Home Shop Journal index Index Volume XVI
Index Volume XVI
Aberdeen Art Gallery XVI ii: 65, 67; iii: 37
Adam, Stephen XVI iii: 37
Addington (Bucks) XVI iii: 7
Albert, Prince XVI ii: 59; XVI iii: 10, 20, 21, 22
Alford, Lady Marianne XVI iii: 26
All Saints, Clifton (Glos) XVI iii: 16-17
All Saints, Crondall (Hants) XVI iii: 19
All Saints, Haslingfield (Cambs) ii. £ 9-60
All Saints, Horsey (Norf) XVI iii: 23
AH Saints, Horsford (Norf) XVI iii: 23, 25
All Saints, Houghton Regis (Beds) XVI ii: 59
All Saints, Huntingdon XVI iii: 20
All Saints, Kings Langley (Herts) XVI iii: 20
All Saints, Kingston (G. London) XVI iii: 22
All Saints, Marazion (Corn) XVI ii: 60
All Saints, Sheringham (Norf) XVI iii: 23
All Saints, West Acre (Norf) XVI iii: 23
Alton, Curtis Museum (Hants) XVI iii: 30
alumina XVI ii: 39
analysis, glass XVI ii: 37, 39
Anderson, Elmer G. XVI i: 24; XVI ii: 50
Andrew, St XVI i: 35, 36, 38, 39
Annesley Hall (Notts) XVI iii: 28
Arbroath (Angus) XVI iii: 33
architecture, relationship of glass to XVI i: 41-2
Arlington Mill Museum, Bibury (Glos) XVI iii: 44
Arundel Castle (Sussex) XVI i: 56-64
Arundel, Museum of Curiosity (Sussex) XVI iii: 37
Audley End (Essex) XVI i: 52
Auth, Susan H.: Ancient Glass at the Newark Museum XVI ii: 83
Aylesbury Museum (Bucks) XVI iii: 31
Aylmer, Prof. G. E. and Cant, Rev. Canon R., eds: A History of York Minster XVI iii: 73
Bach, J. S. XVI ii: 52
Baguley, G. 3. XVI iii: 24
Baillie & Co., T. XVI ii: 59, 61
Baker, John and Lammer, Alfred: English Stained Glass of the Mediaeval Period XVI iii: 75-7
Ballantine, James XVI i: 35
Banks, L. XVI i: 48, 50, 51
Barbara, St XVI iii: 38
Basingstoke, Willis Museum (Hants) XVI iii: 30
Bedford Museum XVI iii: 34, 35, 36
Beethoven, L. van XVI ii: 52
Bell & Sons, Joseph XVI iii: 18, 29
Bingham (Notts) XVI iii: 27
Binnall, Peter B. G. XVI iii: 26-9, 61-3
Birmingham City Museum XVI iii: 33-4
Bishop Auckland (Durham) XVI ii: 62, 64
Black Watch, 6th Battalion XVI i: 37, 38
Blair, William XVI i: 33
Blood, William C. XVI i: 24
Blyth, John XVI i: 33
boat, collapsible XVI iii: 19
Boiling Hall, Bradford (Yorks) XVI iii: 2, 40, 43
Bolton (Lanes) XVI iii: 32-3
Boon, Jessie XVI ii: 71, 72
Bossanyi, Erwin XVI i: 7; XVI iii: 7
Boston (Lines) XVI iii: 32
Bournemouth, Russell-Cotes Museum (Hants) XVI iii: 32
Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle (Durham) XVI iii: 31-2
Bradninch (Devon) XVI iii: 29
Bratenahl, Very Rev. G. C. F. XVI ii: 42, 47
British Art and Antiques Yearbook, The XVI ii: 78
Broad, Harold T. XVI ii: 73-4
Bryans & Webb XVI ii: 60
Bryn Athyn Cathedral, U.S.A. XVI i: 14, 16
Burges, William XVI i: 66; XVI ii: 68
