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Autumn Webinar with Sarah Knighton

The sudden death of a king throws the nation into turmoil. A swashbuckling tyrannical cornishman narrowly evades capture by leaping from a cliff. A queen mother acts against her own interests and dooms her future, all while two princes vanish never to be seen again. Turns out Coldridge has more drama than Netflix.

Join Sarah Knighton for the autumn webinar where we will return to Coldridge in Devon following the conservation of the famous Edward V stained glass window in St Matthew’s Church.

Sarah will take a lighthearted look at the story of the princes in the tower and re-evaluate one of the few surviving possible depictions of Edward V following the first up-close analysis of the glass during important conservation works.

Members pay only £4.25 (£5.00 full price) for the Zoom lecture. Join us on Thursday 7th November at 7pm on Zoom for the lecture.

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