portfolio pages. Some non-accredited members of the British Society of Master Glass Painters also offer short courses. Please contact individuals directly for further information. If you are a Society member and you teach regularly you can contact the Secretary to be listed here.

Various colleges, museums, suppliers and other centres offer day courses, short workshops and longer courses. including certificate courses. Many local authorities offer adult and community education evening classes and day schools in the craft. If you would like to recommend a class please contact the Secretary.

The following courses are arranged according to region and listed in the order of accredited Society members, non-accredited members, followed by other venues. Please note that the British Society of Master Glass Painters does not vet or recommend particular stained glass courses.

There are some awards available for short courses and other training in stained glass – see here.

East Midlands

Derek Hunt FMGP teaches from his studio in Leicestershire
Telephone 01858 565274 or 07795262342 Email derek@derek-hunt.com Website www.limelightstudios.co.uk

Eastern England

Surinder Warboys teaches architectural stained glass, painting and staining courses in Suffolk
Telephone 01379 783412 Website www.myglassroom.com

The Stained Glass Museum, Ely offers short courses in leaded lights, glasspainting and fusing
Telephone 01353 660347 Email admin@stainedglassmuseum.com Website www.stainedglassmuseum.com

Flatford Mill Centre in Suffolk has various glass courses
Website: http://www.field-studies-council.org


Brett Manley teaches stained and kilnformed glass in Perivale and Brent in London
Email info@brettmanley.co.uk Website www.brettmanley.co.uk

Hammersmith and Fulham Adult Learning has various glass courses
Telephone 020 8753 6338 Email jane.sutton@lbhf.gov.uk Website www.hfals.co.uk

Hounslow Adult and Community Education, Chiswick has various glass courses
Telephone 020 8583 6073 Email art@hounslow.gov.uk

Kensington and Chelsea College, Kensington Centre offers introductory and master classes in various glass techniques
Telephone 020 7573 5333 Email info@kcc.ac.uk Website www.kcc.ac.uk

Lewisham Community Education has day and evening courses all levels in glasswork – stained glass, painting, verre eglomise, fusing and slumping
Email maria.turner@lewisham.gov.uk Website www.cel.lewisham.gov.uk

The Prince’s School of Traditional Arts has a Stained Glass: Techniques and Design short course module
Telephone 020 7613 8500 Email enquiry@psta.org.uk Website www.psta.org.uk

Richmond Adult Community College, Art School, Parkshot TW9 2RE has various glass courses
Telephone 020 8891 5907 Email info@racc.ac.uk Website www.racc.ac.uk

Westminster Adult Education Service has various glass courses
Telephone 0207 297 7297 Email gklenie@waes.ac.uk Website: www.waes.ac.uk

North East England

National Glass Centre, Sunderland offers short glass courses
Telephone 0191 515 2813 Email anna.callahan-1@sunderland.ac.uk Website www.nationalglasscentre.com

North West England

Pearsons Glass in Liverpool offers short glass courses
Website www.pearsons-glass.co,uk


Kate Henderson AMGP teaches in East Lothian
Website http://www.katehenderson.co.uk

Shona McInnes FMGP teaches from her studio in Morayshire
Telephone 07941 220417 Email shona@leadlinestudio.com Website www.leadlinestudio.com

Edinburgh College of Art has short courses in glass art and design
Telephone 0131 221 6109 Email artanddesignstudies@ed.ac.uk Website www.ed.ac.uk

Glasgow College, City Campus has short courses in decorative glasswork and hot glass
Telephone 0141 375 5555 extension 4292/4435 Email enquiries@cityofglasgowcollege.ac.uk Website: www.glasgowmet.ac.uk

South East England

Nicola Kantorowicz FMGP teaches in Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire
Telephone 0118 972 4746 Email nicola@nicolakantorowicz.com Website: www.nicolakantorowicz.com

Rachel Mulligan FMGP runs regular day and weekend classes in engraving and painting techniques from her studio in Godalming, Surrey
Telephone 07970 052104 Email studio@rachelmulligan.co.uk Website www.rachelmulligan.co.uk