Burlison & Grylls XVI ii: 61, 64, 76; XVI iii: 5
Burne-Jones, Sir Edward XVI i: 43; XVI iii: 46
Burton, Sir Richard XVI iii: 22
Butchers’ Hall (London) XVI iii: 22
Butler & Bayne XVI iii: 21
Buttress, Donald Reeve XVI i: 41-5
Byrness (Northumb) XVI iii: 24
canopies XVI iii: 49-50
Cardiff Castle XVI i: 66; XVI ii: 68
Cardiff Central Library XVI ii: 66
Carlyle, Thomas XVI iii: 20
Catherine, St XVI iii: 38
Caviness, Prof. Madeline: The Early Stained Glass of Cantebury Cathedral c. 1175-1220 XVI ii: 79-81; ed: Mediaeval and Renaissance Stained Glass from New England Collections XVI iii: 82-3
Cecilia, St XVI ii: 52; XVI iii: 38
cement XVI ii: 47
Chance Brothers & Co. XVI iii: 34
Chaplin, Alice M. XVI ii: 71, 72
Chaplin, Lilias XVI ii: 71, 72
Charity, Six Deeds of XVI iii: 24
Chartres, France XVI i: 16, 17, 19, 22, 25; XVI ii: 35, 38
Cheadle (Chesh) XVI iii: 17
chemist’s shop XVI iii: 24
Child, A. E. XVI ii: 71, 72
Christ Church, Erith (G. London) XVI iii: 22
Christmas Carol, A (Dickens) XVI iii: 6
Christopher, St XVI i: 38
Clarke, Harriet Ludlow XVI iii: 26
Clarke, Harry XVI iii: 6
Clayton & Bell XVI i: 76; XVI ii: 59, 60-1; XVI iii: 5, 18, 19, 20, 22
Codford St Mary (Wilts) XVI ii: 63
Columba, St XVI i: 36
Confirmation XVI iii: 23
Connick, C. J. XVI i: 11, 12
Corning Museum of Glass, New York XVI ii: 6, 47
Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi XVI i: 7
Cosby (Leics) XVI iii: 28
Cottier, Daniel XVI i: 7
Cowen, Painton: Rose Windows XVI iii: 74-5
Cox & Sons XVI iii: 20
Crafts Advisory Committee: Conservation Sourcebook XVI iii: 71-2
Curtis, Thomas Figgis XVI iii: 22, 63
David, King XVI i: 40
Davis, Louis XVI i: 40
Davis, Walter XVI ii: 39, 40
de Putron, Mary E. XVI i: 46-54
Dirsztay, Patricia: Church Furnishings XVI ii: 81
Doyle, Harcourt M. XVI ii: 52-3
drawings of glass XVI i: 66; XVI ii: 69; XVI iii: 37-9, 46
Dutch glass XVI ii: 7-8, 9
Dykes-Bower, S. E. XVI ii: 31-6
Eastgate House, Rochester (Kent) XVI iii: 44-6
Easton, Hugh XVI i: 69
Eden, F. C. XVI iii: 17, 44
Edward the Black Prince XVI ii: 21, 22
Edward, Prince of Wales (later Edward VII) XVI ii: 61, 62; XVI iii: 18, 22
Edwards, Philip R. XVI ii: 71, 72
Eeles, Dr. Francis C. XVI ii: 17-29; XVI iii: 47-53
Elizabeth, St XVI i: 36
Ely Cathedral (Cambs) XVI i: 7; XVI ii: 59
Erickson, Gus XVI i: 23, 24, 26-7
Eugenie, Empress XVI ii: 58
Fairford (Glos) XVI ii: 17, 24, 25
ferramenta XVI ii: 35, 45-6
filming XVI i: 22; XVI ii: 44
fishermen XVI ii: 65, 67
Fishponds, Bristol (Glos) XVI iii: 27
Flemish glass XVI ii: 7, 10, 12, 14; XVI iii: 7, 39, 46, 67
Flower, Bernard XVI ii: 22, 24
Fouracre & Watson XVI ii: 62
Francis of Assisi, St XVI ii: 54-5
