Home Shop Journal index Index Volume XIII
Index Volume XIII
Addenda to list of English Glass Paintings, XIII: 340
Annual Dinner, BSMGP, XIII: 345, 411, 483, 558.
Annual Meeting, BSMGP, XIII: 344, 411, 483, 558.
Binnall, Dr. B. G., XIII: 408.
Boesch, Dr. Paul, XIII: 310.
‘Arms of Schools,’ by David Christie-Murray. XIII: 369, 449.
‘Les Belles Heures Heures du Duc de Berry,’ by James J. Romimer, XIII: 369.
‘An Introduction to Anglo-Saxon Architecture,’ by A. E. Fisher, XIII: 369.
‘The Erotic Sculpture of India,’ by Max-Pol Foachet, XIII: 370.
‘Carolingian and Romanesque Architecture.’ by Kenneth John Conant, XIII: 370.
‘Kenneth Grahame,’ by Peter Green, XIII: 370.
‘Classical Inspiration in Medieval Art,’ by Walter Oakeshott, XIII: 371.
‘Life in Mediaeval France,’ by Joan Evans, XIII: 372.
‘Glass through the Ages,’ by B. Barrington Haynes, XIII: 372.
‘Chines Art in the Twentieth Century,’ by Michael Sullivan, XIII: 373.
‘Heraldic; Standards and other Ensigns,’ by Robert Gayre of Gayre and Nigg, XIII: 373.
‘The Structure of Glass,’ from the Russian, XIII: 373.
‘Stained Glass,’ by E. Liddall Armitage, XIII: 374.
‘English Stained Glass,’ by John Baker, XIII: 375.
‘The Wood Engravings of Robert Gibbings,’ ed. by Patience Empson, XIII: 376.
‘Children of the Close,’ by Geraldine Symons, XIII: 377.
‘Art and Architecture in Spain and Portugal,’ by George Kubler and Martin Soria, XIII: 377.
‘Faber Library of Illuminated Manuscripts,’ ed. by Walter Oakeshott, XIII: 378.
‘The Great Lambeth Bible,’ XIII: 378.
‘The Parisian Miniaturist Honore’, XIII: 378.
‘Everyman’s Dictionary of Literary Biography,’ by D. C. Browning, XIII: 449.
‘Arms of Schools,’ by D. Christie-Murray, XIII: 369, 449.
‘Summoned by Bells,’ by John Betjeman, XIII: 449.
‘Mid Wales,’ by David Verey, XIII: 450.
‘Suffolk,’ by Norman Scarfe, XIII: 450.
‘Your Book of Heraldry,’ by Richard Slade, XIII: 450.
‘The Predella,’ by Roberto Salvini and Leone Traverso, XIII: 451.
‘The Vienna Genesis,’ XIII: 452.
‘The Passion Play, Oberammergau,’ XIII: 452.
‘Romanesque Europe,’ by Harald Busch and Bernd Lohse, XIII: 452.
‘English Abbeys and Priories,’ by Olive Cook, XIII: 453.
‘What to see in a Country Church,’ by Lawrence E. Jones, XIII: 453.
‘Penguin Dictionary of Quotations,’ by J. M. and M. J. Cohen, XIII: 454.
‘World Events’ (Penguin), XIII: 454.
‘Buckinghamshire,’ by Dr. Nikolaus Pevsner, XIII: 454.
‘Painting and Sculpture in Europe,’ by Fritz Novotny, XIII: 454.
‘Art and Architecture in Belgium,’ by H. Gerson and E. H. ter Kuile, XIII: 455.
‘Leicestershire and Rutland,’ by Dr. Nikolaus Pevsner, XIII: 455.
‘Stonehenge,’ by R. J. C. Atkinson, XIII: 456.
‘Birds in Colour,’ by Bruce Campbell, XIII: 456.
‘Warwickshire and the Shakespeare Country,’ by F. R. Banks, XIII: 456.
‘English Furniture,’ by Anthony Bird, XIII: 53.
‘Armorial Bearings of Guilds of London,’ by John Bromley, XIII: 530.
‘Introducing Genealogy,’ by Arthur J. Willis, XIII: 531.
