Home Shop Journal index Index Volume XI
Index Volume XI
Aarhus, Rikskov Church, XI: 90.
Aberdeen, King’s College, XI: 53.
Abraham, XI: 87.
Agnus Dei, XI: 82.
‘Agony in the Garden,’ XI: 47.
Ancient Glass in Nottinghamshire, XI: 160-163, 206-212.
Anderson, Dr. W. L. (Bishop of Salisbury), XI: 133.
Andrew, Adrian, XI: 10, 11, 12.
Annual Dinner, BSMGP, XI: 22-24, 113, 169, 237-240.
Annual General Meeting, BSMGP, XI: 25, 108-111, 167, 235.
Annunciation, XI: 86.
Apothecaries” Hall, XI: 233.
Armitage, E- Liddall, XI: 235.
Armstrong, Heaton, XI: 107.
Arms Royal, Cypher and Crown, XI: 236.
Arnold, Matthew, XI: 12.
Articles of Association and Memorandum, BSMGP, XI: 236.
Artists’ General Benevolent Institute, XI: 236.
Art News, XI: 130.
Ascension, XI: 86.
Asshe, William, XI: 12.
Aylmer, John (Elmer or Hylmer), XI: 226.
Backler, Joseph C., XI: 48.
Barton, Canon W. J., XI: 133.
Bath Abbey, XI: 132.
Battle of Britain, XI: 107.
Beckenham, Heraldry in the Churches of, XI: 190.
Bell, M. Farrar, M. C., XI: 132, 189, 235, 246.
Bell, Joseph, XI: 221-223.
Bell, Richard, XI: 132.
Benedictite, XI: 81, 82.
Beskow, Bo., XI: 41.
Betley Window—Some Notes on History of, XI: 191
Betton, Sir Arthur, XI: 75, 76.
Birkle, Professor Albert, XI: 131.
Birmingham. University, XI: 5.
Bishop of London’s Palace, XI: 10.
Blackham, Maj.-Gen. R. J., XI: 35.
Blake, Admiral, XI: 70.
Bond, Richard, XI: 224, 227, 229, 230, 231, 232.
Bone, R. T., XI: 49.
Bonowns, John, XI: 12.
Book Reviews— ‘Dictionary of British Sculptors, 1660-1851,’ by Rupert Gunnis, XI: 173.
‘Looking for History in British Churches,’by M. D. Anderson, XI: 54.
‘Dictionary of British. Sculptors, A,’ by Col. Maurice Harold Grant, XI: 173.
‘English Table Glass,’ by E. M. Elville, XI: 54.
‘Heraldry,’ By George Evans, XI: 174.
‘Salisbury,’ by R. L. P. Jowitt, XI: 55.
‘Heraldry in Essex,’ by Essex Record Office, XI: 174.
‘Stained Glass of New College, Oxford, The,’ by Christopher Woodforde, XI: 56.
‘Everyone’s Book about the English Church,’ by F. C. Happold, XI: 174.
‘French Cathedrals,’ by Jean Bony, XI: 56-57.
‘Trace your Ancestors,’ by L. G. Pine, XI: 175.
‘English Parish Churches,’ by Graham Hutton, XI: 115.
‘Art of Lettering, The,’ by Harold Deighton, XI: 175.
‘Windows of King’s College Chapel, Cambridge, The,’ by Kenneth Harrison, XI: 116.
‘Simple Heraldry, Cheerfully Illustrated,’ by lain Moncrieffe and Don Pottinger, XI: 175.
‘Records and Collections of the College of Arms, The,’ by A. R. Wagner, XI: 116.
‘Dugdale, Sir William, 1605-1686.’ Published for the Records and Museum Committee of the Warwickshire County Council, XI: 176.
‘Stained Glass in Wells Cathedral,’ by Friends of Wells Cathedral, XI: 117.
‘Windows of King’s College Chapel, Cambridge, An Illustrated Guide to the.’ Printed for the College, XI: 176.
‘Three Choir Cities, The,’ by Bryan Little, XI: 117.
