Home Shop Journal index Index Volumes XIX-XX
Index Volumes XIX-XX
Notes. This index covers Volume XIX No. 1 (pp. 1-104), No. 2 (pp. 105-264) and No. 3 (pp. 265-364), and Volume XX No. 1 (pp. 1-112). Volume numbers are given in bold type. A page reference in italic type indicates a black-and-white illustration; references in Roman numerals are to the colour plates section in Volume XX No. 1. A reference followed by ‘n’ indicates a note, and f indicates an obituary notice. Alphabetization is word by word. Place names with two elements are indexed under the first element (e.g. East Grinstead). County and district names used in the index are those current in 2000. References to the iconographical treatment of biblical subjects are collected under the headings ‘Old Testament’ and ‘New Testament’; for other relevant headings see cross-references at ‘iconography’.
Abbeyleix (Irish Rep.) XIX: 57
Abbotsley (Cambs.) XX: 14, 28
Abell, William XIX: 92
Aberdare (Rhondda Cynon Taff) XIX: 226
Aberystwyth (Ceredigion) XIX: 225. Llanbadarn XIX: 225
Abinger Common (Surrey) XX: 79
Aikman, William XIX: 326nl
Alban, St, iconography XIX: 141, 158
Albany (U.S.A.) XIX: 57
Alcock, John XIX: 30
Alder family XX: 82
Alexander family, Viscounts Stirling, arms XIX: 307
Alfington (Devon) XX: 3, 28
Alfonso XIII, King of Spain XIX: 78
Alfrick (Worcs.) XIX: 97
Almquist, Carl XIX: 65
Alscot Park (Warwicks.) XIX: 282
Alvechurch (Worcs.) XX: 13, 14, 28
Amberley (Glos.) XIX: 243
Ambierle (France) XIX: 27
Ambleside (Cumbria) XIX: 60
Ammanford (Carmarthens.) XIX: 225
Ampfield (Hants.) XX: 6-7, 20, 28
Amport (Hants.) XIX: 56
Andrew, Adrian XIX: 32-3 see also Vandenhoute,
Adrian Andrews, Colonel XX: 9
Angelico, Fra XX: 4-6, 5, 7, 9, 17
Annesley family, arms XX: 89
Antique Glass, Mouthblown, produced by Hartley Wood & Co. XIX: 81, 82, 83
Apocalypse see New Testament
Ardene family XIX-.165
Ardingly College (W. Sussex) XIX: 85
Ardleigh (Essex) XX: 23, 28
Arlington (Devon) XIX: 61
Arlington (U.S.A.) XX: 67
Armitage, Edward Liddall XIX: 53, 67, 85; XX: 82
Art Nouveau XIX: 326
see also Liberty
Art Workers’ Guild XIX: 54; XX: 84
Arthur, Prince of Wales XIX: 30, 31, 32-3
Arts and Crafts movement XIX: 62, 66, 84, 85, 86; XX: 68. Birmingham and Cotswolds XIX: 237, 243-4. Ireland XIX: 260-2; XX: 104-6. and search for vernacular expression XIX: 258-60. Wales XIX: 198, 204, 216, 220; XX: 96; see also Whall, Christopher
Arva (Canada) XX: 51-2, 51, IV
Asciotti, __ XIX: 281
Ascot Priory (Windsor and Maidenhead) XX: 22, 23, 28
Ashburnham, Earls of XIX: 284, 311
Ashcomb family, arms XIX: 310
Ashwell (Rutland) XXX: 27 n. 95, 28
Aspull (Gr. Manchester) XX: 40
Assisi (Italy) XIX: l85 n. 3
Astbury (Cheshire) XIX: 57 auctions, stained glass XIX: 46-7, 241-2, 346-9; XX: 87-92
Audincourt (France) XX: 73
Ault Hucknall (Derbys.) XX: 23, 28
Austin collection XX: 91-2
Australia XIX: 229, 262-4, 337-42
‘Australia Studios’ XIX: 339
Austria, stained glass XX: 16-17 see also Lavantal
Avening (Glos.) XIX: 244
Avercamp, Hendrik XIX: 291 aviators, memorial windows XIX: 355-7
Ayers, Timothy, books reviewed by XIX: 250-2
Ayliffe family, arms XIX: 292, 295, 296
Ayre, Kerry, article by XIX: 1-17
Aysgarth School (N. Yorks.) XIX: 65
Bacton (Suffolk) XX: 21,28
badges, devices as, in roundels XIX: 7, 16
Baker, Sir Herbert XIX: 327n9
Baker, John XX: 81
Baker, William XIX: 29
Bakewell (Derbys.) XIX: 48
Baldersby (N. Yorks.) XX: 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 17, 28
Baltimore (U.S.A.) XIX: 253, 254, 300, 307, 312
Bambrough, M.P., contribution by XX: 68-9
Bamford (Derbys.) XX: 2, 13, 13, 14, 28, I
Banham (Norfolk) XIX: 56
Banks, __ XX: 82
Bardsea (Cumbria) XX: 107
Bari (Italy) XIX: 108
Barnet (Or. London), Chipping Barnet XX: 22, 29
Barrand, Charles XX: 75-6
Barraud see Lavers & Barraud
Bartley Green (W. Midlands) XX: 40
Barton-le-Cley (Beds.) XIX: 5
Basildon (Essex) XIX: 240
Bateman, Richard XIX: 282
Bath XIX.-228, 244
Baverstock (Wilts.) XX: 23, 28
Bayley, Henry XIX: 164, 167, 168, 169, 170
Bayne, Robert XX: 19, 22, 23
see also Heaton, Butler & Bayne Baynton family, arms XIX: 310
Beaty, David, Aviators’ Memorial Windows, reviewed
XIX: 355-7
Beauchamp, Elizabeth, Countess of Warwick (nee Berkeley) XIX: 140, 142
Beauchamp, Isabelle, Countess of Warwick (nee Despencer) XIX: 139-40, 141, 142
Beauchamp, Richard, Earl of Warwick XIX: 133, 138, 140, 141
Beauchamp Chapel, glass in XIX: 142, 154,159
Beauchamp family, arms XIX: 166
Beaufort, John, 1st Duke of Somerset XIX: 141
Becket, Thomas, St, iconography XIX: 140-1,158
Beckham, James XX: 23 see also Bell & Beckham
Beckley (Oxon.) XIX: 115, 119; XX: 14, 28
Beech Hill (W. Berks.) XX: 75, 16, 28
Beetham (Cumbria) XX: 107
Belgium see Low Countries; individual places by name
Bell, see also Clayton & Bell
Bell, Alfred XIX: 244
Bell, Joseph XX: 23 n. 2
Bell, Joseph, & Son XIX: 323; XX: 77
Bell, Michael Farrar, Obituary, XIX: 244-5
Bell, Reginald XIX: 244
Bell & Beckham XX: 18, 23, 28, 29, 30
Bella Aqua, Sybill de, m. Sir Miles de Stapelton XIX: 105, 111
Bellamy, Edward XIX: 54
Beltrami, G XIX: 246-7
Bendheim (firm) XIX: 82
Bennett family XIX: 311
Bentley, Richard XIX: 282, 306
Benyon, Caroline XX: 72-3; contribution by XX: 69-70
Beresford-Hope, Alexander see Hope
Berinsfield (Oxon.) XX: 35, 39
Berkeley, Elizabeth, m. Sir John Bussey XIX: 166
Berkeley, Elizabeth, m. Richard, Earl of Warwick XIX: 140, 142
Berkhamsted (Herts.) XIX: 57; XX: 22
Berlin (Germany) XIX: 337
Bertini, Giovan Battista XIX: 182-4, 185 n. 3, 187-9
Bertini, Giuseppe XIX: 183-4, 185 n. 3, 190
Bertini, Pompeo XIX: 183-4, 185 n. 3
Besthorpe (Norfolk) XIX: 5
Bettws (Bridgend) XX: 79
Bettws-y-Coed (Conwy) XIX: 48, 50, 57, 59
Beverley (E.R. Yorks.) XIX: 319
Bexhill-on-Sea (E. Sussex) XIX: 311
Biddenden (Kent) XIX: 4
Bienenfeld (firm) XIX: 82
Birdlip (Glos.) XIX: 244
Birmingham (U.S.A.) XIX: 221, 223, 229, 232
Birmingham (W. Midlands) XIX: 243, 244, 315, 320; XX: 8
Birmingham (W. Midlands) City Art Gallery XIX: 244. Hardman and Co. see Hardman
Benedict, St XIX: 64
Birtles (Cheshire) XIX: 253
Birtsmorton (Worcs.) XIX: 249-50
Bishopwearmouth see Sunderland
Blackmoor (Hants.) XIX: 58
Blakeman, Charles XIX: 85, 237
Blankney (Lines.) XIX: 166
Blanko (firm) XIX: 83
Blean(Kent) XIX: 55
Blickling (Norfolk) XX: 9, 28
Bloemaert, Abraham XIX: 291, 303
Blunsdon St Andrew (Swindon) XX: 20, 28
Boca Raton (U.S.A.) XX: 67
Bolton, William Jay XIX: 256-8
Bond, Richard XIX: 27-8, 32, 34 n. l4
Bossanyi, Ervin XX: 83, XII, front cover
Boston (U.S.A.) XIX: 53
Botticelli, Sandro XIX: 57, 240
Bourdelle, Antoine XX: 32
Bourges (France) XIX: 136
Bournemouth XX: 23, 28
Bowe, Nicola Gordon ‘The Life and Work of Harry Clarke,’ reviewed XIX: 99-100; (ed.) Art and the National Dream. The Search for Vernacular Expression in Turn-of-the-Century Design, reviewed XIX: 258-60; books reviewed by XIX: 260-2; XX: 104-6
Box (Glos.) XIX: 243, 244
Boxford (Suffolk) XX: 36, 40, III
Boyton (Wilts.) XIX: 254
Bradfield (Essex) XX: 39
Bradford (W. Yorks.) XIX: 64
Bradford-on-Avon (Wilts.) XIX: 253
Bradley, Ray XX: 84
Brampton, John de XIX: 25
Bramshott (Hants.) XIX: 53
Branston (Lines.) XIX: 166
Bray, Sir Reynold XIX: 30
Brechin (Angus) XIX: 62
Brecon (Powys) XIX: 220, 228
Bremhill (Wilts.) XX: 26n65
Brennan-Holahan, Mary, ‘A Portrait of Sarah Purser,’ reviewed XX: 104-6
Brenta, Luigi XIX: 182
Brescia Psalter XIX: 169
Bridge Sollars (Herefs.) XIX: 58
Brigham (Cumbria) XX: 16, 17, 28
Brighton XIX: 221, 223, 228, 320
Bristol XIX: 8, 323, 332 n. 23, 335, no. 3 front cover
Bristow Wadley’s (firm) XIX: 201
Briton Ferry (Neath Port Talbot) XIX: 223-4, 227
Broady, Maurice, articles by XIX: 197-215; XX: 96-9
Brockhampton (Herefs.) XIX: 259
Brodrick, G. F. XIX: 326 n. 2
Broeck, Crispin van den XIX: 289, 297, 298
Brompton by Sawdon (N. Yorks.) XX: 36, 40
Brooks, Chris, and Evans, David, ‘The Great East Window of Exeter Cathedral,’ reviewed XIX: 89-93
Broomfield (Essex) XX: 31, 32, 33-4, 34, 39, 40
Brouwer, Adriaen XIX: 296
Browker family, arms XIX: 310
Brown, J.W. XX: 69