‘The Structure of Glass,’ from the Russian, XIII: 531.
‘Exploring Parish Churches,’ by Victor Bonham-Carter, XIII: 531.
‘Musical Instruments through the Ages’ (Pelican), XIII: 532.
‘Suffolk,’ by Dr. Nikolaus Pevsner, XIII: 532.
‘Northampton,’ by Dr. Pevsner, XIII: 533.
‘Joseph Ashby of Tysoe,’ by Miss M. K. Ashby, XIII: 533.
‘The Stained Glass at Chartres,’ by Alfons Dierick, XIII: 534.
‘Goya’ (Oldbourne Press), XIII: 534.
‘Medieval Historical Writing in Yorkshire,” by J. Taylor, XIII: 535.
‘Medieval Fairs and Markets of York,’ by H. Richardson, XIII: 535.
‘Churches and their Furnishings,’ Council for the Care of Churches, XIII: 535.
‘The Whiston Matter,’ by Ralph Arnold, XIII: 535.
‘Bridge, Church and Palace in Old London,’ by John E. N. Hearsey, XIII: 536.
‘Heraldic Cadency,’ Robert Gayre, XIII: 536.
‘Church Needlework,’ by Beryl Dean, XIII: 537.
‘Ludlow Stained and Painted Glass,’ by E. W. Ganderton, XIII: 537.
‘Morris and Co., Domestic and Painted Glass,’ by A. C. Sewter, XIII: 596.
‘Charles Winston in the Victorian Revival of Stained Glass,’ by A. C. Sewter, XIII: 596.
‘The Medieval Mystics of England,’ by E. Colledge, XIII: 597.
‘Norfolk Church Dedications,’ by Rev. C. L. S. Linnell, XIII: 597.
‘Records of the Admiralty Court,’ by Canon J. S. Purvis, XIII: 597.
‘Care of Churches,’ by Council for the Care of Churches, XIII: 597.
‘York Psalter,’ by T. S. R. Boase, XIII: 598.
‘Epstein Drawings,’ by Richard Buckle, XIII: 598.
‘The Gothic Revival,’ by Kenneth Clark, XIII: 599.
‘This is Oxford and Cambridge,’ by Roger Penrose, XIII: 599.
‘The Buildings of England: Norfolk,’ by Dr. Nikolaus Pevsner, XIII: 599.
‘Aubrey’s Brief Lives’ (Penguin), XIII: 600.
‘Family Tree,’ by Nancie Burns, XIII: 600.
‘London Railways’, by Edwin Course, 600.
‘Le Commerce des Vitraux Etrangers Anciens en Angleterre,’ by M. Jean Lafond, XIII: 601.
‘While others sleep,’ by Cyril Heber Percy, XIII: 600.
Borthwick Institute, XIII: 442.
Brice, A. H. M., XIII: 569.
Buss, A. E., XIII: 346, 486.
Canterbury Cathedral, XIII: 339.
‘Changes in Stained Glass,’ by H. T. Kirby, XIII: 488.
Cole, Frederick W., XIII: 388, 486.
Competition Designs, XIII: 346, 388, 486, 560, 574.
Conservation of Stained Glass, XIII: 468, 582, 602,
France, Contemporary Stained Glass in, XIII: 306, 509.
America, Contemporary Stained Glass in, XIII: 576.
Germany,Contemporary Stained Glass in, XIII: 477.
Copper Ruby Glass, by John A. Knowles, XIII: 357.
Correspondence, XIII: 457, 602.
Council Meeting of Society, XIII: 480.
Coventry Cathedral, Stained Glass, XIII: 585.
Crawford, John E., XIII: 575.
Croome, W. I., XIII: 557.
Dilworth, E. J., XIII: 486.
Drury, Donald V., XIII: 576.
Eden, F. C., XIII: 554.
Faculty, Procedure to obtain, XIII: 467.
Fairford, Foreign Inscriptions, XIII: 549.
Feeny, Patrick A., XIII: 486.
‘Fifty-four Years of Glass-craft,’ by H. J. Warren, XIII: 562.
Fisher, Alfred R., XIII: 388, 509, 561.
Fourmaintraux, Pierre, XIII: 486.
