Home Shop Journal index Index Volume VIII
Index Volume VIII
Note. A name of a place, without further note, indicates a reference to glass actually or recorded as formerly existing there.
A name of a person, without further note, indicates an artist of glass actually or records as formerly existing. In the case of a medieval artist, where the reference is as a rule to a quotation from a document, the Christian names are given ; in that of a modern artist, initials only in addition to the surname.
Abbott, Archbishop, VIII: 139.
Adriens, Lucas, VIII: 50.
Ainger, Richard, arms of VIII: Plate facing p. 145.
Aitena, Prof. J. Q. van Regteren, VIII: 103.
Amsterdam, VIII: 102.
‘Ancient Stained Glass in London,’ by F Sydney Eden, Review of, VIII: 77-78.
Andre, J. Lewis, VIII: 136.
Andrewes, Bishop, VIII: 137.
Annesley, VIII: 107. VIII:
Anslander, Joseph, VIII: 38.
Antwerp, VIII: 50.
Arnold, Matthew, VIII: 36.
Augsburg, VIII: 119.
Auxerre, VIII: 12.
Baker, Dr. Stanley, VIII: 106.
Barham, VIII: 40.
Barnard’s Inn, VIII: 147.
Basire, VIII: 135.
Battle Abbey, VIII: 145.
Beauvais, VIII: 106.
Bede, Venerable, VIII: 118.
Beer, Ferrers, VIII: 22.
Belhus, Essex, VIII: 146.
Benedict Biscop, VIII: 89.
Berlin, VIII: 101.
Bibliotheque Nationale, VIII: 21.
Bindder Collection, VIII: 101.
Bodleian Library, VIII: 127.
Bonchot, VIII: 21 note,
Boston, Cecilia Lady, VIII: 135.
Bourges, VIII: 12.
Bovts, Dirk, VIII: 50.
Bramall Hall, VIII: 145.
Brayley, E. W., VIII: 135.
Brisbane, Window at, VIII: Plate facing p. 80.
Bristol, VIII: 100.
British Museum, VIII: 101.
‘Bruges, Stained Glass in the Chapel of the Holy Blood at,’ by Bernard Rackham, VIII: 50.
Buchner, Ernst, VIII: 102.
Buckland, VIII: 127.
Burlingtinglon Magazine, VIII: 46, 101.
Bury St. Edmunds, VIII: 91.
Butler, Richard, VIII: 140.
Byron, VIII: 36, 40.
Bysshe, VIII: 145.
Caldwell, VIII: 1.
Calvin, VIII: 139.
Cambridge, VIII: 141.
Cambridge, Corpus Christi, VIII: 91.
Cambridge, King’s College, VIII: 1, 131.
Cambridge, Peterhouse, VIII: 138, 142.
Cambridge, Trinity College, VIII: 92.
Campbell, Dodgson, VIII: 101.
Canterbury, Henry Prior of, VIII: 24.
Canterbury, VIII: 109.
Cathedral, VIII: 1, 50, 87.
Carslegh, Window in Winscombe Church, VIII: 51-57.
Charles VI, VIII: 111.
Chartres, VIII: 1, 4, 12, 109.
Chaucer, VIII: 39, 42.
Christie’s, VIII: 1, 15. Sale at, VIII: 15.
Cirencester, VIII: 129.
Claesz, Aert, ‘Designs for Glass,’ by, VIII: 101.
Clarke, Lady, VIII: 3.
Cloughton, VIII: 15.
Clyston, VIII: 54.
Coffetier, VIII: 7.
Colchester, VIII: 145.
Collinson, History and Antiquities of Somerset, VIII: 97 note.
Compton, Verney, VIII: 145.
Compton, Seventeenth century window at, VIII: 133-136.
Cosin, VIII: 138.
Councer, C. R., on ‘Medieval Painted Glass at Teynham,’ VIII: 63-67.
Crane, Walter, VIII: 39.
Cranmer, VIII: 141.
Crawford and Balcarres, Earl, Obituary notice of, VIII: 79.
Crecy, VIII: 122.
Croydon, VIII: 141.
Crudwell, VIII: 100, 127.
