Home Shop Journal index Index Volume VI
Index Volume VI
Note. A name of a place, without further note, indicates a reference to glass actually or recorded as formerly existing there.
A name of a person, without further note, indicates an artist of glass actually or recorded as formerly existing. In the case of a medieval artist, where the reference is as a rule to a quotation from a document, the Christian names are given; in that of a modern artist, initials only in addition to the surname.
Aldegrever, VI: 141.
‘Ancient Stained Glass In Bishopsbourne Church, Kent.’ By N. E. Toke, VI: 112.
Ancient Stained Glass, In Brittany. An inventory, VI: 177.
The Annesley Glass, VI: 10.
Ashdown, C. H., ‘The Glaziers’ Company,’ VI: 66.
Ashridge Park, VI: 141.
Attenborough, VI: 8.
Au. Munich, VI: 208.
Aucher, Sir Anthony, VI: 115.
Austin, senr., Mr., of Canterbury, VI: 210.
Barton, John, of Holme Hall, VI: 4.
Becket, Thomas, VI: 112.
Beckingham Hall, Oak panel, arms, VI: 116. Family, VI: 115.
Bell, Matthew, of Bourne place, VI: 115.
Bell, Reginald, VI: 27, 28.
Bell, M. C. Farrar, VI: 128.
Bell, J. Clement, VI: 88.
‘Bishopsbourne Church, Kent,’ VI: 112.
Bodleian Library—Eighteenth-century MS. respecting glass, VI: 5.
Boesch, Prof. Dr. Paul, of Zurich, and Swiss glass-paintings, VI: 59.
‘Bolton, William Jay, 1816-84,’ by the Rev. Canon E. Milner-White, D.S.O., VI: 212.
Bontemps Coloured Glass, VI: 42, 208.
Book Reviews— ‘Medieval Christian Imagery,’ VI: 161. ‘A Guide to the Collections of Stained Glass in the Victoria and Albert Museum,’ VI: 221. ‘ Historic Costuming,’ VI: 221.
Brittany, Inventory of Ancient Stained Glass Windows in, VI: 177.
Brooklyn, Church of Holy Trinity Stained Glass by the Brothers Bolton, VI: 213.
Caldwell, Glass-painter, of Canterbury, VI: 210.
‘Catalogue of a Sale of Stained Glass at Christies in 1820,’ VI: 129. Other Sales Catalogued, VI: 193. 105.
Cawston, Fifteenth-century Glass given to Holme-by-Newark, VI: 8.
Charleton, Sir John, and his Sons, VI: 187.
Chaworth-Musters, Colonel, D.S.O., Ancient Painted Glass given to Holme-by-Newark Church, VI: 11.
Chester Miracle Plays, VI: 68.
‘Christies, Catalogue of Sale of Ancient Stained Glass at,’ VI: 129.
Chronological List of English Glass-paintings, VI: 50, 164, 227.
Churchwardens Accounts, 16. VI: Cleaning of Medieval Stained Glass, VI: 80.
Clutterbuck, Glass-painter, of London, VI: 110.
Cole, Herbert, on ‘Heraldic and Floral forms Used in Decoration,’ VI: 115.
Contemporary Work, Examples of, in Stained Glass executed by Members of the Society, insets, VI: 88, 128.
Correspondence, VI: 68, 108, 227.
Culmer, Richard, Iconoclast, VI: 112.
Curriers, The Worshipful Company of, Stained Glass Window for, by Reginald Bell, VI: 28.
Davis, A. J., ‘Stained Glass Windows in the Stanbury Chapel, Hereford Cathedral,’ VI: 216. Frontispiece to No. 4, Vol. VI, VI: 177.
Day, Lewis F., ‘William of Marseilles,’ VI: 143.
Doddiscombsleigh Church, Devon, VI: 126.
Drayton, Family and Arms, VI: 185.
Eden, F. Sydney, reference to his ‘Ancient Stained and Painted Glass,’ VI: 117.
Eginton, Glass-painter, of Birmingham, VI: 41.
Enamel Painting on Glass, VI: 199.
Examples of Contemporary Work in Stained Glass, Executed by Members of the Society, insets, VI: 88, 128. ‘Exhibition of Drawings of Stained Glass at the Victoria and Albert Museum,’ VI: 197.