Brown, Sarah, article by XX: 57-67
Brown, Sarah, books reviewed by XIX: 93-5, 256; XX: 101-2
Brown, William XIX: 7, 16
Browne, John XIX: 7
Brunei, Isambard Kingdom XIX: 56-7
Brus, de, family, arms XIX: 105, 107
Brussels (Belgium) XIX: 253
Buckland (Herts.) XIX: 249
Buckland (Oxon.) XIX: 53, 60
Burcombe, Adolphus Augustus XX: 82
Burges, William XEX:50, 51, 52, 55, 57
Burgh, William XIX: 136
Burghill (Herefs.) XIX: 229
Burgundy, glaziers from XIX: 24, 27
Burlison & Grylls XIX: 258; XX: 29
Burne-Jones, Sir Edward XIX: 237, 240; XX: 20; and Holiday XIX: 48, 49, 50, 55-6, 59, 64
Burnham Market (Norfolk) XIX: 57
Burton Hall (Leics.) XIX: 3, 4, 6, 8, 9
Bury St Edmunds (Suffolk) XIX: 3, 8, 1l n. 26
Bushey Heath (Herts.) XIX: 63
Bushnall, Professor XX: 34
Bussey, Sir John XIX: 164, 166
Bussey family, arms XIX: 166, 171
Butler, see also Heaton, Butler & Bayne
Butler, William, arms XIX: 165
Butterfield, William XX: 1-30
Buttress, Donald, contribution by XX: 70-1
Buttrey, Dr John XIX: 343
Bye, Thomas XIX: 26, 27
Byfield (Northants.) XIX: 3, 12
Byzantine art, influence on stained glass, 20th cent. XIX: 217; XX: 43, 44, 46-7
Cadbury (Devon) XIX: 92
Caerau (Bridgend) XIX: 219-20, 223, 227
Caistor (Lines.) XX: 14, 26n65, 28 Gala pic XIX: 62
Calgary (Canada) XX: 46-9, 48, IV
Camberley (Surrey) XX: 79 Cambridge,
Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College XIX: 58
Cambridge, Holy Trinity XIX: 258
Cambridge, King’s College Chapel XIX: 24, 26, 29, 31, 257-8, 353
Cambridge, King’s College Chapel, roundels XIX: 3, 4, 5, 8, 292
Cambridge, King’s College Chapel, side chapels XIX: 93-5
Cambridge, King’s College Chapel, west window XX: 111
Cambridge, King’s College Chapel, windows of 1515-17 XIX: 9, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30, 42
Cambridge, St Andrew the Great XIX: 258
Cambridge, St Benedict’s Chapel XIX: 228
Cambridge, Trinity College XIX: 53, 58, 63, 65
Cambridge, Trinity College, Manuscript B.10.2 XIX: 268
Campsea Ashe (Suffolk) XIX: 57
Canada XIX: 63, 75, 207; XX: 26n67, 41-56, 96, 99
Canberra (Australia) XIX: 340-2
Cannon, Linda, books reviewed by XIX: 96-7
Canterbury (Kent), cathedral, XIX: 91, 353; XX: 94
Canterbury (Kent), cathedral, north transept XIX: 142
Canterbury (Kent), cathedral, south-east transept XX: 83, XII, front cover
Canterbury (Kent), cathedral, Trinity chapel XIX: 249
Canterbury (Kent), cathedral, west window XIX: 91 St Dunstan XX: 79
Canterbury, Michael of XIX: 117-18, 120
Cantilupe family, arms XIX: 166
Cape Town (South Africa) XIX: 327, 330
Capell family, ? arms XIX: 166
Cardiff XIX: 201, 227
Careston (Angus) XIX: 60
Carlile, Tom XX: 95
Carlisle (Cumbria), diocese, stained glass XX: 106-8, 110
Carlton-in-Lindrick (Notts.) XIX: 8, 9
Carmarthen XIX: 225; School of Art XIX: 219
Carpenter, R.C. XIX: 315-22 Carr, John XIX: 201
Carroll, Lewis, The Hunting of the Snark XIX: 51, 70
Carter, John XIX: 281, 309
Caseg Press XIX: 218
Casterton (Cumbria) XIX: 62, 64; XX: 107
Castle Eaton (Swindon) XX: 20, 28
Caterham (Surrey) XX: 22, 28
Catherine of Aragon XIX: 30, 31, 32-3, 43
Carton, W. XIX: 296
Caumont, Jan de XIX: 241
Cavendish, Lord Frederick XIX: 60
Caviness, Madeline H., Stained Glass Windows, reviewed XX: 100-1
Celtic Studios XIX: 207; XX: 96-9
Chagall, Marc XIX: 221; XX: 85
Champagne-Ardenne (France) XIX: 256
Champneys, Basil XIX: 51,58
Chance, W.E., Ltd XIX: 81
Chance Bros. XIX: 81
Charles I XIX: 292
Charles II XIX: 292, 298, 301
Charles Borromeo, St, iconography XIX: 790
Charles, Rollo XIX: 219
Charterhouse School see Godalming
Chartham (Kent) XIX: 2
Chartley (Staffs.) XIX: 170
Chartres (France) XIX: 52, 60, 217; XX: 36, 59, 60
Chateau Enghien (Belgium) XIX: 254
Chatham (Canada) XX: 56 n. 30
Chauvet, __ XIX: 65
Checkley (Staffs.) XIX: 4, 5
Cheddar (Som.) XX: 23, 28
Cheesman, GC.N., article by XIX: 191-6
Chelmsford (Essex) XX: 32
Chester XIX: 202, 249, 360
Chesterton (Oxon.) XIX: 56
Chestre, John de XIX: 26
Chicago (U.S.A.) XIX: 253; XX: 59, 60
Chieveley (Bucks.), Prior’s Court XIX: 4
Child, A.E. XX: 105
Chipping Barnet (Gr. London) XX: 22, 29
Chipping Campden (Glos.) XIX: 237
Christ, iconography XIX: 143, 160
Christ enthroned XIX: 167, 171, 178; XX: 16, 16, 17
Christ, iconography, head of Christ XIX: 169, 170, 171, 180
Christ, iconography, Pieta XIX: 9, 17
Christ, iconography, Trinity XIX: 217, 231
Christ, iconography, Virgin and Child XEX:167, 171, 178, no. 1 back cover, XX: 46-7, IV
Christ, iconography, in ‘Warrior Window’ XIX: 193-4
Christ, iconography see also New Testament
Christie’s, stained glass sold at XIX: 46-7, 241-2, 346- 9; XX: 87-90
Christopher, St, iconography XX: XII
Christopherson, Janet XX: 79
Church Leigh (Staffs.) XIX: 2
Clacton on Sea (Essex) XX: 35, 36, 39
Clare family, arms XIX: 166
Clark, James XX: 107
Clark, Willene B., The Stained Glass Art of William Jay Bolton, reviewed XIX: 256-8
Clarke, Brian XX: 84
Clarke, Geoffrey XX: 84
Clarke, Harry XIX: 85, 86, 99-100; XX: 85-6
Clayton, J.R. XX: 19
Clayton & Bell XIX: 244-5, 331 n. 22; XX: 111
Clayton & Bell, and Butterfield XX: 19, 26 n 65, 29
Clevedon (N. Som.) XX: 22, 28
Clipsham (Rutland) XX: 2
Cobham (Surrey) XIX: 56
Cobham, Viscounts XIX: 282
Cock, Hieronymus XIX: 287
Cocke (Coecke), Pieter XIX: 47, 253, 254
Coeur, Jacques XIX: 136
Colchester (Essex) XX: 36; bishops of see Johnson
Cole, William, articles by XIX: 46-7, 241-2, 346-9; A Catalogue of Netherlandish and North-European Roundels in Britain, reviewed XIX: 255; books reviewed by XIX: 252-4 Coleridge, Sir J.T. 20
Coleridge, John Duke (later Baron) XX: 2, 3, 7
Collaert, Adriaen XIX: 289, 298
Cologne (Germany) XIX: 94, 339; XX: 75
Colonia (U.S.A.) XX: 64, 65, 67, VII
Colville Hall (Essex) see White Roding
Colwinston (Vale of Glam.) XIX: 225 n. 8, 227, 230
Como (Italy) XIX: 185 n. 3
Comper, Sir Ninian XX: 42
Connick, Charles J. XIX: 206, 332 n. 23; XX: 69
conservation, of glass XIX: 96-7
Constable, W.H. XIX: 257, 258
Cooke, Ruth, books reviewed by XX: 100-1
Coornhert, __ XIX: 303
Corby (Northants.) XIX: 8
Cormack, Peter, articles by XIX: 84-6, 243-4, 323-36, books reviewed by XIX: 99-101, 262-4, 355-61
Cornelisz, Cornelis XIX: 241
Cornwall, Edmund, Earl of XIX: 119
Corrin, Adelle, contribution by XX: 71
Corvaja e Bazzi, stained glass workshop XIX: 247
Corvalis (U.S.A.) XX: 67
Costeloe, Patrick XX: 77
Costessy collection XIX: 47
Cotes, Geoffrey XIX: 168
Cottingham, Walter and Emma XIX: 174
Coulaz, Paul XX: 61
Coulling, J.F. XEX:331 n. 22
Coulson-Davies, F. XIX: 202
Councer, Charles Roberts, Obituary, XIX: 350
Coventry (W. Midlands) XIX: 18, 265
Coventry (W. Midlands) cathedral XX: 43, 72, 79, 80, 84
Coventry (W. Midlands), cathedral, Chapel of Unity XX: 35, 81, 84
Coventry (W. Midlands), Guildhall XIX: 4, 8
Cowbit (Lines.) XIX: 84 Cowden (Kent) XX: 79
Cowell, Tommy XX: 82
Cox & Sons XX: 23 n. 2
Crane, Walter XIX: 54
Crathie (Aberdeens.) XIX: 359-60
Crockham Hill (Kent) XIX: 60
Cromwell, Ralph, Lord XIX: 7
Cross Hands (Carmarthens.), Pontyberem XIX: 226
Crouch, Edgar XX: 69, 70, 83
Crudwell (Wilts.) XIX: 92
Cumbrae College (N. Ayrshire) XX: 8, 28
Cumbria, stained glass XX: 106-8, 110
Dacre, Lord XIX: 282
Dale, Emily (nee Hayward) XIX: 66
Dale (Pembrokes.) see Marloes
dalle de verre technique XX: 59, 61, 62, 73, 74, 81; Rosemary Rutherford, dalle de verre technique XX: 35-6, 38
Dalton (N. Yorks.) XX: 27 n. 84, 28
Daniels, George XIX: 359-60
Darlington XX: 74-5
Darmstadt (Germany) XIX: 340; XX: 58
Dartmouth (Devon) XX: 98
Datchworth (Herts.) XIX: 65, 258
Davis, E.A. XX: 60
Davis, Mike, contribution by XX: 72-3
Day, Lewis F. XIX: 77
Dearie, Henry XIX: 67
Decorators Supply Company (Swansea) Ltd XIX: 200, 201
Deincourt family, arms XIX: 166
Denny, Tom XX: 77, XI
Dent, J. XIX: 301, 311-12
Denton (Norfolk) XIX: 3, 5, 6, 8, 1l n. 26
Derby, Chellaston XIX: 61
Desag (firm) XIX: 82, 83
Despencer, Isabelle see Beauchamp
Despencer family XIX: 139-40
Detroit (U.S.A.) XX: 67
Devereux, Sir Walter, arms XIX: 170, 174, 181
devices, as badges, in roundels XIX: 7, 16
Dewsbury (W. Yorks.) XIX: 2, 4