Cutter, VIII: 15, 16.
Daniels, George, Obituary notice of, VIII: 82.
Darrell, VIII: 141.
Davenant, Bishop, VIII: 142, 143.
Deane, Canon Anthony, VIII: 151.
Doddiscombleigh, VIII: 127.
Dodgson, Campbell, VIII: 101, 102.
Drake, Wilfred, VIII: 1, 15, 46. On ‘Stained Glass of St. George’s Chapel,’ VIII: 149-151.
Drury, A. J., Obituary notice of, VIII: 82.
‘East Brent, Passion Window at,’ by Rev. Christopher Woodforde, VIII: 96-100.
East Tytherley, VIII: 130.
Eden, F. Sydney, ‘Bibliography of Works,’ by, VIII: 145-148. On ‘Ancient Stained Glass in London,’ VIII: 77.
Engelbrechtzen, Cornelis, VIII: 101.
Faber, VIII: 40.
Featly, Dr., VIII: 139.
Fisher, VIII: 139.
Fitzwilliam Museum, VIII: 103.
Fletcher, VIII: 128.
Floris, VIII: 103.
Forrest, VIII: 149.
Foulkes, Peter, VIII: 1.
Frampton-on-Severn, VIII: 100.
Gailliard, J., VIII: 45.
Gardner, VIII: 127.
Gerente, VIII: 5, 10.
Gesta Roman, VIII: 39.
Gilbert, W. S., VIII: 36.
Gipping, Glass at, VIII: Pl. facing p. 128.
Gladstone, W. E., VIII: 137.
Gloucester, VIII: 100.
Gloucester, Cathedral, VIII: 122, 124.
Goethe, VIII: 38.
Goodhart, Rendel, VIII: 26.
Gough, VIII: 127.
Gray, VIII: 38.
Gray’s Inn Hall, VIII: 145.
Great Malvern, VIII: 100, 115.
Great Rollright, VIII: 127.
Greenford, 78.
Greenwich Trinity Hospital, VIII: 78.
Gresford, VIII: 100.
Grinling, C. H., VIII: 126..
Guildford, VIII: 138.
Haarlem, VIII: 50.
Hull, VIII: 18 note.
Hamand, Dr., VIII: 152.
Hampp, J. C., VIII: 47.
Hampton Court, VIII: 133.
Hardman, John, VIII: 162.
Harris, Louise Dyer, VIII: 37.
Harrison, Rev. Chancellor, on ‘Medieval Pictorial Art,’ VIII: 89-95.
Harrow, Window in, VIII: Pl. between pp. 80-81.
Hartland, Devon, VIII: Plate facing p. 26.
Hawkedon, VIII: 129.
Heaton, Noel, VIII: 116.
Heemskerck, VIII: 101.
Helbig, Dr., VIII: 14, 76.
Henry VIII, VIII: 18 note, 146.
Hereford Cathedral, VIII: 146. City of, VIII: 148.
Hertford, Christ’s Hospital, VIII: Plate facing p.122
Heylyn, VIII: 140-142.
VIII: Hilder, 15.
Historical Monuments Commission, VIII: 132.
Hogan, James H., on ‘Stained Glass,’ VIII: 109-125.
Holland, Leicester B., VIII: 5.
Hollingshed, VIII: 18 note.
Holme-by-Newark, Stained Glass at, VIII: 105-108.
Howson, Miss Joan, VIII: Plates facing pp. 20 and 20.
Huber, VIII: 102.
Ingram, VIII: 127.
Inns of Court, VIII: 146.
Inslip, Abbot, VIII: 145.
James, Dr. M. R., VIII: 92.
Jantsen, H., VIII: 102.
Keats, VIII: 41.
Kempston, Window at, VIII: Plate facing p. 148.
Kimberley, William, VIII: 149.
King, Dennis, on ‘Re-leading of Ancient Glass at Bale,’ VIII: 58-62.
King’s Lynn, VIII: 129.
Kinwarton, VIII: 129.
Kipling, VIII: 1.
Knowles, John A., on ‘Leaded Lights and Ornamental Glazing,’ VIII: 18-25.
