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Index Volume XIV
Abbott, E. H. A. XIV: 215
Abbott, J. E. H. XIV: 170, 176, 213, 217, 220
Adam and Eve, XIV: 66
Adcock, Brian XIV: 129
Ambrose, St XIV: 36, 37
Amundsen, Roald XIV: 213
Ancient and Present State of Gloucestershire, The (Atkyns) XIV: 31, 37
Anderson, M. D.: Drama and Imagery in English Medieval Churches XIV: 79
Andrew, St XIV: 54-55, 118
Apostles’ Creed XIV: 118
applique, glass XIV: 124-125, 165, 171, 172, 208, 219
Aquinas College, Perth, Australia XIV: 169
Armitage, Liddall XIV: 52
Armley (Yorks) XIV: 190
Arnoult de Nimegue XIV: 59, 64
‘Artifex’ XIV: 194
artist-client relationship XIV: 44-9, 218
Ashley, Maurice: Life in Stuart England XIV: 140
Ashmead, R. F. XIV: 213
Assumption of the Virgin XIV: 64
Atkinson, Tom: Elizabethan Winchester XIV: 83
Augustine, St XIV: 37, 38, 126, 126
Australia XIV: 169
Aylward, Gladys XIV: 168
Banwell (Som) XIV: 174
Baptism XIV: 127, 212
Barnett & Sons XIV: 13, 14
Barraud, Francis Philip XIV: 88-9
Bartholomew, St XIV: 118
Batchelor, Denzil: The English Inn XIV: 83
Bathildis, St XIV: 38-9
Bathurst, Henry Seymour, 7th Earl XIV: 32
Batt, Barbara XIV: 166, 177, 210
Bax, B. Anthony: The English Parsonage XIV: 138-9
Baxter, Geoffrey XIV: 160
Bede, Venerable XIV: 126, 126
Belfast (N. Ireland) XIV: 210
Benedicite XIV: 41
Benedict, St XIV: 126, 126
Benedictine Order XIV: 126, 126
Benet Biscop, St XIV: 126, 126
Bentham, Frederick XIV: 160
Betjeman, John: Cornwall XIV: 137 see also Clarke, Basil
Betton, Sir John XIV: 11, 12-13, 14
Bewsey, J. C. N. XIV: 196
Beyer, V.: Stained Glass Windows XIV: 136
Binton (Warwicks) XIV: 141
Birdbrook (Essex) XIV: 209
birds XIV: 121
Birmingham, Alabama, U.S.A. XIV: 99
Blackburn Cathedral (Lanes) XIV: 165, 209
Blaney, Paul XIV: 170, 214, 218
Blatherwycke (Northants) XIV: 8
Blee, A. XIV: 171
Bolton (Lanes) XIV: 168
Bond, Lawrence XIV: 57
Book of Job, The XIV: 100-1
Boothby, Sir Brooke XIV: 12, 64
Bossanyi, Erwin XIV: 70, 122
Bradley, Raymond N. XIV: 167, 176
Bright, Canon H. XIV: 64 n. 31
Brighton (Sussex) XIV: 167
Bristol (Glos) XIV: 61
Brixham (Devon) XIV: 168
Brooke, Christopher: The Saxon and Norman Kings XIV: 80-1
Brook-Little, J. P. see Scott-Giles, C. W.
