Home Shop Journal index Index Volume XVIII
Index Volume XVIII
Aaron XVIII: 36, 194, 196- 7: (No.2) 24
Abigail and David XVIII: 36. 37
Abraham XVIII: 35.36.37: (No. I) 14b, d
Adam and Eve XVIII: 79. 166-7: (No. 2) 16a-d. 18a,
(No. 3) 12
Addington (Bucks) XVIII: 181: (No. 2) 22a
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia XVIII: 59, 69
Adoration of the Magi XVIII: 3-4, 36, 37, 129, 132,
139,1677: (No. I) 3b, I3c. (No. 2) 7b, 19a
Adwick-le-Street (S. Yorks.) XVIII: 66, 67
Adye, XVIII: 246, 253
Agony In the Garden XVIII: 36, 67, 167
alabaster XVIII: 247
algae, removal of XVIII: 135
All Hallows, Greenford (Gtr London) XVIII: 289
All Saints, Blackrock (Co. Dublin) XVIII: 278
All Saints. Hereford (Her. and Worcs.) XVIII: 320
Amos XVIII: 19, 25: (No. I) l2c
Anderrson, M.D. XVIII: 246
Andrew. St XVIII: 17, 18, 19, 21, 24, 48, 188,253-4, 2119: (No. 3) 3; Calling of XVIII: 66
Angel of the Resurrection XVIII: 280
Angell, James XVIII: 268
angels XVIII: 7, 53, 55,67, 116,244,246,250,286, 326: (No. I) 20a, b, (No. 2) la, (No. 3) 1,2
angels, battle of XVIII: 206
Angers (Maine et L.), France XVIII: 6, 8, 9
‘Anglesea Group’ XVIII: 36-8: (No. I) I3a-l5c, l6b
Annunciation XVIII: 1,2,6,9, 167,247, 248-9, 281: (No. I) 5a, b (No.2) l5b
Annunciation to the Shepherds XVIII: 167
Antony, St XVIII: 3, 4
An Tur Gloine (Tower of Glass) XVIII: 275, 277, 283, 329
Antwerp, Belgium XVIII: 170, 171
‘Apocalypse, The’ (Beskow) XVIII: 303
Apostles XVIII: 18-20, 188,250 see also individual names of Apostles
‘Arc en Ciel’ series (Davis) XVIII: 84, 87-8; (No. l)
Archbishops XVIII: I, 10; (No. I) 6c-7b
Archer, Michael: An Introduction to
English Stained Glass XVIII: 233
Armitage, E. Liddell XVIII: 302
Ascension XVIII: 8, 9, 137, 167; (No. 2) l8b
Ashmole, Elias XVIII: 78
Ashridge panels XVIII: 37
Ashton, Sir Thomas and family XVIII: 150, 158
Ashton-under-Lyne (Gtr Manchester) XVIII: 150-60,159 fig. 5, 219
Aube region, France XVIII: 169, 170-1
attributes, saints’ XVIII: 19-20, 300.42
Bacher, Dr Ernst XVIII: 93
Baillie & Co., T. XVIII: 32
Ballantine, James, & Son XVIII: 151
‘Baptism, Cruxifixion and Resurrection’ (Geddes) XVIII: 283
Barcelona, Spain XVIII: 110-11
Bardsea (Cumb.) XVIII: 383
Bamard, Harry Vane, 11th Baron XVIII: 124, 134, 135
Bames, Gordon: Frederick Preedy XVIII: 232
Bartholomew, St XVIII: 19,23, 188; (No. 1) l2b
Bayne, Simone: Heaton, Butler and Bayne A Hundred Years of the Art of Stained Glass XVIII: 326-7
Beaconsfield (Bucks.) XVIII: 65
Beadnell (Northumb.) XVIII: 66
Beaurepaire, Manor of (Surrey) XVIII: 34
Belfast School of Art (N. Ire.) XVIII: 275, 176
Bell, Anning XVIII: 62, 64
Bender, Rodney XVIII: 81-3
Benedict, St XVIII: 69, 127-8, 139,218; (No. 2) 5d, 6b, c, 32b
Benson, Martin XVIII: 189, 190, 191; (No. 2) 23b
Bereve, Thomas XVIII: 172
Berlin (East), Staatliche Museum XVIII: 181: (No. 2) 22c
Bernard of Clairvaux, St XVIII: 131, 139, 142n.39: (No. 2) 8b
Bernhardt, Gustav XVIII: 231
Beskow, Bo XVIII: 302-4; (No.3) 12-14
Bettembourg, Jean Marie XVIII: 96
Beverley Minster (Humb.) XVIII: 15-31,28 fig. 1 (No. I) 8-l2d
Biblia Pauperum XVIII: 37
Bickleigh (Devon) XVIII: 218
Birstall (Leics.) XVIII: 65, 66; (No. 1) 27
Bishops XVIII: 3,4,35, 130, 138; (No. I) 3a, (No. 2) 7d,8a
Bispham, nr Blackpool (Lancs.) XVIII: 64
Blakeman, Charles XVIII: 67, 290, 291
Bodley & Gamer XVIII: 273
Bolton, Grace XVIII: 52:
Bolton, John XVIII: 52:
Bolton, William Jay XVIII: 52-7, 227; (No. 1) 19-22
Bonfigli, Benedetto XVIII: 248
Bouillart, Dom Jacques XVIII: 115
Bovile family, arms of XVIII: 134
Bowe, Nicole Gordon XVIII: 275-94
Bowe, Nicola Gordon, Caron, David and Wynne, Michael: Gazetter of Irish Stained Glass: The Works of Harry Clarke and the Artists of An Tur Gloine (The Tower of Glass) 1903-1963 XVIII: 329-30
Bradford (W. Yorks.) XVIII: 220
Bradwell Abbey (Bucks.) XVIII: 243
Bray, Sir Reginald XVIII: 191 n.2
breaks, repair of XVIII: 97
Breamore (Hants.) XVIII: 216. 218
Brendan, St XVIII: 283
Brighton, Trevor XVIII: 47, 194-9
Brisac, Catherine: A Thousand Years of Stained Glass XVIII: 228-30
British Empire Exhibition, Wembley XVIII: 283
Brixham (Devon) – British Seamen’s Boys’ Home XVIII: 218; Catholic Church XVIII: 218
Brocas family XVIII: 34
Buchanan, Terry XVIII: 308-13
Bucken an der Waser, Germany XVIII: 129-30, 141 n.34
Buckler drawings XVIII: 117, 118: (No. 2) lb, c
‘Budai IIona’ (Nagy) XVIII: 204, 205
Budapest – Andrassy Palace XVIII: 201; Emst Museum XVIII: 201: (No. 2) 25a; Japanese Coffee House XVIII: 202; Lip6tmezo Hospital Chapel 206; (No. 2) 29: Theological
College XVIII: 206
Burlison & Grylls XVIII: 273, 328
Bum, William XVIII: 126
Bume-Jones, Sir Edward XVIII: 60, 65
Bumham Thorpe (Norf.) XVIII: 227