French, Modern Glass, XIII: 306, 509.
Geddes, W. M., XIII: 490.
German Glass, Modern, by Geoffrey A. K. Robinson, XIII: 477.
Glaziers Company, XIII: 347.
Glass-craft — Fifty-four years of, by H. J. Warren, XIII: 562.
Glass Painters, 1750—1850, XIII: 326, 390, 514.
Annes, William, XIII: 326.
Backler, Joseph, XIII: 326.
Baillie, E., XIII: 327.
Ballantine, James, XIII: 327.
Barnett, John Joseph, XIII: 327.
Beer, Robert, XIII: 525.
Bell, Joseph, XIII: 525.
Betton, Sir John, XIII: 328.
Bolton, William Jay, XIII: 329.
Bridgman, Holte, XIII: 525.
Brookes, XIII: 330.
Chance Bros., XIII: 330.
Clutterbuck, XIII: 330.
Corbould, Edward, XIII: 331.
Cobbett and Son, XIII: 331.
Collins, William, XIII: 331.
Cottingham, Nockalls J., XIII: 332.
Grace, J. G., XIII: 332.
Crick, XIII: 332.
Davenport, John, XIII: 333.
Dihl, XIII: 333.
Dixon, John, XIII: 333.
Dutfield, James, XIII: 525.
Eginton, XIII: 334.
Eginton, William Raphael, XIII: 335.
Essex, W. and A., XIII: 335.
Evans, David, XIII: 336.
Evans, Sebastian, XIII: 336.
Forest, XIII: 336.
Gibbs, Alexander, XIII: 337.
Gibson, John, XIII: 338.
Godfrey, Robert Scott, XIII: 390.
Gray and Son, XIII: 390.
Gwilt, G. E., XIII: 391.
Handcock. John, XIII: 391.
Hand. XIII: 391.
Hardman, L., XIII: 391.
Hardman, John, XIII: 392.
Hedgeland, John P. and George, XIII: 392.
Henderson, Robert, XIII: 393.
Higgins, Daniel, XIII: 393.
Hills, Thomas and Mrs., XIII: 393.
Hoadley, George and Oldfield, Antony, XIII: 394.
Hodgson, Thomas, XIII: 394.
Holland and Sons, XIII: 394.
Hope, Lady Mildred, XIII: 395.
Hornblower, Joseph, XIII: 395.
Howard, F., XIII: 395.
Howes, XIII: 396.
Jervais, Thomas, XIII: 396.
Jarvis, John, XIII: 397.
Jones, XIII: 397.
Jordan, XIII: 398.
Key, H., XIII: 399.
Lakin, Thomas, XIII: 399.
Linnton, Jeoffry, XIII: 399.
Lovegrove of Marlow, XIII: 400.
Lowe, Samuel, XIII: 400.
Lowry, Mrs., XIII: 401.
Martin, John, XIII: 401.
Maycock, XIII: 401.
McAlliister, George, XIII: 401.
Miller, Joseph Hale, XIII: 402.
Miller, W., XIII: 403.
Moore, Rev., A., XIII: 402.
Muss, Charles, XIII: 403.
Nixon, John, XIII: 404.
O’Connor, Michael and Arthur, XIII: 404.
Oldfield, Antony, XIII: 404.
Oliphant, Francis W., XIII: 405.
Paterrson, Samuel, XIII: 405.
Peacock, H. H., XIII: 405.
Pearson, James, XIII: 406.
Pearson, Mrs., XIII: 407.
Price, William, XIII: 514.
Pemberton, F. and C., XIII: 514.
Peckitt, William, XIII: 514.
Peckitt, Mrs., XIII: 515.
Phillips, Thomas, XIII: 516.
Preedy, Frederick, XIII: 516.
Price, XIII: 516.
Rogers, George, XIII: 516.
Rowe, Edward, XIII: 517.
Russell, Isaac Hugh, XIII: 517.
Seward, Charles, XIII: 517.
Strang, Thomas Rankin, XIII: 518.
Simcoe, The Misses, XIII: 518.
Summers, John, XIII: 518.
Vespre, Francis Xavier, XIII: 519.
Wailes, William, XIII: 519.