‘A Pad in the Straw,’ by Christopher Woodforde, XI: 118.
‘English Architecture since the Regency.’ An Interpretation by H. S. Goodhart-Rendal, XI: 177.
‘Story of Heraldry, The,’ by L.G. Pine, XI: 118.
‘Civic Heraldry,’ by C. W. Scott-Giles, O.B.E., M.A.’, XI: 177.
‘Pears Cyclopaedia,’ by A. & F. Pears, Ltd., XI: 119.
‘Queen’s Beasts, The,’ H. Stanford London, XI: 248.
‘Heraldry in the CMrches of Beckenham,’ David Christie-Murray, XI: 248-249.
‘They Came with the Conqueror,’ L. G. Pine, XI: 249.
‘Face of the Saints, The,’ by Wilhelm Schamoni, XI: 249.
‘Book of Beasts, The,’ by T. H. White, XI: 249-250.
‘Local Records, Their Nature and Care,’ Redstone & Steer, XI: 250.
‘English Architects, A Biographical Dictionary of,’ by H. M. Colvin, XI: 2 51.
‘Lost Art, The,’ by Robert Sowers, XI: 251, 252.
‘English Stained and Painted Glass,’ by Christopher Woodforde, XI: 252-253.
‘Canterbury School of Illumination, The,’ by C. R. Dodwell, XI: 253-254.
‘Official Year-Book of the Church of England, The, 1953,’ XI: 119.
‘Saints for Now.’ Edited by Clare Boothe Luce, XI: 120.
‘Fathers of the Western Church, The,’ by Robert Payne, XI: 120.
‘Scotland for the Saints,’ by D. D. C. Pochin Mould, XI: 120-121.
Brantberg, Oskar, XI: 41.
Braque, Georges, XI: 191.
Braybrooke Glass in Saffron Walden Church, XI: 148.
Bristol Cathedral, XI: 221.
British Museum, XI: 9, 10.
British Photographers’ Exhibition, XI: 130.
Burlison and Grylls, XI: 82, 87.
Burnham, John, XI: 12.
Caine, Osmond, XI: 235.
Cairo, Cathedral, XI: 5.
Calcutta, St. Peter’s Church, XI: 68.
Caldwell, Mr., XI: 130.
Cambridge, Jesus College, XI: 6.
Cambridge, King’s College Chapel, XI: 11, 37-39.
Cambridge, King’s College, XI: 62.
Carter, E. W., XI: 236.
Chamber, John, XI: 199-200.
Chapman, Paul Oliver, XI: 235.
Chester, St. John the Baptist, XI: 70.
Chichester Cathedral, XI: 51.
Chislehurst, Camden Church, XI: 70.
Chitty, Herbert, XI: 8.
Church Times, XI: 132.
Clayton & Bell, XI: 70, 83, 85, 86, 87.
Clayton, Gerald W., XI: 190, 235.
Clothworkers’ Hall, XI: 145.
Cobham, Baron, XI: 97.
Colchester, L. S., XI: 129.
Cole, F. W., XI: 235.
Colorado, Denver Cathedral, XI: 70, 71.
Cooper-Abbs, G., XI: 236.
Correspondence, XI: 58, 123-124, 183-184, 254.
Coventry Cathedral, XI: 132, 236.
Cole, John, XI: 12.
Cole, Rev. William, XI: 45.
College of Arms, XI: 48, 62, 107.
Collins, William, XI: 49.
Copledyke, XI: 95.
Coverdale, Miles, XI: 81.
Craven Ord, XI: 9, 10, 13.
Crawford, John Edward, XI: 235.
Croome, W. I., XI: 241-245.
Croxton Church, XI: 92-93.
Croydon, S., XI: 189.
Crucifixion, XI: 86.
Dallaway, Rev. James, XI: 72.
Daniel, XI: 87.
Davies, A. J. Dean of York, XI: 164.
Dickson, Thomas C., XI: 236.
Dihl, Mr., XI: 47.
Dilworth, Eric J., XI: 235.
Dinner, Annual BSMGP, XI: 22, 113, 169, 237.