Brown, Gounil and Philip XIV: 166-7, 211
Bunton, Kenneth Gordon XIV: 127, 127, 212
Burgess, Frederick: English Churchyard Memorials XIV: 79-80
Burne Jones, Sir Edward XIV: 70, 204
Burrell Collection, Glasgow XIV: 143
Buss, Arthur E. XIV: 8, 128, 128, 170
Caldwell, Samuel 122; Obituary, XIV: 26-7
Canada XIV: 54,54-55,170, 172, 209, 213-4, 217
Canter, Jacob XIV: 33
Canterbury Cathedral (Kent) XIV: 27, 122
Cantilupe, Walter de XIV: 107
Cassian of Imola, St XIV: 139
Catherine, St XIV: 34, 36, 37, 38
Ceara, St XIV: 200
Chartres, France XIV: 69
Chichester, Sir Francis XIV: 213
Christchurch, Calgary, Canada XIV: 54, 54
Christie-Murray, David: Arms of Schools XIV: 140
Christopher, St XIV: 174
Churchill, Sir Winston XIV: 157
Church Missionary Society, London XIV: 164-5
Church’s Calendar, The XIV: 169
Church’s Task, The XIV: 270
Clarke, Basil and Betjeman, John: English Churches XIV: 139
Clarke, Harry XIV: 197, 199, 200
Clayton & Bell XIV: 21
Clevedon (Som) XIV: 207
Clopton, Agnes XIV: 107
Clopton, Sir Hugh XIV: 105, 105-6
Clutton, Cecil and Niland, Austin: The British Organ XIV: 84-5
Cobham, Sir Richard Temple, Viscount XIV: 63
Coleshill (Berks) XIV: 64
colours XIV: 69, 166
Comper, J. N. XIV: 196
computer, representation of XIV: 100
Cooper-Abbs, George Bryan, Obituary, XIV: 157
Corfe (Dorset) XIV: 104-5
Costessey Hall (Norfolk) XIV: 143
Council for the Care of Churches XIV: 217, 218
Coutances, John de XIV: 107
Crawford, J. E. XIV: 102-3
Creoil, Abbe XIV: 59
Crocker, Kenneth XIV: 169
cross, three dimensional XIV: 214
Dallaway, Rev. James XIV: 9-10
Darcel, Alfred XIV: 60 n. 7
Daresbury (Chesh) XIV: 138
Darmstadt, Germany XIV: 224
David and Goliath XIV: 137
de Stael, Nicolas XIV: 224
Diocesan Advisory Committees XIV: 44, 47, 71-5, 142-3, 217, 218
documentation of glass XIV: 132-5
Dorothy, St XIV: 34, 37, 38
Doyle, Harcourt XIV: 167-8, 177
Drake, Maurice XIV: 98
Durham XIV: 11
Earle, John XIV: 63 n. 22
East Brent (Som) XIV: 15 n. 22
Easton, Hugh XIV: 40, 154, 156, 157
Ecouen, France XIV: 61, 65
Eden, F. C. XIV: 32
Edinburgh College of Art XIV: 28-30, 30-31
Edward VI, King XIV: 705, 106
Eginton, Francis XIV: 9
epoxy resin XIV: 154, 155, 166, 171, 207, 211
Eton College (Berks) XIV: 202
Evans, David XIV: 11, 12, 13, 14
Extended Uses of Glass XIV: 153, 176, 220
Faculties XIV: 142-3
Fairford (Glos) XIV: 70
Faraday, Michael XIV: 8
Farey, Michael XIV: 160
Farrar Bell, M. C. XIV: 55, 55
Fecamp Abbey, France XIV: 15
Filton, Bristol (Glos) XIV: 168
Fisher, Alfred XIV: 159, 172, 173, 192, 209
Fisher, Geoffrey, Baron, of Lambeth XIV: 123
Fisher, Joseph XIV: 217
Forsyth, Moira XIV: 99, 126, 726, 159, 168, s192
Fortescue House, Twickenham (Middx) XIV: 169
Fountain of Mercy XIV: 64
Fourmaintraux, Pierre XIV: 173, 210
Francis, St XIV: 169
Frankl, Paul: Gothic Architecture XIV: 82-3
Ganderton, E. W. XIV: 7, 58n., 68-70; t24-5
Garstang family XIV: 34, 35
Gayword, King’s Lynn (Norf) XIV: 168
Geddes, Wilhelmina XIV: 44, 198, 201
Gibberd, Frederick XIV: 154
Gibraltar XIV: 128
Gibson, Peter XIV: 20, 97
glass and concrete XIV: 124-125, 129, 163, 164, 165, 167, 169, 171, 173, 209-10