Walker, John Bustard, XIII: 520.
Wall. Dr. John, XIII: 520.
Ward, XIII: 520.
Warrington, William, XIII: 521.
White, Warren, XIII: 522.
Willement, Thomas, XIII: 522.
Wilmshurst, Thomas, XIII: 523.
Wright, Thomas, XIII: 524.
Zobel, James George, XIII: 524.
Glass Painting, Manual of, XIII: 349.
Gloucester, Dean of, XIII: 415.
Harper, G., XIII: 388.
Hendra, Robert L., XIII: 388.
Hendra, R., XIII: 388.
Illustrations of Current Work, XIII: 346, 388.
Inscriptions, Foreign, at Fairford, XIII: 549.
Isham, Arms of, at Lamport Hall, XIII: 433.
‘Jesse’ Tree Motif, XIII: 313, 434.
King, Dennis G., XIII: 410.
Kirby, H. T., XIII: 313, 434, 488, 565.
Knowles, John A., XIII: 357, 549.
Lowe, John, XIII: 425, 492, 587.
Lowe, Wilham, XIII: 468.
Manual of Glass Painting, XIII: 349.
Medieval English Glazier, XIII: 425, 492.
Montmorency, Rachel de, XIII: 346.
Morgan, F. C., XIII: 588.
Morris, Colwyn, XIII: 346.
News and Notes, XIII: 305, 387, 465, 545.
Aikman, William, Obituary, XIII: 364.
Camm, Florence, Obituary, XIII: 445.
Cassie, Major Guy, Obituary, XIII: 446.
Comper, Sir Ninian, Obituary, XIII: 447.
Eden, Frederick Charles, Obituary, XIII: 554.
Geddes, W. M., Obituary, XIII: 490.
Hardman, John Tarleton, Obituary, XIII: 365.
Harrison, Frederick, Obituary, XIII: 366.
Knowles, John Alder, Obituary, XIII: 527.
Montmorency, Rachel de, Obituary, XIII: 589.
Pawle, Hew Lewis, Obituary, XIII: 526.
Smith, Gerald Edward Robert, Obituary, XIII: 367.
Somervell, Lord, Obituary, XIII: 445.
Swaine Bourne, Kendrick, Obituary, XIII: 590.
Woodforde, Very Rev. Dr. C., Obituary, XIII: 593.
Woore, Edward, Obituary, XIII: 444.
Wright, Edwin, Obituary, XIII: 595.
Portraits in Stained Glass, XIII: 565.
Powells, XIII: 321.
Powell, Hugh B., XIII: 486.
Procedure to obtain Faculty, XIII: 467.
Professional Code, XIII: 442, 525.
Recent Publications, XIII: 379, 457, 538.
Redbourne Church, East Window, XIII: 408.
Robinson, G. A. K., XIII: 477, 572.
Rossetti’s Designs, XIII: 419.
Savage, Aidan, XIII: 561.
Secretary’s Report, XIII: 344, 411, 479, 574.
Sewter, A. C., XIII: 419.
Spear, Francis H., XIII: 561.
Stammers, Harry J., XIII: 574.
American Stained Glass, Contemporary, XIII: 576.
Coventry Stained Glass, XIII: 572, 585.
French Stained Glass, Modern, XIII: 306, 509.
German Stained Glass, Modern, XIII: 477.
Hereford Cathedral, XIII: 588.
‘Jesse’ Tree, Motif, XIII: 313, 434.
Redbourne Church, XIII: 408.
Rossetti’s Designs, XIII: 419.
Tewkesbury Abbey, XIII: 569.
Tophill, Reginald, XIII: 339.
Vanity Fair, XIII: 348, 430, 478. Somervell, Lord, of Harrow, XIII: Plate 5. Spencer, The Earl, XIII: Plate 6. Rackham, Bernard, XIII: Plate 7. Grant, D. Marion, XIII: Plate 8. Euston, The Earl of, XIII: Plate 9. Rutherford, Rosemary, XIII: Plate 10. Powell, Hugh, XIII: Plate n.
Warren, H. J., XIII: 562.
Whitefriars Studio, XIII: 321.
Worshipful Company of Glaziers, XIII: 347.