Home Shop Journal index Index Volume X
Index Volume X
Aarhus, Denmark, X: 161.
Abbot, Archbishop, X: 6.
Absolon, X: 22.
Advisory Committee, X: 175.
Albert, Archduke, X: 62.
Aldrich Rope, Miss M. E., X: 114.
All Hallows by the Tower, X: 33.
All Souls College, Oxford, X: 163.
Allosery, Paul, X: 138
Alost, X: 139.
Almy, Ruth C., X: 166.
Alsace, X: 40.
America, X: 117. United States of, X: 114.
American Ceramic Society, X: 114.
Amnon, X: 29.
An Angel, X: 117.
Ancient Painted Glass in England, X: 147.
Annechini, Anthony J., X: 117.
Anne, Queen of Denmark, X: 7.
Annual General Meeting, X: 216.
Annunciation, The, X: 59, 117.
Antiquaries, Society of, X: 69, 114.
Antwerp, X: 136-139. Cathedral, X: 137. Glass-painters of, X: 63.
Appleby, X: 147.
Archdeacon’s Certif., X: 176.
Archer, Clifford, X: 117.
Architecture, Gothic, X: 75.
Arnold, Hugh, X: 117.
Art, Royal College of, X: 106, 107.
Arts in England, Anecdotes of, X: 194.
Ashmole’s History of the Order of the Garter, X: 135.
Ashton, Mr., X: 11.
Atfieh, Egypt, X: 11.
Athelard, John, X: 132.
Aurora Art Glass Company, X: 117.
Austen, Thomas, X: 7.
Australia, X: 114.
Author of Peace, X: 117.
Auxerre, Cathedral, X: 43, 84.
Baar Armand, X: 62, 63, 65.
Baldwin, F. S., X: 114.
Barns, Thomas, X: 200.
Battel, Van, X: 63.
Bavaria, X: 157.
Beguines, X: 69.
Belgium, X: 114, 135, 137, 140, 141.
Bell, X: 135.
Bell, Robert Anning, X: 159.
Belton and Evans, Messrs., X: 163.
Benson, Mr. George, X: 125.
Berkshire, X: 165.
Berlin, Church of the Twelve Apostles, X: 59.
Betton and Evans, Shrewsbury, X: 19, 174.
Beverley, X: 120.
Beziers, X: 37.
Birmingham, X: 135.
Boesch, von P., X: 166.
Bonhomme, X: 136.
Boniface, St., X: 2.
Bony, Jacques, X: 167.
Bony, Paul, X: 167.
Book Reviews—
‘De Glasschilderkunst in Belgie,’ by Dr. J. Helbig. Reviewed by Bernard Rackham X: 47-49.
‘Den gotlandske ciceronen,’ by Prof. Johnny Roosval. ‘Medeltida konst i Gotlands fornsal,’ by
Prof. Johnny Roosval. ‘Gotlandsk Vitrarius,’ by Prof. Johnny Roosval. ‘Sveriges Konsthistoria,’ by Prof. Andreas
Lindblom. (These four books reviewed by Francis . Skeat, X: 217-220.)
‘Le Vitrail en France,’ by Marcel Aubert. Reviewed by Bernard Rackham, X: 44—47.
‘The Norwich School of Glass-Painting in the Fifteenth Century,’ by Christopher Woodforde. Reviewed by H. T. Kirby, X: 221-222.
‘Stained Glass in Somerset, 1250-1830,’ by Christopher Woodforde. Reviewed by H. T. Kirby, X: 49-50.
‘Swiss Stained Glass of the Fourteenth Century,’ with Introduction by Michael Stettler. Reviewed by H. T. Kirby, X: 220-221.
‘English Cathedrals.’ Reviewed by H. T. Kirby, X: 221.
Border for Clerestory Windows, X: 117.
Bossanyi, A. E., X: 114.
Bourges, X: 39.
Bowett, X: 126.
Bowness, Windermere, X: 147.
Boydell, Wm., X: 198.
Bracewell, Smith, Ald. Sir, X: 197.
Braine le Comte, X: 62.
Bramhall, Nantwich, X: 200.
Brampton, John, X: 133.
Brazenose Hall, X: 116.
Breda, Surrender of, X: 4.
British Architects, Royal Institute of, X: 114.
British Museum, X: 114.
British Travel & Holidays Association, X: 173.
Broeckaert, J., X: 138, 139.
Bromhead, Mr., X: 13.
Brotherton, X: 5.
Browne, X: 119.
Bruges, X: 62, 63, 66, 69, 136-139.
Brussells, X: 136, 137, 139. Museums of Art, X: 114.
Buckinghamshire, X: 165.
Bucklebury, X: 115.
Bulach, Nr. Zurich, X: 145.
Bullen, X: 70.
Bund, X: 162.
Burgundy, Dukes of, X: 66.
Burne- Jones, X: 159.
Burney, Fanny (Madame D’Arblay), X: 134, 192.
Burnham, Wilbur H., Studio, X: 117.
Buss, A. E., X: 114.
Butchers Hall, Bartholomew Close, X: 33.
Byng, Hon. John, X: 191.