Burrell Collection, Glasgow XVIII: 124, 129, 141 n.33, 262-8,264 fig. 1,265 fig. 2, 269 fig.3 (No. 2) 5b, 7d, (No. 3) 4, 5
Burton, Joseph XVIII: 15, 29 n. ll
Burton Constable (Humb,) XVIII: 47
Caldwell, Samuel XVIII: 151, 152, 153, 154, 156
cameras, choice of XVIII: 308-9
cames, inscribed XVIII: 263, 266-7, 268; (No. 3) 5
cames, types of XVIII: 49-50
Cana, Wedding Feast at XVIII: 198
Cannon, Linda XVIII: 262-70
Canterbury Pilgrims XVIII: 66: (No. 1) 27
caricature XVIII: 168, 169
Carmelite Missal XVIII: 17
Carrick, George XVIII: 317-18
Carter, Edgar XVIII: 274
Castleford (W. Yorks.) XVIII: 69
Catalonia XVIII: 109-11
Caviness, Madeline Harrison: Stained Glass Before 1540 XVIII: 107-9
Cecilia, St XVIII: 283; (No. 3) 8
Ceffonds (Hte-Mame), France XVIII: 169, 170
Celestial Choir XVIII: 36, 37
Challis, Tim XVIII: 15-31
Chalons-sur-Mame (Mame), France XVIII: 169, 171; (No. 2) 16b
Chapel of the Holy Ghost. Basingstoke . (Hants.) XVIII: 168:
Chapel of the Vyne, Basingstoke, (Hants.) XVIII: 168
Chapel Studios XVIII: 96, 102
Charity XVIII: 281, 291
Chartres (Eure et L.), France XVIII: 5, 7, 9: (No. I) 4d
Chaucer, Geoffrey XVIII: 66
Chelsfield (Kent) XVIII: 219
Chemille-sur-Indrois (Indre et L.), France XVIII: 5, 12 n.19; (No. 1) 4c
Chenu (Sarthe), France see St Martin, Chenu
Chequers (Bucks.) XVIII: 180-3; (No. 2) 20a, 21
cherubim XVIII: 54: (No. I) 2la
Chester, arms of Earldom of XVIII: 46
Chesterton, G.K. XVIII: 65
Chevening (Kent) XVIII: 217, 219
Child, Alfred XVIII: 275, 277
Chinese panels, Birstall (Leics.) XVIII: 66
Christ:- among the Doctors XVIII: 174 n.18: (No. 2) 17a; appearing to Apostles XVIII: 36, 37; arrest of XVIII: 36: (No. I) l5a; before Caiaphas XVIII: 36: before a Judge XVIII: 36; Betrayal of XVIII: 167; (No. 2) l7b; blessing Peter’s mother-in-law XVIII: 36; calming the Storm XVIII: 68; carrying the Cross XVIII: 36: (No. 1) l5b; circumcision of 133, 138: (No. 2) 8c Crucified XVIII: 35, 68, 166, 167,244-9, 253: (No. 2) 19b, (No. 3) 1; entombment of XVIII: 1, 2, 5-6, 9: (No. 1) 4a-d; in the Garden XVIII: 36; and Lily XVIII: 247-8; in Majesty XVIII: 1, 8-10,67; (No. 1) 6a, b, 30, (No.3) 9; mocking of XVIII: 36, 167,246; and Pharisees XVIII: 36, 37; presentation of XVIII: 69, 167, 174 n.18; (No. 2) 19a; on Rainbow of Peace XVIII: 288; resurrection of XVIII: 167; (No. 2) 19b; scourging of XVIII: 36, 37, 167; (No. 2) 19b; wounds of XVIII: 132
‘Christ and the Disciples’ (Geddes) XVIII: 285
‘Christ Blessing the Little Children’ (Geddes) XVIII: 285
‘Christ Meeting Martha and Mary’ (Geddes) XVIII: 284
Christ with children XVIII: 66, 285: with Mary and Martha XVIII: (No. 1) b.c.: with Mary Magdalene XVIII: 36, 37; (No. 1) I3b; with St John the Baptist XVIII: 36, 37; with Virgin and St Anne XVIII: 36
‘Christ with Saints Peter and Andrew’ (Geddes) XVIII: 289
Christchurch Cathedral, Vancouver, Canada XVIII: 64; (No. 1) 26
Christmas tree motif XVIII: 206
Christopher, St XVIII: 216, 278, 283; (No. 3) 8
Ciaran, Fiona XVIII: 292
Cinderella XVIII: 275; (No. 3) 6
Cistercian Order, arms of XVIII: 131
Clare, St XVIII: 67
Clark, Willene B. XVIII: 52-7
Clarke, Harry XVIII: 292, 329, 330
cleaning of glass XVIII: 95, 96
Clifford, Earls of Cumberland, arms of XVIII: 40, 43
Cloisters Collection, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York XVIII: 116; (No. 2) 3b, c
Coel, King XVIII: 151, 152
Coke, Humphrey XVIII: 259, 260
Cole, William XVIII: 104-6, 180-3, 223-6, 314-16
Colman Macduagh, St XVIII: 277, 292n.14; (No. 3) 6
colours XVIII: 4, 5, 18, 54-5,56,67,80,88, 127, 168, 169, 198, 206, 247, 279, 282, 284, 287,288, 289-90, 303; flesh XVIII: 54-5, 127, 287, 293n.42
Columba, St XVIII: 282
Connick, Charles XVIII: 275
conservation of glass XVIII: 3, 90-9, 134-6
Constantine the Great XVIII: 151, 152-3, 155, 156
Constantius Chlorus XVIII: 151, 152
Cormack, Peter XVIII: 284
corrosion, glass XVIII: 96, 135, 136
Costessey Hall (Norf.) XVIII: 117, 118, 120 nn.21, 27, 266, 267; 265 Fig. 2
costing for conservation XVIII: 94-5
Council of Nicea XVIII: 152
Cowen, Painton: A Guide to Stained Glass in Britain XVIII: 235-7
Cranmer, Thomas XVIII: 64; (No. 1) 26
Creation XVIII: 166, 169, 170,302; (No. 2) 15a, 16a-d, (No.3) 12
Creed series XVIII: 16, 18-19,20-5,26
Crewe, Sarah: Stained Glass in England c1180-c.1540 XVIII: 322-4
Cross; Carrying of the XVIII: 36, 37, 166, 167; (No. 2) 19b
crown XVIII: 252-3
crown glass, use of XVIII: 87, 88
Crucifixion XVIII: 35, 68, 166, 167, 253; (No. 2) 19b
Crucifixion, Lily XVIII: 244-9; (No. 3) 1
‘Csongor es Tunde’ (Nagy) XVIII: 207; (No. 2) 30b
Curtis, Thomas F. XVIII: 126, 167
Cynewulf XVIII: 152
Dagnam Park (Essex) XVIII: 32, 33
Daniel XVIII: 19, 22, 36, 172; (No. 1) lla
Danyell, Thomas XVIII: 259
David, King XVIII: 18,25,36,37; (No. 1) 12d, b.c.
