Home Shop Journal index Index Volumes XX1-XXIV
Index Volumes XX1-XXIV
Abbey Studios (Edin) XXIII:100
Abercynon (Rhon) XXIV:49
Aberdare (Rhon) XXI:65n18
Aberdeen XXIII:47
King’s College XXIII:49, 50, 51-3
Trades Hall XXIII:47, 53
Adam, James and Robert XXII:20
Adelaide (Australia) XXIV:37
Aesthetic Movement XXI:20, 32
see also Shrigley & Hunt
Africa, iconography XXII:73, 76
Aidan, St, iconography XXIV:127
Aikman, William XXIII:98-9
Airdrie (N. Lan) XXIII:98
Alban, St, iconography XXIV:163-4
Albury (Surrey) XXIII:86
alchemy, stained glass and XXII:66, 69, 70n10
Aldwinkle (Northants) XXIV:162
Allendale (Northumberl) XXII:90-1
Almer (Dorset) XXIV:33
Almquist (Almqvist), Carl XXI:1-40
Alnwick Castle XXII:20
Altenberg an der Lahn (Germany) XXIV:71
Alton (Hants) XXIV:33
Altrincham (Lancs) XXIV:49
Alvaston (Derbys) XXI:49, 51
Alyth (Perths) XXIII:98
American Bible Society XXIV:168
Andrew, St, iconography XXIV:68
Andrewes, Lancelot XXIII:73
angels, iconography
Dalbury (Derbys) XXIV:65, 66
King’s College XXIII:51
in Mary Lowndes windows XXIV:41-2, 44, 45, 46, 52
Tingrith XXIII:31-2
Westminster Abbey XXIV:front cover, 110, 111-12, 114
animals, in stained glass
butterfly XXIV:129
fishes XXIV:139
fly XXIV:129
Anne, St, iconography XXIV:36
appliqué glass, problems with XXIV:119-20
Arbroath (Angus) XXIII:98
Archer, Michael, book reviewed by XXIV:169-70
architects, and glass-painters XXII:37, 49n22; XXIV:70
Architectural Advisory Panel, Westminster Abbey XXIV:108, 115n1
Architectural Salvage Dealer Directory, website XXIV:84
architecture, iconography XXIV:10-28, 118, 121-2
Architecture, European, Digital Archive of XXIV:82
Arnold, Benedict XXIV:121
Arpino, Saga-Camilla XXIV:133
‘Art for Schools’ programme XXI:76-7
Artist and the Committee, The XXI:102-9
Artists Suffrage League XXIV:44
Arts and Crafts movement
Bromsgrove Guild XXIV:159-61
and Celtic Studios XXI:46
in Dublin and Edinburgh 1885–1925 XXI:120-1
major firms XXIV:153
Ashworth, Susan XXI:99; XXII:80; XXIII:86; XXIV:123
Association of Historians of Nineteenth-Century Art (AHNCA), website XXIV:83
Aston, Margaret XXIV:69
Aubrey, Kirsten XXII:79
Auchterarder (Perths) XXIV:36
Auckland (New Zealand) XXIV:124-5
auctions, stained glass XXI:114-17; XXII:81-3; XXIV:142-5
auctioneers’ websites XXIV:84
buying tips XXIII:81-5
Samuel Paterson’s XXII:18
Austen, Jane XXII:29n18
Australia XXIV:156-8
see also individual places by name
Avery Coonley Playhouse, Riverside (USA) XXIV:169
Awards, Worshipful Company of Glaziers XXIII:77; XXIV:133
Ayot St Peter (Herts) XXIV:33
Ayr (S. Ayrshire) XXIII:98
Bacon, Percy XXIII:23
Baillie & Mayer XXII:51, 52, 62n1, 62n10-n11; XXIII:31
Baillie, T. & Co XXIV:167
Bait Al Koran XXIII:59
Baker, Frederick Miller XXIV:57
Balbirnie, John Blyth at XXIII:97
Ballymony (N. Ireland) XXIII:98
Bambrough, Mark, article by XXI:109-13
Barber, Basil XXIII:62