Dicksee, Frank XIX: 65
Dix, Arthur XX: 107
Doddiscombleigh (Devon) XIX: 92
donors, medieval XIX: 6-7, 248, 270
Dorchester Abbey (Oxon.) XX: 2, 9, 28
Douglas, William XIX: 262
Drake, Frederick XIX: 89, 90, 93
Drake, Maurice XIX: 88
Dronfield (Derbys.) XIX: 3
Dropmore (Bucks.) XX: 14, 28
Drury, Alfred John XIX: 84, 85, 326 n. 2; XX: 86; see also Lowndes & Drury
Drury, Donald V. XX: 73-4, Pl. X; contribution by XX: 73-4
Drury, Victor XX: 85; Obituary XIX: 84-6, 84
Dublin (Irish Rep.) XIX: 86, 199; XX: 104-6
Duffner & Kimberley XX: 60
Dugdale, William XIX: 134, 137, 138, 142, 146
Dugdale family XIX: 137
Dunfermline (Fife) XIX: 61
Dunhill, Barbara XX: 36
Dunlop (E. Ayrshire) XIX: 57
Dilrer, Albrecht XIX: 286, 296
Durham XIX: 62; bishops of see Skirlaw
Durban, George XX: 60
Durban, George, & Son XX: 58, 60
Durban, William XX: 61
Durban Studios Inc. XX: 61, 64
Dyce, William XX: 2, 7, 24 n. 21
East Grinstead (W. Sussex) XX: 14, 28
East Hanover (U.S.A.) XX: 64-5, 65, 67
East Harling (Norfolk) XIX: 9
Eastcote (Hillingdon, Gr. London) XX: 83
Eavis, Anna, article by XIX: 280-314
Eavis, Anna, books reviewed by XIX: 95-6, 255
Ebrington (Glos.) XIX: 5
Edinburgh, Colinton Road, stained glass by Holiday XIX: 62, no. 1 front cover
Edinburgh, Fettes College XIX: 57, 63, 75
Edinburgh, Holy Trinity XIX: 62, 65
Edinburgh School of Art XIX: 244
Edmonton (Canada) XX: 52, 53
Edmund, St, iconography XIX: 5, 14
Edward I, arms XIX: 107, 166
Edward I, art and architecture at court of XIX: 105, 116, 117, 119, 120
Edward II XIX: 105
Edward IV XIX: 7, 8, 24, 30, 142
Edward VI XIX: 303
Edwards, Carl XX: 69-70, 82, 83, 85, Pl. VIII
Edwards, Edward XIX: 304
Edwards, John XX: 98
Edwards, Philip R. XIX: 333 n. 25
Edwards Glass XX: 43-4
Egmanton (Notts.) XIX: 9
Egypt XIX: 52, 54, 62, 67
Eleanor of Castile, arms XIX: 166
Elizabeth I XIX: 1, 301, 303
Elizabeth II XX: 42, 49
Elizabeth of York XIX: 36 n 44
Ellaerts, Aeltgen XIX: 304
Elmdon & Co. XIX: 330 n. l7
Elskus, Albinas XX: 57-67, 58, 61-5, VI-VII
Eltham Palace (Gr. London) XIX: 24, 32, 136
Elton, Sir Arthur XX: 22
Elvedon (Norfolk) XX: 79
Ely (Cambs.), cathedral XIX: 5, 8
Ely (Cambs.), Stained Glass Museum XIX: 1l n. 9, 12; XX: 63, 80-1, VI, XI
Emanuel, __ XIX: 312, 313
Empingham (Rutland) XIX: 61
Enderby (Leics.) XIX: 165, 166
Enfield (Gr. London), St Mary Magdalene XX: 22, 23, 29, II
Engebrechtsz, Cornells XIX: 286, 303
Epsom (Surrey) XIX: 60
Essex, roundels XIX: 1
Eton (Windsor and Maidenhead) XIX: 29, 85, 136
Evans, Bryn XX: 98
Evans, Wendy, and others, Whitefriars Glass. James
Powell & Sons of London, reviewed XX: 111-12
Evetts, Leonard XX: 68-9, VIII
Ewelme (Oxon.) XIX: 7, 119
Exeter (Devon) XIX: 228
Exeter (Devon), bishops of see Stanley
Exeter (Devon), cathedral XIX: 90-1, 92, 118, 244
Exeter (Devon), cathedral, east window XIX: 89-93
Eyck, Jan van XX: 3
Eymoutiers (France) XIX: 79-80
Ezekiel, iconography XIX: 144, 151, 163
faceted glass XX: 73-4
Fairford (Glos.) XIX: 38-42, 44-5, 153, 244; XX: 69
Fairford (Glos.), identity of glaziers XIX: 24-5, 26, 27, 28-33
Faith, Hope and Charity, iconography XIX: 56-7
Farmington (U.S.A.) XIX: 312
Farrar-Bell, Michael XX: 93
Ferrers family, arms XIX: 170, 174, 181
Fifteen, The (group of artists) XIX: 54
Finsthwaite (Cumbria) XX: 107
First World War, glass for periscopes XIX: 87; memorial windows XIX: 63, 87, 355-7
Fischer, A.C. (firm) XIX: 82, 83
Fisher, __ XIX: 204
Fisher, Alfred XX: 74-5
Fisher, Alfred, article by XIX: 244-5
Fisher, Alfred, contribution by XX: 74-5
Fishguard (Pembrokes.) XIX: 222, 225 n 5, 226
Fitzhugh, Eustache, m. Sir William Ros XIX: 166
Fitzwarin Psalter XIX: 168
Flanigan, Avril, article by XX: 41-56
Flemish glass see Low Countries
Flintshire, stained glass XX: 110-11
Florence (Italy) XX: 6, 7, 17
Flower, Barnard XIX: 9, 24-45
Foley, Janet XX: 95
Foliot family, arms XIX: 166
Fontana, L. XIX: 246, 247
Fordham (Cambs.) XIX: 5
Forsyth, Moira XIX: 85
Foster, Joseph Wilson XX: 85
Fowler, Robert XIX: 224
Fox, Richard, Bishop of Winchester XIX: 25, 31
Foxham (Wilts.) XX: 26 n. 65
Frampton, E.R. XIX: 331 n. 22
Frampton family, arms XIX: 296
France, stained glass, medieval XIX: 76, 250-2, 256; XX: 59, 60; stained glass, modern: dalle de verre windows XX: 35, 59, 61, 73, 81; glass manufacturers XIX: 83; see also Burgundy; individual places by name
Francis, St, iconography XIX: 205, 213, 234
Freiburg (Germany) XX: 59
Fremont (firm) XIX: 83
French, Thomas, article by XIX: 18-23
Frome (Som.) XX: 21
Frost, Robert XIX: 32
Fry, Roger XIX: 77
Frye, Mary Hamilton XIX: 332 n. 23
Fulmer (Bucks.) XIX: 253
Fylingdales (N. Yorks.) XIX: 58, 59
Gaddi, Taddeo XX: 4-5, 17, 24 n. 21, 24 n. 23, 25 n. 29
Gainsborough (Lines.) XIX: 168
Gamon see Williams & Gamon
Garnham, Trevor, St. Andrew’s Church, Roker, Sunderland, reviewed XX: 102-3
Garthorpe (Leics.) XIX: 6, 8
Gascoigne, Ethel (nee King) XIX: 66
Gateshead (Tyne and Wear) XX: 81
Gaywood (Norfolk) XX: 40, Pl. III
Geddes, Wilhelmina XIX: 85; XX: 69, 107
Gedding, John XIX: 25
Gedney (Lines.) XIX: 166
Geelong (Australia) XIX: 341
Genoa (Italy) XIX: 185 n. 3
George, St, iconography XIX: 233
Gere, Edith see Payne
Gerente, Alfred XX: 4, 21-2, 23 n.2, 28, 29, 30
Gerini, Niccolo di Pietro XX: 17, 24 n. 20
Germany, Albinas Elskus in XX: 58-9
Germany, stained glass, medieval XIX: 77, 78; XX: 16-17; stained glass, modern XIX: 83, 337-9; XX: 84
see also individual places by name
Gertler, Mark XX: 32
Gheyn, Jacob der XX: 91
Gibbs, see also Goddard & Gibbs
Gibbs, Alexander XX: 1, 11, 12, 14-17, 20, 21-2, 28-30
Gibbs, Alexander, Beech Hill XX: 15, 16, 28
Gibbs, Alexander, Godmersham XX: 14, 17, 28, II
Gibbs, Alexander, Lyminge XX: 16, 16, 29
Gil Studio XX: 65
Gill, Eric XIX: 236, 237-8
Giotto XX: 4, 6, 6, 7, 17
Giotto, influence on Holiday XIX: 57, 60
Glasby, William XIX: 53, 67
Glasgow XX: 60
Glasgow, Burrell Collection XIX: 3, 4, 7, 9, 170-1
Glasgow cathedral XIX: 185 n. 3
Glasllwch (Newport) XIX: 226
glass designers, medieval, relationship with architects/masons XIX: 117, 120; relationship with glass makers XIX: 250;
see also glaziers
Glass House (Fulham) see London
Glazart (firm) XIX: 202, 204
glaziers, 15th-16th cent., monograms XIX: 18-23, 19; working methods on large contracts XIX: 25, 26-8; see also glass designers
Glaziers’ Company see Worshipful Company of Glaziers
Glaziers’ Trust XIX: 245
Gleeson, Bill XIX: 337
Gloucester, bishop of XIX: 282
Gloucester, cathedral XIX: 244, 249, 326n3, 328 n l3; Herbert Howells memorial window XIX: 343-5, 344,
no. 3 back cover; south ambulatory chapel XX: 76-7, XI
Glynde (E. Sussex) XIX: 253, 254
Godalming (Surrey) XX: 35; Charterhouse School XX: 35-6, 39
Goddard & Gibbs XX: 36, 40, 84
Godmersham (Kent) XX: 14, 17, 28, II
Golden Cockerel Press XIX: 219
Goltzius, Hendrik XIX: 290, 298, 301, 304, 307
Goodhart-Rendel, H.S. XIX: 85
Gorseinon (Swansea) XIX: 217-18, 224, 227
Gough, R. XIX: 138, 142
Gould, Roy XX: 36
Govilon (Monmouths.) XIX: 226
Gravenhorst, Professor XIX: 338
Gray, Jane XX: 75-6, X; contribution by XX: 75-6
Gray, Thomas XIX: 282-3
Grazeley (Wokingham) XX: 3, 29
Great Bookham (Surrey) XX: 12, 12, 17, 21, 29, I
Great Exhibition (1851) XIX: 320; XX: 5
Great Malvern (Worcs.) XIX: 142, 153, 167
Great Mongeham (Kent) XX: 14, 29
Great Waldingfield (Suffolk) XX: 16, 29
Great Yeldham (Essex) XX: 11, 29
Greathead (Greethead), J. XIX: 307, 311, 312, 313
Greece XIX: 52
Greenwich see London
Greethead see Greathead
Grimshaw, Rosalind XX: 85
Grimshaw, Rosalind, contribution by XX: 76-7
‘grotesques’ XIX: 2-3, 12
Grylls see Burlison & Grylls Guevel, Job XX: 35
Guildford (Surrey) XIX: 85; XX: 35, 39, 79
Gulbenkian Foundation XIX: 219
Guthrie, John Gordon XX: 58, 60
Hackert, Karl XX: 59-60
Hackthorn (Lines.) XIX: 56
Hadamar (Germany) XIX: 339
Haddenham (Bucks.) XIX: 244
Haddleseye (N. Yorks.) XIX: 105
Haddon, Roly XX: 37
Hadleigh (Suffolk) XX: 32
Hadley, Dennis and Joan, article by XIX: 48-75
Hall, Harry XIX: 204
Halmaet, Israel van XEX:295
haloes, polygonal, for Old Testament figures XX: 17
Halstead (Essex) XX: 39
Hambledon (Hants.) XIX: 315
