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Index Volume V
Note. A name of a place, without further note, indicates a reference to glass actually or recorded as formerly existing there.
A name of a person, without further note, indicates an artist of glass actually or recorded as formerly existing. In the case of a medieval artist, where the reference is as a rule to a quotation from a document, the Christian names are given; in that of a modern artist, initials only in addition to the surname.
‘Ancient Glass in Norfolk and Suffolk,’ Rev. Christopher Woodforde, V: 57.
‘Fifteenth-Century in Bardwell Church, Suffolk,’ by Horace Wilkinson, V: 159.
Angers Museum, V: 79.
Anselm, Abbot, V: 14.
Arrezzo, V: 145.
Ashill, V: 8, 11.
Associates, Junior, V: 107
Astle, Thomas, antiquary, V: 2.
‘Astralogie of Queen Elizabeth,’ V: 19.
Auxerre and Chartres, V: 1.
Baccio, V: 145.
Badges on quarries, V: 139.
Baker, Rev. Dr. Stanley, V: 1.
Bale, Norfolk, V: 6, 8.
Bardewell, Sir William de, V: 159.
Bardewell, Lady de, V: 159.
Barking Abbey, V: 21.
Barton Mills, Suffolk, V: 5.
Beauchamp Chapel, Warwick, V: 146.
Beaulieu in the New Forest, V: 22.
Bell, R. Anning, R.A., Portrait inset. ‘Obituary Notice,’ A.A.L., V: 153.
Bell, Reginald (contemporary work)— Window, St. Mary’s Hall, Coventry, V: 185. Cartoon for Stained Glass, in Old Guild Hall of St. Mary, Coventry, V: 71. Cartoon for Stained Glass, in West Window, Hayle, Cornwall. V: 185. Window in the Hall of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries, reference to, V: 157.
Benham, W. Gurney, V: 111.
Bening, Simon, miniaturist, V: 19.
Benson, George, V: 139.
Birmingham University, V: 2.
Blakeney, Norfolk, V: 12.
Blythburgh, Suffolk, V: 10, 11.
Bodleian Library, V: 2.
Bodley, G. F., V: 174.
Book Reviews—
‘The Fourteenth-Century Glass at Wells.’ by the Very Rev. J. Annitage Robinson, D.D., F.S.A. Reviewed by the Rev. Christopher Woodforde, V: 49.
‘Leaded Glass Work,’ by Ralph Mollet, London, 1933. Reviewed by J. A. Knowles, V: 151.
‘Medieval Glassworkers in North Staffordshire,’ by T. Pape, 1934. Reviewed by E. Wyndham Hulme, V: 196.
Briois, Jean, V: 143.
Browne, John, V: 48, 136.
Brussels, V: 142.
Bulteau, l’Abbe, V: 36.
Burlison and Grylls, V: 174.
Burne Jones, Sir Edward. Reviewed by Mr. Montague Weekly, V: 54.
Bury St. Edmunds, V: 22.
Calendar of Freemen of Lynn, V: 14, 15.
Calendar of Freemen of Norwich, V: 16, 17.
Canterbury, V: 126.
Catuley, H. Munro, V: 10.
Cennini, Cennino, ‘Book of Art,’ V: 143, 145.
Chance, Alexander, V: 172.
Chance, Harold, V: 173.
Chance, William Edward, V: 172.
Chartres and Canterbury, V: 120.
Chatwin, Philip B., V: 2.
Chaucer, V: 40, 135.
Checkley Church, Staffs., V: 20.
Chevreul, V: 36.
Churchwardens’ Accounts, V: 87, 113, 114.
Ciambue, V: 146.
Clare East Window, V: 61.
Clayton, John R., V: 171.
Clayton and Bell, V: 174.
Clement, Thibaut, V: 143.
Cloptons of Long Melford, V: 12, 59.
Colchester, Glass-Painters in, V: 110.
Cole, The Rev. William, V: 2.
Colville Hall, Essex, V: 20.
Combs, Suffolk, V: 6, 11, 58.
Connick, Charles J., V: 1.
Cordonnier, Jacquet, V: 143, 146.
Cordonnier, Nicholas, V: 146.
Corporal Acts of Mercy, V: 7.
Corpus Christi, Subject in York Glass, V: 82, 84.
Correspondence, V: 52, 104, 206.
Correspondence, An Eighteenth Century French Glass-Painting, V: 52.