Barkway (Herts) XXIII:18
Barnett family XXII:48
Barrett, John, article by XXIV:136-40
Barry, Charles XXI:1
Barry, James XXII:26, 29n25
Barton-upon-Stather (Humberside) XXIV:185
Bathurst (Australia) XXIV:37
Baylis, Sarah, article by XXII:16-30
Beadle, George XXIII:56
Beckenham (Kent) XXII:69
Becket, Thomas, St XXII:24; XXIV:16
Beckford, William XXII:24, 29n17
Becksmann, Rüdiger XXIV:10, 72
Bedford (Beds) XXIII:99
Beeleigh Abbey XXIV:121
Beer, Alfred XXII:48, 49n28
Beer, Elizabeth XXIV:89
Beer family XXIV:89
Beer, Robert XXII:48
Bélanger-Taylor, Stephen XXIV:124, 125
Belfast (N. Ireland), John Blyth in XXIII:96
Bell, David XXI:54
Bell, Frederick XXIII:62, 63
Bell, Joseph XXII:31-50; XXIII:62; XXIV:89
see also Bell, Joseph, & Sons
Bemden, Yvette Vanden XXIV:170
Benson, Sara XXIV:133
Benyon, Caroline XXI:99
Benyon, Tony, article by XXIV:87-105
Bermuda, cathedral XXIII:56-7
Bernard (Irish Rep.) XXIV:34
Berwick upon Tweed (Northumberl) XXIV:127
Bethune, Jean-Baptiste XXIV:170
Bettembourg, Jean-Marie XXI:129†
Betton & Evans XXII:48
Bettws (Newport) XXI:60, 61
Bickington (Devon) XXIV:33
Biddle, Martin XXIV:66
Billericay (Essex) XXIV:126
Birdsall, Neil H., book reviewed by XXIV:150-2
Birmingham (W. Midlands), 19th cent. glass-painters and firms XXII:48; XXIV:89-90
Bishops Waltham (Hants) XXIV:31, 33
Blackburn (Lancs), cathedral XXIV:119-20
Blagg, H. S., book reviewed by XXIV:155-6
Blake, William XXIV:121
Blakeman, Charles XXI:69-70; XXIII:95
Bletchingley (Surrey) XXIV:119
Blyth, John XXIII:95-8†
Blythe, Robert XXII:21
Boer War memorial windows XXI:27, 28, 30; XXIV:164
Bognor Regis (W. Sussex) XXIV:49
Bolsterstone Male Voice Choir memorial window XXI:105
Bolton, William Jay XXIII:27-35, back cover
Bonehill, Theop. XXIV:88
Bo’ness (Falkirk) XXIII:98
Bonhams, auctions of stained glass XXI:114-15
Book of St Albans, The XXIV:164
Boston (Lincs)
Christopher Whall windows XXIV:156
Holy Trinity XXIV:185
Boston (USA)
All Saints, Ashmont, website XXIV:85
All Saints, Brookline, website XXIV:85
First Unitarian Society in Newton Windows, website XXIV:85
bottle glass, recycled XXIV:135-40
Boty, Pauline XXIV:7
Bourges Cathedral (France) XXIV:20-1, 22, 27n45-n46, 71
Boutray, Louie XXIV:176
Bowe, Nicola Gordon
books reviewed by XXII:86-7; XXIII:91-4
contribution by XXIV:170
and Elizabeth Cumming The Arts and Crafts Movements in Dublin and Edinburgh 1885–1925, reviewed XXI:120-1
Bower, John Jnr XXI:43n14
Bowmans (firm) XXIII:96
Boxgrove (W. Sussex) XXIV:43, 52
Boyce, Christine XXI:99
Bracewell (Yorks) XXII:52
Bradbury, Susan XXI:99
Bramshaw (Hants) XXIII:88
Bridgwater (Som) XXII:48
Baptist College XXIII:63
cathedral XXII:38, 41-2; XXIII:63; XXIV:71
Frenchay XXII:40
Holy Nativity, Knowle XXII:80
James Clark & Eaton XXIII:58, 60, 99, 100
John Hall Glass XXIII:100
Joseph Bell & Son XXII:31-50; XXIII:62-4; XXIV:89
Lord Mayor’s Chapel XXII:24