Chandos. Dukes of, X: 1.
Church Assembly Fund, X: 178.
Chute family of The Vyne, X: 34.
Clayton, X: 135.
Cloquet, L., X: 137.
Clothworkers’ Hall, X: 33.
Coat of Arms, The, X: 116.
Cobb, Gerald, X: 172.
Cochin-China, X: 114.
Cole, Dr. W., X: 115.
Cole, Lester, X: 117.
Cole, Colin, M.A., X: 116.
Cole, Rev. William, X: 190.
Cologne, X: 63. Cathedral, X: 41.
Comet, X: 62.
Company, Hevi Duty Electric, of Milwaukee, Wis., X: 91.
Company, the Skinners, X: 107.
Comper, J. N., X: 79, 80.
Compiegne, Abbey Church of St. Jean au Bois, X: 84.
Coney Street, X: 121.
Cooper-Abbs, G. B., X: 114.
Connick Associates, X: 117.
Conrad Schmitt Studios, X: 117.
Conway, Hon. H. S., X: 191.
Copenhagen, X: 161.
Consistory Court, X: 175.
Cornachini, X: 63.
Cornelisz, Jacob, X: 140.
Cotten, Mr. W. H., X: 115.
Councer, C. R., X: 167.
Courtaulds Institute of Fine Arts, X: 114.
Courtrai, X: 136, 138.
Cox, Miss T. M., X: 1.
Coxie, Michael, X: 140.
Cranbrook, X: 69.
Crecy, X: 132.
Crane, Walter, X: 159.
Cricklade, St. Sampson’s Church, X: 107.
Croft. Dr., X: 17.
Crossley, Fred. H., X: 204.
Czechoslavakia, X: 114.
Calcutta Cathedral, X: 135.
Caldwell, Samuel, X: 172.
Callanan, Thomas, X: 117.
Calverley, Hugh, X: 172.
Cambridge, King’s College X: 125-127.
Camm, Thos. W., X: 172.
Campbell, Paul W., X: 117.
Canada, X: 114.
Canons Edgware, X: 1.
Canterbury, X: 165.
Canterbury, Archbishop of, X: 173.
Canterbury, Cathedral, X: 71, 172.
Canton, G. R., X: 168.
Carcassonne, Cathedral of, X: 86.
Cardinal Longley, X: 120.
Care of Churches, Central Council for, X: 114.
Carew, Helen, X: 117.
Carisbrooke, Marquess of, X: 2.
Carnegie Institute, X: 3.
Carmine Guzio, X: 117.
Caroe, Mr., X: 29.
Carter, X: 135.
Cartmel Priory Church, v147.
Cathedral of Auch, X: 38.
Cathedral Chapters, X: 178.
Cauton, G. R., X: 166.
Central Council for the Care of Churches,v 174.
Central Council, X: 177.
Centurini, J., X: 136.
Chadshunt, X: 181.
Chalons-sur-Marne, X: 83.
Chamber, John, X: 126.
Champagne, X: 39.
Chapel of St. George, Windsor, X: 132.
Chapel of St. Stephen, Westminster, X: 132.
Chapter House, X: 126, 132, 133.
Charles VII, King of France, X: 137.
Chartres, X: 83.
Cherokee Indians, X: 134.
Chester Cathedral, X: 147.
Chichester Cathedral, X: 196.
Childs, Mr., X: 115.
Chile, X: 114.
Chivalry, Colour of, X: 172.
‘Christian Virtues, The,’ X: 189.
Dadyngton, Thomas of, X: 17.
Dallaway, X: 134.
Dalloway, X: 163.
Damant, Pierre, X: 64.
Damme, X: 63.
Dance, George, X: 7.
David, X: 24.
Day-Cachemaille, X: 3.
Deasoer, Air-Commodore, X: 2.
de Burbure, Leo, X: 63.
de Caumont, Jean, X: 140.
de Colnet, X: 136.
de Dorlodot, X: 136.
Dehaisnes Chan, X: 62.
de Jaer, L., X: 63.
de Labarre, Jean, X: 140.
D’Elboux, Mr. R. H., X: 73.
de la Grange, A., X: 137.
Delany, Christopher (or Delain), X: 6.
Delany Mrs., X: 134.
de Lasteyrie, Ferd., X: 62.
de Montmorency, Mrs., X: 114.
Dene, Peter De, X: 9.
do Potter, Fr., X: 138.
de Reiffenberg, Maron, X: 65.
des Marez, G., X: 139.
Devillers, Leopold, X: 65.
Devillers, L. X: 139.
De Witt Jones, Edgar, X: 166.
Diary, Farington, X: 194.
Diocesan Advisory Committee System, Faculties and Faculty Procedure, X: 175.
Diocesan Advisory Committee, X: 114.
Dix, Arthur, X: 159.
Dixmude, Ian Van, X: 65.
Dodson, Marriott, X: 28.
Dolorosa Mater, X: 68.
Douai, X: 116. Magazine, The, X: 115.
d’Oultremeuse, Jehan, X: 65.
Doyle Harcourt, X: 106.