Glaziers, Worshipful Company of XIV: 162
goblets, engraved XIV: 212
Goddard & Gibbs XIV: 170-2, 174, 176
Godfrey, Walter H.: The College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street XIV: 85
Gold, Sidney: A Short Account of the Life and Work of John Rowett XIV: 136
‘Golden Ball’, Sheffield (Yorks) XIV: 209
Goodall, John A. XIV: 99, 131-5
Gordon, Hampden: The Lure of Antiques and Antiques and Their Periods XIV: 140
Gower, John: Confessio Amantis XIV: 80
Cowers, Ted XIV: 169
Grant, Marion XIV: 175, 210
Grantham (Lincs) XIV: 54-55, 57
Grateley (Hants) XIV: 10-11
Green, V. H. H.: Luther and the Reformation XIV: 140
Gregory, St XIV: 36, 126, 726
Grodecki, Louis XIV: 133
Guild of the Holy Cross, Stratford-upon Avon XIV: 105
Gyles, Henry XIV: 15 n. 23
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada XIV: 209
Hampp, John Christopher XIV: 58, 60, 61-62, 65
Harden, D. B.: ‘Domestic Window Glass: Roman, Saxon and Medieval’ XIV: 81-2
Hardman, John XIV: 40
Harnett, Cynthia: Monasteries and Monks XIV: 80
Harper, Geoffrey XIV: 129; 157-8
Harries, John: Discovering Stained Glass XIV: 223
Harris, John see Pevsner, Nikolaus
Harvey, H. W. XIV: 54-55, 57
Hayes, C. H. XIV: 97-8, 170, 176-7
Hayward, John XIV: 54-55, 56, 165, 176, 208, 217, 219
Healy, Michael XIV: 197, 198
Hearst, William Randolph XIV: 15
Heath, Peter: Medieval Clerical Account, XIV: 138
Hedgeland, George XIV: 21
Hendra, Robert XIV: 129, 157
Hendrie, Herbert XIV: 28
heraldic glass XIV: 8, 34, 36, 56, 63, 69, 101, 105, 106, 117, 126, 167, 168, 170, 192, 208, 215, 216
Herckenrode Abbey, Belgium XIV: 12, 64
Hillary, Sir Edmund XIV: 213
History of Stained Glass (Warrington) XIV: 67 n. 37
History of the Parish Church [Cirencester] (Fuller) XIV: 34
Hodge, Maureen XIV: 30
Holloway, Arthur V. XIV: 165-6, 173, 175, 215-16
Holy Name, Fazackerley, Liverpool XIV: 166
Holy Trinity, Exmouth (Devon) XIV: 157
Hone, Evie 70, 198, 202, 203
Hoskins, W. G.: Rutland 84
Howson, Joan XIV: 101, 111; Obituary, XIV: 111-12
Hure, Mile Marguerite XIV: 15, 16
Hutton, Charles XIV: 164
importation of stained glass XIV: 11 n. 7, 58-67
industry, art in XIV: 129-30
Ireland XIV: 197-8, 210
Italy XIV: 216
James the Great, St XIV: 228
Jefferies, Paul XIV: 173
Jerome, St XIV: 36, 37
Jervais, Thomas XIV: 9
Jesse windows XIV: 10, 64
John, St XIV: 118, 120, 204
John of Beverley, St XIV: 21, 34, 36, 37, 38
Jolyffe, Thomas XIV: 105
Jude, St XIV: 118
Julian of Norwich, St XIV: 126, 726
Kempe, C. E. XIV: 40, 141
Kentucky Mountain Theatre Group XIV: 100
Kenyon, G. H.: The Glass Industry of the Weald XIV: 222
Keyt, George XIV: 172
Killick, Harold A. XIV: 100
King, Dennis XIV: 192, 215
King’s College, Cambridge XIV: 20-1, 22
Kirby,H.T., XIV: 117-21; Obituary, XIV: 156
Knowles, J. A. XIV: 8, 9-16, 22
Labours of the Months XIV: 117
Lafond, Jean XIV: 58-67; Le Vitrail XIV: 178-9
Lambeth Palace (London) XIV: 51
Lancaster XIV: 170
Lancastria, S. S. XIV: 55
Lane, Arthur XIV: 125-6
Langley (Norf) XIV: 62
Langley family XIV: 34
Langlois, Hyacinthe XIV: 58, 59, 60