Hamburg (Germany) XIX: 340
Hancock, Kenneth XIX: 202
Hanmer (New Zealand) XX: 40
Harcourt, Lady see Waldegrave
Hardman, John/Hardman, John, & Co. XX: 20, 85
Hardman, John/Hardman, John, & Co., and Butterfield XX: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8-11, 19, 28-30
Hardman, John/Hardman, John, & Co., Old Harlow XIX: 191-4,196
Hardman, John/Hardman, John, & Co., Sherborne Abbey XIX: 315-22, 317
Harlaxton (Lines.) XIX: 166
Harries, John (revised by Carola Hicks), Discovering Stained Glass, reviewed XX: 109-10
Harrison, J.P. XX: 7
Harrison, Martin, books reviewed by XIX: 256-60
Harrow (Gr. London), All Saints, Harrow Weald XX: 22-3, 22, 29; Roxeth XIX: 66; Wealdstone, Whitefriars Glass XX: 111
Harrowing of Hell, iconography, Fairford XIX: 28, 32, 33, 38; Messingham XIX: 168, 172, 779
Hartley, James XIX: 81, 320
Hartley, James Jnr XIX: 81
Hartley, John XIX: 81
Hartley Wood & Co. XIX: 81-3; XX: 36, 37, 83
Harvey, John XIX: 353
Hathersage (Derbys.) XX: 11-12, 29
Hatton, Sir Christopher XIX: 138
Havelock (New Zealand) XX: 39
Haward, Birkin, Nineteenth Century Suffolk Stained Glass, reviewed XIX: 100-1
Hawstead (Suffolk) XEX:8, 1l n. 26
Hay-les-Roses (France) XX: 35
Hayez, Francesco XIX: 184
Hayward, Emily see Dale
Hayward, Jane, Obituary, XIX: 350-1
Hayward, John XX: 78, Pl. X; contribution by XX: 78
Headington (Oxon.) XIX: 56
Healey, Michael XX: 107
Healthy and Artistic Dress Union XIX: 54
Heath (Derbys.) XX: 23, 29
Heaton, Butler & Bayne XIX: 51, 53, 56-8, 331 n. 22; and Butterfield XX: 19, 22-3, 22, 23n2, 28, 29, Pl. II
Hebgin-Barnes, Penny, article by XIX: 164-81; ‘The Medieval Stained Glass of the County of Lincolnshire,’ reviewed XX: 101-2
Hedgeland, George XIX: 257
Hedgeland, J.P. XIX: 257
Heemskerck, Maerten van XIX: 286-9, 295, 296, 305
Heemskerck, Maerten van, Man who made a Supper XIX: 286, 287, 299, 300; Patriarchs XIX: 286, 297, 298; Prodigal Son XIX: 286-9, 288, 300, 302; Unmerciful Servant XIX: 286, 303, 304
Heiligenkreuz (Austria) XX: 17
Heinz, Thomas A., Frank Lloyd Wright Glass Art, reviewed XIX: 357-9
Hendrie, Herbert XIX: 85, 237
Henry V XIX:141
Henry VI XIX: 29, 30, 31, 141
Henry VII XIX: 1, 9, 142, 302; King’s Glaziers XIX: 24-45
Henry VIII XIX: 303; King’s Glaziers XIX: 24-45
Henry of Bamberg, St, iconography XIX: 30
heraldic glass, by Christopher Wallis XX: 42, 43, 49-51, 50, V
heraldic glass, Messingham XIX: 164-7, 170-1, 174, 177, 181
heraldic glass, North Moreton XIX: 106-7
heraldic glass, Strawberry Hill XIX: 292, 293, 312-13
Hetley, James, and Co. XIX: 86-8
Heydour (Lines.) XIX: 3, 8
Heytesbury (Wilts.) XX: 14, 16, 23, 29
Hill, Frederick XIX: 318
Hillingdon (Gr. London), Eastcote XX: 83
Hillsborough (U.S.A.) XIX: 253, 254
Hinderclay (Suffolk) XX: 38
Hindhead (Surrey) XIX: 333 n. 24
Hiorn, Francis XIX: 146
Hiscoe, Father XIX: 217-18
Hiscott, Amber XX: 84
Historia Scholastica of Petrus Comestor, illuminated manuscript XIX: 119
Hitchin (Herts.) XX: 14, 29
Hogan, James XX: 69, 74, 98
Holiday, Henry XIX: 48-69, 70-5, no. 1 front cover
Holiday, Kate (nee Raven) XIX: 50-1, 52, 55, 64
Holiday, Mary XIX: 49, 67
Holiday, Winifred XIX: 48, 50, 51, 52, 63, 67
Holiday family XIX: 49
Holland, William, Stained Glass and Decorative Works (Warwick) XIX: 137-8
Holland see Low Countries
Hollander (firm) XIX: 82
Hollingworth, Richard XIX: 170
Hollowell (Northants.) XIX: 56
Holt, Frank XIX: 137
Hone, Galyon (Ghalijn Hoon) XIX: 9, 34 n l4
Hope, Alexander Beresford XX: 25 n. 31, 26 n. 62, 27 n. 95
Horsley, J.C. XIX: 57
Horton cum Studley (Oxon.) XX: 26 n. 65, 29
Horwood Brothers XX: 21, 23 n. 2, 29
Hougham (Lincs.) XIX: 165
Hove XX: 20, 26 n. 68, 29
Howells, Herbert XIX: 343-5
Howson, Joan XIX: 293, 295-310; XX: 82
Hull, __ XIX: 311, 313
Humphreys, Bill XX: 96, 99
Humphreys, Nancie XX: 99
Hunt see Shrigley & Hunt
Hunter, Gisela XIX: 339, 341
Huntington, John XIX: 170
Hursley (Hants.) XX: 6, 7-8, 26n63, 29
Husband, Timothy B., Stained Glass before 1700 in American Collections: Silver-Stained Roundels and Unipartite Panels, reviewed XIX: 252-4
Hutchinson, Mary XIX: 333 n. 25
Hutton, John XX: 84
Iconography – Beauchamp Chapel, Warwick, iconography XIX: 133-63 North Moreton, iconography XIX: 107-16 Strawberry Hill, iconography XIX: 284-93 iconography see also Christ; Faith, Hope and Charity; Harrowing of Hell; Labours of the Months; Mary; New Testament; Old Testament; Pieta; prophets; Reynard the Fox; saints; Trinity illuminated manuscripts see manuscript illumination
Ilmer (Bucks.) XIX: 240
India XIX: 52, 53
Ingham (Lines.) XIX: 166
Ingmanthorpe (W. Yorks.) XIX: 166
Ingoldsby (Lines.) XIX: 166
International Gothic style XIX: 92
Ireland XIX: 54, 60; Arts and Crafts movement XIX: 260-2; XX: 104-6 see also Dublin
Isaiah, iconography XIX: 151, 163
Italy – influence of Italian art on English stained glass, 19th cent. XIX: 52; XX: 4-7, 11, 17; stained glass, medieval XIX: 77, 79;19th cent. XIX: 182-6,187-90; see also individual places by name
Jackson, Harry XX: 61
Jackson, Leslie (ed.), Whitefriars Glass: The Art of James Powell & Sons, reviewed XX: 108-9
James the Great, St, iconography XIX: 28, 39, 169, 170, 171, 180
James, Alfred XIX: 270
James, Ray XIX: 220
Janes, Fred XIX: 202, 204
Japan XIX: 77-8
Jared, Dr Eleanor Croysdale XX: 51
Jenkins, Percy Pickard XIX: 202, 204, 205
Jervais, Thomas XIX: 280 Joachim of Fiore XIX: 266
Jode, Gerard de, Thesaurus Sacrarum XIX: 289, 289, 297, 298
John of Bridlington, St, iconography XIX: 141, 759
John the Evangelist, St, iconography XIX: 32, 33, 40, 168, 171, 180
John the Evangelist, St, scenes from life in Apocalypse cycles XIX: 266, 270, 273, 276
Johnson, Colonel Chardin Philip XIX: 191
Johnson, Revd H.F., later Bishop of Colchester XIX: 191-4
Johnstown (Carmarthens.) XIX: 226
Jones, E.B. XX: 30
Jones, Graham XX: 84
Jones, Stephen, books reviewed by XIX: 96-7
Joris, David XIX: 241
Judas Master XIX: 31
Kandinsky, Wassily XIX: 238
Kaunus (Lithuania) XX: 57
Keble, John XX: 7, 20, 51, 52
Kelstern (Lincs.) XIX: 8
Kempe, Charles Earner XIX: 58, 258; XX: 70, 71, Pl. IX
Kenelm, St, Bishop of Worcester, iconography XX: 82, Pl. XI, back cover
Kenley (Surrey) XIX: 67
Kent, stained glass XIX: 350
Kent Blaxhill & Co. XX: 36
Kerney, Michael, article by XX: 1-30
Keswick (Cumbria) XEX:59
Ketteringham (Norfolk) XIX: 3
Kettlethorpe (Lines.) XIX: 168-9 Khorade, Ellen XIX: 344, 345
Kimberley see Duffher & Kimberley
King, Ethel see Gascoigne
King, Dennis XIX: 97, 164; XX: 38; Obituary, XIX: 351-3, 352
King, G, & Son (Lead Glaziers) Ltd XIX: 353
King, Michael XIX: 353
Kingerby (Lines.) XIX: 249
King’s Glaziers, 15th-16th cent. XIX: 9, 24-45
Kingsworthy (Hants.) XIX: 5
Kington (Worcs.) XIX: 229
Kinwarton (Warwicks.) XX: 3-4, 16, 26 n. 65, 29
Kirkby (Merseyside) XIX: 59, 61, 65
Kirkby Stephen (Cumbria) XX: 107
Klee, Paul XIX: 238
Knights Templar XIX: 108
Knightshayes (Devon) XIX: 50
Knockholt (Kent) XIX: 51
Kraen, Symon Coenelisz XIX: 347
Laban (Irish Rep.) XX: 105
Labouret, __ XX: 59
Labours of the Months, roundels XIX: 3-5, 7, 13, 291
Lacock Abbey (Wilts.) XIX: 5
Lacy, Henry de, 3rd Earl of Lincoln, arms XIX: 107
Lacy family, arms XIX: 166
Lambert (firm) XIX: 82, 83
Lampeter (Ceredigion) XIX: 204-5, 209 n. l7, 226
Lancaster, Edmund (Crouchback), Earl of, tomb
XIX: 117-18 Lancaster, House of, arms XIX: 166
Lancaster, House of, badges XIX: 7
Lancaster, glass makers XIX: 65
Lane, John XIX: 77, 78-9
Lane, Richard XIX: 137
Langen (Germany) XIX: 340 Langley, Ralph XIX: 170
Langley (Devon) XIX: 347
Langley (Kent) XX: 6, 8, 29
Larmour, Paul, The Arts and Crafts Movement in Ireland, reviewed XIX: 260-2
Latimer (Bucks.) XIX: 59
Lattin family, arms XIX: 310
Latton (Wilts.) XX: 14, 17, 29
Laughton, William and Eliza XIX: 174
Lavantal (Austria), Bad St Leonhard XIX: 47 Lavendon (Milton Keynes) XX: 20, 29
Lavers & Barraud XIX: 51, 55, 56; XX: 26 n.76; and Butterfield XX: 19-20, 21, 26 n.76, 28, 29, 30
Lawrence, St, iconography XIX: 51, 72
Lawshall (Suffolk) XX: 4, 21, 29
Lawson, John XX: 84
Lee, Lawrence XX: 42-3, 44-5, 79-80, 81, 84, 93