Royal Infirmary XXIII:63
St Albans Westbury Park XXIII:63
St Mary, Rattery XXII:32-4, 49n12
St Mary, Redcliffe, The Wayfarer’s window XXI:29, 30
Wraxall XXII:44
Bristol and West of England Architectural Society (BWEAS) XXII:37-40
Britten & Gilsen XXIV:40
Broadstone (Salop) XXIV:33
Broady, Maurice, article by XXI:44-67
Brockhampton by Bromyard (Herefs) XXIV:33
Brockhampton (W. Midlands) XXIV:160
Bromsgrove Guild of Applied Arts XXIV:159-61
Bromsgrove Society XXIV:159
Brooks, Chris, books reviewed by XXII:84-5
Brown, Sarah
books reviewed by XXII:87-8
contribution by XXIV:178-9
Stained Glass at York Minster XXIV:74-5
reviewed XXIV:158-9
Sumptuous and Richly Adorn’d: The Decoration of Salisbury Cathedral, reviewed XXIV:165-6
and Lindsay MacDonald (eds) Life, Death and Art: The Stained Glass of Fairford Parish Church XXIV:73, 75
reviewed XXI:118-20
Brun, Richard S. A Guide to the Photography of Church Furnishings, reviewed XXIV:154-5
BSMGP Directories XXIV:58
BSMGP Fellows and Associates
Fellows and Associates list (2000) XXIV:131
new work 1997 XXI:99-101
new work 1998 XXII:80
new work 1999 XXIII:86-9
new work 2000 XXIV:123-31
BSMGP library XXIII:78-80; XXIV:146-7
BSMGP website XXIV:82, 84
Buckhurst Hill (Essex) XXIV:33
Buckland Dinham (Som) XXII:39
Buckman, David The Dictionary of Artists in Britain since 1945 XXIV:5
Bucksburn (Aberdeens) XXIII:49
Budapest (Hungary) XXIII:93-4
Bugslag, James, article by XXIV:10-28
Buildings Books Trust, website XXIV:82
Bulwell (Notts) XXIV:33
Bunbury (Cheshire) XXIV:127
Bunyan, John XXIII:99
Burleigh House (Cambs) XXII:29n10
Burlison & Grylls, Elvaston church XXII:51, 52
Burne-Jones, Edward, Carl Almquist and XXI:15
Burra (Australia) XXIV:37
Burra Charter, and protective glazing XXI:110
Buss, Arthur XXIII:57, 98-9†
Bute, Marquis of XXIV:174
Buttress, Donald XXIII:60-1; XXIV:109
Buxted (E. Sussex) XXIV:47
Byzantine art, influence on stained glass XXIV:13, 17, 25n17-n18, 26n19, 27n37, 27n40
Cabezas, Hervé XXIV:7
Cachemaille-Day, _, architect XXIV:119
Caerau (Cardigans) XXI:55
Caerleon (Newport) XXI:54
Caerwys (Powys) XXI:53
Caine, Osmund XXI:70; XXIII:86
Calcutta (India) XXIV:49
Caldermac Studios XXIV:180
Calderwood, John Woodrow XXIV:180†
Calouste Gulbenkian and Stained Glass Museum Competition 1999 XXIII:73-5
Camberwell School of Art XXIII:98
Cambridge (Cambs)
Caths College XXI:70
Holy Trinity XXIII:35n5
Jesus College XXIV:112
King’s College XXIII:27; XXIV:108, 109
St Andrew XXIII:31
Trinity College
Henry Holiday windows XXI:15, 17, 19
and William Dowsing XXIV:152
William Peckitt portrait of George III XXII:29n24
Cambridge Camden Society (CCS) XXII:37, 50n35
Cambridgeshire, iconoclasm in XXIV:150-2
Campbell, Jane XXIII:74
A J. Davies glass in XXIV:160
Celtic Studios work in XXI:48
see also individual places by name
Cannon, Linda
article by XXIII:36-46
work by XXIII:86