Davis, Mike XVIII: 84-9; (No. 1) 33-4
Dawson, Clare XVIII: 284, 287-8, 291
deacon saint XVIII: 129, 138; (No. 2) 7c
Deane, Grace XVIII: 285
de Lacy, arms of XVIII: 45,46; (No. 1) 18
de Molina, J. Anne XVIII: 38
de Monteuil, Pierre XVIII: 115
de Montfort, arms of XVIII: 46
De Quincy, arms of XVIII: 46
Derix studios XVIII: 81-2
des Jardin, Henry XVIII: 180
devil XVIII: 128; (No. 2) 6d
diaper decoration XVIII: 196
Didier-Lambray, Anne-Marie XVIII: 181, 182 n.7
Dininckhoff, Baernard XVIII: 40-8
Disputation in the Temple XVIII: 69
‘Dr Johnson and Boswell in the Hebrides’ (Geddes) XVIII: 285
Dodsworth, Roger 15
Doncaster Grammer School (S. Yorks.) XVIII: 100
Drake, Wilfred XVIII: 266
Drucker Villa XVIII: 207; (No. 2) 30b
Drury, Alfred XVIII: 61
Drury, Don XVIII: 290, 291
Dugdale, William XVIII: 15
Early South English Legendary XVIII: 153, 161 n.22
Ebba, St XVIII: 66
Ebbw Vale (Gwent) XVIII: 68; (No. 1) 28
Ecce Homo XVIII: 35
Edwards, John XVIII: 244-5
Elias, Offering of XVIII: 35; (No. 1) 16c
Elijah XVIII: 35,36, 37; (No. 1) 16a
Elisabeth, St XVIII: 290
Elizabeth I, arms of XVIII: 40
Entry to Jerusalem XVIII: 167; (No. 2) 17a
Escomb (Dur.) XVIII: 128
Essays of Elia (Lamb) XVIII: 285, 286
Etheldreda, St XVIII: 67
Eton College (Berks.) XVIII: 216-17, 218; (No. 2) 31a, 32a
Eustace, St XVIII: 283; (No. 3) 8
Evangelists XVIII: 67, 252
Evans, David: A Bibliography of Stained Glass XVIII: 107-9
Expulsion from Eden XVIII: 166, 168; (No. 2) 16a
Ezekiel XVIII: 19, 23
Fairford (Glos.) XVIII: 168, 238-41
Faith XVIII: 281, 291; (No. 3) 7
Farnham (Surrey) XVIII: 219
‘Fate of the Children of Lir, The’ (Geddes) XVIII: 285-6; (No. 3) 11
film, photographic XVIII: 310-11; (No. 3) b. e.
Fisher, Alfred XVIII: 90-9
Fisher, St John XVIII: 65
FitzEustace, Richard XVIII: 45, 46
Flagellation of Christ XVIII: 36, 37, 167; (No. 2) 19b
flash, casting XVIII: 49
fleurons XVIII: 195, 196, 199n.1
Flight into Egypt XVIII: 36, 37, 69, 167; (No. I) l6b, (No. 2) 19a
Flower, Bernard XVIII: 259-60, 261
Forsyth, Gordon XVIII: 215, 217
Forsyth, Moira XVIII: 215-20; (No. 2) 3la-32b
Fort Augustus (High), Benedictine Abbey XVIII: 220
Fountains Abbey (N. Yorks.) XVIII: 69
Fountains Hall (N. Yorks.) XVIII: 42-4, 47
Fox, Richard XVIII: 259, 260
Francis of Assisi, St XVIII: 65, 66, 286
Freiburg, Germany XVIII: 207
French, Thomas and O’Connor, David: York Minster – A Catalogue of Medieval Stained Glass. Fascieule I XVIII: 321-2
Friston (E. Sussex) XVIII: 219
funeral bier XVIII: 115; (No. 2) 2b
Gage (later Rokewode), John XVIII: 170
Geddes, Wilhelmina XVIII: 61, 216, 275-94, 320, 330; (No. 3) f. e, 6
Geller, Katalin XVIII: 201-8
Genesis cycle XVIII: 166-7, 168, 169
Gent, Thomas XVIII: 15
‘Geography’ (Geddes) XVIII: 276
Gerente, Alfred XVIII: 126, 127
Germain, St XVIII: 117; (No. 2) 2b
Gibson, Peter XVIII: 124, 125-34
Giles, Edmond XVIII: 268
Giles, St XVIII: 69.