Lambeth, VIII: 139.
Landwade, Cambs., VIII: l46.
Langdon, Jonathan, Arms of, VIII: Pl. facing 64.
Langley, Norfolk, VIII: 89.
Laon, VIII: 109.
Leo III, Pope, VIII: 119.
Laud, Archbishop, Trial of, VIII: 137-144.
Lawson, William, Windows by, VIII: Pls. facing pp. 2 and 4.
Leaded Lights and Ornamental Glazing, VIII: 18
Leyden, Lucas van, VIII: 103.
Lilleshall, VIII: 18.
Lillie, Rev.W. W., on ‘Trial of Archbishop Laud,’ VIII: 187-144.
Limehouse, Window at, VIII: Pl. facing p. 20.
Lincoln’s Inn, VIII: 133.
Lister, VIII: 20.
Lincoln Cathedral, VIII: 87.
Linge, Bernard Van, VIII: 78.
Liverpool Cathedral, VIII: 124.
London, VIII: 3.
Low Ham, VIII: 100
Lowell, James, Russell, VIII: 36, 40.
Ludlow, VIII: 19, 99.
Lydgate, VIII: 39.
Mander, Carl van, VIII: 101.
Manning and Bray, VIII: 135.
Matthew Paris, VIII: 91.
‘Master of 1527,’ VIII: 103.
‘Master of the Miracles of the Apostles,’ VIII: 103.
‘Medieval Pictorial Art,’ Rev. Chancell Harrison on, VIII: 89, 95.
Methelusah, VIII: 1.
Milton, VIII: 37.
Milner-WhiteDean, VIII: 1, 131.
Mirk, John, VIII: 18.
Mombritius, VIII: 55.
Monkwearmouth, VIII: 89.
Morden College, VIII: 78.
Moreshead, VIII: 29.
‘Moreton Old Hall Windows,’ by Walter J. Pearce, VIII: 69-75.
Neal, Mrs. Vivian, VIII: 101.
Neile, Archbishop, VIII: 142.
Newell, Dr., VIII: 138,141.
Norwich, VIII: 3.
Norwich, S. Pater Mancroft, VIII: 87.
Nuremberg, VIII: 102.
Ockwells Manor, VIII: 140, Pl. facing p. 114.
Orenada, West Indies, Window at, VIII: Pl. facing p.2.
Oxford, VIII: 133, 137.
Oxford Colleges, VIII: 126, 127.
Pagham, VIII: 130.
Palmer, Philip, VIII: 136.
Paris, Notre Dame, VIII: 9, 20.
Parsons, Rev. Philip, VIII: 64.
Pearce, Walter J., on ‘Windows of Moreton Old Hall,’ VIII: 68-75.
Peatling, Dr., VIII: 134.
Peshall, VIII: 127.
Philipott, Thomas, VIII: 64.
Piers Plowman, VIII: 41.
Pluys, J. F., VIII: 45.
Poe, Edgar Allen, VIII: 38.
Poetry and Painted Glass, VIII: 36-41.
Pitcher, Sydney, VIII: 153.
Pope and Chappell, VIII: 26.
Popham, A. E., on ‘Designs for Stained Glass by Aert Claesz,’ VIII: 101-104. On ‘Stained Glass at Poundisford,’ VIII: 101-104.
‘Poundisford, Stained Glass at,’ by A. E. Popham, VIII: 101-104.
Powell, Christopher Charles, Window by, VIII: Plates facing pp. 152, 153.
Powell, D. Thomas, VIII: 46.
Price, E. S., VIII: 39.
Powell William, VIII: 35.
Prittlewell, VIII: 147.
Prynne, VIII: 137, 139, 140.
Rackham, Bernard, VIII: 1, 133. In the Chapel of the Holy Blood at Bruges, VIII: 45-50.
Ranworth, VIII: 89.
Read, Prof., 110, 120.
‘Re-leading of Ancient Glass at Bale Church,’ by Dennis King, VIII: 58-62.
Rivenhall, VIII: 147.
Rome, St. Peter’s, VIII: 119.
Rona.ele Manor, VIII: 145.