Doyle Harcourt M., A.R.C.A., X: 196.
Drake, 24, X: 164.
Drake, Frederick, X: 105.
Drake, Maurice, X: 105.
Dublin, X: 159.
Ducarel, Dr., X: 7.
Dunster, Mr. J., X: 115.
Dunmow, Thomas, X: 132.
Durer, Albert, 7, X: 140.
Early Nineteenth Century Sale Catalogue, X: 181-188.
Easton, Hugh, X: 106, 114, 173.
Eastwell, Kent, X: 73.
Ebbisham, Lord, X: 2.
Eden, X: 164.
Edward III, X: 132.
Edwards, Carl, X: 114.
Eeles Dr., X: 3.
Eeles Francis C., X: 147.
Eginton, Francis, X: 155.
Eire, X: 157.
‘El Lapidario,’ X: 13.
Elector Palatine, X: 7.
Eley, Prebendary, N.F., X: 3.
Elizabeth, Princess, X: 113.
Emblems, Saints and their, X: 105.
Espousals, the, X: 59.
Essex, X: 132.
Eton College, X: 121.
Ettington Park, Warwickshire, X: 17, 174.
Eve, Jacques, X: 139.
Even, van Edw., X: 140.
Exeter, X: 121.
Faber & Faber, X: 163.
Faculty Jurisdiction Measure, 1938, X: 175-6.
Fairford Church, Gloucestershire, X: 58, 122, 173.
‘Faith, Hope and Charity,’ X: 190.
Fall, Donald, X: 117.
Feeny, P. A., X: 114.
Felberg, Albert, X: 117.
Fermor, X: 116.
‘Field of the Cloth of Gold, The,’ X: 193.
Fleurance, X: 38.
Foley, Lord, X: 1.
Fontaine 1’Eveque, X: 62.
Forest, X: 134, 135.
Fortescue, X: 70.
Fountain Park, Oslo, X: 161.
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, X: 117.
Fowler, Dr. James, F.S.A., X: 118, 122, 123.
Freeman, Andrew, X: 3.
Frost, Bruno, X: 166.
Fuller, W. P., X: 117.
Fulman, Victor R., X: 117.
Gaddi, X: 140.
Gailhabaud, X: 83.
Galatasaray Lysceum, X: 113.
Garbett, Dr. Cyril, X: 2.
Garden, Agony in, X: 4.
Gamier, Ed., X: 62-65.
Gazette, the Pottery, X: 74.
Geddyiug, John, X: 132.
Geikie-Cobb, Rev. W. F., X: 2.
Gentleman’s Mag., X: 135.
Geological Museum, X: 13.
Geometric Design, X: 117.
Ghent, X: 137-139.
Ghistelle, Maximilian de, X: 65.
Girton, Henry, X: 6.
Giotto, X: 140.
Glasspainting, History of English, X: 105.
Glass-Technicians, Society of, X: 114.
Glass-Technology and Stained-Glass, Journal, X: 173.
Glazier, Richard, X: 166.
Glazier, Thomas, of Oxford, X: 189.
Glaziers, Worshipful Company of, X: 114.
Glaziers and Painters on glass, Worshipful Company of, X: 106.
Gloucester, 133. Public Libraries of, X: 114.
Gluck, G., X: 140.
Gobert, Theodore, X: 62, 63.
Goethe, X: 142.
Good Shepherd, X: 117.
Goovaerts, A., X: 63, 66, 138, 139, 142.
Grappenhall, Cheshire, X: 198.
Gray’s Inn, X: 33.
Great Malvern Priory, X: 130.
‘Great Master,’ X: 181
Great Witley Church, X: 1.
Greening, Lamborn, E. A., X: 163, 165, 166.
Gridohi, Philippe, X: 136.
Grisaille, X: 38.
Grodecki, Louis, X: 167.
Groff, Bernard S., X: 117.
Grosthwaite, X: 147.
Growth, X: 117.
Guildhall, X: 32.
Guildford, X: 8.
Hackington, Kent, X: 73.
Haeck, Jean, X: 140.
Haeghen, van der, V., X: 138.
Hainaut, X: 62, 136.
Hainsselin, P., X: 166, 168.
Halifax, Earl of, X: 57.
Halsted, John, X: 132.
Hammond Papers of the Ladies of Llangollen, X: 195.
Hannah, Andrew, X: 166.
Hardmans, Birmingham, X: 159, 173.
Harrison, K., X: 126, 167.
Hartley, Wood & Co., Messrs., X: 58.
Harvey, H. W., X: 197.
Haute, Van den, Ch., X: 139.
Heim, Robert C., X: 117.
Helbig, J., X: 136, 137, 140, 166.
Helmont, Luc van, X: 62.
Hendra & Harper, X: 114.
Henry Hunt-Studio, X: 117.
Henry Keck Studio, X: 117.
Henry VI, X: 115.
Henry VII, King, X: 69.
Henry VIII,King, X: 4.
Hebert-Steveus, Adeline, X: 167.
Heraldry, X: 172.
Heraldry, Bullen, Hoo, Fortescue, Gorney, Paston, X: 70.