Garlock, David XVI iii: 31
Garson, George XVI i: 34
Gerlachus XVI iii: 70
German glass XVI i: 9; XVI ii: 10, 11, 12-13; XVI iii: 65, 66, 68
Gipping (Suff) XVI iii: 50, 52
Gladstone, W. E. XVI iii: 18
glassblowing XVI i: 26
glass, colouring of XVI i: 18, 27-30; XVI ii: 37-9, 41
glass, chemical composition of XVI i: 24; XVI ii: 37, 39-40
glass, crown XVI i: 31, 32
glass cutting XVI ii: 40
glass-making XVI i: 25-7
glass, prices of XVI ii: 73-4
glass, re-use of XVI i: 42, 44-5
glazing, plain XVI i: 6
Gordon, Gen. Charles XVI iii: 21, 22
Goudie, Isabel XVI i: 39
Grange, The, Ramsgate (Kent) XVI iii: 20-1
Grodecki, Prof. Louis, et al: Le Vitrail Roman XVI iii: 69-71
Guildhall (City of London) XVI iii: 22
Guildhall, Plymouth (Devon) XVI ii: 62
Guthrie & Wells XVI i: 39
Gyles, Henry XVI iii: 8
Hampton Court, Leominster (Heref) XVI iii: 65, 67
Hancock, John XVI iii: 61
Hanks, David A.: The Decorative Designs of Frank Lloyd Wright XVI iii: 80-1
Hardman & Co., John XVI i: 56; XVI ii: 59; XVI iii: 18, 20, 21, 23, 24
Harrison, Martin XVI i: 7
Harrow School (Middx) XVI iii: 22
Harvey, Dr. John: The Perpendicular Style XVI iii: 79-80
Hathaway, John W. XVI i: 24
Hawker, Robert Stephen XVI iii: 17
Hayman, Roger XVI ii: 54
Hayward, John XVI iii: 5, 7
Hazlehurst, Charles XVI i: 24; XVI ii: 42
Hazlewood, Capt. John XVI iii: 10, 13
Heasman, Ernest XVI iii: 58
Heaton, Butler & Bayne XVI ii: 58, 59, 61, 62; XVI iii: 5, 22, 25
Heaton, Lambert XVI iii: 33
Heaton, Noel XVI i: 20
Hemming, Alfred O. XVI iii: 18
Hendrie, Herbert XVI i: 36, 38
Henry VII’s Chapel, Westminster Abbey XVI ii: 22-9, 30
heraldic glass XVI i: 4, 9, 10, 50, 56-64, 75; XVI ii: 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 25, 31-6; XVI iii: 2, 12, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36, 37, 40, 43, 44-5, 47, 49, 66, 67, 68
Hertford Museum (Herts) XVI iii: 37-9, 41-2, 44
Hills, Mrs. T. XVI iii: 26
Hitchin Museum (Herts) XVI iii: 44
Hobart, Miss XVI iii: 27
Holiday, Henry XVI iii: 19, 44
Holy Cross, Owlpen (Glos) XVI iii: 18
Holy Trinity, Cambridge XVI ii: 59
Holy Trinity, Stapleton (Glos) XVI ii: 59
Holy Trinity, Wandsworth (London) XVI iii: 23
Hone, Evie XVI i: 53-4; XVI ii: 10, 11
Hope, Lady Mildred XVI iii: 27
Howard, John XVI iii: 36
Howson, Joan XVI i: 46-54; XVI ii: 5
Hubbuck, Rodney XVI ii: 57-64; XVI iii: 16-24
Hughes, Henry XVI iii: 29, 62
Hutchinson, Mary XVI ii: 71, 71
Indian buildings XVI iii: 59
iron XVI ii: 45-6
Jenkins, Meurig XVI ii: 54
John the Baptist, St XVI i: 35, 36
John the Divine, St XVI i: 35, 36, 38
Keble, Rev. John XVI iii: 19
Kemp, Beatrice XVI i: 30, 38
Kemp, Joseph XVI iii: 44