canopywork, iconography XXIV:10-28, 118, 121-2
Canterbury Cathedral (Kent)
architecture and stained glass XXIV:15-16, 26n29
canopywork XXIV:14, 15-16, 26n25, 26n30-n33
website XXIV:84
Canterbury (New Zealand), review XXII:86-7
Canterbury Roll XXIV:70
Carlsson, Gustaf XXI:34
Carlton-le-Moorland (Lincs) XXIV:185
Carolingian period
art and canopywork XXIV:17, 18, 27n37-n38
glazing XXIV:65-6
Carruthers, Mary XXIV:23
Carter, Glenn XXIII:86, 87; XXIV:123
Carter, John XXIV:166
cartooning, on computer printouts XXII:74
Casciani, Paul san XXI:100; XXIV:128-9
Catalonia, CVMA in XXIV:64
Catharism, and French Gothic stained glass XXII:85
Catherine of Siena, St, iconography XXIV:36
Caviness, Madeline XXIV:15, 16, 26n32, 68
Celtic Christianity, iconography XXI:91; XXIV:124-5
Celtic Studios XXI:front cover, 44-67
census records, of 19th cent. glass-painters XXIV:87-105
Census of Stained Glass in America, website XXIV:81
Centre International du Vitrail (CIV) XXIV:177
Chaffcombe (Som) XXII:48
Chagall, Marc, at Tudeley (Kent) XXIII:66, 67
Chaloner, William XXIV:39, 48n1
Chariots of Fire (film) XXIV:118
Charles C. Connick Stained Glass Foundation XXIV:80, 149
Charles, Rollo XXI:55
Chartres (France)
architecture and stained glass XXIV:68
canopywork XXIV:10-11, 16-21, 25n8, n9
donors XXII:85; XXIV:67, 68, 70-1
medieval workshop XXIV:67
narrative windows XXIV:69-71
Notre-Dame de la Belle Verrière XXIV:69
and P F Didot XXIV:177
Centre International du Vitrail (CIV) XXIV:177
Orphelinat XXII:70
Chausée, Véronique XXIV:170
Chavasse, Bishop XXIV:119
Cheadle, Pugin glass at XXI:1
Cheddon Fitzpaine (Som) XXII:41
Cheriton Fitzpaine (Devon) XXII:49n28
Cheshire, Jim, article by XXII:31-50
Chesterton (Warwicks) XXIII:89
Chestre, John de/of XXIII:7
chiaroscuro (technique) XXII:7
Chichester Cathedral (W. Sussex)
Carl Almquist XXI:28, 30
Mary Lowndes XXIV:49
Chilthorne-Domer (Som) XXIV:33
Chilton (Co. Durham) XXII:92
Chloroform Appeal XXIV:45
Chollerton (Northumberl) XXIV:50
Christ, iconography
Christ in Majesty XXI:26, 28, 51;XXIV:31, 36, 118
Christ the Carpenter XXIV:119
Church wedded to its Bridegroom Christ XXI:31
The Good Shepherd XXI:60, 61, 98
head of Christ XXIV:31, 34
see also New Testament
Christchurch Priory (Dorset) XXIV:126
Christchurch (W. Midlands) XXIII:88, 89
Christie’s auctioneers
auctions of stained glass XXI:115-17; XXII:82-3; XXIII:83, 84; XXIV:142-3, 144-5
website XXIV:84
Christopher, St XXIV:69
church furnishings, photographing XXIV:155-6
Churches Conservation Trust (CCT), website XXIV:81
Ciaran, Fiona, Stained Glass Windows of Canterbury, New Zealand: A Catalogue Raisonne, reviewed XXII:87-8
ciborium XXIV:11
’Cinque Cento’ XXII:38, 40
Cistercian Order XXIV:72
Clare, Bob XXI:68, 72-3
Clark, Charles XXIII:58, 60
Clark, James, & Eaton XXIII:58, 60, 99, 100; XXIV:59n3
Clark Gammon auctioneers XXII:82
Clarke, Arthur XXIV:160