Heraldry, France Modern, and England, Nevill, Cob-ham, Abergavenny, Heydon, X: 70.
Heraldry, Lennard, Bird, Biskworth, Slany, Hussey, X: 72.
Heraldry, Dand, Woodnoth, X: 78.
Heraldry, Brewster, of Suffolk, Fitz Hugh, Burdon impaling Bekeryng, X: 79.
‘Heraldry & Stained Glass,’ by Sir Gerald W. Wollaston, X: 213.
Heraldry Panel, X: 117.
Herbert-Stevens, Jean, X: 167.
Hercules, X: 134.
Hetley, Messrs. James, X: 92.
Heule, Richard, X: 117.
Heydon Heydon Arms of, X: 67.
Heydon Sir Henry, X: 72.
Hobart, Sir Walter, Kt., X: 70.
Hogan, the late James, X: 77.
Hohenheim, Schloss, X: 143.
Holme, Randle, MS, X: 198.
Hoo, X: 70.
Hoorebeke, van, Minard, X: 139.
H.M. Stationery Office, X: 114.
Hospital, Trinity, X: 6.
House of Commons, X: 133.
Howard, X: 5.
Howard, Henry, Earl of Northampton, X: 4.
Howard, Sir John, Duke of Norfolk, X: 5.
Howson, J., Miss, X: 114.
Huddy, Laurence C., X: 117.
Hudson, Henry, X: 3.
Hughes, Albert A., X: 3.
Huls, John, X: 117.
Humphries, Lund, X: 166.
Hutchinson, F. E., X: 163.
Hezekiah, X: 22, 24.
Ile-de-France, X: 38.
Imperial Chemical Industries X: 172
India, X: 114.
‘’In My Father’s House,’ X: 117.
Isabella, Duchess, X: 62.
Istanbul, X: 113.
Jackson, R. L. O., X: 115.
Jacob and Esau, X: 7.
Jacoby Art Glass Company, X: 117.
James I, X: 7.
Jarvis, Mr., X: 134.
Jeconias, X: 19.
Jehoshaphat, X: 22.
Jersey, St. Helier, X: 107.
Jerusalem Chamber, X: 178.
Jervais, Thomas, X: 134, 189.
Jesus College, Cambridge, X: 115.
Jones, Burne, X: 166.
Joram, X: 19.
Josias, X: 19.
Journal, Antiquaries, X: 69.
Joyce, X: 164.
Judas Iscariot, X: 131.
Kempe Charles Earner, X: 30, 115.
Kempe John, X: 114.
Kent, X: 132.
Kent, Hasted’s, X: 70, 72.
Kielland, Gabriel, X: 160.
King, W., X: 12.
King, Edward, X: 119, 131.
King, George III, X: 135.
King, Richard II, X: 21.
‘King Edward and Queen Eleanor,’ X: 119, 120.
King’s College Library, X: 114.
King’s Glazier, X: 121.
Knowles, J. A., X: 12, 28, 64, 69, 114, 118, 126, 132, 166.
Koninklijk Oudheidkundig Gennotschap, X: 173.
Laborde, Comte de, X: 63, 66.
Laenen, L., X: 63.
Laing Collection, X: 119, 133.
Lamb, Rev. F. J., X: 2.
Lambeth Palace, X: 33.
Lambotte, Thiry, X: 64.
Lamm, Carl J., X: 10.
Lamme, Jean de, X: 63.
Lancaster, House of, X: 129.
Lane, A., X: 167.
Lardner, Dr., X: 15.
‘Last Supper, The’ X: 181.
Laycock, Maj. Gen., X: 2.
Leach, C. B., X: 167, 168.
Lebeau, Godefroid, X: 65.
le Brabant, X: 136.
1’Ecluse, X: 63.
Leeds, Public Libraries of, X: 114
Leblanc, X: 16, 76.
Le Couteur, X: 19.
Legend, the Golden, X: 68.
Leland, X: 70.
Lemonnier, Melanges H., X: 140
Leuchs, Frederick L., X: 117
Le Vieil, X: 9.
Lichfield, X: 135.
Liege, X: 63, 65, 136, 139, 140.
Lincoln Chapel, Oxford, X: 7.
Livesey, Mr., X: 135.
Liz, Stanley, X: 117.
Lockman, Dr., X: 133, 135.
Loire, X: 37.
Lombard, Lambert, X: 140.
Lombes, X: 38.
London, X: 133.
Lord, Howard E., X: 117.
Lorraine, X: 39, 64. 75.
Louis XIII, X: 64.
Louvain, X: 137, 139.
Low Countries, X: 62, 64.
Lower Eatington, X: 20.
Lowth Robert, X: 29.
Lowson, Aid. Denys, X: 1, 197.
Ludlow, Shropshire, X: 29.
Lullingstone, X: 69.
Lullingstone, Kent, X: 73.
Lund, Sweden, X: 161.
Macbeth, X: 117.
‘Made by Hand,’ X: 173.
Madonna of the Broom, X: 117.
Madrid, Royal Library, X: 12.
Magne, L., X: 140.
Male, Emile, X: 140.