Kempe, Charles Eamer XVI i: 10; XVI ii: 62, 74; XVI iii: 19, 22, 54, 56-8
Kenilworth Abbey (Warwicks) XVI iii: 34
Kidmore End (Oxon) XVI iii: 27
Kingsclere (Hants) XVI ii: 10
King’s College, Cambridge XVI ii: 17, 22, 23, 24
Knowles, John A. XVI i: 6, 20
Koch, Dr. Robert: Louis C. Tiffany – Rebel in Glass XVI i: 72-4, 73
Lamond, Bill XVI i: 23, 24
Lancing College (Sussex) XVI ii: 31-6
landscapes XVI iii: 39, 41, 42
Larsen, John A. XVI i: 17, 27
Lassus, Jean Baptiste XVI ii: 58
Last Supper XVI i: 35
Lavers &. Barraud, XVI iii: 12, 22
Lavers & Westlake XVI ii: 60; XVI iii: 17, 21
Le Couteur, J. D.: English Mediaeval Painted Glass XVI iii: 77-8
Lee, Lawrence: The Appreciation of Stained Glass XVI i: 68, 70
Lee, Lawrence, Seddon, George and Stephens, Francis: Stained Glass XVI i: 67-8, 69
Leon Cathedral, Spain XVI ii: 42
Lincoln Cathedral XVI iii: 63
Lisle, John William XVI iii: 54-60, 55
locomotive, railway XVI iii: 8
London Colney (Herts) XVI iii: 29
Lowry, Mrs. XVI iii: 27
MacCuIloch, D. N. J. ed: The Chorography of Suffolk XVI i: 71-2
MacKay, Norman A. M. XVI i: 35-40
Manchester Cathedral XVI iii: 21
Margaret, St XVI iii: 38
Mary Magdalene, St XVI i: 35; XVI iii: 4, 38
Mayer & Co. XVI ii: 59, 60; XVI iii: 19
Miller, Beale & Hider Ltd. XVI ii: 73-4
missionaries XVI ii: 59; XVI iii: 23
Monk, Miss XVI iii: 27
mortar XVI ii: 46-7
Morwenstow (Cornwall) XVI iii: 17
mosaic mural XVI i: 34
Moses XVI i: 38, 39; XVI iii: 39
Much Hadham (Herts) XVI iii: 37
Mules, Frank XVI iii: 27
Mules, Mrs. XVI iii: 27
museums, glass in XVI ii: 65-73
Musters, Mrs. J. XVI iii: 27-8
Napoleon III XVI ii: 58
National Association of Decorative and Fine Arts Societies XVI ii: 6-7
National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth XVI ii: 65-6
Newcastle Cathedral (Northumb) XVI iii: 24
New College, Oxford XVI i: 47, 48-50
Newman, Harold: An Illustrated Dictionary of Glass XVI ii: 76-7
Nicholas, St XVI i: 38
Nixon, John XVI iii: 61, 62
Nocton (Lines) XVI iii: 27
Norman, Lady Adeliza XVI iii: 28
North Marston (Bucks) XVI iii: 26
Nynehead (Som) XVI i: 4
O’Brien, Vincent: Techniques of Stained Glass. Leaded, Faceted and Laminated Glass XVI iii: 72-3
O’Connor, D. XVI i: 31-2
O’Connor, W. H. & Taylor, W. G. XVI ii: 60. 6.?; XVI iii: 19, 29
Oliphant, F. W. XVI iii: 19
O’Meara, James XVI i: 25
opalescent glass XVI i: 12-13
Owles Farm, nr Buntingford (Herts) XVI iii: 41-2
Owston (Leics) XVI iii: 62
Page, Ronald XVI iii: 8
paint, composition of XVI i: 19-21, 22; XVI ii: 41
paint, firing of XVI i: 21-2
Parmelee, Mrs. J. XVI ii: 49, 50
Pearson, Mrs. Eglington M. XVI iii: 28
Pearson, John L. XVI iii: 48
Peckitt, William XVI i: 49