Correspondence, Firing White Opal Glass, V: 52.
Correspondence, Favourite subjects in York Glass, V: 104.
Correspondence, The Monkey’s Funeral, V: 106.
Correspondence, Glazing Accounts at Little Saxham Hall, Suffolk, V: 206.
Coulton, Dr., V: 63.
Courtauld Institute of Art, V: 167.
Couverte, V: 35.
Coventry, St. Mary’s Hall, V: 20
Cram, Ralph Adams, V: 118.
Creton, Chronicler, Plate XXXII, V: 135.
”Curiosities of Glass-Painting,” by the Editor, V: 27, 71.
‘Customs Duties payable on Stained Glass Windows Overseas,’ V: 80.
Damery, Jean de, V: 145.
Daniel, V: 13, 14.
Day, Lewis F., V: 79, 171.
Dee, John, Astrologer, V: 19, 21, 22.
Dennington, Suffolk, V: 5.
Denston, John, of Denston Hall, V: 59.
Denston Church, Suffolk, V: 59.
Denston’s Chantry, V: 59.
Design and Craftsmanship, V: 142.
Design for Stained Glass Window by a German Artist, V: 142.
Designers, Professional, in Middle Ages, V: 143.
Designers to the Trade, V: 143.
Dewsbury Church, Yorks., V: 20.
Discussion, ‘The Penancer’s Window,’ V: 177.
‘Domestic Glass, The Seasons in,’ Ernest A. Kent, F.S.A., V: 19, 21, 24.
Doom Window, Gooderstone, V: 5.
Doom Windows, V: 28.
Drake, Wilfred, ‘Marks on Glass,’ V: 3. — ‘Pedigrees of Families of Glass-Painters,’ compiled by, V: 130.
Drury Family, V: 157.
Dugdale, Daniel Vitrarius, V: 14.
Dunston, Norfolk, Donor at, V: 5.
Easby Church, Yorks., V: 19.
East Anglian School, V: 11.
East Harling, Norfolk, V: 6, 59.
Easton, Suffolk, V: 6.
Eden, F. S., on Essex Glass, V: 28, 110.
Edward the Confessor, King, V: 134.
Ellis, Sir Henry, V: 14.
Elsing, Norfolk, V: 5.
Emneth, Norfolk, V: 11.
Essex House, Essex Street, Strand, V: 2.
Essex, Bibliography on Ancient Glass in, V: 115.
‘Essex Glass-Painters in the Middle Ages,’ Rev. Christopher Woodforde, M.A., V: 110.
Eton, Frescoes, V: 144
Eudy, Isaiah, V: 125.
Evans, V: 174.
‘ Examples of Contemporary Work in Stained Glass executed by Members of the Society,’ V: 69, 116, 185.
Figure Draughtsmanship, V: 143.
Flemish Calendar, V: 22.
Fletcher, William, V: 2.
Foreign Glass in Norfolk and Suffolk, V: 61.
Franks, A. W., V: 13.
Gascoigne, Thomas, V: 48.
Gild Windows, V: 82.
Gislingham, V: 59.
‘Glass Making. W. E. Chance and the revived Manufacture of Coloured Glass,’ by Thomas Stokes, V: 170.
‘Glass-Painting, Curiosities of,’ by the Editor, V: 27, 71.
Glass-Painting, Recent Publications relating to, V: 50, 103, 155, 204.
Glass-Painters of Essex, V: 111-115.
Glass-Painters of Ipswich, V: 63.
Glass-Painters of Lynn, V: 15, 62.
Glass-Painters of Norwich, V: 15, 62.
‘Glass-Painters, Pedigrees of Families of,’ Wilfred Drake, V: 130.
Glass Windows in Houses, V: 107.
Glaziers, Worshipful Company of, V: 108.
Good Samaritan Window, Bourges, V: 1.
Gooderstone, Norfolk, V: 5.
Googe, Barnaby, V: 21.
Gothic Revival, V: 171.
Gouda, V: 76, 142.
Great Bricett, Suffolk, V: 5.
Great Malvern, V: 144.
Great Snoring, Norfolk, V: 6.
Great Walsingham, Norfolk, V: 6.
Guthrie, Thomas Anstey, of Kensington, V: 107, 108.
Gyles of York, V: 73, 108, 109.
Hadley, John Thomas, V: 174.