Malines, X: 63, 137, 139.
Manasses, X: 22.
Manchester, X: 115.
Mandal, X: 161.
Mantegna, X: 140.
Mansfield Woodhouse, X: 78.
Margaritone, X: 140.
Marnham, X: 80.
Martin, F. R., X: 12.
Mason, Dr., X: 164.
Matola, Elmer E., X: 117.
Matthews, Dr., Dean of St. Paul’s, X: 58.
Merevale, X: 27.
Meynnaert, Dimphne, X: 136.
Micah, X: 22.
Milton, X: 115.
Miotti, Antoine, X: 136.
Misterton, X: 80.
Molleins, Katherine, X: 5.
Molleins, Lord (or Moleyns), X: 5.
Mongarda, Ambroise, X: 136.
Mons, X: 65, 137.
Montgomery, Viscount, X: 172.
Monuments, Museum of French, X: 83.
‘Moonlight’ after Vanderneer, X: 190.
Moore, Miss E. Matley, X: 28.
Moore of Bedford Row, X: 159.
Morris, William, X: 106.
Morton, Peter, X: 167.
Mowbray, X: 5.
Murdac, Archbishop, X: 124.
Museum, British, X: 69, 71.
Museum, Glasgow, X: 105.
Museum, Victoria and Albert, X: 105.
Musees Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire in Brussels, X: 141.
Namur, X: 64.
Nancy, president of the court of accounts, X: 64.
Nathan, X: 23.
National Gallery of Scotland, X: 119.
National Library of Scotland, X: 114, 133.
National Library of Wales, X: 114.
‘Nativity, The,’ X: 189.
Naval College, Dartmouth, Chapel at the, X: 2.
Nazhar, Prof., X: 113.
Neefs, E., X: 139.
Nelson, Philip, X: 147.
Nevill, Cecily, Duchess of York, X: 71.
New College, Oxford, X: 76, 134.
New College, Oxford, ante-chapel, X: 189.
New Lights on Old Lights, X: 116.
New York Museums of Art, X: 114.
New Zealand, X: 114.
Nicholson, A. K., X: 34, 157, 166.
Nicholson, A. K., Glass Studios, X: 4.
Nicholson, Sir Charles, Bart., X: 3.
Nishapur, Khurasan, X: 10.
Norfolk, Blomefield’s, X: 72.
Norris, X: 116.
Norway, X: 160.
Nottingham Journal, X: 159.
Nottingham, Public Libraries of, X: 114.
Nuewiller, X: 41.
Nurse, Rev. E. J., X: 147.
Nuttgens, Joseph E., X: 114, 159.
Obituary, Bell, Reginald, X: 214-15.
Obituary, Drake, Wilfrid, X: 105.
Obituary, Hogan, J. H., X: 50-1.
Obituary, Orr, Arthur Anselm, X: 159.
Obituary, Travers, Martin, X: 106-7.
Obituary, Truman, Nevil P., X: 159.
Obituary, Vigeland, Emmanuel, X: 160.
Obituary, Wood, Alfred J., X: 51-2.
O’Brien’s Church Glass Studios, X: 117.
Ochozias, X: 26.
O’Conner, John, Jnr., X: 3.
‘Offering of the Wise Men, The,’ X: 181.
Oglander, Dr., X: 190.
Oscarskyrkan, Stockholm, X: 161.
Oppliger, Fred, Jnr., X: 117.
Ormerod, History of Cheshire, X: 198. Harl, M. S., X: 198.
Orr, Thomas, X: 159.
Orr, Wm. Somerville, X: 159.
Oslofjord, X: 162.
Ostwald, X: 142.
Oxford, Arch, and Hist. Soc., Proc. of, X: 194.
Oxford, Thomas of, X: 17.
Oxfordshire, X: 165.
Papelwyk, William, X: 133.
Papendiek’s, Mr. and Mrs., X: 134.
Park Street, X: 134.
Parker, X: 126.
Paris, X: 39, 121, 161. Grand Prix de, X: 107.
Parish Clerks Hall, Silver Street, X: 32.
Parliament, Houses of, X: 76.
Pasquetti, Jacques, 62, X: 136.
Paul’s, St., Cathedral, X: 59.
Philip II, X: 62.
Pawle, H. L., X: 6, 74.
Payne-Spiers Studios, X: 117.
Peace, X: 117.
Peascod Street, X: 134.
Peckitt, William, X: 189.
Percer, X: 83.
Pereira, Harold B., X: 172.
Perpyn, X: 140.
Peterhouse Chapel, Cambs., X: 8.
Petts Wood, S. Francis’s Church, X: 81.
Petty, Sir John of York, X: 126, 197.
Peugniez, Pauline, X: 167.
Philadelphia, X: 115.
Pille, Richard, X: 126.
Pitcher Sidney, X: 19.
Pittsburgh Stained Glass Studios, X: 117.
Polak, Ada, X: 162.
Pollard, Alfred W., X: 127.
Poncelet, Edouard, X: 65.
Pope, Eugenius, X: 124.
Popham, A. E., X: 140.
Portugal, X: 114.