Gill, Eric XVIII: 63
Gilling Castle (N. Yorks.) XVIII: 47
Glasshouse, Fulham, London XVIII: 61-2, 275
Glass Information Centre XVIII: 242
glass, opalescent XVIII: 82
Glaziers, Worshipful Company of XVIII: 78, 79, 113-14,242-3
glazing, protective XVIII: 136
Gloucester: – Cathedral XVIII: 187, 237-8;s King’s School XVIII: 187-91; (No. 2) 23a-d
Goddard, Canon E.H. XVIII: 245
Godollo studio XVIII: 202, 203-4, 205
God the Father XVIII: 4, 67
Golden Legend, The (de Voragine) XVIII: 153
Good Samaritan XVIII: 65
Good Shepherd XVIII: 206
‘Gospel, The’ (Beskow) XVIII: 303
Gothic Revival XVIII: 273
Grabar, A XVIII: 6
graffito XVIII: 91
Grafton Square Congregational Church, Clapham, London XVIII: 217, 219
Granboulan, Anne XVIII: 1-13
Green, arms of XVIII: 44
grisaille XVIII: 8, 14 n.51, 115, 133
Grodecki, Prof. Louis XVIII: 127, 128
Grosvenor Thomas (formerly Costessy) Collection XVIII: 37
Guildford Cathedral (Surrey) XVIII: 216, 219
Gwynn, Stephen XVIII: 277, 279
Hadleigh (Suff.) XVIII: 190
Ham House, Richmond (Surrey) XVIII: 47
Hamilton, Richard XVIII: 89
Hampp, John Christopher XVIII: 32, 35, 117, 118, 125
Harrison, Kenneth XVIII: 170
Harrison, Martin XVIII: 273-4
Harrowing of Hell XVIII: 167
Harthill (S. Yorks.) XVIII: 192
Haward, Birkin XVIII: 52
Haward, Birkin: Nineteenth Century Norfolk Stained Glass XVIII: 227-8
Hawkins, Rev, Bradford D. XVIII: 1, 2
Healy, Michael XVIII: 277
Heaps, Arnold & Heaps XVIII: 268
Heath End Catholic Church (Surrey) XVIII: 219
Heaton, Butler & Bayne XVIII: 326-7
‘Hedonism’ (Beskow) (No. 3) XVIII: 14
Helen, St XVIII: 150-8, 154 fig.1, 155 fig.2, 156 fig.3, 157 fig.4; (No. 2) 11a-l4d
Hell XVIII: 206
Hendrie, Herbert XVIII: 62
Hengrave Hall (Suff.) XVIII: 166-70; (No. 2) l5a, b. l6a, l7a-19b
Henry VI, figure of XVIII: 17-18
Henry VII XVIII: 259-60, 261
heraldic glass 10-11,33,38,40-48,52,79, 101, 130, 131, 133-4, 137, 138, 139, 140, 166, 187, 188-90, 191, 192, 195, 196, 198,217; (No. I) 18, (No. 2) 9a, 23a-d
‘Het Vezer’ (Kernstok) XVIII: 206; (No. 2) 25b
Higham (Kent) XVIII: 219
Hildburgh, W.L. XVIII: 244, 247-9
History of the Holy Cross, The XVIII: 153
Holbeach Hurn (Norf.) XVIII: 219
Holy Angels, Hoar Cross (Staffs.) XVIII: 273
Holy Cross, Hucknall (Notts.) XVIII: 68; (No. I) 29
Holy Cross, Chapel of, Stratford-upon-Avon (Warks.) XVIII: 153, 154, 154 fig.l, 155 fig.2
Holy Family XVIII: 132, 138; (No. 2) 9a
Holyman, John XVIII: 195
Holy Spirit, dove of XVIII: 4, 7
Holy Trinity, Tattershall (Lincs.) XVIII: 155, 161 n.31; (No. 2) 14d
Hone, Calyon XVIII: 168
Hone, Evie XVIII: 216, 287
Hong Kong XVIII: 68
Hope XVIII: 281, 291
Horti, Pal XVIII: 202
Horton, Thomas XVIII: 245
Hosea XVIII: 19, 24
Howson, Joan XVIII: 2, 3, 6, 10, 315
Hughes, Arthur XVIII: 273, 328
Hughes, Wyndham Hope XVIII: 273-4
Hughs, Gwyn Gertrude XVIII: 33, 34
Hughs, William Lewis XVIII: 33
Hungary XVIII: 201-8; (No. 2) Le., 25a-30b
Ilmer, nr Princess Risborough (Bucks.) XVIII: 65
Incarnation XVIII: 7
Infancy of Christ XVIII: 126-7, 129
Ingeborg Psalter XVIII: 5, 12n.23
Ingram, Sir Arthur XVIII: 44-5
Ingram, Sir Bruce XVIII: 118
Ingram family arms XVIII: 46
‘Innocence in the Fields of Paradise’ (Geddes) XVIII: 280
inscriptions XVIII: 2, 10, 18-19, 20-5, 38, 44, 280, 289; on cames XVIII: 49, 51, 263, 266-7, 268; (No. 3) 5
Inishmacsaint, Co. Fermanagh (Rep. of I.) XVIII: 280
Isaac, Sacrifice of XVIII: 36, 133, 138; (No. 2) 8d
Isaiah XVIII: 18,22,24, 127, 138,289; (No. 2) 5a
Jacob’s Ladder XVIII: 36, 37, 303; (No. I) 14d
James Major, St XVIII: 18, 20, 25
James Minor, St XVIII: 19,21,25; (No. I) 12c
Jeremiah XVIII: 18, 127; (No. 2) 5b
Jerningham, Sir William XVIII: 117-18, 120 n.21
Jerusalem, Rebuilding of XVIII: 36, 37
Jesse XVIII: 36, 37
Jews in the Furnace, the Three XVIII: 36, 37
Joachim and Anna, meeting of XVIII: 262; (No. 3) 4
Joel XVIII: l5, 19, 21,23; (No. I) lIb
John the Apostle, St XVIII: 19, 20, 24, 48, 188, 253; (No. 1) 100
John the Baptist, St XVIII: 35, 253; (No. 3) 3
Johnson, Dr. Samuel XVIII: 285
Johnston, Edward XVIII: 217
‘Joseph of Arimathea’ (Geddes) XVIII: 286
Joseph, St XVIII: 4, 67
Joseph, story of XVIII: 35, 180-3,303; (No. 2) 20a, 21-22c
Judas XVIII: 67, 154-5
Jude, St XVIII: 18, 24, 252
Julia Szep Leany window, Marosvasarhely XVIII: 204-5; (No. 2) 26b
Juxon, William XVIII: 189, 190, 191n.l3; (No. 2) 23c
Kadar Kata window, Marosvasarhely XVIII: 205; (No. 2) 26a, 30a
Karori, New Zealand XVIII: 281, 292; (No. 3) 7
Keck, Henry XVIII: 231
Kempe, Charles Eamer XVIII: 273, 327-9
Kernstok, Karoly XVIII: 206, 207; (No. 2) 25b
Kerr, Jill XVIII: 32-9
King Edward’s Grammar School, Birmingham XVIII: 217, 219
‘King of the Magyars’ (Nagy) XVIII: 203
King’s College, Cambridge XVIII: 12 n.17, 168,239
King’s School, Gloucester XVIII: 187-91; (No. 2) 23a-d
Kisfaludy window (Nagy) XVIII: 205-6; (No. 2) 28a
knight XVIII: 10-ll
Knight, Barry XVIII: 49-51
Korosfoi Kriesch, Aladar XVIII: 202, 203, 204, 206, 207
Kos, Karoly XVIII: 203
Kozma, Lajos XVIII: 203