Clarke, Brian XXIII:68
Corning Museum XXIV:169
London offices XXIII:68
Stansted Airport, London XXIII:67, 68
Clarkson, Nathaniel XXII:29n16
Clayton & Bell XXIV:153
and C. E. Kempe XXIV:167
Clayworth (Notts) XXIV:33
Clifton Hamden Manor (Oxon) XXIV:142-3
Clokey, Harold XXIII:96
Clokey, W. F. (firm) XXIV:180
Cole, Frederick XXI:130-1†
at William Morris (Westminster) & Co XXIV:57, 58
Cole, William XXI:129-30†, XXIV:72-3
Coleraine (N. Ireland) XXIV:31
Collins, Philip N. H
contribution by XXIV:175-6
Corpus of Kempe Stained Glass in the United Kingdom and Ireland, The, reviewed XXIV:166-7
Colnaghi, Martin XXIII:52
Cologne cathedral (Germany) XXIII:11-12
CVMA in XXIV:67-68
Columba, St, iconography XXIV:127
Combs (Suffolk) XXIII:17
commissioning, stained glass for church XXIV:148
committees, the artist and XXI:102-9
computer printouts, cartoons on XXII:74
Connick, Charles J. XXIV:168
on Christopher Whall XXIV:149-50
studio window XXIV:112
website XXIV:80 85
conservation, glass and ceramic XXIII:90-1
conservators, aesthetics XXI:109
Constable, William Henry XXIII:27, 31, 35n4;XXIV:105
Cooke, Jonathan, article by XXI:41-3; XXIII:27-35
Cooke, Ruth
articles by XXI:41-3; XXIII:27-35; XXIV:53-9
contributions by XXIV:176-7
Coombs, Debora
article by XXII:71-7
work by XXI:99
Cooper, Trevor (ed.) The Journal of William Dowsing: Iconoclasm in East Anglia during the English Civil War, reviewed XXIV:150-2
Corkbeg (Ireland) XXIV:36
Cormack, Patrick, book reviewed by XXIV:154-5
Cormack, Peter
on Arts and Crafts techniques and design sources XXIV:170
books reviewed by XXIV:153, 159-61, 163-4, 166-7
and Stained Glass Work, A Text-book for Students and Workers in Glass, new edition XXIII:91-2
The Stained Glass Work of Christopher Whall, 1849–1924, reviewed XXIV:149-50
Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum XXIV:63
Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi (CVMA) XXIV:62-5, 76n2, n6, n8
Guidelines XXI:110; XXIV:63
Medieval Stained Glass of Northamptonshire, Summary Catalogue 4 XXIV:161-3
York Minster XXIV:159
Corrin, Adelle, contributions by XXIII:76-7; XXIV:132-3
corrosion, in auctioned glass XXIV:142-3
Corstorphine (Edin) XXIII:97
Cortona (Italy) XXIII:29, 31
Cosin, Dr (later Bishop of Durham) XXIV:151
Costabelle (France) XXIV:36
Costeloe, Patrick XXIII:64
Costessey Hall (Norfolk) XXIV:71
Council for the Care of Churches (CCC), website XXIV:81
Cound (Salop) XXIV:126
Courtown (Ireland) XXIV:31, 36
Cove St John (Hants) XXIV:33
Coventry Cathedral (W. Midlands)
Antony Hollaway XXIV:181
influence on John Hayward XXIV:117
Margaret Traherne windows XXI:80, 82
Cowen, Painton, A Guide to Stained Glass in Britain XXI:45
Cox & Buckley XXIV:167
Cram, Robert Adams XXIV:85, 149, 168
Cramp, Rosemary XXIV:66
Crawford, Alan, book reviewed by XXIV:149-50
Crombie, Dorothy, contribution by XXIII:99-100