‘Post War Church Building,’ X: 174.
Potter de, Fr., X: 139.
Powell, Christopher, X: 114.
‘Presentation in the Temple, The,’ v181.
Preston-on-Stour, X: 181.
Preuit, Talbert, X: 117.
Prince Consort, X: 135.
Price, Joshua, X: 1.
Proc. Yorks. Architect & York. Archaeol.Soc., X: 118.
Prophets, X: 38.
Provincial Committee of Central Council, X: 177.
Prudde, John, X: 121.
Public Libraries, X: 114.
Puff, Norman, X: 117.
Purey-Cust, Dean, X: 120.
Quint, Charles, X: 62.
Rackham, Bernard, X: 163, 164, 166.
Radway, X: 181.
Rambusch Decorating Company, X: 117.
Ralph, X: 119.
‘Ralph and Besing, X: 119.
Randall, Terence, X: 114.
Ranton, William L., X: 166.
Read, X: 23, 164.
Rectenwald, Paul N., X: 117.
Redgrave, X: 135.
Reed, Millican & Co., X: 92.
Reeves, P. J., Company, X: 117.
Regamey, R. P., X: 167.
Renaissance windows, X: 39.
Report of the Historical Monuments Commission for Westmorland, X: 147.
Rex Universalis Pacis, X: 117.
Reynolds, Francis and Rohnstock, X: 117.
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, X: 76, 134, 135, 189.
Rheims, X: 161.
St. Remi, X: 83.
Rhenish School, X: 39.
Rhodes, T. M., X: 2.
Ricci, Sebastian, X: 1.
Ridgway, M. H., X: 167, 168.
Riordan and Bridges, X: 117.
Robinson, Arnold W., X: 114.
Roemer, William, X: 117.
Roffense, Registrum, X: 70.
Rombouts, Nicholas, of Louvain, v63.
Rothenstein, John, X: 3.
Roos Family, X: 118.
Rointer, H. W., X: 168.
Royal Academy, X: 134.
Royal College of Art, X: 159.
Royal High School of Edinburgh, X: Illus.
Royal Society of Arts, X: 114.
Royaumont, Abbey of, X: 121.
Royce, James, X: 157.
Rozek, Richard J., X: 117.
Rubens, X: 140.
Rushforth, G. McNeil, F.S.A., X: 23, 163.
Russell, X: 7.
Saint, Dorothy, X: 68.
Saint, Lawrence, 3, X: 117.
Salisbury, Frank O., X: 196.
Salmond, Hugh, X: 92.
Samuel, X: 19.
Saviour, X: 134.
Scalkin, Jean, X: 66.
Schaffhausen, X: 146.
Scheidegger, von A., X: 167.
Scholarship Exhibition, X: 197.
School Chapel, Tonbridge, X: 107.
Schwartz, Jack, X: 117.
Scott, Miss Judith D. Guillum, X: 3, 174.
Scott, Sir Gilbert, X: 135, 147.
Scott, Stanley, M., X: 92, 114.
Selby Abbey, X: 30.
Sellars, Dr. Maud, X: 126, 127.
Sens, X: 39.
Shapland, T., X: 197.
Shaw, Daniel J., X: 117.
Sherlock, W. P., X: 71.
Shirleys, X: 17.
Shirley, Thomas, X: 126.
Shore, Col. Bertram, X: 3.
Short, Ernest, X: 3, 167.
Shotwick, X: 200.
Skeat, F. W., X: 114.
Silver stain, v9.
Sion College, Victoria Embankment, X: 33.
Smith, Gerald E. R., X: 2, 106, 114.
Smith, William, X: 117.
Smith’s Antiquities of Westminster, 1804, X: 133.
Soissons, Cathedral, X: 85.
Solihull, X: 30.
Solomon, X: 19.
Sorcerer’s Apprentice, X: 117.
Southwark Cathedral, X: 32.
Southwell, X: 159.
Spear, Francis, X: 2.
Spreadbury, H. V., X: 114.
St. Alphege, X: 30.
St. Andrew, Holborn, X: 33.
St. Anne, X: 67.
St. Anthony, X: 72.
St. Bernard, X: 124.
St. Brides, Fleet Street, X: 32.
SS. Bridget and Elizabeth, X: 72.
St. Castor, X: 139.
St. Catherine, X: 69.
St. Catherine Laboure, X: 117.
Sainte Chapelle, Paris, X: 38, 126.
St. Christopher, X: 67, 68.
St. Clement Danes, X: 32.
St. Cuthbert, X: 118, 119, 120, 122.
St. Denis, Abbey of, X: 83, 131.
St. Dunstan’s, Stepney, X: 173.
St. Dunstans in the West, X: 32.
St. Eloi’s, X: 139.
St. Ethelburga’s, X: 2.
St. Francis of Assisi, X: 117.
St. George, X: 147.
St. Georges Chapel, Windsor, X: 125-126, 132-134.
St. Germer, Abbey Church of, X: 90.
St. Giles, Cripplegate, X: 33.
St. Jacques, Liege, X: 6.
St. James’ Church, Piccadilly, X: 33.
St. John, X: 25.