Hardman, John T., V: 174, 177.
Harold, Baron de, V: 2.
Harpley Church, Norfolk, V: 10.
Hartley’s of Sunderland, V: 175.
Heaton, Clement, V: 174.
Heraldic Glass in Norfolk and Suffolk, V: 60.
Herringfleet, V: 57.
Hessett, Suffolk, V: 6, 12, 58.
Heydon Church, Norfolk, V: 8.
Hillen, H. J., V: 13.
Historical Monuments, Royal Commission on, V: 110.
Holbein’s Designs for Crafts, V: 143.
Hone, Galyon, V: 64, 65.
Howard, Sir John Knight, V: 59
Hutchinson, G. P., V: 70.
Icklingham, Suffolk, V: 5.
Iconoclasts, Richard Culmer, V: 91; William Dowsing, V: 87.
Imitation Stained Glass, V: 3.
Isabel de Ingaldesthorp, V: 10.
James, Dr. M. R., V: 10.
Jokes (by Glass-Painters), V: 28, 41.
Kansas City (Mo), V: 1.
Kent, Ernest A., F.S.A., on ‘The Seasons in Domestic Glass,’ V: 19.
Kiln, Electric, for firing Glass, V: 148.
King’s College, Cambridge, V: 146.
Knowles, John A., F.S.A. ‘A History of the York School of Glass-Painting’ V: XI. Favourite Subjects in York Glass, V: 37, 82. XII. Political Allusions in York Work, V: 133, 187. ‘Medieval Stained Glass Designers,’ V: 142. Review of ‘Leaded Glass Work,’ by Ralph Mollet, V: 151.
Ladies, Stained Glass as a Vocation for, V: 158.
Lady Chapel, York. V: 135.
Lawson, William, V: 116.
Le Mans, V: 117.
Legge, Dr., V: 124.
Leicester, Mayor’s Parlour, V: 20.
Leicester, St. Martin’s Church, V: 28.
Leverington, Cambs., V: 12.
Lincoln Cathedral, V: 20.
Lincoln’s Inn, Students’ Memorial Window in, V: 66.
Lloyd and Summerfield, V: 175.
Long Melford, Suffolk, V: 6, 12, 58, 59.
Longley, Thomas, Chancellor, V: 136.
Married Saints, V: 39.
Mauler Glass-Painters, British Society of, Mooting of, etc., V: 93, 99, 197, 190, 201, 202.
Meikle, Wm. and Sons, V: 116.
Middleham, V: 109.
Mileham, Norfolk, V: 5.
Monkey’s Funeral, York Minster, V: 27, 41.
Montague, Lord, V: 22.
Morris, Roland, V: 25.
Mulbarton, V: 8.
‘News and Notes,’ V: 1, 53, 107, 157.
Nicholson, A. K., V: 69.
Norbury Hall, Derbyshire, V: 20.
Norfolk and Suffolk Churches—
Norfolk and Suffolk Churches—Foreign Glass, V: 61.
Norfolk and Suffolk Churches—Glass-Painters, V: 15, 62, 63, 65.
Norfolk and Suffolk Churches—List of Churches with Ancient Glass, V: 60.
Norfolk and Suffolk Churches—Portraits, V: 58, 59.
Norfolk and Suffolk Churches—Shields of Arms, V: 60.
North Tuddenham, Norfolk, V: 6, 58.
Northfield, V: 2.
Norwich Guildhall, V: 13.
‘Obituary.’Joseph Armitage Robinson, D.D., Dean of Wells, V: 102.
‘Obituary.’R. Anning Bell, R.A., V: 153.
Orders of Angels, V: 6, 7, 8.
Outwell, Norfolk, V: 11.
Oxborough, Norfolk, V: 6.
Packenham, John de, V: 159.
‘Pageant of Richard Beauchamp,’ V: 144.
‘Painted Glass in Saxlingham Nethergate Church, Norfolk,’ Rev. Christopher Woodforde, M.A., V: 163.
Parish Clerks and Vergers, Representations in Glass Windows of, V: 157.
Passot, Guillaume, V: 146.
Peckitt, William, V: 29, 147, 170.
‘Penancers’ Window’ (Discussion), V: 177.
Pierre, Aillet, V: 146.
Pieta, Long Melford, V: 13.
Pisa, Duomo at, V: 145.
Pitcher, Sydney, F.R.P.S., V: 1.