Crombie, James Atkinson XXIII:99-100†
Cromie, Dr Howard, contribution by XXIV:180
crown glass, Pugin’s view of XXI:2
Croyden (Surrey) XXIV:120
Croydon, Vicose Ltd XXI:60, 62
Crynant, St Margaret XXI:44, 51, 54-5
’Crynant style’XXI:50-6
Cummings Studios (USA) XXII:71-2, 75
Currey, Ada XXIV:29-37
Currey family XXIV:29-30
Curtis, Thomas F. XXIV:121, 167
Cuthbert, St, iconography XXI:85, 87; XXIV:124-5
cutlining, on computer printouts XXII:74
Dalbury (Derbys) XXIV:65, 66
Dallaway, Reverend James XXII:16
dalle de verre
Celtic Studios XXI:60-1, 62
Margaret Traherne XXI:80, 82
Dalserf, Lanarks (Scotland) XXIII:88
Dalton XXIV:59n2
Daniels, George XXIV:153
Dare, William XXII:48
Davies, Archibald J. XXIV:160
Davis, Louis XXIV:160
Davis, Lynne XXIV:177
Davis, Mike, article by XXII:78-9
Davy, S. XXI:69
Dawson, Clare XXI:69, 71
De Bois Hours XXIV:162
Decorative Painters’ and Glaziers’ Guide, The XXIII:30, 32, 35n15
Denis, Maurice XXIV:170
Denison, George Anthony XXII:42-3, 50n39
Deremble, Paul and Colette Manhes, Les vitraux légendaires de Chartres XXIV:69, 70
design standards, need for informed criticism XXIV:5-7
Devonport (Devon) XXIV:33
Didot, Pierre Firmin XXIV:177†
Digital Archive of European Architecture, website XXIV:82
Dilworth, Eric XXIV:58
Dinmore Abbey (Herts) XXIV:57
Diocesan Advisory Committees (DAC) XXI:104-6
Dixes and Williams XXII:34, 35, 49n12
Dominican Order XXIV:61, 72
Donnelly, Michael Scotland’s Stained Glass, reviewed XXI:123-4
donor windows
Chartres cathedral (France) XXII:85; XXIV:67, 68, 70-1
Flemish XXIV:141, 144
St Neot (Cornwall) XXIV:73, 74
York Minster XXIII:5, 8, 10-11, 13
Dormington (Herefs) XXIV:49
Dorset, RCHME in XXIV:178
Dossier de la Commission Royale des Monuments, Sites et Fouilles, 7: Art, Technique et Science:la Création du Vitrail de 1830 à 1930, reviewed XXIV:170-1
Dover (Kent) XXII:69
Dowlish Wake (Som) XXII:48
Dowsing, William XXIV:150-2
Drury, Donald, article by XXI:68-74
Drury, Victor XXI:68-74
Dugdale, Sir William XXIV:162
Dunblane (Stir) XXII:80
Duncan, John XXII:91
Dunfermline (Fife) XXIII:88
Dunnett, Ninian, contribution by XXIV:173-4
Duns (Berwicks) XXIII:88
Dunstable (Beds), Priory XXIV:121
Durer, A. XXIII:31
Durham Cathedral, Millenium window XXI:90-1
Dykes Bower, Stephen XXIII:57
East Anglia
medieval stained glass in XXIV:64
see also individual places by name
East Brent (Som) XXII:42-4
Eastbourne (E. Sussex) XXIV:41, 49
Eastern Association XXIV:150, 151, 152
Eaton (Norfolk) XXIV:185
Eavis, Anna, book reviewed by XXIV:165-6
Eccles, David McAdam, Viscount XXII:92†
Ecclesiological Society XXII:37, 50n35
Ecclesiologist, The XXII:37
Edgefield (Norfolk) XXIV:121-2
Edinburgh XXIII:88
Abbey Studios XXIII:100
College of Art
Herbert Hendrie at XXIII:95
John Blyth at XXIII:95, 98
Sax Roland Shaw at XXIV:172, 173-4
Dean Church XXIII:98
Greyfriar’s XXIV:126
Holyrood Abbey XXIII:97