St. John the Baptist, X: 22.
St. John the Divine, X: 22.
St. John the Evangelist Church, Waterloo Road, X: 32.
St. Joseph, X: 139.
St. Joseph of Arimathea, X: 131.
St. Katherine, X: 147.
St. Lawrence Jewry Church, X: 32.
St. Leonards, Shoreditch, X: 7.
St. Luke, X: 136-139.
St. Margaret’s, X: 115.
St. Mark’s in Venice, X: 41.
St. Martin’s, X: 121.
St. Mary’s , Lambeth, X: 33.
St. Mary’s, Church, Llanelly. Illus. Warwick, X: 172.
St. Michael, Paternoster Royal Church, X: 33.
St. Michael’s Church, Basingstoke, X: 34.
St. Nazaire, X: 36.
St. Nicholas Cole Abbey, X: 32.
St. Paul’s Cathedral, X: 32, 58.
St. Peter, X: 25.
St. Scytha, X: 79.
St. Sebastian, Chapel of, X: 41.
St. Stephen, Westminster, X: 133.
St. Stephen’s Chapel, X: 125, 126.
St. Timothy, X: 41.
St. Urbain of Troye, X: 36.
St. Warpurge, X: 117.
St. Waudru, Mons, X: 6, 139.
St. William, X: 118-121, 124-125, 131.
Stafford, Edward, Duke of Buckingham, X: 5.
Stained Glass, X: 117.
Stained Glass Artists’ marks (with Illus.), X: 205-212.
Bell, Alfred, his mark (with Illus.), X: 209.
Bell, John Clement,his mark (with Illus.), X: 209.
Bell, Michael Farrar, his mark (with Illus.), X: 209.
Bell, Reginald,his mark (with Illus.), X: 209.
Browne of York, his mark (with Illus.), X: 206.
Bryans, H. W., his mark (with Illus.), X: 209.
Coinper, J. N., his mark (with Illus.), X: 209.
Drake, Maurice,his mark (with Illus.), X: 207.
Easton, Hugh,his mark (with Illus.), X: 212.
Fortescue Brickdale, Miss Eleanor, her mark (with Illus.), X: 211.
Goddard & Gibbs, their mark (with Illus.), X: 213.
Grant, Miss F. Marion, her mark (with Illus.), X: 210.
Holland, his mark (with Illus.), X: 207.
Holland & Holt, their mark (with Illus.), X: 207.
Kempe, C. E.,his mark (with Illus.), X: 209.
Kubler, J. W., his mark (with Illus.), X: 209.
Montmorency, Mrs. R. M. de, her mark (with Illus.), X: 213.
Nuttgens, J. E., his mark (with Illus.), X: 210.
Powell, Messrs., their mark (with Illus.), X: 211.
Rope, Miss Aldrich, her mark (with Illus.), X: 211.
Rosevear, his mark (with Illus.), X: 208.
Salusbury, Miss T., her mark (with Illus.), X: 210.
Skeat, Francis, his mark (with Illus.), X: 211.
Strang, his mark (with Illus.), X: 207.
Thomas of Oxford, his mark (with Illus.), X: 206.
Thornton, John, his mark (with Illus.), X: 206.
Tombleson, A. E., his mark (with Illus.), X: 208.
Tower, Walter, E., his mark (with Illus.), X: 208.
Townshend & Howson, The Misses, their mark (with Illus.), X: 210.
Travers, Martin, his mark (with Illus.), X: 211.
Wailes, William, his mark (with Illus.), X: 206.
Warrington, William, his mark (with Illus.), X: 206.
Webb, Christopher, his mark (with Illus.), X: 211.
Wilkinson, H., his mark (with Illus.), X: 211.
Willement, Thomas, his mark (with Illus.), X: 206.
Woodruffe, Paul, his mark (with Illus.), X: 210.
Wykeham’s College of Winchester, its mark (with Illus.), X: 206.
Stained Glass Society of America, X: 114.
Stammers, H. J., X: 114, 197.
Stanz, X: 146.
Stathern, Henry, & Partners, X: 133.
Stoke Poges, X: 107.
Sterling, Robert E., X: 117.
Strachan, Douglas, X: 106.
Strasbourg, X: 40.
Stuttgart, X: 143.
Suffolk, Earl of, X: 2.
Surrey, Earl of, X: 5.
Sutton, Baptista, X: 7.
Suter, John Wallace, X: 167.
Swaine-Bourne, K., X: 114.
Swartzlander, Frank, X: 117.
Swiss glass, X: 57.
Switzerland, X: 143.
Taddeo, X: 140.
Tanker, X: 117.
Tartier Jules et Alphonse Wouters, X: 62.
Taunton, Donald, X: 114.
Taylor, Kellock, D., X: 114.
Technical Notes on the St. William Window in York Minster, X: 118.
Tegernsee, Abbey of, X: 157.
Telegraph, Daily, X: 58.
Temeraire, Charles le, X: 62, 63, 66.
Temple Church, X: 32, 196.
Temptation of Adam, X: 38.
Tewkesbury, X: 28.
Theophilus, X: 13. MS of, X: 75.