Diocesan Advisory Committee System, Faculties and Faculty Procedure, XI: 4.
Dix, Arthur J., XI: 71.
Dodson, William Marriott, XI: 66.
Doyle Harcourt, M., XI: 236.
Drake, Daphne, XI: 65, 67, 235.
Drake, Frederick, XI: 83, 86, 87.
Drake, Maurice, XI: 23, 236.
Durham, Nine Altars, XI: 74.
Eadgytha, Queen, XI: 81.
‘Early 16th-Century Glass at Sampford Courteney, Devon,’ XI: 204-205.
East Retford, XI: 163.
Easton, Hugh, XI: 6, 35, 51, 88.
Edgar, J. C. Cready, XI: 36.
Edinburgh Castle, XI: 53.
Edinburgh, St. Giles’ Cathedral, XI: 105.
Edwards, C. J., XI: 35, 51.
Edwards & Powell, XI: 233.
Eeles, Dr. F. C., XI: 4.
Eldh, Albert, XI: 41.
Elijah, XI: 85, 87.
Ellis, William Horton, XI: 86.
Eltham Palace, XI: 12.
Emmanuel Church, Forest Gate, XI: 130.
‘English Stained and Painted Glass,’ XI: 236.
Enoch, XI: 87.
Erixon, Prof. Sven, XI: 41, 42.
Essex House, Strand, XI: 44.
Ettington, Warwickshire, XI: 132.
Exeter Exchange, XI: 45.
Exeter Cathedral, XI: 65, 80-88, 189.
Exeter Cathedral, Great East Window, XI: 246.
Exhibition—Sir Gerald Wollaston, XI: 192.
Exhibitions, Designs for Stained-Glass Windows, Oxton, XI: 4.
Exhibitions, Art in the Service of the Church, Lambeth Palace, XI: 5.
Exhibitions, Heraldic, College of Arms, XI: 5.
Exhibitions, Church Art, Coventry, XI: 5.
Exhibitions, Worshipful Company of Glaziers and Painters of Glass, XI: 35.
Ezekiel, XI: 87.
Farnworth, Lancashire, XI: 133.
Fecamp Abbey, XI: 78.
Feeny, P., XI: 236-237.
Fine Arts Society, XI: 40.
Flower, Barnard, XI: 8-21, 38, 224, 226, 227, 231, 232.
Forseth, Einar of Sweden, XI: 6, 40-43.
Fox, Sir Cyril, XI: 65.
Frampton, Edward, XI: 70-71.
French Exhibition of Stained Glass, XI: 130.
Fricker, XI: 71.
Gabriel, XI: 86.
Gallivare-Malmberg, XI: 43.
Gehlin, Hugo, XI: 41.
Gibbs, Ethelburt, XI: 71.
Giles Scott, XI: 236.
Gilling Castle, Yorks., XI: 65.
Glass Firing by Radiation Heat, XI: 233-234.
Glaziers’ Company, Worshipful, XI: 237-246.
Glider Pilot Regiment, XI: 5.
Gloucester Cathedral, XI: 105.
Gouda, XI: 236.
Graham, Sir James, XI: 105.
Grandisson, Bishop, XI: 81, 82.
Grant, Miss Marion, XI: 65.
Grax, Austria, XI: 311.
Grodecki, Louis, XI: 130.
Greenwich Palace, XI: 12.
Greenwich Friars’ Palace, XI: 20.
Grylls, XI: 82, 83.
Guernsey. St. Peter Port Cathedral and Parish Church, XI: 246.
Guildford, Sutton Place, XI: 48.
Gurney, William, XI: 99.
Gyles, Edmund, XI: 64.
Habakkuk, XI: 87.
Hague, Palace of Peace, XI: 53.
Hjortzbert, Prof. Olle, XI: 40, 41.
Hales, William, XI: 102.
Halsingborg, XI: 42.
Hampstead West, St. James’ Church, XI: 70.
Hampton Court, XI: 154.
Handcock, Nixon & Dunt, XI: 50.
Handbook to London, 1849, XI: 143.