John Blyth XXIII:95, 96, 97-8
St Bride’s XXIII:98
Edinburgh Tapestry Company XXIV:174
Edward VI, King XXIV:69
Edwardian stained glass XXIV:153
Edwards, John XXI:front cover, 47, 50, 58, 61
Eggert, F. XXIV:164
Eginton, Francis
Magdalen College, Oxford XXII:12-13, 14, 15n40
and Samuel Beckford XXII:29n17
Eire see Ireland
Eisteddfod commission, iconography XXI:53
Eliot, T. S. XXIII:73, 75
Elmley Castle (Worcs) XXIV:33, 37
Elmore Abbey (Berks) XXIII:59, 60
Elvaston (Derbys) XXII:51, 52
Elvery, Beatrice XXI:121
Ely (Cambs)
Bishop’s House XXII:19
Cathedral, James Pearson XXII:19-20, 29n11
Stained Glass Museum
Calouste Gulbenkian and SGM Competition 1999 XXIII:73-5
John Lisle window XXIV:176
website XXIV:83
Empty Bin Project XXIV:139
19th cent. recipes XXII:32
gold chloride XXIII:38, 39-40, 43
encaustic wax technique XXII:4
Encyclopaedia Brittanica, website XXIV:82
1000 best churches XXIV:154-5
CVMA in XXIV:65-6, 67-75 passim, 77n17
English Heritage website XXIV:82
see also individual places by name
English Heritage
and protective glazing XXI:110-11
website XXIV:82
Englishwoman, The XXIV:40, 45
Erbach Castle (Germany) XXIV:71
Esher (Surrey) XXI:21
Essex, medieval glaziers in XXIII:24
Esslingen am Neckar (Germany), website XXIV:85
Ethelreda, St, iconography XXII:19
Eton College, Evie Hone window XXIII:66
Europe, stained glass in XXIV:170-1
see also individual places by name
European Architecture, Digital Archive of XXIV:82
Evans, Bryan Tobias XXI:47, 49, 51, 55-6, 65n18
Evans, Gwen XXIV:133
Evelyn, John XXII:3, 13
Everett, Rosemary XXI:70
Evetts, Leonard XXI:131-2†
Evreux (France), Pugin at XXI:2-3
Ewell (Surrey) XXIV:33
Exeter Cathedral Fabric Rolls XXIV:67
Exeter (Devon)
Beer family XXIV:89
Lady Chapel XXIV:121
workshop organization XXIV:67
glass-painters XXI:130; XXII:48
Wippell Mowbray (firm) XXI:130; XXIII:100
Eyemouth (Scotland) XXIII:97
Fairford (Glos) XXI:118-20
glaziers’ marks XXIII:12
Fairhurst, Harry XXIV:181
Faith Craft Works (Faithcraft) XXIII:55-7; XXIV:117
Faith, Hope and Charity/Love, iconography XXI:78; XXIV:125
Faldingworth (Lincs) XXIII:86
Fauldhouse (W. Loth) XXIII:98
Fawsley Hall (Northants) XXIV:162-3
Fawsley (Northants) XXIV:71, 72
Felixstowe (Suffolk) XXIV:33
Felthan (Middx) XXII:70
Ferrell, Ginger XXIII:86, 87; XXIV:130
Find a Church UK, website XXIV:86
FindArticles.com, website XXIV:82
Finn, Benjamin XXIII:73, 75
First Unitarian Society in Newton Windows, website XXIV:85
Fisher, Alfred XXI:99
Fitzherbert, William, Archbishop XXIII:5
Fledborough (Notts) XXIV:65, 66
flint glass, Pugin’s view of XXI:2
Flower, Barnard XXIV:109
Forbes, Barbara XXIV:44, 49
Forrest, Charles XXII:29n23
Forsyth, Moira XXI:69
Fotheringay XXIV:185
Fourmaintraux, Pierre XXIII:69
Fowler, James XXIV:75
Fox, Dr R. D. XXIV:42-3
Foyle, Christina XXIV:121
auctions of stained glass XXIII:84-5; XXIV:145
Christian Art revival XXIV:170