contribution by XX: 79-80
Lee, Richard XIX: 165, 166, 167
Leek Wootton (Warwicks.) XIX: 60
Leeuwen, Johan van XIX: 307
Legal family, arms XIX: 310
Leger, Fernand XX: 73
Leicester – City Museum, roundels XIX: 5, 6, 7, 9, 14; Guildhall XIX: 4; Hall of Corpus Christi Guild XIX: 5
Leicestershire ‘Pictures for Schools’ scheme XX: 81
Leiden, Lucas van see Lucas
Leighton, Frederic, Lord XIX: 63
Leland, John XIX: 30, 134, 138, 142
Leslie (Fife) XX: 23, 29
Letcombe Regis (Oxon.) XIX: 250
Lethaby,W.R. XIX: 323
Leveson, Lady Katherine XIX: 137
Lew (Oxon.) XIX: 56
Lewes (E. Sussex) XIX: 58
Lewis, Charles XIX: 202, 205
Lewis, Tim XIX: 203, 207, 344, 345
Lewiston (U.S.A.) XX: 67
Liberty stained glass, Milan XIX: 246-7
Lightfoot, Dr Joseph XIX: 58
Lillich, Meredith Parsons, Rainbow like an Emerald, Stained Glass in Lorraine in the Thirteenth and Early Fourteenth Centuries, reviewed XIX: 250-2
Lincoln, cathedral XIX: 3, 4
Lincoln, Earls of see Lacy
Lincoln, John de XIX: 25
Lincolnshire, stained glass XX: 101-2
Linnich (Germany) XIX: 339
Lithuania XX: 57
Little Hampden (Bucks.) XIX: 244
Little Malvern Priory (Worcs.) XIX: 30
Liverpool (Merseyside), Allerton XIX: 59; Anglican cathedral XX: 69-70, 83, 98, Pl. VIII; Museum XIX: 3, 5; Roman Catholic cathedral XX: 81
Llanddarog (Carmarthens.) XIX: 226
Llanddewi Rhydderch (Monmouths.) XIX: 225 n. 7, 226
Llanddewibrefi (Ceredigion) XIX: 226
Llandeilo (Carmarthens.) XIX: 226
Llandovery (Carmarthens.), Llanfair-ar-y-Bryn XIX: 217, 221, 225 n. 4, 226, 233
Llandrindod Wells (Powys) XEX:228
Llanelli (Carmarthens.) XIX: 226
Llanfair-ar-y-Bryn (Carmarthens.) see Llandovery
Llanfair Caierenion (Powys) XIX: 225 n. 5, 228
Llanfihangel Rhydithon (Powys) XIX: 202, 205, 213
Llangammarch Wells (Powys) XIX: 228
Llanllwch (Carmarthens.) XIX: 226
Llanover (Monmouths.) XIX: 226
Llansteffan (Carmarthens.) XIX: 217, 219, 220, 222, 226, 231
Llantilio Pertholey (Monmouths.) XIX: 226
Llantwit Major (Vale of Glam.) XIX: 227
Lockyer, Norman XIX: 52
London, Kenneth Stanford, Obituary XX: 93-5, 94
London, P.S., books reviewed by XEX:354-5
London – All Hallows, Tottenham XX: 2, 21, 29; All Hallows by the Tower XIX: 245; All Saints, Margaret Street XX: 16, 21-2, 29; All Saints, Notting Hill XIX: 64; Apothecaries’ Hall XX: 69, 83; auction houses see Christie’s; Phillips; Sotheby’s; Battersea Training College chapel XX: 19, 29; Bedford Park, Turnham Green XIX: 201-2, 328 n. l0; Bishop of London’s palace (near St Paul’s) XIX: 24, 32; Brixton Unitarian Chapel XIX: 63; Central/St Martins College of Art XIX: 339; Central School of Arts and Crafts XIX: 85, 323, 325; XX: 81;Chiswick School of Arts and Crafts XIX: 201-2; Christ Church, Hoxton XX: 24 n.21; Church of Scotland, Crown Court, Drury Lane XIX: 245; City arms XIX: 301; City, modern glass XX: 84; Crystal Palace XIX: 81; Eltham Palace XIX: 24, 32, 136 ; Essex church, Notting Hill XIX: 67; Fulham Palace chapel XX: 19, 29; Glass House (Lettice Street, Fulham) XIX: 84, 85; XX: 86; Glass House (Lettice Street, Fulham), stained glass artists using: Edwards XX: 69-70; Holiday XIX: 53, 67; Whall XIX: 327 n. 8, 328 n. 11, 330-l n. l8;glaziers, medieval XIX: 24 see also Southwark; Great Exhibition (1851) XIX: 320; XX: 5; Greenwich Palace XIX: 24, 32; Greenwich Palace, Queen Elizabeth I London College XX: 79; Guildhall, masque of Beauty’s Awakening XIX: 54 Hammersmith Central Library, roundels XIX: 307, 311; Hammersmith, Christopher Whall’s studio-workshop (1 Ravenscourt Park) XIX: 323, 327n8, 330nl7, 334, 336; Hammersmith, St John, Glenthorne Road XX: 19-20, 21, 29; Hammersmith School of Arts and Crafts XIX: 331; XX: 42, 44; Hampstead, Henry Holiday at XIX: 49, 51, 53, 55, 67;
Hampstead, Rosslyn Hill Chapel XIX: 61; Holy Trinity, Hounslow XX: 98; Imperial War Museum XX: 32, 85; Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary XIX: 343; Ironmongers’ Hall XIX: 245; James Hetley and Co. XIX: 86-8; Leigh’s Art School, Newman St XIX: 49; Leighton House, Kensington XX: 84; London Hospital Medical School, Whitechapel
XX: 84, Pl. XII; Lowndes and Drury XIX: 330 n. l8; see also Glass House; Mall Unitarian Church, Netting Hill XIX: 63; Moorfields Eye Hospital XX: 36, 40; Muswell Hill XIX: 67; Nicholson Studio XX: 34; Royal Academy Schools XIX: 49, 202, 204, 217; Royal College of Art XIX: 198, 237, 243; XX: 68; Royal College of Art stained glass department XIX: 197, 202, 323; XX: 42, 84; St Anne, Hoxton XIX: 60; St Augustine, Queen’s Gate, Kensington XX: 23, 29; St Barnabas, Dulwich XIX: 343; St Bartholomew’s Hospital XIX: 282; St Botolph, Aldersgate XIX: 245; St Clement, East Dulwich XX: 73; St Etheldreda’s, Ely Place XIX: 85; St George, Catford XIX: 62; St Katherine Cree XIX: 245; St Lawrence Jewry XIX: 51, 56, 64, 72; St Luke, Kentish Town XIX: 58; St Martin, Kensal Rise XIX: 244; St Mary, Lambeth XX: 84; St Mary, Primrose Hill XIX: 65; St Mary-le-Bow XX: 78; St Mary Magdalene, Munster Square XX: 19, 29; St Mary Magdalene, Paddington XIX: 58, 59; St Matthias, Stoke Newington XX: 7, 11, 20, 29; St Paul’s Cathedral XIX: 32; Savoy Hospital XIX: 28; Slade School XIX: 66, 67; XX: 32; Society of Arts XIX: 283; Southwark
cathedral XIX: 62; XX: 79, 95; immigrant glaziers’ community, 15th-16th cent.XIX: 9, 24; Tower of London XIX: 24, 32; Tower of London, St John’s chapel roundels XIX: 299, 302, 311; Victoria and Albert Museum XX: 84; Victoria and Albert Museum, Holiday cartoons XIX: 59; London, Victoria and Albert Museum, roundels XIX: 3-4, 5, 9, 1Il n. 26, 13, 14, 17; from Strawberry Hill XIX: 312-13; Wellington Barracks, Guards’ Chapel XIX: 85; Westminster, St Margaret XIX: 60, 85; Westminster Abbey XIX: 56-7, 85, 116, 117, 249; Westminster Abbey chapter house, Apocalypse wall-paintings XIX: 265, 266, 268, 269; Henry VII’s chapel XIX: 24, 25; Westminster Palace XIX: 24, 26, 27, 32; St Stephen’s chapel XIX: 25-6, 118; Whitefriars Glass (James Powell & Sons) XIX: 326 n. l; XX: 69, 80, 82-3, 98, 108-9, 111-12; York Place XIX: 24, 27; see also Barnet; Enfield; Harrow; Hillingdon; Merton; Richmond
London, Ontario (Canada) XX: 43-4, 51, V
Long Melford (Suffolk) XIX: 353
Lorraine (France) XIX: 250-2
Louisville (U.S.A.) XIX: 253-4
Low Countries / Netherlands – immigrant craftsmen from, 15th-16th cent. XIX: 9-10; roundels XIX: 9-10, 280-314, 285-8, 290-1; sources for English roundels, 15th-16th cent. XIX: 4, 6, 9-10
Lowick (Northants.) XIX: 91
Lowndes, Mary XIX: 66, 84; XX: 85, 86
Lowndes & Drury XIX: 84-6, 330nl8; XX: 73; and Holiday XIX: 53, 63, 66, 67; and Rosemary Rutherford XX: 34, 36, 39, 40; see also London, Glass House
Lucas van Leiden XIX: 285, 299, 300, 305
Lyen, Robert XIX: 89, 91-2
Lyminge (Kent) XX: 16, 16, 29
Lytlington Missal XIX: 91
McCartney, Linda XIX: 236
Mackintosh, Charles Rennie XIX: 205
Madison (U.S.A.) XIX: 63
Maesteg (Bridgend) XIX: 225 n 5, 227
Maiden Bradley (Wilts.) XIX: 3, 4, 6, 8, 9
Malfatti, Patrizia, article by XIX: 182-90
Malfatti, Patrizia, contribution by XIX: 246-7
Manchester XIX: 224
Manchester, collegiate church (now cathedral) XIX: 169-70; XX: 81
Manchester, St Ann XX: 71
Manitoba College (Canada) XIX: 63
manuscript illumination, parallels with glass XIX: 249-50
Exeter, manuscript illumination, parallels with glass XIX: 91
manuscript illumination, parallels with glass, – Messingham XIX: 168-9; North Moreton XIX: 119; roundels XIX: 2, 3, 5, 8: York XIX: 265-79
Maperton (Som.) XIX: 56
Margam (Neath Port Talbot) XIX: 227
Margaret, Princess, later Queen of Scotland XIX: 31, 32, 44
Mark, St, iconography XIX: 31, 32, 45
symbol XIX: 8, 16 Marks, H.S. XIX: 49
Marks, Richard, contribution by XIX: 278; ‘Stained Glass in England during the Middle Ages,’ reviewed XIX: 248-50; books reviewed by XIX: 89-93
Marloes (Pembrokes.) XIX: 225 n. 5, 226
Marlston (W. Berks.) XX: 14, 29
Marshal, John XIX: 167
Martin, Edward XIX: 203
Martin, Elizabeth XIX: 200, 202-3
Martin, Howard XIX: 197, 199-207, 211, 219, no. 2 back cover, XX: 96-9; see also Martin & Thomas
Martin, Jack XIX: 200, 202-4