Abinger Stained Glass studio runs stained glass and fusing courses in Surrey
Telephone 01306 730 617 Email abinger.stained.glass@gmail.com Website www.abinger-stained-glass.co.uk

Isobel Brunsdon teaches in Hailsham, Sussex
Telephone 07890238544

Carole Gray teaches in Stansted Mountfitchet, Essex
Email carole@itsablast.co.uk

Creative Glass UK, Rochester, Kent  has short courses in various glass techniques
Telephone 01634 735416 Email info@creativeglassshop.co.uk Website www.creativeglassshop.co.uk

Guildford Adult Learning offers day and evening classes in stained glass and fused glass
Telephone 0300 200 1044 www.surreycc.gov.uk

University of Hertfordshire offers short courses in glass art
Contact Ewa Wawrzyniak Email info@ewa-wawrzyniak.com Website www.herts.ac.uk

West Sussex, West Dean College offers short courses in stained glass, copperfoil, kilnforming, engraving and mosaics
Telephone 01243 811301 Email short.courses@westdean.org.uk Website www.westdean.org.uk

South West England

Fabrizia Bazzo AMGP teaches in Ilminster, Somerset
Website https://fabriziabazzo.co.uk

Sally Pollitzer AMGP teaches in Bath
Website https://sally-pollitzer.co.uk

Andrew Taylor FMGP teaches from his studio in Devizes, Wiltshire
Website http://www.aptglasspainter.com

Jackie Hunt teaches in Cornwall and Dorset
Website www.jackiehunt.co.uk

Creative Glass Guild in Bristol offers short courses in stained glass, painting, fusing and pâte de verre
Telephone 01179 588820 Email info@creativeglassguild.co.uk Website: www.creativeglassguild.co.uk

Liquid Glass Centre, Trowbridge, Wiltshire has short courses in hot glass techniques
Telephone 01225 768888 Email info@liquidglasscentre.org.uk Website www.liquidglasscentre.org.uk

Stroud & South Glos College in Gloucestershire offers stained glass courses and summer schools with Ruth Adams
Details Claire Bagnall-Hunt Telephone 01453 761213 extension 1213 Website www.sgscol.ac.uk/art

Glass School near Bristol offers short courses in stained glass, glass painting, fusing, frit and powders, and kiln-forming
Telephone 01934 863344 Email info@glass-school.co.uk Website: https://glass-school.co.uk/


Deanne Mangold AMGP teaches from her studio in Swansea
Email deannemagold@gmail.com

Chris Ryan AMGP teaches in Mid Glamorgan
Website www.christianryan.com

Catrin Davies teaches in Carmarthenshire
Email catrindavies01@googlemail.com

Architectural Glass Centre, Swansea College of Art,  Swansea, has short introductory courses and master classes in painting and staining with accredited conservator Jonathan Cooke
Telephone 07769 210127 Email agc@sm.uwtsd.ac.uk

Wrexham Glyndwr University  offers short introductory glass courses
Telephone 01978 290666 Website www.glyndwr.ac.uk</a

West Midlands

Helen Robinson AMGP runs occasional courses from her studio in Shropshire
Telephone 01588 638940 Email oriel.glass@btinternet.com Website www.orielglassstudio.co.uk

Nathalie Liege teaches traditional stained glass painting for beginners in Shrewsbury
Telephone 07846426080 Website https://www.couleurlive.com

Williams and Byrne offer workshops and online tutorials in stained glass in Shropshire
Telephone 01584 856724 Website www.williamsandbyrne.co.uk

Yorkshire & The Humber

Ann Sotheran FMGP runs courses at The Stained Glass Centre in York and for the York Adult Education service
Telephone 01904 641066 Email ann@annsotheran.co.uk Website www.annsotheran.co.uk

Valerie Green offers stained glass courses in Scarborough
Email val@stainedglass-centre.co.uk Website www.stainedglass-centre.co.uk