Percy, Christopher Vane: The Glass of Lalique XVI iii: 78-9
Petts, John XVI ii: 54-5, 65-6
Pfaff, Konrad: Ludwig Schaffrath – Stained Glass and Mosaic XVI ii: 75 Pilkington of St Helen’s XVI ii: 60
Pitcairn, Raymond XVI i: 14, 16, 17, 18, 19
portraits in glass XVI iii: 17-24
Portsmouth Museum (Hants) XVI iii: 46
portulaca as paint medium XVI ii: 41
Powell, Christopher C. XVI ii: 65
Powell & Sons, James XVI ii: 60, 63; XVI iii: 19, 31, 44
Preston Manor, Brighton (Sussex) XVI iii: 46
Price, Joshua XVI iii: 47
priests, Anglican XVI iii: 17
Proctor, John XVI ii: 10
prophets and prophetesses XVI i: 36
Pugin, A. W. N. XVI iii: 20-21
Pugin, E. W. XVI iii: 21
racehorse XVI ii: 10
Rebecca, Biaggio XVI i: 52
Red House Museum, Christchurch (Hants) XVI iii: 30
reservoir, construction of XVI iii: 24
restoration of church XVI iii: 24
re-use of glass XVI i: 42-5, 43
Reynolds, Sir Joshua XVI i: 49
Reyntiens, Patrick: The Technique of Stained Glass XVI ii: 77-8; XVI iii: 83
rhinoceros XVI iii: 2, 43
Rickards, Miss XVI iii: 28
Robinson, G. A. K. XVI i: 5-6
Rochdale Town Hall (Lanes) XVI iii: 21
Rodwell, Dr. W. J. XVI ii: 5
Romsey Abbey (Hants) XVI iii: 19
rose windows XVI i: 5; XVI ii: 21, 31-6, 33, 43-8, 53; XVI iii: 47-8
Rothenberg, Polly: The Complete Book of Creative Glass Art XVI i: 70-1; Decorating Glass: Painting, Embossing, Engraving and Etching XVI ii: 76
roundels, blowing XVI i: 26
Rudy, J. Horace XVI i: 11, 12
Russell, Eliza and Maria XVI iii: 28
Sacre Coeur, Moulins, France XVI ii: 58
Saint, Lawrence XVI i: 11-30, 75; XVI ii: 37-51
St Albans Cathedral (Herts) XVI i: 74, 75, 76
St Alphege, Greenwich (G. London) XVI iii: 22
St Andrew, Ampthill (Beds) XVI ii: 58
St Andrew, Buckland Monachorum (Devon) XVI ii: 62
St Andrew, Newcastle (Northumb) XVI iii: 24
St Andrew, Penrith (Cumb) XVI ii: 61
St Andrew, Wimpole (Cambs) XVI ii: 60
St Aubyn, James Piers XVI ii: 60
St Augustine’s Abbey, Ramsgate (Kent) XVI iii: 20
St Bartholomew, Elvaston (Derby) XVI ii: 61
St Bertoline, Barthomley (Chesh) XVI ii: 60
St Christopher, Lympsham (Som) XVI ii: 63
St Cuthbert, Edenhall (Cumb) XVI iii: 8
St Cuthbert, Wells (Som) XVI iii: 29
St David, Davidstow (Corn) XVI ii: 60
St Denis, Cold Ashby (Northants) XVI iii: 23-4
St Ebba, Ebchester (Durham) XVI ii: 64
St George’s Chapel, Windsor (Berks) XVI ii: 59
St Giles, Camberwell (London) XVI i: 5
St Giles, Stoke Poges (Bucks) XVI ii: 59
St James, Kilhampton (Corn) XVI ii: 60
St James, Paddington (London) XVI iii: 22-3
St John, Perth (Scotland) XVI i: 35
St John Baptist, Eastnor (Heref) XVI iii: 19-20
St John Baptist, Great Clacton (Essex) XVI iii: 18
St Katherine, Knockholt (Kent) XVI iii: 20