Martin family XIX: 203, 204
Martin & Thomas (firm) XIX: 202-7, 211-15; XX: 96-8
Martin & Thomas (firm) see also Celtic Studios
Martindale (Cumbria) XX: 75-6, X
Martyn, Edward XIX: 199
Mary, Princess (daughter of Henry VII) XIX: 31, 35-6 n. 43
Mary, Virgin, iconography, Assumption of the Virgin XIX: 143; North Moreton XIX: 114-16, 117, 119, 132; Coronation of the Virgin XIX: 143; Death of the Virgin XIX: 113, 119; Pieta XIX: 9, 17; scenes from life XIX: 150, 153, 154; single figure, Beauchamp Chapel XIX: 143, 160; single figure, by Albinas Elskus XX: 60-1, Pl. VI, single figure, by J.E. Nuttgens XIX: 240; single figure, Rosemary Rutherford memorial window XX: 37, 37; Virgin and Child XIX: 167, 171,178, no. 1 back cover, XX: 46-7, Pl. IV; see also New Testament
Mary Magdalene, St, iconography XIX: 30, 31, 43, 51, 72
Masaccio XX: 17
Masodi Banco XX: 17
Masolino XX: 17, 27 n. 92
Mason, Stuart XX: 81
Master of the Acts of Mercy XIX: 253
Master of the Joseph Legend XIX: 254
Matfield House (Kent) XJX:4, 5
Mathews, Susan – contribution by XX: 80-1; books reviewed by XX: 109-10
Matlock (Derbys.) XX: 79
Mayland (Essex) XIX: 56
Mears Ashby (Northants.) XX: 79
Mechlin (Belgium) XIX: 29, 33
medallions XIX: 1
Meisterman, Georg XX: 84
Melbourne (Australia) XIX: 342, 342; Chisholm Institute of Technology XIX: 339, 340, 341
Melbury Bubb (Dorset) XIX: 92
Mells (Som.) XX: 38
Menillot (France) XIX: 251
Meo, Gaetano XIX: 65-6
Mere (Wilts.) XIX: 55, 71
Merry Go Round Glass XIX: 82
Merstham (Surrey) XIX: 59
Merton (Gr. London)
Merton Abbey XIX: 243
Merton Park XX: 39
Messing (Essex) XX: 284
Messingham (N. Lines.) XIX: 164-76, 177-81
Methwold (Norfolk) XIX: 55
Michael, Michael, books reviewed by XIX: 248-50
microarchitecrure, in stained glass, 13th-14th cent. XIX: 116-18
Milan (Italy) XIX: 185 n. 3
Milan (Italy), cathedral XIX: 182-6, 187-90
Milan (Italy), Liberty stained glass XIX: 246-7
Milford Haven (Pembrokes.) XIX: 226
Millais, Sir John Everett XIX: 51
Milner-White, Eric XX: 68
Milstead (Kent) XX: 27 n. 93, 29
Milton (Cambs.) XIX: 257
Milton Abbas (Dorset) XX: 79
Milton Ernest (Beds.) XX: 14, 29
Milward, Margaret XX: 32
Minchinhampton (Glos.) XIX: 244
Minehead (Som.) XIX: 62, 64, 67
Missenden Abbey (Bucks.) XIX: 254
Moat, Neil XX: 81
Moat, Neil, books reviewed by XX: 102-3, 106-9
Moberley, __ XIX: 50
monograms, of glaziers XIX: 18-23, 19
monopartite panels XIX: 1; see also unipartite panels
Mons (Belgium) XIX: 28
Montfort family, arms XIX: 166
Monza (Italy) XIX: 185 n. 3
Moore, Albert XIX: 50
Moore, Peter XIX: 97
Moore, Rupert XX: 82
Morgan, Douglas Great West Window, reviewed XX: 111
Morgan, Douglas Windows on Crathie, reviewed XIX: 359-60
Morley family, arms XIX: 167, 174
Morris, Cedric XX: 32
Morris, William XIX: 51
Morris and Co. XIX: 48, 50-1, 67, 243; XX: 27 n. 84, 28
Morriston (Swansea) XIX: 199-200, 203, 211; XX: 96
Morriston (Swansea), Clasemont XIX: 204, 209 n. l7
Morriston (Swansea), Philadelphia Chapel XIX: 205, 213
Morthoe (Devon) XIX: 59
Mortimer, Agnes XIX: 66-7
Mortimer, J.R. XIX: 66-7
Mothersole, Jessie XIX: 52, 55, 67
Mouthblown Antique Glass, produced by Hartley Wood & Co. XIX: 81, 82, 83
Muller, H.M. XX: 88
Muncaster, Lord XIX: 60
Muncaster (Cumbria) XIX: 58
Munich (Germany) XIX: 205
Munsen, Donald, collection XX: 89
Muntz, Johann XIX: 281, 301
Murray, Mrs Scott XIX: 315, 319
Murray, William Grant XIX: 198, 210
Murray, William Grant, at Swansea School of Art XIX: 197-9, 200, 201, 202,
203, 206, 207; XX: 96
Musgrave-Wood, G XIX: 202
music, in stained glass, Beauchamp Chapel XIX: 140, 145-6, 147
music, in stained glass, Herbert Howells memorial window XIX: 343-5
Mussolini, Benito XIX: 79
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk XIX: 79
Mynyddislwyn (Caerphilly) XIX: 226
Namedy (Germany) XX: 17
Nantyffyllon (Bridgend) XIX: 222, 227
Nazarines XX: 4, 24 n. 21
Neale, J.M. XX: 14
Neath (Neath Port Talbot), Cimla XIX: 205, 209 n. l7, 272
Neath (Neath Port Talbot), St David XIX: 223, 227
Neath (Neath Port Talbot), Windsor Cinema XIX: 205, 214; XX: 98
Netherlands see Low Countries
Neve, William XIX: 24, 33
Nevendon (Essex) XX: 34, 39
Neville, Richard, Earl of Warwick (the ‘Kingmaker’)
XIX: 133, 140 Neville family (of Scotton) XIX: 164-7
Neville family (of Scotton) arms XIX: 165-7, 171, 172, 177-8
New, Keith XX: 84 New Ferry (Merseyside) XIX: 58
New Testament, iconography
Adoration of the Magi XIX: 40
Adoration of the shepherds XX: 22, 23
Agony in the garden XIX: 27, 28, 29, 42
Annunciation XX: II
Apocalypse XIX: 265-79, 267-9, 277-2, 274
Betrayal of Christ XIX: 17
Christ appearing to the three Marys XIX: 44, 71
Christ in the house of Martha and Mary XIX: 71, 73
Christ stilling the waves XIX: 59, 73; XX: 32, 33, front cover
New Testament, iconography,
Circumcision XX: 5, 6, 9
Conversion of St Paul XIX: 111-12,132; XX: 35, 36
Crucifixion XX: 52, 53, 61; Fairford XIX: 29, 31, 40, 44; Great Bookham XX: 12, 12, 1; North Moreton XIX: 111, 116-17
Deposition XIX: 28, 32, 33, 38
Doubting Thomas XIX: 168, 171, 179
Lamentation XIX: 28, 32, 33, 38
Miraculous haul of fishes XIX: 109, 131
Nativity XIX: 6, 14, 31, 44; XX: II
Parable of the man who made a supper XIX: 286, 287
Parable of the prodigal son XIX: 286-9, 288
Passion of Christ XIX: 110-11
Presentation of Christ XIX: 29, 31, 42
Raising of Lazarus XX: 34, 34
Resurrection XIX: 111, 119, 131, 285; XX: 75, VII
Revelation, Book of see Apocalypse
Transfiguration XX: 6, 7, 36, III
New Testament, iconography, Visitation XIX: 149, 762
New Testament, iconography, see also Christ; Mary New York (U.S.A.), Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Cloisters XIX: 350-1 New York (U.S.A.), roundels XIX: 253, 254
New York (U.S.A.), St Thomas XIX: 60, 61, 74; XX: 74
New York (U.S.A.), stained glass by Albinas Elskus XX: 60-5, 61-4, 67, Pls. VI-VII
New York (U.S.A.), stained glass by Henry Holiday XIX: 48, 53, 60, 61-2, 66, 74
New York (U.S.A.) University, School of Fine Arts XIX: 78
New York (U.S.A.), Westchester, roundel XIX: 254
New Zealand XX: 39, 40
Newall, R. XIX: 53
Newbury (W. Berks.) XX: 26 n. 66
Newcastle upon Tyne (Tyne and Wear) XX: 7, 68; see also Wailes
Newdigate (Surrey) XIX: 59
Newton, Roy, and Davison, Sandra, Conservation of Glass, reviewed XK:96-7
Nicholas, St, iconography XIX: 107, 108-9, 119, 131
Nicholson, James XIX: 27, 34 n. l4
Nicholson Studio XX: 34
Nixon, see also Ward & Nixon
Nixon, J.H. XIX: 257
Noort, Lambert van XIX: 289, 300
Norbury Hall (Derbys.) XIX: 4
North Leigh (Oxon.) XIX: 7
North Moreton (Oxon.) XIX: 105-29, 130-2, no. 2 front cover
Norwich (Norfolk) XIX: 353
Norwich (Norfolk) Castle Museum XIX: 5
Norwich (Norfolk) cathedral XIX: 6, 8
Norwich (Norfolk) cathedral, cloister bosses XIX: 265,266-8,267
Norwich (Norfolk) cathedral, Erpingham window XIX: 2, 8, 12, 16
Norwich (Norfolk), St Peter Mancroft XIX: 9
Nosotti, __ XIX: 293, 307 Nottingham XIX: 64
Nowton (Suffolk) XIX: 8, no. 1 back cover
Nugent, D. XIX: 201
Nugent, Colonel Walter Vyvian XIX: 201-2
Nuttgens, Eddie XIX: 85
Nuttgens, Joseph A., article by XIX: 236-40
Nuttgens, Joseph Edward XIX: 236-40
O’Connor, Arthur XX: 7, 20
O’Connor, Michael XX: 4
O’Connor (firm), and Butterfield XX: 1, 3-4, 6-7, 12, 21, 24 n. 21, 26 n. 71, 26 n. 76, 28-30
O’Connor (firm), and Butterfield, Baldersby XX: 6, 7, 12, 17, 28
O’Connor (firm), and Butterfield, Dorchester XX: 2, 28
O’Connor (firm), and Butterfield, Great Bookham XX: 12, 12, 17, 21, 29, I
O’Connor (firm), and Butterfield, Pinchbeck XX: 7, 12, 17, 30
O’Connor (firm), and Butterfield, Sheen XX: 11, 30
O’Connor (firm), and Butterfield, Stoke Newington XX: 7, 20, 29
O’Connor (firm), and Butterfield, Waresley XX: 7, 12, 17, 30
O’Grady, John, The Life and Work of Sarah Purser, reviewed XX: 104-6
Old Byfleet (Surrey) XX: 80
Old Cleeve (Som.) XIX: 62
Old Harlow (Essex) XIX: 191-5, 196
Old Testament, iconography
Abigail imploring David XIX: 285-6, 286
Angel appearing to Gideon XIX: 29, 41-2
David and Goliath XIX: 17, 188
Esther and Ahasuerus XIX: 189
Jacob’s dream XIX: 289, 289-90
Judgement of Solomon XIX: 30, 31, 42