Kytson, Sir Thomas XVIII: 166. 168, 170, 171, 172
Lafond, Jean XVIII: 169
Laleham (Middx) XVIII: 283; (No. 3) 8
landscape curtain (Maroti) XVIII: 202
landscapes XVIII: 36, 54, 87
Langton, Thomas XVIII: 195
Last Judgement XVIII: 167, 254; (No. 2) 18b
Last Supper XVIII: 67, 167; (No. 2) 17b
Laud, William XVIII: 64; (No. I) 26
Lazarus, Raising of XVIII: 36, 37, 167,284; (No. 1) 15c
lead, analysis of XVIII: 267
leading. window XVIII: 49-51, 82-3, 265 fig. 2, 269, fig. 3
lead milling marks XVIII: 262-70, 264 fig. 1; (No. 3) 5
‘Leany fej’ (Nagy) XVIII: 205; (No. 2) 27b
‘Leaves of the Tree were for the Healing of the Nations, The’ (Geddes) XVIII: 279
Le Couteur, J.D. XVIII: 157
Lee, Lawrence XVIII: 78-80
Leicester family arms XVIII: 46
Leigh-on-Mendip (Som.) XVIII: 245
Leland, John XVIII: 133
Le Liget (Indre-et-L.) XVIII: 9
Lemaire, Robert XVIII: 2, 10-11; (No. 1) 7c-e
Lenoir, Alexandre XVIII: 117, 125
Le Mans Cathedral (Sarthe), France XVIII: 126, 129, 138; (No. 2) 7b
lenses, photographic XVIII: 309
Les Essards (Indre-et-L.), France XVIII: 9
lettering XVIII: 217; (No. 2) 31b
Liege, Belgium: Church of St Antoine XVIII: 180, 181-2; (No. 2) 20b; Musee de I’Art Wallon XVIII: 180; (No. 2) 22b
Lily Crucifixion XVIII: 244-9; (No. 3) 1
lily, symbolism of, XVIII: 248, 249
Lincoln, earl of, arms XVIII: 46
Lister, E.G. XVIII: 245
Liverpool Cathedral XVIII: 62
Llandovery (Dyfed) XVIII: 69
Llanwellwyffo (Anglesey) XVIII: 32, 33, 35, 36
Llys Dulas (Anglesey) XVIII: 33
Lombard, Lambert XVIII: 180, 181, 182 n.6
London Stained Glass Repository XVIII: 243
Longspee, arms of XVIII: 46; (No. 1) 18
Lot’s Wife XVIII: 303
Lowndes & Drury XVIII: 276, 283
Lucifer XVIII: 207
Luke, St XVIII: 253
Madonna and Child see Virgin and Child ‘Madonna and Child’ (Geddes) XVIII: 289, 290
Madonna panel (Nagy) XVIII: 206; (No. 2) 28b
Magdalene Landing at Marseilles XVIII: 169; (No. 2) 15c
Magi, Adoration of the XVIII: 3-4, 36, 37, 129, 132, 139, 167; (No. I) 3b, Bc, (No. 2) 7b, 19a
Magi, Dream of the XVIII: 126, 139; (No. 2) 4a-c
Malachi XVIII: 19,22; (No. 1) 11a
Malpas (Chesh.) XVIII: 35
Malvern, WiIliam XVIII: 189, 191
Manessier, Alfred XVIII: 85
Mark, St XVIII: 195-6, 252
Marosvasarhely (Tirgu Mures), Roumania XVIII: 203, 204-5; (No. 2) f.c., 26a, b
Maroti, Geza XVIII: 202
Marouf, Wadia XVIII: 80
Martin, Howard XVIII: 81-3; (No. I) 32
Mary Magdalene: in the Garden XVIII: 36; (No. I) 17d; landing at Marseilles XVIII: 169; (No. 2) 15c; at the Tomb XVIII: 54; (No. 1) Bb, 20c; washing Christ’s feet 36; (No. 1) 14a
Massacre of the Innocents XVIII: 167
Mathias, St XVIII: 19, 23
Matthew, St XVIII: 19,23,69, 195,250,252; (No. I) 11b
Maufe, Sir Edward XVIII: 216, 217, 218; Prudence XVIII: 216
Maxentius XVIII: 152
Mehoffer, Jozef XVIII: 207
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York see Cloisters Collection
Mexico City, Teatro Nacional XVIII: 202
Michael, St XVIII: 253, 254, 278; (No. 3) 3
Micheas XVIII: 19
Middle Temple, London XVIII: 219
Mildred, St XVIII: 290
Miwray, Stephen see Proctor, Sir Stephen
Miwray, arms of XVIII: 44
Mohun, Charles, 4th Baron XVIII: 189; (No. 2) 23d
Mole, Sheila XVIII: 215-20
Monea, Co. Fermanagh (Rep. of I.) XVIII: 280
Monte Cassino, Italy XVIII: 69
Monuments Historiques, Depot of, Champs sur-Marne (Seine et M.), France XVIII: 116, 119 n.8; (No. 2) la
Moore, C. Rupert XVIII: 100-3
More, St Thomas XVIII: 65
Morecambe (Lancs.) XVIII: 68
Morley (Derbys.) XVIII: 153, 155, 161nn.17, 23; (No. 2) 14c
Morris, WiIliam XVIII: 202, 207,325-6
mosaics, glass XVIII: 201, 204
Moses XVIII: 36, 37, 197; (No. 1) 14c, (No. 3) 12
‘Moses With the Tablets of the Law’ (Geddes) XVIII: 285; (No. 3) 10
Museum of Garden History, Lambeth, London XVIII: 78-80
musicians XVIII: 102
Naaman XVIII: 35
Nagy, Sandor XVIII: 202,203,204-7; (No. 2) f.c., 26a, 30b
nails XVIII: 155, 156
National Monuments Record XVIII: 292
Nativity XVIII: 64, 65, 66, 67, 167,303; (No. 1) 23-4, (No. 2) 15b
Naylor, Gillian (ed.): William Morris by Himself – Designs and Writings XVIII: 324-6
Neave, Sir Arundel XVIII: 33, 34:
Neave, Frances XVIII: 33
Neave, Gwen Gertrude XVIII: 33, 34
Neave, Sir Thomas XVIII: 32, 33
Neave Collection XVIII: 32, 33, 34, 35-7
Ne1e, John XVIII: 16
Nelson, Philip XVIII: 156, 157
Nemzeti Szalon, Hungary XVIII: 203
Netherton Bootle (Lancs.) XVIII: 68
New College, Oxford XVIII: 197
‘New Heaven and a New Earth, A’ (Beskow) XVIII: 303
Newton, Dr Peter XVIII: 124, 135; 318-19
New Zealand XVIII: 64; (No. I) 25
‘Nice Old Purchases’ (Geddes) XVIII: 286
Nicholas, St XVIII: 69
Nicholson, Mrs R XVIII: 78, 80
Noah XVIII: 166; (No. 2) 18a
Noak Hill (Essex) XVIII: 32, 33, 35
Noel Hume, Ivor XVIII: 51
Northchapel (W. Sussex) XVIII: 286
Northill (Beds.) XVIII:
Norwich Cathedral XVIII: 218, 219; (No. 2) 32b
Notre Dame du Lac, Tirlement, Belgium XVIII: 35
Nova Legenda Ang1ie (Copgrave) XVIII: 151, 152
Noverek (Nagy) XVIII: 205; (No. 2) 27a
Nuttgens, Jospeh Edward XVIII: 58-77; (No. I) 23, 30, b.c.