Hanover Square, St. George’s, XI: 139.
Hardwick Studios, XI: 62, 84.
Harrison, K., XI: 6, 37-39, 204-205.
Harrison, Canon, XI: 27.
Haslop, W. F., XI: 37.
Hawarden Parish Church, XI: 70.
Hedgeland, J. P., XI: 47.
Hedley, the Rev. Henry, XI: 133.
Hedvall, J. A., XI: 67.
Hellerup, Messias Church, XI: 90.
Hemmel, Peter (1461), XI: 130.
Hendrie, Herbert, XI: 53.
Herald’s College, XI: 146.
Heraldic Glass in the Percy Chapel at Petworth House, XI: 213-220.
Herbert, George, XI: 133.
Herckenrode Abbey, XI: 75.
Heydon, Sir Christopher, XI: 97.
Hill, D. Ingram, XI: 91-104.
hincks, H. T., XI: 92, 236.
History of Stained Glass, 1848, XI: 140.
Hoadley, Geo. and Oldfield, A., XI: 49.
Hobart, Sir Walter, XI: 98.
Holborn, St. Andrew’s, XI: 140.
Holgil, William, XI: 226.
Holiday, Henry, XI: 145.
Hollar, XI: 229-230.
Home Office — re Royal Arms, XI: 203.
Howson, Miss Jean, XI: 191.
Hussey,Christopher, XI: 218.
Isaac, XI: 86.
Isiah, XI: 87.
Iversen, Kraesten, XI: 90, 91.
Jacob, XI: 87.
Jagitsch, R., XI: 67.
Jervais, Thomas, XI: 45, 72, 73.
Jossier, M., XI: 79.
Journal Back Numbers, XI: 7.
Jutland, Viborg Cathedral, XI: 89.
Kelly, Sir Gerald R. A., XI: 22.
Kemp, Miss Marjorie, XI: 235.
Kempe, C. E., XI: 71, 157.
Kendrick, Sir Thomas, XI: 254.
King, Dennis G., XI: 132, 236.
King Edward the Confessor, XI: 81.
King Henry VIII, XI: 95.
King Henry VII Chapel, Westminster, XI: 14, 15, 17, 18.
King’s College, Cambridge, XI: 130.
King’s College Chapel, Cambridge. XI: 154.
Knight, Dame Laura, XI: 35.
Knowles, J. A., F.S.A., XI: 44-50, 64, 72-79, 193- 200.
Kragh, Johanne, XI: 90.
Lambarde, Brig. Gen. Fane, XI: 213.
Lambeth Palace, XI: 145.
Lambeth, St. Mary’s Church, XI: 133.
Lantern Slides, XI: 236.
Laud, Archbishop, XI: 141.
Lazenby, Foreman, XI: 28, 32, 33.
Leafric, Bishop, XI: 81.
Le Breton, Hervey, XI: 105.
Leconfield, Rt. Hon., XI: 220.
Le Couteur, John, XI: 74, 75, 76, 77.
Lee, Lawrence, XI: 132.
Leigh, Sir John, XI: 102.
Lennard, Anne, XI: 101.
Lennard, John, XI: 100.
Lethaby, Prof., XI: 8.
Library of Books on Stained Glass, XI: 178, 236.
Life of Jacob, XI: 84.
Lincoln’s Inn, XI: 141.
Littlehampton, XI: 203.
London Guild of Glaziers, XI: 19.
London, Stained Glass of Historic Interest in, XI: 135.
Lubecker, Pierre, XI: 89-91.
Lundstrom, Yngve, XI: 4.
Lyalton, Thomas, XI: 12.
Macmorran, Kenneth, Q.C., XI: 203.
Marriage at Cana, XI: 84.
Maynard, Samuel, XI: 71.
Meelys, Cornelius, XI: 11.
Membership, Certificates of, XI: 235.
Mien, James, XI: 71.
Moore, Charles — Gifts to Library, XI: 192.
Moore, Miss E. Matley, XI: 5.
Morris, Colwyn, XI: 235.
Morris, William, XI: 157.
Moses, XI: 87.