Judith and Holofernes XIX: 189
polygonal haloes for Old Testament figures XX: 17
Porters of Canaan XIX: 187
Old Testament, iconography,
prophets XIX: 144, 147-9, 151-2, 163; XX: 17
Tree of Jesse XIX: 6
Oliphant, F.W. XIX: 321 n. 5
Onians collection XX: 90
Ormesby (Norfolk) XIX: 57
Ormskirk (Lanes.) XIX: 59, 73
Oscott College (W. Midlands) XIX: 257, 319
Ostade, Adriaen van XX: 291, 291, 297, 304, 306
Ostade, Isack van XIX: 298
Ottawa (Canada) XX: 44, 49-50, 50
Ottery St Mary (Devon) XX: 2-3, 4, 6, 21, 29-30
Overbeck, Johann Friedrich XX: 4
Oving (W. Sussex) XIX: 57, 59
Oxford, All Souls’ College XIX: 136
Oxford, Bodleian Library XIX: 6
Oxford, Christ Church Cathedral XIX: 119; XX: 4
Oxford, glass by Petts in house of Professor G Davies XIX: 228
Oxford, Headington XIX: 61
Oxford, Keble College XX: 1, 16, 20, 21, 30
Oxford, Lincoln College XIX: 254
Oxford, Magdalen College XIX: 282
Oxford, Merton College Chapel XIX: 90, 118-19, 120, 249; XX: 2, 14
Oxford, Merton College Chapel, east window XIX: 118; XX: 9
Oxford, Merton College Chapel, restoration XIX: 353
Oxford, New College XIX: 91-2, 282
Oxford, Wadham College XIX: 282
Oxford, Worcester College XIX: 51, 65
Oxley, John, Stained Glass in South Africa, reviewed XIX: 354-5
Packwood House (Warwicks.) XIX: 254
Painswick (Glos.) XIX: 244
Palmer, __ XIX: 281, 284, 295, 299, 302
Alfred Gerente of XX: 21
Paris, Decorative Arts Exhibition (1925) XX: 80
Paris, Ecole des Beaux Arts XX: 59
Paris, Exposition (1937) XIX: 205
Parsons, Karl XIX: 67, 85, 86, 237, 326 n. 2
Parsons, Karl, in Christopher Whall’s studio XIX: 86, 326 n. 4, 327 n. 9, 328 n. l0, 329, 330, 332
Parsons School of Design (New York) XX: 60
Pascal, Blaise XIX: 238
Passe, Crispin de, the Elder XIX: 290, 292, 301
pattern books, medieval XIX: 3
Paul, St, iconography XIX: 107, 110, 111-13, 119
Payne, Caroline see Swash
Payne, Edith (nee Gere) XIX: 243
Payne, Edward XIX: 343; Obituary XIX: 243-4
Payne, Henry XIX: 243, 244; XX: 103
Pearson, E. Margaret XIX: 241-2
Pearson, James XIX: 292, 293, 297
Peckitt, William XIX: 283;XX: 71
Peckitt, William, Strawberry Hill XIX: 280, 283-4, 293, 309, 311, 312
Pembroke, Earls of, arms XIX: 107
Penarth (Vale of Glam.) XIX: 225 n. 4-5, 225 n. 8, 227, 234-5
Penn (Bucks.) XIX: 245 Penshurst (Kent) XX: 79
Peover, Michael, article by XIX: 280-314
Perry-Watlington, John Watlington XIX: 192, 194
Perth (Australia) XIX: 229
Perugino XX: 7, 24 n. 21
Peter, St, iconography XIX: 107, 109-10, 119, 205, 213
Peterborough, abbot of XIX: 165
Petrie, Sir William Flinders XIX: 52, 54, 67
Petts, Anna XIX: 220, 222-3
Petts, John XIX: 216-29, 230-5
Petts, Kusha XIX: 219, 220
Philadelphia (U.S.A.) XIX: 62, 64
Philip, Duke of Burgundy XIX: 24
Phillipart, Sir John XIX: 311
Phillips, stained glass sold at XX: 87-8, 90
Picasso, Pablo XIX: 238
Pieta, iconography XIX: 9, 17
Pigot family, arms XIX: 310
Pilkington, Anthony XIX: 81
Pilkington, Richard XIX: 86
Pilkingtons (firm) XIX: 81, 82-3, 87
Pilton (Edinburgh) XIX: 65
Pinchbeck (Lines.) XX: 7, 12, 17, 30
Piper, John XIX: 222, 238; XX: 72, 84
Pisano, Andrea XX: 17
Pitt, Sue, article by XX: 31-40
Pitt, Sue, contribution by XX: 81-2
Pittsburgh (U.S.A.) XIX: 254
Platt, Fr Wallace XX: 52
Pocock, G XIX: 333 n. 25, 336
Pole, William de la, Earl of Suffolk XIX: 7
Polstead (Suffolk) XIX: 4, 6, 8
Polunin, Lorna XX: 32, 36, 38
Polunin, Vladimir XX: 32
Pontyclun (Rhondda Cynon Taff) XIX: 225 n. 5, 228
Pontypool (Torfaen) XIX: 226
Porthkerry (Vale of Glam.) XIX: 228
Portsmouth XIX: 201, 202, 204; XX: 79
Powell, Revd David Thomas XIX: 105, 106
Powell, James, & Sons – and Butterfield XX: 2; and Holiday XIX: 50, 51, 53, 55-6, 58, 61, 64, 66;
Mere XIX: 55, 71; Whitefriars Glass XIX: 326 n l; XX: 69, 80, 82-3, 98, 108-9, 111-12
Powell, John Hardman XIX: 192, 193,196, 315, 318, 319; and Butterfield XX: 5, 6, 7, 9-10, 19, 24 n. l4
Powell, Nathaniel XIX: 50
Prato (Italy) XIX: 115
Pre-Raphaelite movement XIX: 49, 56; XX: 4-5, 19; see also Burne-Jones; Morris, William
Preedy, Frederick XX: 13-14, 13, 26 n. 76, 28, I
Preston (Lanes.) XIX: 50
Preston (Rutland) XX: 31, 34, 39
Price, William, the Younger XIX:280, 281-3, 284, 296, 305, 312
Prikker, Jan Thorn XIX: 205
Prior, Edward Schroder XX: 102-3
prophets, iconography XIX: 144, 147-9, 151-2, 163; XX: 17
Prudde, John XIX: 26, 27, 134, 136
Pucelle, Jean XIX: 2
Pugin, A.W.N. XIX: 257, 315-22, 317; XX: l-2, 4, 5; and Butterfield XX: 3, 9, 11, 21, 28, 29, 30
Pulham Market (Norfolk) XIX: 58
Purefoy, Colonel XIX: 134
Purser, Sarah XIX: 86; XX: 104-6
Quennell, C.H.B. XIX: 327 n. 8
Quirynsen, Giacomo XIX: 295
Radnor, Lord XIX: 281
Rambusch Studio (New York) XX: 64
Ramsgate (Kent) XIX: 315
Randwick (Glos.) XIX: 244
Rational Dress Movement XIX: 54
Raven, Kate see Holiday
Ravenna (Italy) XX: 47
Read, Herbert XIX: 206
Reece, Charlie XX: 82
Reve, Thomas XIX: 27, 34nl4
Reynard the Fox, roundels XIX: 3, 12
Reyntiens, Patrick XIX: 238, 339; XX: 72, 84
Richard HI XIX: 24
Richardson, Sir Albert XIX: 293
Richmond (Gr. London) Sheen Palace XIX: 24, 27, 136; Strawberry Hill XIX: 280-314, 285-8, 290-2
Richmond (U.S.A.) XIX: 62
Rickers, Jill, article by XIX: 265-79
Ringland (Norfolk) XIX: 3, 8
Ringsfield (Suffolk) XX: 18, 23, 30
Robert, Master XIX: 168
Robinson, Arnold W. XIX: 323-36, 334-6, no. 3 front cover
Robinson, Geoffrey XIX: 323
Robinson, Kossuth and Mary XIX: 323-32
Rochdale (Gr. Manchester) XIX: 53, 64, 65
Roghman, Geertruid XIX: 291
Rolleston (Staffs.) XIX: 6, 8, 9
Ros family, arms XIX: 166
Rothenstein, William XIX: 243
Rouen (France) XIX: 29, 90
roundels, in American collections XIX: 252-4
roundels, English, before 1530 XIX: 1-17
roundels, Netherlandish and North-European, in Britain XIX: 255
roundels, at Strawberry Hill XIX: 280-314, 285-8, 290-2
Rugby School (Warwicks.) XX: 10-11, 19, 21, 30
Ruskin, John XIX: 204; XX: 5, 21
Russell, A.C., Stained Glass Windows of Douglas
Strachan, reviewed XIX: 360-1
Russell family XIX: 61
Rutherford, Canon John XX: 32, 35, 36-8
Rutherford, Revd John XX: 31, 31, 32, 34
Rutherford, Rosemary XX: 31-40, 31, 33-5, 37, III
Rydal (Cumbria) XIX: 59
Sadeler, Jan I XIX: 297, 298
StAlbans (Herts.) XX: 95
St Bees (Cumbria) XX: 21, 30
St Catherine’s Court (Bath and N.E. Som.) XIX: 10
St-Die (France) XIX: 251, 252
St Helier (Jersey) XX: 42
St Just (firm) XIX: 82, 83
St Loe’s Guild XIX: 243
St Neots (Cornwall) XIX: 257
saints, iconography – Beauchamp Chapel XIX: 140-1; English roundels XIX: 5; soldier saints, in ‘Warrior Windows’ XIX: 191-4; see also individual saints by name
Salisbury (Wilts.), cathedral XIX: 57, 59, 61, 85
Salmond, Christopher, article by XIX: 81-3
Salmond, Hugh XX: 85; Obituary XIX: 86-8, 87
Salmond family XIX: 86-7, 88
San Casciani, Paul, contribution by XX: 82-3
San Francisco (U.S.A.) XX: 73
San Mateo (U.S.A.) XX: 73-4, Pl. X
Sandford, Christopher XIX: 219
Sandhurst (Bracknell Forest) XX: 43
Saunders, W. Gualbert XIX: 52, 55
Savile, Sir John XIX: 31, 32
Saxelby (Leics.) XX: 39
Scaleby (Cumbria) XX: 98
Schaffrath, Ludwig XIX: 339, 340; XX: 71, 84, , Pl. IX
Schagen, Peter XIX: 296
Schongauer, Martin XIX: 254
Schreiter, Johannes XIX: 340, 341, 345; XX: 84, Pl. XII
Schwerner, Michael XX: 64, 64
Scott, Alice, Florence and Margaret XIX: 66
Scott, Revd William XX: 24 n. 21
Scotton (Lines.) XIX: 164-7
Seaborne, Malcolm, Victorian and Later Stained Glass Windows in Flintshire Churches, reviewed XX: 110-11
Seal (Kent) XIX: 3
Seal Chart (Kent) XIX: 59
Second World War – bomb damage in London XIX: 87; memorial windows XIX: 339, 342, 355-7
Sedgley (W. Midlands) XX: 36, 40
Sedgwick, William XIX: 138
Seething (Norfolk) XIX: 8
Sellindge (Kent) XIX: 2; XX: 17, 30
Selwyn, George XIX: 283, 296
Semer, Robert XIX: 7, 15
Seymour family, arms XIX: 347
Shaw, Richard Norman XIX: 57, 201
Sheen (Staffs.) XX: 11, 30
Sheen Palace (Richmond, Gr. London) XIX: 24, 27, 136
Sheffield (S. Yorks.) XX: 22, 30
Shepherd, Stanley A., article by XIX: 315-22
Sherborne Abbey (Dorset) XIX: 92; west window XIX: 315-22, 317; XX: 78, Pl. X
Sherrill, Charles Hitchcock XIX: 76-80, 76