St Lawrence, Broughton (Bucks) XVI ii: 59
St Lawrence, Eastwood (Essex) XVI iii: 5
St Lawrence, Eyam (Derby) XVI ii: 61
St Leonard, Sherfield English (Hants) XVI iii: 19
St Mary, Alfreton (Derby) XVI ii: 61
St Mary, Banbury (Oxon) XVI iii: 25
St Mary, Fawsley (Northants) XVI iii: 24
St Mary, Gt Parndon (Essex) XVI iii: 18
St Mary, Hale (Hants) Hi, 19
St Mary, Osgarthorpe (Leics) XVI iii: 21
St Mary, Seven Sisters (Glam) XVI ii: 56
St Mary and All Saints, Gt Stambridge (Essex) XVI iii: 18
St Mary and St Peter, Salcombe Regis (Devon) XVI ii: 62
St Mary Magdalene, Chiswick (London) XVI iii: 27
St Mary Magdalene, Mortlake (G. London) XVI iii: 22
St Mary of the Angels, Little Sutton (Chesh) XVI ii: 60
St Mary the Virgin, Bramshott (Hants) XVI iii: 19
St Mary the Virgin, Broughton (Hants) XVI iii: 19
St Mary the Virgin, Edgeworth (Glos) XVI iii: 18
St Mary the Virgin, Elham (Kent) XVI iii: 20
St Mary the Virgin, Harrow on the Hill (G. London) XVI iii: 22
St Mary the Virgin, Radwinter (Essex) XVI iii: 18
St Mary the Virgin, Stratfield Mortimer (Berks) XVI ii: 59
St Matthew and St James, Liverpool XVI i: 43
St Maurice, Ellingham (Northumb) XVI iii: 24
St Michael, Croydon (G. London) XVI iii: 22
St Michael, Macclesfield (Chesh) XVI ii: 60
St Nicholas, Witchford (Cambs) XVI ii: 60
St Oswald, Ashbourne (Derby) XVI ii: 61
St Oswald, Durham XVI ii: 64
St Peter, Bournemouth (Hants) XVI iii: 19
St Peter, Long Houghton (Northumb) XVI iii: 24
St Peter and St Paul, Dry Drayton (Cambs) XVI ii: 59
St Peter and St Paul, Pittsburgh, U.S.A. XVI i: 13
St Stephen, Bristol (Glos) XVI ii: 59
sales, auction XVI i: 9-10; XVI ii: 7-8, 9-14; XVI iii: 65-8
Salisbury, Frank XVI iii: 36
Salvin, Harvey XVI i: 40
Sargent, Mrs. Pauline XVI ii: 66, 68-9
Savoy Chapel (London) XVI i: 52
Saxmundham (Suffolk) XVI iii: 29
Scarisbrick Hall, nr Ormskirk (Lancs) XVI iii: 21
Schouler XVI ii: 4
Scott, Aldred W. XVI i: 24
Scottish glass painting XVI i: 35-9
Sebastian, James E. XVI ii: 45
secular buildings, glass in XVI i: 33-4, 55; XVI ii: 52, 54, 60, 62, 66; XVI iii: 9-15, 21, 22, 23, 32-3, 41-2,44-6
Seddon, George see Lee, Lawrence
Service, Alastair: Edwardian Architecture XVI ii: 78-9
Sheldon, James XVI ii: 41-2
Sheppard, Joseph: Drawing the Male Figure and Drawing the Female Figure XVI i: 71
ships XVI ii: 60, 67
Skeat, F. W. XVI ii: 66; XVI iii: S, 7, 8, 30-46;
Stained Glass Windows of St Albans Cathedral XVI i: 74-6, 75
Smith, Davy XVI i: 17, 18
Smith, H. A. XVI i: 49
Sotter, George XVI i: 12
sportsmen XVI iii: 41-2
Stained Glass (S.G.A.A.) XVI iii: 6-7
Stammers, Harry XVI i: 45
Stanley, J. H. XVI ii: 71, 72