‘Nativity,’ XI: 46, 73, 86.
Netherlands, Royal Embassy, XI: 236.
Neve, William, XI: 10, 11, 20.
Newens, F. R., XI: 37, 38.
News and Notes, XI: 4-7, 62-66, 129-134, 189-192.
Nicol, E. J., XI: 191.
Nicholson, A. K., XI: 71.
Nicholson, James, XI: 19, 38.
Nielsen, James, XI: 91.
Norfolk Arms, XI: 106.
North Muskham, XI: 160.
Nottinghamshire, Ancient Glass in, XI: 160-163, 206-212.
Nottingham, Our Lady, XI: 160.
‘Nunc Dimittis,’ XI: 83.
Nuthall, XI: 161.
Davies, Archibald John, obituary, XI: 180-181.
Baynes, Basil Richard, obituary, XI: 181.
Eeles, Dr. F. C., obituary, XI: 241-242.
Grylls, Thomas Henry, obituary, XI: 181.
Carter, Edgar William, obituary, XI: 181.
Blackham, Maj.-Gen., R. J., obituary, XI: 51.
Strachan, Dr. Douglas, obituary, XI: 52.
Webb, Geoffrey Fuller, obituary, XI: 243, 245.
Ornament, Notes on Sixteenth-Century, XI: 152.
Orr, Arthur Anselm, XI: 71.
Ossory, Countess of, XI: 46.
Oswald, Arthur, XI: 6, 8-21, 224-232.
‘Our Lord Blessing the Children,’ XI: 87.
‘Our Lord in the Act of Blessing,’ XI: 81.
Oxford, New College Chapel, XI: 45.
Oxford, New College, XI: 73.
Papplewick, XI: 162.
Paterson, Eglington Margaret, XI: 44.
Pawle, H. L., XI: 22, 23, 25, 129, 235, 236.
Pearson, James, XI: 44, 46, 47, 148.
Pearson, Mrs. XI: 44, 46, 47.
Pearson, John, XI: 146.
Peckitt, William, XI: 26, 27, 28, 33, 34, 64, 72, 73, 80, 81.
Petworth House, XI: 213-220.
‘Petworth Manor in the 17th Century,’ XI: 220.
Photographic Exhibitions, XI: 130.
Pine, L. G., XI: 105-107.
Pinnock, Frank Alban, XI: 235.
Porter, Cecil, XI: 130.
Porteous, L/Cpl. J., XI: 5.
Portsmouth, St. Mary’s, XI: 63.
Powell, John Henry, XI: 63.
Powells, Whitefriars, XI: 83.
Poynter, Sir Edward, XI: 145.
Price, John, XI: 144.
Price, William, XI: 64.
Purnell, Douglas, A.R.C.A., XI: 235.
Pyle, Gerard, XI: 11, 12.
Oueen Anne Bullen, XI: 95.
Queen Elizabeth Woodville, XI: 98.
Quivil, Bishop, XI: 81.
Rackham, Bernard, XI: 77.
‘Raising of the Brazen Serpent in the Wilderness,’ XI: 46.
Ramsey & Muspratt, XI: 37.
Rattee & Kett, XI: 37.
Recent Publications, XI: 57-58, 122, 184, 254.
Regina, R.C.M.P. Chapel, XI: 65.
‘Resurrection,’ XI: 86.
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, XI: 45, 47, 72, 73.
Rheims Cathedral, XI: 190.
Richardson, Prof. R., XI: 8, 9, 10, 237.
Richmond, Palace, XI: 13.
Rijksen, Dr. A. J., XI: 236.
Ringstrom, Gustaf, XI: 43.
Roberts, Geoffrey Dorling, XI: 35.
Robinson, Arnold, XI: 221-223.
Robinson, Rev. J. J., XI: 133.
Rogers, Dr. Nathaniel, XI: 82.
Roman lettering, XI: 156.
Rookwood, William, XI: 102.
Rowland, Rev, W. G., XI: 75, 76, 77.
Royal Academy, XI: 22.