Poitiers, V: 125, 126.
Portraits in Glass, V: 6, 12, 58, 59.
Powell, Harry, V: 174.
Powell, James and Sons, V: 171.
Powell, John Hardman, V: 174.
Prudde, John of Westminster, V: 146.
Pugin, V: 174.
Pulham, Norfolk, V: 5.
Read, Herbert, Professor, V: 12.
Rebecca, Cartoonist, V: 147.
Richard II, V: 37.
Richard III, Badge of, V: 139.
Richards, Mr. Edwin, V: 173.
Richards, Mr. E. A., V: 173.
Richards, Mr. F. C., V: 173.
Richmond, Lady Margaret, Badge of, V: 139.
Ringland, V: 7, 8.
Robinson, Joseph Armitage, D.D., Dean of Wells, Obituary Notice of, V: 102.
Roundels, 19-24, V: 169.
Rushforth, G. McN.. V: 85.
Ruskin, V: 74, 75.
St. Andre des Artes, Paris, V: 29.
St. Anthony, Troyes, V: 146.
St. Benet’s at Holme, V: 14.
St. Cuthbert Window, York Minster, V: 136.
St. Denys, V: 41, 193.
St. Etienne of Beauvais, V: 31.
St. Etienne du Mont, Paris, V: 29.
St. Helen’s Chapel, Colchester, V: 111.
St. John’s College, Cambridge, V: 18.
St. John’s, Micklegate, York, V: 82, 84.
St. Katherine’s by the Tower, V: 53.
St. Leonard’s, Shoreditch, V: 3.
St. Lawrence, York. V: 91.
St. Madeleine at Troyes, V: 146.
St. Martin’s, Leicester, V: 28.
St. Martin’s le Grand, York, V: 84, 193.
St. Martin’s, Micklegate, York, V: 39, 82.
St. Martin’s at Palace Church, Norwich, V: 20.
St. Mary’s Hall, Coventry, V: 20.
St. Mary’s, Ottery, V: 56.
St. Mary’s, Shrewsbury, V: 85.
St. Mary’s, Warwick, V: 2.
St. Michael le Belfrey, V: 190.
St. Michael, Martham, Norfolk, V: 8, 11.
St. Michael, Spurriergate, York, V: 139.
St. Peter, Hungate, Norwich, V: 2, 8, 10.
St. Peter, Mancroft, Norwich, V: 58.
St. Philip’s, Regent Street, V: 34.
St. Pierre at Dreux, V: 30.
St. Saviour’s, Cambridge, V: 190.
St. Stephen’s Chapel, Westminster, V: 15, 113.
Saint, Lawrence B., on ‘Stained Glass in the Middle Ages,’ V: 117.
Sancta Maria delle Grazio, V: 147.
Salle, Norfolk, V: 6, 58.
Salisbury, V: 1, 2.
Salisbury Cathedral, V: 20.
Sandringham, Norfolk, V: 9, 11.
Sassoli, Fabiano, V: 147.
Saxlingham Nethergate, Norfolk, V: 5, 8, 16S,
‘Schools of Glass-Painting in King’s Lynn and Norwich in the Middle Ages,’ Rev. Christopher Woodforde, V: 4-18.
Scott, Sir Gilbert, V: 171.
‘Seasons in Domestic Glass, The,’ by Ernest A. Kent, F.S.A., V: 19-24.
Secretaries, Chartered Institute of, Window by Mr. Reginald Bell, V: 157.
Sens, V: 127.
Seven Corporal Acts of Mercy at Combs, V: 58.
Seven Sacraments Window, V: 18, 159.
Shields of Arms, in Norfolk and Suffolk, V: 60.
Shields of Arms, Attechurch of Gislingham, V: 60.
Shields of Arms, Bacon of Baconsthorpe, V: 61.
Shields of Arms, Banyard of Spexall, V: 61.
Shields of Arms, Bardwell, V: 160.
Shields of Arms, Blagge of Horringer, V: 61.
Shields of Arms, Clare, V: 61.
Shields of Arms, Cowling, V: 60.
Shields of Arms, Drury, V: 159.
Shields of Arms, Gislingham, V: 60.
Shields of Arms, Great Thurlow, V: 61.
Shields of Arms, Mautby, V: 60.
Shields of Arms, Merton Church, V: 61.
Shields of Arms, Norton Subcourse, V: 60.