Nuttgens, Patrick XVIII: 59-77
O’Connor, David XVIII: 124-42
Odilon, St XVIII: 7
Offiey, (Herts.) XVIII: 194-9; (No. 2) 24
‘Old China’ (Geddes) XVIII: 285
Oliver, Henry XVIII: 266
Oliver, John XVIII: 190, 266
Oliver, Peter XVIII: 266
On Divers Arts (Theophilus) XVIII: 49
Orr, Arthur Anselm XVIII: 60
Osbome, Thomas, 1st Duke of Leeds XVIII: 192
Oswald, Arthur XVIII: 259
Oswald, St XVIII: 66
Our Lady and St Michael, Kesgrave (Suff.) XVIII: 320
Our Lady and St Thomas, Harrow (Gtr Lon.) XVIII: 64; (No. I) 23
Oxford, Franciscan church XVIII: 69
painting, relationship to stained glass XVIII: 84-6
‘Parables’ (Geddes) XVIII: 278, 281; (No. 3) 7
Parker, Thomas XVIII: 17
Parsons, Karl XVIII: 61
‘Passion, The’ (Beskow) XVIII: 303; (No. 3) 13
Passion, Emblems/Instruments of XVIII: 132, 138, 244, 245, 246, 249, 250, 252; (No. 2) 9b, (No. 3) 1
‘Patriarch, The’ (Beskow) XVIII: 302-3
Patrick, St XVIII: 282
Paul, St XVIII: 48, 68, 188; (No. I) 28
Peckitt, William XVIII: 194-8, 199 n.1
Pelican in her Piety XVIII: 252
Percier, Charles XVIII: 127
Percy, Earl of Northumberland, arms of XVIII: 40
Perrot, Francoise XVIII: 1-13
Peter, St XVIII: 18,20,48,68,227,253, 287; (No. I) 17a, 28, (No. 3) 3, 9. b.c.
Pevsner, Nikolaus XVIII: 245, 279
Philip, St XVIII: 19-20,22
photographs, storage of XVIII: 313
photography of glass XVIII: 308-13
‘Pilgrim’s Progress’ (Geddes) XVIII: 285
Piper, John XVIII: 84-5, 302
poison cup XVIII: 20, 24
Pocell, arms of XVIII: 46
Pope, Alexander XVIII: 191
Pop ham, AE. XVIII: 181
Potiphar XVIII: 180; (No. 2) 21-22c
Praeger, Rosamund XVIII: 276, 283
Preedy, Frederick XVIII: 232
Presbyterian Assembly Hall, Belfast (N. Ire.) XVIII: 281, 185
Pre-Raphaelites, influence of XVIII: 202, 206, 207
Price, William, the Elder XVIII: 192
Price, William, the Younger XVIII: 190, 191 n.7
Prinknash Park (Glos.) XVIII: 187-8
Prittlewell (Essex) XVIII: 32, 33, 36, 38; (No. I) 16c
Proctor (Miwray), Sir Stephen XVIII: 42-4; arms of XVIII: 43 fig. b, 44
‘Prophet, The’ (Beskow) XVIII: 302
‘Psalm 100’ (Geddes) XVIII: 286-7
Purser, Sarah XVIII: 275, 277, 279, 280, 283, 288
‘Queen’s Maries, The’ (Geddes) XVIII: 285
Raby Castle (Durh.) XVIII: 124-42; (No. 2) 4a-5a, 5e, 6c, 7a, e, 8a-d, 9a-e, lOa-e, b.e.
Rackham, Bemard XVIII: 217, 285
rainbow XVIII: 88
Raleigh, Sir Walter XVIII: 276
ram, white XVIII: 204, 205
Read, Herbert XVIII: 289
Rebecca at the Well XVIII: 303
Rebecea, Biagio XVIII: 197, 199 nn.3, 4
Reddish, Henrietta 150-8
Reed, Cleota (ed.): Henry Keek Stained Glass Studio XVIII: 230-2
Rehlmann, Robert XVIII: 85
restoration see conservation of glass
Reynolds rebus XVIII: 217; (No. 2) 31a
Rhind, Ethel XVIII: 278
‘Rhoda Opening the Door to St Peter’ (Geddes) XVIII: 285; (No. 3) 9
Ridgway, M.H. XVIII: 157, 161 n.35
Rippl-Rónai, Jozsef XVIII: 201-2,207; (No. 2) 25a
Rivenhall (Essex) XVIII: 1-13; (No. I) 1-7d
Robert of Molesme, St XVIII: 131, 139; (No. 2) 8b
Robert of Newminster, St XVIII: 69
Robertson, Manning XVIII: 284
Rokewode, John XVIII: 170
Romanus 128; (No. 2) XVIII: 6a
Rope, Margaret Edith Aldrich XVIII: 61, 283, 288; 319-20
Rosemary Street Presbyterian Church, Belfast (N. Ire.) XVIII: 285; (No. 3) 10
roses XVIII: 195, 196, 198
roses window, Ypres, Belgium XVIII: 287-8
Róth, Miksa XVIII: 201, 202, 203, 207; (No. 2) f.c.. 27a-30b
Royal Commission on Historical Monuments XVIII: 308, 323
Rushworth, arms of XVIII: 42
St Agnes, Kennington Park, London XVIII: 273
St Agnes (Scilly Isles) XVIII: 220
St Andrew the Great, Cambridge XVIII: 55; (No. I) 21a
St Ann, Buxton (Derbys.) XVIII: 66
St Ann, Dawson Street, Dublin (Rep. of I.) XVIII: 278, 279, 281
St Ann and Holy Trinity, Brooklyn, New York XVIII: 52, 55; (No. I) 22
St Augustine, Pendlebury (Gtr Man.) XVIII: 273
St Bamabas, Northolt (Gtr Lon.) XVIII: 320
St Batholomew, Ottawa, Canada XVIII: 275, 278
St Cedma, Inver, Co. Antrim (Rep. of I.) XVIII: 282, 284; (No.3)
St Columba, Pont Street, London XVIII: 217, 219
St Denis Abbey Church, Paris XVIII: 87, 116, 125 126, 128, 140 nn.3, 5
St Etheldreda, Ely Place, Holbom, London XVIII: 67-8; (No. I) 30
St Florentin (Yonne), France XVIII: 169
‘St Francis on the Canticle of the Sun’ (Geddes) XVIII: 286
St George’s Chapel, Windsor, (Berks.) XVIII: 249
St Germain-des-pres, Paris: Chapel of St Genevieve XVIII: 116; Lady Chapel XVIII: 115-20
St James, Bramley (Surrey) XVIII: 32, 34-5, 36; (No. I) 16a
St James, Bury St Edmunds (Suff.) XVIII: 171-2, 174 nn.27, 29; (No. 2) 15d
St John, Malone Road, Belfast (N. Ire.) XVIII: 279
St John the Evangelist, Beverley (Humb.) see Beverley Minster
St John, Coventry (W. Mid) XVIII: 320
St John’s Cathedral, Hong Kong XVIII: 68
St John the Baptist, Windsor (Berks.) XVIII: (No. I) b.c.