La Queriere, Eustache de XIV: 58, 59, 60
Larpool Hall, Whitby (Yorks) XIV: 100, 100
Lavers, Barraud & Westlake XIV: 88-9
Lazenby, Oswald XIV: 20, 97
leading XIV: 87-8
Leasowe (Chesh) XIV: 173
Le Couteur, John XIV: 11, 13, 14
Lee, Lawrence XIV: 54-55, 163-4; Stained Glass XIV: 222
Lees-Milne, J.: Worcestershire XIV: 137
Lenoir, Alexander XIV: 60, 61
Lewis, Roy XIV: 125
Lewis, Timothy XIV: 108, 125
Lichfield Cathedral (Staffs) XIV: 12, 64
Lincoln Cathedral XIV: 207-8
Liturgical Movement XIV: 46-7
Living Light (film) XIV: 166
London, glass firms in XIV: 195-6
Lowe, John XIV: 52-3
Lowson, Sir Denys XIV: 106
Lydiard Tregoze (Wilts) XIV: 216
Lyme Hall (Chesh) XIV: 215
Lyneham (Wilts) XIV: 207
Lysons, Samuel XIV: 32, 34, 35
Madox-Brown, Ford XIV: 204
Magdalen College School, Oxford XIV: 164
Malmesbury (Wilts) XIV: 84
Margaret, St XIV: 36, 37, 38
Mark, St XIV: 120
Marsh, Honoria D. XIV: 168, 177, 212
Martin, Edmund XIV: 197
Martin, Howard XIV: 124
Matthew, St XIV: 120
Methodist College, Belfast (N. Ireland) XIV:210
Meyers, Hans: 150 Techniques in Art XIV: 85
Michael, St XIV: 54-55, 57, 203
Miller, Joseph Hale XIV: 67
Milner-White, Very Rev. Eric XIV: 65-6; Obituary, XIV: 20-3
Montreal International Exhibition (1967) XIV: 172
Moore, Rupert XIV: 172, 209
Morris, Colwyn XIV: 125
Morris, Olivia XIV: 216
Morris, William XIV: 204
Morris & Co. XIV: 204
Moses XIV: 137
Neave, Thomas XIV: 62
New, Keith XIV: 54, 54, 161, 164-5
New College, Oxford XIV: 9, 10
New History of Gloucestershire (Rudder) XIV: 31, 37
Newton, Sir Isaac XIV: 8
New Zealand XIV: 127, 169, 172, 201, 209
Nicholas, St XIV: 104-105, 174, 211
Niland, Austin see Glutton, Cecil
Norris, Edith XIV: 168, 213
Norwich XIV: 99, 126, 726
Notre Dame, Dowan Hill, Glasgow XIV: 199
Oakley Hall, Cirencester (Glos) XIV: 32
obituaries see under individual names
On Art and Connoisseurship (Friedlander) XIV: 133
Osmund, St XIV: 37, 38
Oswald, St XIV: 173
Our Lady, Help of Christians, Tile Cross, Birmingham XIV: 211
Oxford XIV: 9, 10
Paley, William XIV: 208
Pare, Very Rev. P. N. XIV: 20
Paul, St XIV: 101
Payne, Edward XIV: 212, 216
Pearce, Edward Holroyd, Baron XIV: 52
Peckitt, William XIV: 9, 10
‘Penny Hedge’ legend XIV: 100, 700
Penrhyn Castle (Caern) XIV: 215
Perpignan, France XIV: 170
Peter, St XIV: 118, 204
Petts, John XIV: 99, 100
Pevsner, Nikolaus: The Buildings of England – Herefordshire XIV: 83; Wiltshire XIV: 83
Pevsner, Nikolaus and Harris, John: The Buildings of England — Lincolnshire XIV: 137
Pine, L. G.: The Story of Heraldry XIV: 86
Plants of the Bible XIV: 170
Powell, Hugh B. XIV: 54-55, 123
Pritchard, Walter XIV: 28
Prittlewell (Essex) XIV: 62
Purser, Sarah XIV: 197
Quail, Paul XIV: 177, 211, 219
Quiney, Richard XIV: 107
Rackham, Bernard XIV: 26-7, 61, 62 n. 18; Obituary, XIV: 109-10, 110
Reader, W. J.: Life in Victorian England XIV: 140
Ralite’s XIV: 224
Rees, Vyvyan: South-West Wales XIV: 84
Reform Synagogue, Hendon (Middx) XIV: 168
Reid, George XIV: 28
resin, epoxy XIV: 163, 166
resin applique XIV: 165
restoration of glass XIV: 9-16, 22, 173-4, 192, 193, 215-16