Shields of Arms, Packenham, John de, V: 159.
Shields of Arms, Preston, V: 61.
Shields of Arms, Redenhall, V: 61.
Shields of Arms, Shelton, V: 61.
Shields of Arms, Spexall, V: 61.
Shields of Arms, Stonham Aspall, V: 60.
Shields of Arms, Willoughby of Parham, V: 61.
Shoreditch, V: 3.
Smith, G. E. R., V: 69.
Spear, Francis H., V: 116.
Spiked-raged Aureola, V: 13.
Sport in Stained Glass, V: 108.
‘Stained Glass in the Middle Ages,’ by Lawrence B. Saint, V: 117.
‘Stained Glass, Medieval Designers of,’ John A. Knowles, F.S.A., V: 142.
‘ Stained Glass, Exhibition of, at the L.C.C. Central School of Arts and Crafts,’ by Roland Morris, V: 25.
‘Stained Glass, Examples of Contemporary Work in, by Members of the Society,’ Illustrations inset, V: 69, 70, 116, 185.
Stencilled Work on Glass, V: 3.
Stokes, Thomas, on ‘W. E. Chance and the Revived Manufacture of Coloured Glass,’ V: 170.
Stratton Strawless, Norfolk, V: 8, 11.
Tattershall Church, Lincs., V: 18.
Tendring, Sir William, V: 69.
Texier, L’Abbe, V: 3.
Thaxted, Essex, V: 18.
Thornton. John, of Coventry. V: 44, 137, 146.
Transitional Window, York Minster, V: 133.
Trinity College, Cambridge, V: 18.
Trinity. Representations in Stained Glass at York, V: 86.
Trinity. Representations in Stained Glass at Doddiscombsleigh, etc., V: 85.
Troyes, Altar of St. Anthony, V: 146.
Troyes, ‘pourtraict,’ V: 143.
Tusser, Thomas, Almanacs, V: 19.
Van Orlay, designer of glass, V: 142.
Vasari, Lazarro, V: 147.
Verrat, Jehan and Belthasar (glass-painters), V: 146.
Victoria and Albert Museum, V: 20, 21, 108.
Victoria County History, Daniel Vitrarius, V: 14.
Viollet-le-Duc, on Couverte, V: 35.
Virgil, Polydore, seasons, V: 22.
Walpole, V: 2.
Warwick, St. Mary’s, V: 2.
Watling, Hamlet, on Glass at Blythburgh, V: 10.
Webb, Christopher, V: 185.
Webb, Geoffrey, V: 116.
Weoley Castle, V: 2.
West, I. R., V: 14.
West Dereham, V: 6.
West Rodham, Norfolk, V: 11.
Westlake, N. H. J., V: 10, 11, 13, 110, 174.
Westminster School of Glass-Painting, V: 12, 13.
Wiggenhall, Norfolk, V: 6, 9, 11.
Wilby, Suffolk, V: 7.
Wilkinson, Horace, on ‘Fifteenth-Century in Bardwell Church, Suffolk,’ V: 159.
William of Malmesbury, V: 22.
William of Marseilles, V: 72.
William of Worcester, V: 14.
Winston, Charles, V: 170, 171, 174.
Woodforde, Rev. Christopher, on ‘Further Notes on Ancient Glass in Norfolk and Suffolk,’ V: 57.
Woodforde, Rev. Christopher, on ‘Essex Glass-Painters in the Middle Ages,’ V: 110.
Woodforde, Rev. Christopher, on ‘Painted Glass in Saxlingham Nether-gate Church, Norfolk,’ V: 163.
Woodforde, Rev. Christopher, on ‘Schools of Glass-Painting in King’s Lynn and Norwich in the Middle Ages,’ V: 4. Wramplingham, Norfolk, V: 5.
Yarnton Church, V: 2.
Yaxley, V: 8.
‘York School of Glass-Painting, History of,’ by John A. Knowles, F.S.A;. V: xii. Favourite Subjects in York Glass, V: 37, 82.; xii. Political Allusions in York Work, V: 133, 187.
York Minster, St. Cuthbert Window, V: 136.
York Minster, East Window (John Thornton), V: 44, 137, 146.
York Minster, St. William Window, V: 44, 47.
York Minster, Peter de Dene Window, V: 133.
York Minster, Corpus Christi Window, V: 82.
York Minster, Transitional Window, V: 133.