St Leonard de Fougeres (IIe-et-V.), France XVIII: 128
St Luke, Wallsend-on-Tyne (Tyne & W.) XVIII: 279, 282
St Martha-on-the-Hill, Guildford (Surrey) XVIII: 219
St Martin, Chenu (Sarthe), France XVIII: 1-2, 8, 12 n.17; (No. I) 3a-4b, 6a-7e
St Martin’s Cathedral, Ypres, Belgium XVIII: 287-8; (No. 3) 9
St Mary, Grassingdale, Liverpool (Mers.) XVIII: 66
St Mary-at-Lambeth, London XVIII: 78-80; (No. I) 31
St Mary, Myton-on-Swale (N. Yorks.) XVIII: 244-55, 251 fig.l; (No. 3) 1-3
St Mary Magdalene, Munster Square, London XVIII: 320
St Mary Magdalene, Offiey (Herts.) XVIII: 194-9; (No. 2) 24
St Mary Magdalene, Yann (Cleve.) XVIII: 197
St Michael and All Angels, Ashton-under-Lyne (Gtr Man.) XVIII: 150-61, 159 fig. 5; (No. 2) lla-14b
St Mildred, Lee (Gtr Lon.) XVIII: 290
St Paul, Battersea, London XVIII: 291
St Paul’s Cathedral, London XVIII: 219
St Peter, Aberdeen (Gramp.) XVIII: 68
‘St Peter Preaching to the Jews’ (Geddes) XVIII: 28.1
St Peter, Rendcomb (Glos.) XVIII: 133
St Peter, South Weald (Essex) XVIII: 32, 34
St Peter, West Lynn (Norf.) XVIII: 52-6, 227; (No. I) 19, 20a, c, 21b
St Stephen, Sydenham Hill, London XVIII: 219
St Thomas, Noak Hill (Essex) XVIII: 32, 33, 35, 36
St Thomas-on-the-Boume (Surrey) XVIII: 219
sales, auction XVIII: 104-6, 223-6, 314-16
Salisbury, earls, anns of see Longspee, anns of
Samuel, Presentation of (Bolton) (No. I) XVIII: 22
Saul and David XVIII: 198
Sauval, Henri XVIII: 115
Saville, anns of XVIII: 40,41 fig. A
Saville: Jane XVIII: 40:
Sibel XVIII: 41
Schreiter, Johannes XVIII: 81-3
Scott, G.G., Jun. XVIII: 273
Scott, Judith XVIII: 291
Scourging of Christ see Flagellation
‘Secession’ style XVIII: 201-5
Sedding. J.D. XVIII: 273
Semer, Robert XVIII: 16
Shaw, Phillida XVIII: 242
Shepard, Mary B. XVIII: 115-20
Sheriff Hutton Park (New Lodge) (N. Yorks.) XVIII: 44-6,47
Shibden Hall, Halifax (W. Yorks.) XVIII: 41
Shirley, John XVIII: 16
Shrig1ey and Hunt XVIII: 15
silverstain, use of XVIII: 54
Simeon, St XVIII: 289
Simon, St XVIII: 19, 188
Simon Zelotes, St XVIII: 250, 252; (No. 3) 2
Singapore XVIII: 283
Slingsby, Sir Henry XVIII: 40, 48:
Slingsby, Sir William XVIII: 47
Skara, Sweden XVIII: 302-3; (No. 3) 12-14
Smith, Angela XVIII: 259-61
Smith, Captain John XVIII: 79
Smith, M.Q.: The Stained Glass of Bristol Cathedral XVIII: 111-12
Snod1and (Kent) XVIII: 219
Sodom, Destruction of XVIII: 167
Soham (Cambs.) XVIII: 66
Solomon XVIII: 36, 69
soul-weighing XVIII: 254; (No. 3) 3
South port (Mers.) XVIII: 281
Speculum Humanae Sa1vationis XVIII: 37
Spencer family, arms of XVIII: 198
Spencer, Sir John XVIII: 199
Sprakes, Brian XVIII: 40-8, 187-92
Stained Glass before 1700 in American Collections: New England and New York XVIII: 234-5
Stanford (Northants.) XVIII: (No. 3) b.c.
