Discussion Day 2022
Creativity and Best Practice
The 2022 Discussion Day will explore how the creative artists navigates the stained glass world. It will include establishing a studio, working to commission in churches, public and private buildings and many other topics.
We are delighted to have four speakers for the Discussion Day – Alfred Fisher MBE will share his wealth of experience, Helen Robinson will talk about establishing her studio and teaching, Andrew Taylor will discuss creativity and Benjamin Finn will talk about his window in Southwark Cathedral Library. Caroline Swash will introduce the day. You can download more information here October 14 2022 Discussion Day Speakers.
There will be plenty of opportunity for discussion and questions. We will start to explore ‘What is best practice’ to try and arrive at a consensus that we can share with our members.
Primarily aimed at students and those in the early stages of their stained glass careers, the Discussion Day is open to everyone with an interest in stained glass. It is a chance to see some fascinating work and hear directly from the speakers about their practice. There is an opportunity to network with other practitioners and attending the event can lead to useful contacts being made.
Tea and coffee are provided but not lunch. There are many wonderful places to eat in nearby Borough Market.
The British Society of Master Glass Painters is very grateful to the Worshipful Company of Glaziers for hosting the event and to Malvern Arts Press for sponsoring the day.
The event is at Glaziers Hall on Friday 14th October 10.30am-4.00pm. The cost of the day is just £29.75 for members (£35 non-members) and places are limited so book now!
27 in stock