Rotherhithe, VIII: 77.
Rotterdam, VIII: 102.
Rushforth, G. McN., VIII: 100, 127, 133, 153.
Ruskin, John, VIII: 123.
Reims, VIII: 12, 13.
Rickards, VIII: 15.
Ripon Cathedral, VIII: 10.
Sainl, Lawrence B., VIII: 38.
Sainte Chapelle, VIII: 8.
Salisbury, VIII: 4, 106, 142.
Schopfer, Abraham, VIII: 102, 103.
Scorel, VIII: 101.
Scott, VIII: 37, 40, 42.
Scruggs, VIII: 37
Selby, Mrs. Prideaux, VIII: 67.
Sellinge, VIII: 82.
Serjeants Inn, VIII: 146.
Shakespeare, VIII: 37.
Sheldon, Ralph, VIII: 145.
Sheffield, VIII: 139, 142.
Sittingbourne, VIII: 65.
Society of the Faith, Window at, VIII: 4.
Spear, Francis H., Windows by, VIII: Plates facing title page and p. 88.
St. Albans, Window in, VIII: Plate facing p. 149.
St. George’s Chapel, Stained Glass in, VIII: 149-151.
St. Gregory of Tours, VIII: 118.
St. Neots, VIII: 100.
St. Paul’s Cathedral, VIII: 4, 137.
St. Jerome, VIII: 118.
Stained Glass Windows, article in Yorkshire Post, VIII: 3.
Strelley, VIII: 105, 107.
Surrey, Stained Glass in Churches of, VIII: 134.
Swine, VIII: 129.
Taunton, VIII: 101.
Taylor, VIII: 15, 16.
Tennyson, VIII: 41.
‘Teynham, Medieval Painted Glass at,’ by C. R. Councer, VIII: 63-67.
Theophilus, VIII: 20, and n. 117.
Thomas, Grosvenor, VIII: 46.
Tiffany, VIII: 29.
Tottenham, VIII: 78.
Tournai Cathedral, VIII: 50.
Tours, VIII: 8.
Tower of London, VIII: 146.
Townshend, Miss Caroline, VIII: Plates facing pp. 20 and 26.
Truman, Nevil, on ‘Medieval Glass in Holme-by-Newark,’ VIII: 105-108.
Vallance, Aymer, VIII: 49 note.
Van Linge, Abraham and Bernard, VIII: 133.
Vercelli, VIII: 55.
Victoria and Albert Museum, VIII: 133.
Viollet-le-Duc, VIII: 5, 112, 118.
Vitrail, VIII: 5-14.
Walford, VIII: 136.
Warton, Thomas, VIII: 1, 36, 39, 40.
Wade, VIII: 127.
Watson and Bethell, VIII: 46.
Webb, Christopher, Windows by, VIII: Plates facing pp. 148, 149.
Wells Cathedral, VIII: 52, 100.
Wescher, VIII: 103.
Westlake, VIII: 23 note.
Westminster, VIII: 141.
Westminster Abbey, VIII: 77, 145.
Weyden, Roger Van der, VIII: 133.
Whall, Christ., VIII: 123.
Wickham, West, VIII: 78.
Wilde, VIII: 139.
Willement, Thomas, VIII: 127, 149.
Willesborough, VIII: 130.
Wimbledon, VIII: 78.
Winchelsea, VIII: 146.
Winchester, VIII: 145.
Winchester College, VIII: 99.
Winchester Cathedral, VIII: 106.
Winfield, VIII: 15.
Winkler, Prof. Friedrich, VIII: 102.
Winston, Charles, VIII: 117.
Wood, VIII: 127.
Woodforde, Rev. Christopher, on ‘Peter Carslegh’s Window in Winscombe Church,’ VIII: 51-57. On ‘Passion Window at Brent,’ VIII: 96-100.
Wyatt, VIII: 106.
York, VIII: 3, 4.
York, Minster, VIII: 22, 109.
York, St. John’s Church, VIII: 3.
York, St. Denys Church, VIII: 89.
York, St. Michael-le-Belfrey Church at, VIII: 89.
York, St. Michael’s Church, VIII: 19.