Stap1eton, Sir Bryan XVIII: 197
Stations of the Cross XVIII: 68
Stavridi, Margaret: Master of Glass: Charles Earner Kernpe 1837-1907 XVIII: 327-8
Stee1e, Mrs Elizabeth XVIII: 137
Stratford-upon-Avon (Warks.) XVIII: 153, 154 fig.1, 155 fig.2
Subotica (Szabadka), Yugoslavia XVIII: 203
Sudeley Castle (Glos.) XVIII: 188
Suger, Abbot XVIII: 87, 125, 128
sun-bursts XVIII: 247, 252
Survey of British Glass in the 1980s XVIII: 113
Susanna, story of XVIII: 171, 172; (No. 2) 15d
Swansea College of Art (W. G1am.) XVIII: 81-3 (No. 1) 32
Swash, Caroline XVIII: 302-4
Sylvester, St XVIII: 152-3
Synagogue, St John’s Wood, London v68
Szekely folk ballads XVIII: 204
‘Szep Sa1amon Sara’ window XVIII: 204, 205; (No. 2) b.c.
tabernacle XVIII: 196, 199 n.2
Tarrington (Heref. & W.) XVIII: 219
Tatterford (Norf.) XVIII: 219
‘Te Deum’ (Geddes) XVIII: 287-8
Temesvar (Timisoara), Roumania XVIII: 206
Temple Newsam House, nr Leeds (W. Yorks.) XVIII: 44-6; (No. 1) 18
Temptation in the Desert XVIII: 36, 37
Thaddeus, St XVIII: 188
Theophilus XVIII: 49
Thomas the Apostle. St XVIII: 19, 25, 188; (No. 1) 12d
Thornton, John XVIII: 16, 17
Thorpe, lA XVIII: 197
‘Three Virtues – Faith, Hope and Charity’ (Geddes) XVIII: 29
Tiffany & Co. XVIII: 202
To1di (Arany) XVIII: 207
Torre, James XVIII: 15
Tower of Glass, Dublin see An Tur Gloine
Townsend Street Presbyterian Church, Belfast (N. Ire.) XVIII: 281
Townshend & Howson XVIII: 34
Townshend, Caroline XVIII: 61
Tradescant, John Sr and Jr XVIII: 79
Tradescant: arms XVIII; 79: Trust XVIII: 78; window XVIII: 78, 80; (No. 1) 31
Travers, Martin XVIII: 61, 62, 215
Tree of Jesse XVIII: 171
Troyes (Aube), France XVIII: 169, 170,172; (No. 2) 15c, 16c, d
Truchsess of Kulentha1, arms of XVIII: 131
True Cross XVIII: 151, 153-6, 154 fig.1, 155 fig.2, 156 fig. 3, 157 fig. 4
‘Tulip Movement’ XVIII: 201
Turin, Museo del Risorgimento, Italy XVIII: 207
Twycross (Leics.) XVIII: 128; (No. 2) 6a. d
Twyford (Hants) XVIII: 218
Ulster Museum, Belfast (N. Ire.) XVIII: 285-6; (No. 3) 11
Undi, Mariska XVIII: 205
United Nations Building, New York XVIII: 302
United Reform Church, Egremont (Mers.) XVIII: 286
Vanden Bemden, Yvette XVIII: 32-9
Vavasour, arms of XVIII: 40; Frances XVIII: 40; Sir Mauger de XVIII: 40; Sir Thomas XVIII: 47
Veldener, J. 153, 155, 156 fig.3, 157 fig.4
Venice, Hungarian Exhibition Hall XVIII: 203, 204
Veronica, St XVIII: (No. 1) 15b. 17b
Vertue, William XVIII: 259-60
Veszprem, Hungary XVIII: 203
Victoria and Albert Museum, London XVIII: 116, 117, 118, 124, 277; (No. 2) 31b
Vila Grau, Joan and Roden, Francesc: EIs Vitrallers De La Barcelona Modernista XVIII: 109-11
Vincent, St XVIII: 117
Viollet-le-Duc, E.-E. XVIII: 125, 126
Virgin Mary XVIII: 35, 129
Virgin and Child XVIII: 1, 6-8, 36, 64, 289: (No. 1) Sc, d, 2S
Virgin – Coronation of XVIII: (No. 1) l3a, 17c: cult of XVIII: 7; enthroned XVIII: 9; in Majesty XVIII: 7, 36; with Sts Catherine and Barbara XVIII: 36: (No. 1) 13d; of Tenderness XVIII: 7; virtues XVIII: 286, 29; visitation XVIII: 167
Wailes, W. XVIII: 125, 126
Waldburg family, arms of XVIII: 130
Walker, Amelia XVIII: 53
wall-paintings XVIII: 153, 154 fig.l, 155 fig. 2
Walpole, Horace XVIII: 190
Waltham, William de XVIII: 16
Ward & Hughes XVIII: 126, 137, 138 141 nn.l1, 13, 167; (No. 2) 10a-c
Warham Guild XVIII: 64
wash, use of 17, XVIII: 18
Washing of Christ’s Feet XVIII: 36; (No. 1) 14a, 17a
Watabe, Yukichi XVIII: 228
Waterhouse family arms XVIII: 41-2
Waterhouse, Sir Edward 41
Waterhouse, John XVIII: 42
Waterhouse, Robert XVIII: 41 fig A. 42
Waterton, Jane, arms of XVIII: 41 fig A. 42
Wayment, Hilary 166-74; The Stained Glass of the Church of St Mary, Fairford, Gloucestershire XVIII: 238-41
Welander, David: The Stained Glass of Gloucester Cathedral XVIII: 237-8
Wentzel, Hans XVIII: 129-30
Westlake, N.H. XVIII: 118
Weston in Wharfedale (W. Yorks.) XVIII: 40
Westwell (Oxon.) XVIII: 240
Whall, Christopher XVIII: 60-1, 90, 91, 276; Stained Glass Work XVIII: 61
Wheler, Sir Granville XVIII: 286
Whitby Abby (N. Yorks.) XVIII: 133
Whitefriars Studios XVIII: 101, 102-3
Whittaker, T.D. XVIII: 45
Wigand, Ede Thoroczkai XVIII: 204
Wilhelmina Jubilee window, The Hague, Netherlands XVIII: 207 .
Willement, Thomas XVIII: 126, l40 n.l0
Williams, Charlie XVIII: 275
Willingdon (E. Sussex) XVIII: 219
Winchester College (Hants.) XVIII: 115-20; (No. 2) 2
‘Windows about Windows’ series (Davis) XVIII: 84, 85, 86
Wolsey, Thomas XVIII: 168
Woodforde, Christopher XVIII: 118, 166, 167, 245
Worden, Stanley Elmore XVIII: 231
Wright, Robert XVIII: 166,168,170, 173 nn.3, 4
Wymack, Edward XVIII: 172
Yarington, S.C. XVIII: 227
York Glaziers Trust XVIII: 124, 134, 135, 319
York Minster XVIII: 16, 17, 126, 128, 168, 319, 321; (No. 2) 6b
York school of painters XVIII: 16-17
Ypres see St Martin’s Cathedral, Ypres
Zambres XVIII: 153
Zechariah XVIII: 19, 25
Zephaniah XVIII: 19