Thomas, Glazier of Oxford, X: 189.
Thomas, the late Grosvenor, X: 105.
Thompson, William, X: 126.
Thornton, John, X: 126, 128.
Thorpe, X: 70, 72.
Thorpe, Pr. John, X: 70.
Thuringian Forest, X: 143.
Thy, in Brabant, X: 64.
Tillyard, Dr. E. M. W., X: 115.
Times, The, X: 107.
Toledo, Ohio, X: 114.
Toulouse, X: 37, 38.
Tournai, X: 63, 65, 66, 136-139.
Tower, Walter, X: 34.
Tree of Jesse, X: 18.
Trinick, J., X: 114.
Tristram, Prof., X: 28.
Trondheim, X: 160.
Troyes, X: 38, 39, 86, 89, 130.
Truman, N. P., X: 167.
Truman, Miss Irene, X: 160.
Truman, Una, X: 160.
Tubingen, X: 144.
Tucker, Mr. J. Millard, K.C., X: 1
Tudor, X: 114.
Twycross Church, Leicestershire, X: 60.
Uherka, Adolph, X: 117.
Ulm, Jacques d’, X: 9.
University Church, Oxford, X: 30.
Urquhart, Maj.-Gen., X: 2.
U.S.S.R., X: 114.
Valour, X: 117.
Vellert, Dirick, X: 140.
Val Saint Lambert, X: 63.
van Cauwenberghs, Cl., X: 62, 137.
van de Casteele, D., X: 137.
van der Straelen, J. B., X: 139.
van de Velde, A., X: 138.
van Even, Edw, X: 63, 137, 139.
van G. Wyss, X: 167.
van Hoorebeke, Minard, X: 138.
van Leyden, Lucas, X: 140.
van Linge, Bernard, X: 6.
Vanity Fair, ‘Pilgrim’s Progress, X: 117.
van Kortryk, Jaerboek, X: 136.
Vasari, X: 140.
Velasquez, X: 4.
Vere, John de, Earl of Oxford, X: 5.
Verrier, X: 61.
Verrier, Maitre Martin le, X: 62.
Vercruysse, J. Goethals, X: 136.
Victoria and Albert Museum, X: 11, 114, 118.
Victoria, Australia, X: 114.
Viegland, Gustav, X: 161.
Vincennes, X: 39.
Virgin Mary, X: 117.
Waldron, Sir William, X: 1.
Walker, Leonard, X: 3.
Waller, Mr. J. G., X: 68, 69.
Walloon Provinces, X: 65.
Walton, William, X: 132.
Walpole, X: 7, 190,
Waltham, John, X: 132.
Warren, X: 5.
Warrington, William, X: 82.
Warton, Thomas, X: 192.
Warwick, X: 20.
Warwickshire Regiment, X: 172.
Washington Library of Congress, X: 114.
Weale, John, X: 69.
Webb, Christopher, X: 114, 196.
Webb, Geoffrey, Mr., X: 3, 59, 115.
Webster, Gordon, X: 114.
Wells Cathedral, X: 105.
West, Sir Benjamin, X: 133, 134, 194.
Westlake, X: 7.
Westminster, X: 121.
Westminster School of Art, X: 159.
Whall, V. M., Miss, X: 114.
Whittock, X: 14.
Wickham, West, X: 67.
Wildman-Lushington, Maj.-Gen., X: 2.
Willement, Thomas, X: 165.
William-Powlett, Capt. P., X: 2.
Williams, Miss, X: 164.
Williams, Leonard, X: 12.
Williams, Llewellyn E., X: 3.
Williams, Merritt F., X: 167.
Wilkinson, Charles, X: 10.
Wilkinson, T. F., X: 114.
Wilmshurst, Thomas, X: 193.
Willet Stained Glass Company, X: 117.
Winchester, X: 17.
Windsor, X: 134.
Windsor Castle, X: 133. St. George’s Chapel, X: 105.
Winn, Mr., of Nostell-Priory, X: 58.
Winston, Charles, X: 16, 19, 77, 106, 139.
Witton, John, X: 126.
Wolveden, X: 126.
Wollaston, Sir Gerald Woods, X: 174.
Woodforde, Rev. James, X: 189.
Wood, G. Bernard, X: 167.
Woods Clokey, H., X: 114.
Woore, E., X: 114.
Worshipful Company of Glaziers and Painters of Glass, X: 196.
Wragby Church, X: 57.
Wye College Association Journal, X: 115.
Wykeham, William of, X: 17, 174.
York, X: 30, 121, 126, 131.
York, Dean of, X: 106, 114.
York, Jesse window, X: 28.
York Minster, X: 9, 75, 106, 118, 133, 189, 196.
York, School, X: 124.
York, St. John’s College, X: 2.
Yorks. Archaeol. Journal, X: 118.
Yorkshire Evening Press, X: 115.
Yorkshiremen, Society of, X: 57.
Yoxall, Miss A. N., X: 114.
Yugoslavia, X: 114.
Zachariah, X: 22.
Zschacke, Dr. F. H., X: 142.
Zug, X: 146.