Stavridi, Margaret XVI iii: 54-60
Steer, Francis W. XVI i: 56-64
Stephen, St XVI iii: 7
Stephens, Francis see Lee, Lawrence
Stockport Town Hall (Chesh) XVI ii: 60
Strachan, Dr. Douglas XVI i: 35-6; XVI ii: 65, 70; XVI iii: 37
Swiss glass XVI i: 9, 10; XVI ii: 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14; XVI iii: 46, 65, 66, 67-8
Taylor, Dr. Francis Henry XVI ii: 38
Te Deum window XVI iii: 19, 20, 22
Thirsk (Yorks) XVI iii: 28
Thomas, Humbert P. XVI ii: 53-4
Thornhill, Sir James XVI iii: 47, 49
Thornycroft, Mrs. Charlotte B. XVI iii: 28
Tiffany, Louis C. XVI i: 12, 72, 73
Tower, Walter XVI iii: 58, 60
Townshend, Caroline XVI i: 46, 47, 48, 54
Trinity House (London) XVI iii: 9-1 5
Truro Cathedral (Corn) XVI ii: 61
Tudway, the Misses XVI iii: 19
Turner, H. J. XVI iii: 34, 36
United States of America XVI i: 11-30; XVI ii: 40-51, 53, 65; XVI iii: 60, 82
Ursula, St XVI iii: 38
Venn Ottery (Devon) XVI ii: 62
Victoria and Albert Museum XVI i: 10; XVI ii: 17, 18
Victoria, Queen XVI ii: 59, 60, 63; XVI iii: 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
Wailes, William XVI ii: 59; XVI iii: 24
Wales XVI ii: 52-5
Walker, J. A. XVI iii: 9-15
Ward & Hughes XVI iii: 22, 26, 27, 61-3
Ward, James XVI iii: 63
Ward, Thomas XVI iii: 62
Washington Cathedral, U.S.A. XVI i: 24-5; ii. 40-8
Waterford, Louisa, Dowager Marchioness of XVI iii: 29
Webster, Gordon XVI i: 33-4
Weekes, Frederick XVI ii: 68
Weoley Castle, Birmingham XVI iii: 34
Westminster Abbey XVI i: 50-1, 69; XVI ii: 17-29, 19, 30; XVI iii: 46, 47-53
Westminster, Palace of (London) XVI iii: 23
Whall, Christopher J. XVI ii: 61, 69
Whall, Christopher Whitworth XVI ii: 69-70, 71
Whall, Veronica XVI ii: 69, 70, 71, 72
Wilberforce, Bishop Samuel XVI iii: 23
Wilkinson, A. L. XVI i: 5
William Morris Gallery, Walthamstow (G. London) XVI ii: 69-70
Williams, Morris Meredith XVI i: 39
Wilmhurst, Thomas XVI iii: 19
Wilson, William XVI i: 37, 38; XVI ii: 65, 67
Wilson & Whitehouse XVI iii: 21
Winchester Cathedral (Hants) XVI iii: 19
Winfield & Co., R. W. XVI iii: 34
Winifred, St XVI iii: 38
Withcote (Leics) XVI ii: 17
women painters XVI i: 38-9, 46-54; XVI iii: 26-29
Wood, Mrs. Douglas (nee Grylls), XVI iii: 5
Woodhay Salterton (Devon) XVI iii: 28
Woolsthorpe (Lines) XVI iii: 28
Wren, Sir Christopher XVI iii: 47
Wynkoop, Frederick XVI i: 21, 25; XVI ii: 38, 39
Wynne, Dr. Michael: Irish Stained Glass XVI iii: 79
Yeatman, Sarah XVI iii: 29
York XVI i: 31-2, 49
Zarnecki, Prof. George: Art of the Mediaeval World: Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, the Sacred Arts XVI ii: 81-83
Zettler, F. X. XVI iii: 17, 23, 25
Zodiac, Signs of XVI iii: 32