‘Royal Arms in Churches,’ XI: 201-203.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Quarterly, XI: 65.
Royal College of Art, XI: 132.
Royal Institute of British Architects, XI: 178.
Royal Masonic, Institute for Girls, XI: 70.
Royal Scottish Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, XI: 131.
Safron Walden Church, Braybrooke Glass in, XI: 148.
Salisbury, Frank XI: 22, 23, 35, 51.
Salisbury Cathedral, XI: 5, 46, 132, 133.
Salmond, Hugh, XI: 131.
Salusbury, Theodora, XI: 130.
Sanders, Edward Andrew, XI: 82.
Savage, Aidan, XI: 235.
Savoy Hospital, Glazing of the, XI: 224-232.
Savoy, Queen’s Chapel, XI: 191.
Secretary, Hon. (see Wilkinson, A. L.).
Shene Palace, XI: 13.
Sheppard, Sir John, XI: 62.
Shotleworth, Thomas, XI: 12.
Skara, XI: 41.
Skeat, Francis W., XI: 80-88.
Skovgaard, Joakim, XI: 89.
Skovgaard, Johan Thomas, XI: 89, 90.
Smith, Gerald, XI: 23, 71.
Soldier, XI: 5.
Somervell, Sir Donald, XI: 25, 235, 241-242.
South Muskham, XI: 160.
Spear Francis H., XI: 235.
Spencer, Rt. Hon, the Earl, F.S.A., XI: 235.
St. Andrew’s Undershaft, XI: 143.
St. Anna, XI: 87.
St. Andrew, XI: 6, 80, 87.
St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, XI: 144.
St. Bridget, XI: 82.
St. Botolph’s, Aldersgate, XI: 47, 146.
St. Deny’s, Walmgate, XI: 26.
St. Gabriel, XI: 86.
St. Giles, Camberwell, XI: 144.
St. Ethelburga the Virgin, Bishopsgate, XI: 63.
St. Etheldreda, Ely Place, Holborn, XI: 105.
St. James of Ulm, XI: 6.
St. James, XI: 87.
St. James’s, Piccadilly, XI: 48.
St. John the Baptist, XI: 70, 84, 86, 87, 91.
St. John, XI: 80, 86, 87.
St John the Evangelist, XI: 80.
St. Joseph, XI: 86.
St Joseph of Arimathea, XI: 86.
St. Katherine’s Pool, XI: 227. Cbapel, XI: 231.
St. Leonard, Shoreditch, XI: 143.
St. Luke, XI: 80.
St. Machai’s Cathedral, XI: 53.
St. Margaret’s Church, Westminster, XI: 70.
St. Mark’s College, Audley End, XI: 6.
St. Martin le Grand, Coney Street, York, XI: 193-200.
St. Mary’s Church, Charing Cross Road, XI: 145.
St. Mary’s, Lambeth, XI: 145.
St. Mary Magdalene, XI: 86.
St. Michael’s, Spurriergate, XI: 26.
St. Michael, XI: 86.
St. Nathaniel, XI: 87.
St. Paul’s Cathedral, XI: 10.
St. Peter, XI: 80, 81, 87.
St. Simeon, XI: 87.
St. Thomas’s Parish Church, Dudley, XI: 48.
St. Thomas, XI: 82.
St. Urbain, Chapel of St. Joseph, XI: 79.
Stained Glass, XI: 130.
Stained Glass Association of America, XI: 130. In the United States, XI: 157.
‘Stained Glass Windows and the Problem of Design,’ by Farrar Bell, XI: 189.
Stammers, H., XI: 31, 33, 131.
Stapledon, Bishop, XI: 81.
Staple Inn, Hall of, XI: 145.
Steer Francis W., F.S.A., XI: 213.
Stephenson, C. A., XI: 129.
Stephens, Francis, XI: 131.
Stokes. Thomas, XI: 221-223.
Stoulton, St. Edmund, King and Martyr, XI: 132.
Strom, Gunnar, XI: 41.
Sundstrom, Hakan, XI: 42.
‘Sussex Archaeological Collections,’ XI: 213-214.