Reynolds, Sir Joshua XIV: 9, 10, 70
Reynolds-Stephens, Sir William XIV: 204, 205
Reyntiens, Patrick: The Technique of Stained Glass XIV: 221
Rivenhall (Essex) XIV: 63, 65
Robertson, Donald XIV: 213
Robinson, Geoffrey XIV: 168, 173, 207, 216
Rope, M. E. Aldrich XIV: 175
Rosenkrantz, Arild XIV: 210
rose windows XI XIV: V: 54, 54
Rouen, France XIV: 58, 59-60, 62, 66
Rowland, Rev. W. G. XIV: 14, 15
Royal College of Art XIV: 161
Royal Hospital, Wolverhampton (Staffs) XIV: 172
Royal National Hospital, Ventnor (I.o.W.) XIV: 204, 205
Rutherford, Rosemary XIV: 168-9, 177, 210, 220
Sacred Heart, Hyde Park, Leeds (Yorks) XIV: 163
St Andrew, Catford (London) XIV: 103
St Andrew, Cuffley (Herts) XIV: 173
St Andrew, Nassau, Bahamas XIV: 170
St Andrew, Wickhambreaux (Kent) XIV: 210
St Bernard, Mt Lebanon, Pittsburgh, U.S.A. XIV: 172
St Catherine, Llanfaes (Anglesey) XIV: 168
St Francis, Duston (Northants) XIV: 207
St George, Didbrook (Glos) XIV: 212
St George, Hanover Square (London) XIV: 64
St George’s Cathedral, Jerusalem XIV: 169
St George’s Chapel, Windsor (Berks) XIV: 51
St Giles, Camberwell (London) XIV: 69
St Gregory, Eastbourne (Sussex) XIV: 167-8
St Helen, Bishopsgate (London) XIV: 208
St Jacques, Liege, Belgium XIV: 64
St James, Birkdale (Lanes) XIV: 167-8
St John Baptist, Cirencester (Glos) XIV: 31-40
St Katherine Cree (London) XIV: 55, 55
St Lawrence, Ventnor (I.o.W.) XIV: 204, 206
St Margaret, Lothbury (London) XIV: 8
St Margaret, Westminster (London) XIV: 14 n. 19
St Martin, Stamford (Lines) XIV: 137
St Martin, York XIV: 11
St Mary-le-Bow, London XIV: 54-55, 56
St Mary, Newington (London) XIV: 54-55
St Mary, Shrewsbury (Shrop) XIV: 62, 62-63, 64, 173
St Michael Paternoster Royal (London) XIV: 208
St Ninian, Dumfries XIV: 173
St Oswald, South Shields (Durham) XIV: 173
St Paul, Clacton (Essex) XIV: 168
St Paul, Montreal, Canada XIV: 54-55
St Paul’s Cathedral (London) XIV: 42
St Peter, Palmerston North, N.Z. XIV: 127
St Peter, Thundersley (Essex) XIV: 167
St Philip, Earls Court (London) XIV: 172
St Sampson, Cricklade (Wilts) XIV: 104-105
St Thomas, New York XIV: 209
St Thomas, Oakwood (London) XIV: 172
St Thomas, Salisbury (Wilts) XIV: 173
St Urbain, Troyes, France XIV: 16
Salisbury Cathedral, S. Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) XIV: 164
Salisbury (Wilts) XIV: 10, 11
Samson XIV: 137
Savoy, Chapel Royal of the (London) XIV: 51, 111
Scientific Instrument Makers, Worshipful Company of XIV: 8
Scott, Judith D. G. XIV: 44-9, 175, 218
Scott, Capt. R. F. XIV: 141, 213
Scott-Giles, C. W. and Brooke-Little, J. P.: Boutell’s Heraldry XIV: 85-6
Scottish National War Memorial, Edinburgh XIV: 41
Scott’s Last Expedition XIV: 141
secular buildings, glass in XIV: 128, 129, 129, 159, 167, 173, 207, 210
Seven Capital Sins XIV: 66
Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit XIV: 54, 54
Shakespeare, John XIV: 105, 106
Sharp, Mary: A Traveller’s Guide to Saints in Europe XIV: 139
Shaw, Sax XIV: 28-30
Shell and B.P. Guide to Britain, The XIV: 137-8
Short Account of Lichfleld Cathedral, A (Woodhouse) XIV: 12-13