Sherry, Beverley, and Baglin, Douglas, Australia’s Historic Stained Glass, reviewed XIX: 262-4
Sheviock (Cornwall) XX: 4
Shimpling (Suffolk) XIX: 56
Shobdon (Herefs.) XIX: 282, 283
Shrewsbury (Salop.) XIX: 4
Shrigley & Hunt XIX: 65; XX: 106, 107
silver-staining, roundels XIX: 1-2
Sinclair, A. Miles, article by XIX: 350
Singapore XX: 80
Sittow, Michiel XIX: 30, 31, 43
Skirlaw, Walter, Bishop of Durham XIX: 20, 265, 270
Smith, Alison, article by XIX: 216-35
Smith, Mrs Henry XIX: 168
Smith, Leslie N.S. ‘The Stained Glass in the Churches of the Anglican Diocese of Carlisle, reviewed XX: 106-8; ‘A Survey of Surviving Medieval Stained Glass in the Churches of the Anglican Diocese of Carlisle’, reviewed XX: 110-11
Smith, Canon Mowbray XIX: 97
Snarford (Lines.) XIX: 167
Solomon, Simeon XIX: 49, 52
Somerset, Dukes of see Beaufort
Sotheby’s, stained glass sold at XIX: 46-7, 241-2, 346-8; XX: 87-92
South Africa, stained glass XIX: 354-5; see also Cape Town
Southampton XIX: 48, 57
Southwark see London
Spain, medieval glass XIX: 77, 78
Spear, Francis XIX: 85
Spence, Sir Basil XX: 81, 84
Spencer, Stanley XIX: 237
Spooner, Charles XIX: 330 n. l7
Spranger, Bartholomeus XIX: 290
Sproule, Thomas and Elizabeth XIX: 172
Spycer family, arms XIX: 310 Stamford (LinCs.) XIX: 7, 8, 16, 353
Stammers, Harry XIX: 326 n l
Stanford on Avon (Northants.) XIX: 6-7, 8
Stanley, John, Bishop of Exeter XIX: 170
Stapelton, Sir Miles de XIX: 105, 107, 108, 111, 112, 117
Stapelton family XIX: 105, 108
Staveley (Derbys.) XIX: 3
Stephen, St, iconography XX: 48, 49
Stirling, Viscounts, arms XIX: 307
Stisted (Essex) XIX: 64
Stodeham family, ?arms XIX: 166
Stoke family, ?arms XIX: 166
Stoke d’Abernon (Surrey) XIX: 97-8
Stokke, Thomas XIX: 7
Stonehouse, William Brocklehurst XIX: 164, 169, 170
Stonyng family, arms XIX: 170, 174, 181
Stowe (Bucks.) XIX: 282
Strachan, Douglas XIX: 360-1
Stratfield Mortimer (W. Berks.) XIX: 67
Strawberry Hill, Twickenham (Gr. London) XIX: 280-314, 285-8, 290-2
Street, George Edmund XIX: 58, 106; XX: 1-2, 4, 5, 8, 20-1
Stroud (Glos.) XIX: 243
Sturminster Newton (Dorset) XIX: 66; XX: 85-6
Subiaco (Italy) XIX: 185 n. 3
Sudbury (Suffolk) XX: 5, 6, 9-10, 11, 30
Sudeley Castle (Glos.) XIX: 302, 311-12
Suffolk, glass, 19th-cent. XIX: 100-1
Suffolk, Earls of see Pole
suffragist movement XIX: 55, 66
Suger, Abbot of St Denis XX: 41
sunburst motif XIX: 8
Sunderland (Tyne and Wear), Bishopwearmouth XX: 68-9, Pl. VIII; Portobello Glass Works XIX: 81, 83; St Andrew, Roker XX: 102-3; Wear Glass Works (Hartley family) XIX: 81, 320; see also Hartley Wood & Co.
Sutton (Merseyside) XIX: 57
Sutton Courtenay (Oxon.) XIX: 67
Sutton-in-the-Isle (Cambs.) XX: 79
Swaby, __ XIX: 306, 313
Swallowfield (Wokingham) XIX: 61
Swansea, Cockett parish church XIX: 224
Swansea College of Art XIX: 197; XX: 84, 99
Swansea, Glantawe Studio XIX-.344, 345
Swansea, Glynn Vivian Art Gallery XIX: 197, 206;
Swansea Institute of Higher Education XIX: 207
Swansea School of Arts and Crafts (later School of Art) XIX: 197-9, 200-1, 202, 203, 204, 207; XX: 96; Howard Martin as lecturer XIX: 203, 206-7, 219; XX: 98
Swansea stained glass, 20th cent. XIX: 197-215; XX: 96-9 Langland XIX: 204, 209 n. l7, 212 St Gabriel, Brynmill XX: 99 St Mary XX: 98-9 Station Inn XIX: 205 Townhill XIX: 205, no. 2 back cover Vetch football ground XIX: 205, 214
Swash, Caroline (nee Payne) XIX: 244, 344, no. 3 back cover; articles by XIX: 86-8, 337-42, 343-5;contribution by XX: 84-5
Swift, F.H. XIX: 312
Switzerland XIX: 47
Syde (Glos.) XIX: 5
Sydney (Australia) XIX: 340
Symondes, Simon XIX: 32, 34 n l4
Szabo, __ XX: 82
Tadlow (Cambs.) XX: 14, 16, 30
Tame, John and Edmund XIX: 30, 32
Tamworth (Staffs.) XIX: 63; XX: 21, 30
Tancock, Rachel XIX: 336
Tarbox,J.E. XIX: 333n25, 336
Tattershall (Lines.) XIX: 7, 8, 136
Taylor, W. G. XX: 23 n. 2
Teffont Evias (Wilts.) XIX: 254
Temple, Dr XX: 10
Temple, Richard, Viscount Cobham XIX: 282
Tendring (Essex) XX: 40
Thirsk (N. Yorks.) XIX: 59
Thomas, St, iconography XIX: 113, 115-16, 168, 171, 179
Thomas of Canterbury, St, iconography XIX: 140-1, 158
Thomas Glazier (Oxford) XIX: 91,92 Thomas, Brian XX: 94
Thomas, Grosvenor XIX: 4
Thomas, Hubert Palmer XIX: 200, 202-7; XX: 97; Obituary XX: 96-9; see also Martin & Thomas
Thomas, Ivor XIX: 204
Thomas, William Cave XIX: 49
Thornhill (W. Yorks.) XIX: 31, 32
Thornton, John XIX: 18-23, 265-79, 277-2, 274
Thornton, Valerie XX: 35, 36
Thorpe (Surrey) XX: 80
Thurcaston (Leics.) XIX: 7, 8, 16
Thweng family, arms XIX: 166
Tickenham (N. Som.) XIX: 169
Tiffany, Louis Comfort XX: 60
Toggenburg (Switzerland) XIX: 47
Tonbridge (Kent) XX: 71, Pl. IX
Topcliffe (N. Yorks.) XIX: 56; XX: 19, 20, 30
Toronto (Canada) XX: 43, 50
Torrigiani, Pietro XIX: 31
Toul (France) XIX: 251-2
Tournai (Belgium) XIX: 28 Town, __ XIX: 312, 313
Townshend, Caroline XIX: 84; XX: 82
Traherne, Margaret XX: 35, 81-2, 84, XI, back cover
Travers, Martin XIX: 85, 237; XX: 42-3, 44-5, 81; Ecclesiastical Art Studios XX: 42-3
Trinity, iconography XIX: 217, 231
Tudeley (Kent) XX: 85
Tunbridge Wells (Kent) XX: 79
Turin (Italy) XIX: 185 n. 3, 246
Turvey (Beds.), Benedictine nuns of XX: 74
Twickenham (Gr. London) XIX: 281; Strawberry Hill XIX: 280-314, 285-8, 290-2
Tyndale, Cecilia, d. of Peter of, m. Sir Miles de Stapelton XIX: 105, 111
Ubach Palenburg (Germany) XX: 71, IX
Ukrainian Catholic church XX: 46-9
unipartite panels, in American collections XIX: 252-4
United States of America – British stained glass artists in XIX: 53, 59, 224, 256; Elskus, Albinus XX: 57-67; glass imports/manufacture XIX: 82; Sherrill, Charles Hitchcock, stained glass tours XIX: 76-80, 76; Stained Glass before 1700 in American Collections (reviewed) XIX: 95-6, 252-4; see also individual places by name
Upavon (Wilts.) XIX: 61
Upholland (Lanes.) XIX: 60, 61
Upper Stoke (Medway) XX: 99
Upton-on-Severn (Worcs.) XIX: 330 n. l8
Vale Royal (Cheshire) XIX: 170-1
Valence, William and Aymer de, Earls of Pembroke, arms XIX: 107
Vandenhoute, Adrian XIX: 29, 33
Vandenhoute, Adrian see also Andrew, Adrian
Vandoni, Giuseppe XIX: 183
Varese (Italy) XIX: 185 n. 3
Vellert, Dierick XIX: 27
Venetian glass XIX: 222
vernacular expression, in turn-of-the-century design XIX: 258-60
Verrocchio, Andrea del XX: 7
Victoria (Australia) XIX: 340
Victoria (Canada) XX: 45
vidimuses XIX: 26, 29
Virgin and Child, iconography see Mary
Vivian, Richard Glynn XIX: 197
Vos, Marten de XIX: 253, 289, 289-90, 290, 298, 305
Waddesdon Manor (Bucks.) XIX: 3
Wailes, William XIX: 320
Wailes (firm), and Butterfield XX: 1, 7, 11, 17, 21, 28-30; Ampfield XX: 6-7, 20, 28; Hathersage XX: 11-12, 29; Hursley XX: 7-8, 26n63, 29; Ottery St Mary XX: 2, 3,29-30
Wakefield (W. Yorks.) XIX: 51, 56
Waldegrave, Frances, Lady (later Harcourt) XIX: 293
Waldegrave, George, 7th Earl XIX: 280, 311, 312, 313
Wales, stained glass, 20th cent. XIX: 197-215, 216-35; XX: 96-9; see also individual places by name
Wales, Council of XIX: 32
Walker, Fred XIX: 49
Walker, Leonard XX: 80-1, XI
Wallis, Christopher XX: 41-56, 41, 48, 50-1, 53, IV-V
Wallsend (Tyne and Wear) XX: 69
Walpole, Horace XIX: 280-314
Walpole family, arms XIX: 293, 296, 309, 312
Walsham-le-Willows (Essex) XX: 37-8, 37
Walsingham (Norfolk) XIX: 24
Walsoken (Norfolk) XIX: 67
Walter the Glazier (Exeter) XIX: 89, 90
Walters, Evan XIX: 200
Waltham Abbey (Essex) XIX: 50, 55
war memorial windows XIX: 63, 87, 339, 342, 355-7
Warboys, Sirinda XX: 38
Ward, Thomas (of Ward & Hughes) XIX: 106, 122 n l8
Ward & Nixon XX: 23 n. 2 Ward & Partners XIX: 262
Ware (Herts.) XIX: 65
Warenne family, arms XIX: 166
Waresley (Cambs.) XX: 7, 12, 17, 22, 30
Warley, Thomas XIX: 32
Warrington (firm) XX: 1,3, 23 n. 2, 30
‘Warrior Windows’ XIX: 191-6
Warwick priory XIX: 282
Warwick, St Mary, Beauchamp Chapel XIX: 76, 133-57, 133, 158-63
Warwick, Earls of, heraldic emblems XIX: 139; see also Beauchamp; Neville
Washington (U.S.A.) – cathedral XX: 72, 83; Church of the Epiphany XIX: 61, 62; National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception XX: 67;