Exhibition, Proposed, of Work of Members of Society, VI: 111.
Fairford Glass, VI: 14.
Finny, W. E. St. Lawrence, on ‘Medieval Games and Gaderyngs at Kingston-upon-Thames,’ VI: 16, 70, 144.
Foreign Glass in England (1500-1550)—St. Margaret’s, Westminster, VI: 137. St. George’s, Hanover Square, VI: 138. Lichfield Cathedral, VI: 138. St. Mary’s, Shrewsbury, VI: 138. Ashridge, VI: 141. Victoria and Albert Museum, VI: 141.
Lincoln’s Inn Chapel, VI: 204.
‘Games, Medieval, and Gaderyngs at Kingston-upon-Thames,’ by W. E. St. Lawrence Finny, VI: 16, 70, 144. Glasby, William, VI: 210.
‘Glass-painters in England before the Reformation,’ Rev. Christopher Woodforde, VI: 62.
Glass Manufacturers, English and Foreign, VI: 35.
Glass, Franconian, VI: 44, 45.
Glaziers’ Marks, VI: 14.
‘Glaziers’ Company, History of,’ C. H. Ashdown, VI: 66.
Gyles, Henry, VI: 39, 205.
‘Hampp, John Christopher of Norwich,’ by Ernest A. Kent, VI: 191.
Hansom, Joseph Aloysius, VI: 1.
Harrison, ‘Description of England,’ VI: 112.
Hasted. ‘History of Kent,’ VI: 113, 114, 137.
Haut, Arms of, VI: 113.
Hinks, H., Glass given to Holme-by-Newark, VI: 8, 88.
‘History of the York School of Glass-Painting,’ by John A. Knoles, F.S.A.—XIII. The Sources of the Glass used in York Work, VI: 32. XIV. The Effects of the Plague known as the Black Death on the York School of Glass-Painting, VI: 42. XV. John Thornton of Coventry and the Great East Window of York, VI: 89.
Importation of Glass, 1635, VI: 60.
Inscriptions in Bodleian MS. re Holme-by-Newark, VI: 6.
Inventory of Stained Glass in Brittany, by M. Jean Couffon, VI: 178.
John of Gaunt, VI: 26.
Kent, Ernest A., on ‘John Christopher Hampp at Norwich,’ Merchant, VI: 191.
King, George, Glass Given to Holme-by-Newark, VI: 8.
‘Kingston-upon-Thames, Medieval Games at,’ VI: 16, 70, 144.
Kingston on Hull, Illustration of Window, VI: 26.
Kirkleatham Hospital, Window, VI: 2.
Knowles, John A., ‘History of the York School of Glass-Painting’— XIII. The Sources of the Glass used in York Work, VI: 32. XIV. The Effects of the Plague called the Black Death on the York School of Glass-Painting, VI: 42.
XV. John Thornton of Coventry and the Great East Window of York Minster, 89. XVII. The Medieval Glass-Painter, VI: 152.
Le Couteur, Quotation from Hasted, VI: 137.
Lane, E. A., on ‘Exhibition of Drawings of Stained Glass at the Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington,’ VI: 197.
Lichfield Cathedral, Foreign Glass in, VI: 138.
Limoges, Enamellers on Copper, VI: 200.
Lincoln’s Inn Chapel, VI: 204.
Ludlow, VI: 189.
Madley, VI: 189.
Malines, VI: 141.
Master Glass-Painters, British Society of, Annual General Meeting, etc., VI: 100.
‘Medieval Games and Gaderyngs at Kingston-upon-Thames,’ W. E. St. Lawrence Finny, VI: 16, 70, 144.
‘Medieval Glass in Holme-by-Newark Church,’ by Nevil Truman, VI: 4, 80.
Merevale, VI: 185.
Merson, Olivier, ‘Vitraux,’ VI: 201.
Milner-White, Rev. Canon E., ‘William Jay Bolton, 1816-84,’ VI: 212.
Morris, William, on ‘The Suitability of Stained Glass as a means of Decoration in Churches,’ VI: 30.
New College, Oxford, VI: 41.
Nicholson, Archibald Keithley, VI: 177.
Normandy Glass, VI: 32.
Oyerbeck, Revivalist of Glass Windows, VI: 208.