Shrigley & Hunt XIV: 213
Sibyls XIV: 117, 119, 120-1
Siddington (Glos) XIV: 34, 35
signature, artist’s XIV: 7
silhouettes XIV: 170, 212
Skeat, Francis XIV: 164, 207-8, 216
Smith, Arthur Llewellyn XIV: 159
Smith, William XIV: 196
Spreadbury, H. Vernon XIV: 99, 705
Stafford, Albert XIV: 160
Stammers, Harry J., Obituary, XIV: 189-90
Standard Telephones and Cable Co., Strand (London) XIV: 173
Stephen, St XIV: 10
Stephens, Francis XIV: 210
Stevenage New Town (Herts) XIV: 169
Stevenson, W. S. XIV: 60, 61, 67 n. 37
Stoke Golding (Leics) XIV: 11
Strachan, Douglas XIV: 28, 42, 43; Obituary, XIV: 41-3
Stratford, John de XIV: 107
Stratford, Robert de (1) XIV: 105, 705
Stratford, Robert de (2) XIV: 107
Stratford-upon-Avon (Warwicks) XIV: 98, 105-7, 705
Strawberry Hill, Twickenham (Middx) XIV: 63
students, training of XIV: 29-30, 124-5, 176
Summerson, John: Georgian London XIV: 84
Sussex University, Stanmer (Sussex) XIV: 171
Swansea College of Art XIV: 124-5, 124-125
Symington (Ayr) XIV: 42
Symons, Richard XIV: 107
Tate, W. E.: A. F. Leach as a Historian of Yorkshire Education XIV: 82
Taunton, Donald Battershill Obituary, XIV: 156-7
Taylor, Stephen XIV: 213-14, 218
Te Deum XIV: 42
Thomas of Canterbury, St XIV: 1 74
Thomas of Oxford XIV: 174
Thomas, Brian XIV: 159-60, 169, 219
Thomas, Hubert XIV: 124
Thoresby, Ralph XIV: 15 n. 23
Tonbridge (Kent) XIV: 113
‘Tower of Glass’, Dublin XIV: 197
Townshend, Caroline XIV: 111, 112
Travers, Martin XIV: 102-4, 104-105
Treasures of Britain XIV: 223
Trevelyan, G. M.: Illustrated English Social History XIV: 139
Try Anything Twice (Young) XIV: 98
Tulman, Randolph XIV: 101
Turner, Helen XIV: 28
Tyneham (Dorset) XIV: 104
United Free Church, Woodford Green (G. London) XIV: 163
United States of America XIV: 99, 169, 172, 194, 209
van Linge, Abraham XIV: 117
van Linge, Bernard XIV: 117-21
Vauxhall Motors Factory, Luton (Beds) XIV: 129, 129-30
Victoria and Albert Museum (London) XIV: 12, 14, 62, 66 n. 35, 67 n. 37
Virtues XIV: 9 n. 1
Walker, Arthur S. XIV: 158
Walker, Leonard 160; Obituary, XIV: 112-13
Wallis, Christopher XIV: 214
Walpole, Horace XIV: 10, 63
Webb, Christopher XIV: 154, 156, 196
Webb, Geoffrey XIV: 35-6, 38, 39, 138, 196
Wells (Som) XIV: 62
Westlake, N. H. XIV: 14-15
Westminster College, Cambridge XIV: 41
Whall, Christopher XIV: 70, 197
wheel window XIV: 129, 729
Whitby (Yorks) XIV: 100, 700
White, James XIV: 197-8
Whitefriars Studios XIV: 172-3, 209-10
Whittington, Dick XIV: 208
Wilkinson, Alfred L. XIV: 71-5
Willement, Thomas XIV: 50-1, 215
William of York, St XIV: 34, 36, 37, 38
Williams, Sir William XIV: 154
Wilson, William XIV: 28
Wilton (Wilts) XIV: 62-63
Winchelsea (Sussex) XIV: 42
Winchester College (Hants) XIV: 10, 11-12, 13,14
Windsor Castle (Berks) XIV: 50
Winston, C. XIV: 10-11
Woodforde, Dr Christopher XIV: 15 n. 22, 121
Woolmer, John XIV: 107
Wroxton Abbey (Oxon) XIV: 117-21, 118-19
yellow stain XIV: 70
York Glaziers Trust XIV: 193
York Minster XIV: 10, 11, 13, 14, 20, 22, 65-6, 97, 190
York, Richard 3rd Duke of XIV: 30, 33, 36
Zitha, St XIV: 38
Zodiac, Signs of the XIV: 128