Sutton Parish Church, XI: 70.
Tanner, Capt. Thomas, XI: 82.
Taunton, Donald B., XI: 62, 63, 246.
Temple Church, XI: 35, 51, 147.
‘Temple Church, 1857,’ XI: 221-222.
Temple Church, Great East Window, XI: 246.
Temple, Frederick, XI: 81.
Thompson, Miss Margaret, XI: 235.
Thornton, J., XI: 197-199.
Threlford, Sir Lacon, XI: 237.
Tobruk, XI: 28, 31, 32.
Torhamn, G., XI: 41.
Torre, XI: 28 31, 32.
Tower of London, XI: 11.
‘Traveller in France,’ XI: 191.
‘Tree of Jesse,’ XI: 26.
Trumsan, Nevil, XI: 160-163, 206-212.
Trundle, Lt.-Col. A. L., XI: 22, 23.
Turner, Charles Arthur, XI: 83.
Underdown, XI: 71.
United States, Stained Glass in, XI: 157.
Vellert, Dirick, XI: 38.
Verney, Compton (Warwickshire), XI: 192.
Vertue, XI: 229-230.
Victoria and Albert Museum, XI: 40, 44, 47, 64, 236.
‘Victoria History of London,’ XI: 224.
Vigeland, Emmanuel, XI: 41.
Wadham, New College, XI: 72.
Wagner, Anthony, XI: 5.
Walden Abbey, XI: 6.
Walters, Mrs. Marjorie, XI: 235.
Walmsley, B. D., XI: 130.
Walsall Congregational Chapel, XI: 132.
Walsingham Priory, XI: 15.
War Damage Sub-Committee, XI: 23.
Warley, Thomas, XI: 10, 11.
Warren, H. J., XI: 68.
Watkiss, Christopher R., XI: 35.
Webb, Christopher, XI: 51.
Webb, Geoffrey, XI: 133.
Wells Cathedral, Report of, XI: 129.
Western Exchange, Old Bond Street, XI: 47.
Weston, Catherine, XI: 100.
Weston, F. W., XI: 68.
Westminster Abbey, XI: 51, 135.
Westminster, Henry VII’s Chapel, XI: 224.
Westminster Palace, XI: 11, 47, 62, 63.
Westminster, St. John the Evangelist, XI: 137.
Westminster, St. Margaret’s, XI: 138.
West Wickham, XI: 91-104.
Whyte, R., XI: 17.
Wickham Court, Kent, XI: 154.
Wilkinson, A. L., XI: 63, 64, 70, 71, 130, 189, 235.
Wilkinson, Horace, XI: 71.
Williamson, Francis, XI: 19.
Willingdon, XI: 203.
Wilmshurst, XI: 49.
Wilson, William R. S. A. (of Edinburgh), XI: 52-53, 131, 236.
Whall, Christopher, XI: 157.
Winchester College, XI: 77, 132.
‘Winston’s Experiments in 1850,’ XI: 221-223.
Wolsey, Cardinal, XI: 16, 17.
Wollaston, Sir Gerald, XI: 22, 62, 75, 235-36.
Wood, Wallace, XI: 235.
Woodforde, Christopher, XI: 6, 25.
Woods, A. J. D., C.B.E., XI: 237,
Women at the Tomb, XI: 86.
Worcester, St. Helen’s Church, XI: 132.
Worshipful Company of Glaziers and Painters of Glass, Annual Year Book and Livery List, XI: 35, 114, 172, 246.
Worshipful Company of Glaziers and Painters of Glass, Coronation Banquet, XI: 172.
Worshipful Company of Glaziers and Painters of Glass, Scholarship,v 35, 36, 51, 114, 171, 247.
Worshipful Company of Parish Clerks, Hall of, XI: 145.
Wynford, William, XI: 129.
York Art Gallery, XI: 64.
York, Dean of, XI: 7, 38, 129.
York, Micklegate Hill, XI: 64.
York Minster, XI: 26, 63, 129, 130, 164, 190.
York, St. Martin’s, XI: 74.
Zacharias, XI: 85.