Painted and Stained Glass from the Sixteenth Century to the Present Day,’ by H. Mordaunt Rogers, VI: 132, 199.
Painters, Glaziers, etc., at Chester, Charter of, VI: 68.
Pape, T., VI: 99, 108.
Parsons, Rev. Philip, Bishopsbourne Church, VI: 112.
Peckett, William, VI: 3, 41, 110, 207.
Place, Dr., Flashed Glass, VI: 40.
Plague, Effects of the, VI: 42.
Price, William and Joshua, VI: 207.
Publications, Recent, relating to Glass-Painting, VI: 49, 107, 176, 223.
Rackham, Bernard, on ‘Franconian School of Glass-Painting,’ VI: 45.
Rhenish Glass, VI: 32.
Rogers, H. Mordaunt, on ‘Stained Glass from the Sixteenth Century to the Present Day,’ VI: 132, 199.
Rushforth, G. McN., on ‘St. Cecilia,’ VI: 180.
‘Saint Cecilia,’ by G. McN. Rushforth, VI: 180.
Sales by Auction of Ancient Stained Glass, VI: 129, 193, 195.
Seven Sacraments, ‘Extreme Unction,’ VI: 126.
Shields of Arms—Annesly, Assheton, Barton, Bingham, Lee, Staple of Calais, Given in ‘Holme-by-Newark,’ VI: 4, 80.
Beckingham, Corbet, Multon, Sharpe of Essex, Unton, Bromwich, Browne, Royal Arms, Morton Canterbury (see) Blazon given in ‘Bishopsbourne Church, Kent,’ VI: 112, etc. Corners, VI: 28. Skirlaw, VI: 95. Skirlaw, Bishop, VI: 96.
Sotherby’s, Sale of Ancient Glass at, VI: 141.
Southwark, First Known Glass-Painter of, VI: 66.
‘Stained Glass, The Suitability of, as a means of Decoration in Churches,’ by William Morris, VI: 30.
Stained Glass, Examples of Contemporary Work, executed by Members of the Society, VI: 88, 128.
Stained Glass, ‘ Ancient, in Bishopsbourne Church, Kent,’ by N. E. Toke, VI: 112.
Stained Glass, ‘Catalogue of a Sale by Auction of,’ VI: 129, 217.
Stained Glass, ‘From the Sixteenth Century to the Present Day,’ by H. Mordaunt Rogers, VI: 132.
Stained Glass, ‘Exhibition of Drawings of, at the Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington,’ VI: 197.
Stained Glass, Windows in the Memorial Chapel, Hereford Cathedral, VI: 216.
Stained Glass, in Churches, Correspondence by J. Clement Bell, VI: 58.
Stained Glass, Recent Publications relating to, VI: 49, 107, 176, 223.
Stained Glass, Windows by Dr. Douglas Strachan, VI: 210.
Swiss Glass-Paintings in Wragby Church, Yorks, VI: 59.
Tewkesbury Abbey, VI: 186.
Thornton, John, of Coventry, see, VI: 89.
Toke, N. E., on ‘Ancient Stained Glass in Bishopsbourne Church, Kent,’ VI: 112.
‘Tree of Jesse, A Group of Fourteenth Century Windows showing the Tree of Jesse,’ Rev. Christopher Woodforde, VI: 184.
Truman, Nevil, ‘Medieval Glass in Holme-by-Newark Church, Notts.,’ VI: 4, 80.
Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington—Franconian School, VI: 45. Window by William of Marseilles, VI: 143. ‘Exhibition of Drawings of Old Glass,’ VI: 197.
William of Marseilles, VI: 143.
Winchester College, VI: 209.
‘Window, Chartered Institute of Secretaries,’ VI: 28.
Winston, Charles, Works on Stained Glass, VI: 209.
Woodforde, Rev. Christopher, ‘Glass-Painters in England before the Reformation,’ VI: 62, 121. ‘A Group of Fourteenth Century Windows showing the Tree of Jesse,’ VI: 184.
‘York School of Glass-Painting, History of,’ by John A. Knowles—XIII. The Sources of the Glass used in York Work, VI: 32. XIV. The Effects of the Plague, known as the Black Death, on the York School, VI: 42. XV. John Thornton and the Great East Window of York Minster, VI: 89