Gothic s:g:XXII:84-5
medieval canopywork in XXIV:21
Nazarenes XXIV:171
see also individual places by name
Francis, St, iconography XXIII:56-7
French, Thomas Worden XXIV:159, 178-9†
Frenchay (Avon) XXII:40
Frensham (Surrey) XXIV:123
Frewen, Accepted XXII:1
Frodl-Kraft, Eva XXIV:10
Frugoni, Chiara XXIV:21, 23
Fry, Maxwell XXI:125
Fuller, Isaac XXII:3, 14n20
Fulleylove, Joan XXIII:71
Furnivall, F. J. and W. G. Stone, Tale of Beryn XXIV:70
gables, in canopywork XXIV:19-20
Gage, Edward XXIV:174
Gage, John XXIV:70
Galerie Du Vitrail, La (France), website XXIV:84
Galicki, Marta, Victorian & Edwardian Stained Glass, reviewed XXIV:153
Garregddu (Rhayader) XXIV:49
Garstang (Lanc) XXI:21, 24-5
Garth (Wales) XXIV:34
Geddes memorial window (Aberdeen) XXIII:49, 51-3
Geddes, Sir William XXIII:49
Geddes, Wilhelmina
at An Túr Gloine XXI:120-1
at The Glass House XXI:69, 71-4
Geneva Cathedral (Switzerland) XXIV:69
Gentheshaw (Staffs) XXIII:86
George III, King of England XXII:16-30
George IV, Prince of Wales XXII:26
George, St, iconography, Antony Hollaway XXIV:181
Georgian period
domestic glass XXII:24
glass-painting XXII:16
Gerle, János XXIII:94
CVMA in XXIV:65, 67-68
German glass at auction XXIV:145
Lamberts website XXIV:86
Painting on Light (exhibition) XXIV:68 83
see also individual places by name
Getty Stained Glass Drawings Collection, website XXIV:83
Gilbert, Walter XXIV:159
Giles, Richard, contribution by XXI:102-4
Gillingham (Kent) XXIII:98
Burrell Collection XXIV:162-3
High Blantyre XXIII:98
Hill House XXIII:37, 39, 41
School of Art, and Charles Rennie Mackintosh XXIII:36, 39, 40, 42, 43-6
University XXIII:37, 39, 44
‘Glasgow style’ XXI:124
Glass Art (magazine), website XXIV:83
Glass Art Society (GAS), website XXIV:81
Glass House (Lettice Street, Fulham) XXI:68-74; XXIV:43
glass manufacture, mouth-blown XXIV:137
glass sculpture XXI:126
glass-painting techniques
Alan Younger XXIV:114
Debora Coombs XXII:75
European historical XXIV:171
John Hayward XXI:95; XXIV:122
website XXIV:85
William Jay Bolton XXIII:32, 34, 35n25
enamels XXII:32; XXIII:38, 39-40, 43
flesh stains XXIII:32
Glastonbury (Som), Abbey XXIV:66, 77n17
glazes, gold chloride XXIII:38, 39-41, 43
Glaziers Company see Worshipful Company of Glaziers and Painters of Glass
glaziers’ marks XXIII:11-12; XXIV:67, 122
medieval schemes XXIV:72, 73
protective, aesthetics of XXI:109-13
Glenosmund (Australia) XXIV:37
Gloucester (Glos)
St Lucy’s Home, Hare Lane XXIV:34
Lady Chapel XXIV:149
north nave XXIV:167
Goddard & Gibbs Studio Ltd XXIII:57-60, 69, 99
Goddard, Jane XXIV:133
gold chloride enamels XXIII:38, 39-41, 43
Goodchild, Jonathan, book reviewed by XXIV:148
Goodwin, Marlene XXIV:160
Gorringes auctioneers (E. Sussex) XXIV:143-4
Gosforth (Hants) XXIV:34
Gosling, Harry XXIV:56
Gothic period
architecture and canopywork XXIV:15-24, 26n29-n33, 27n43-n51, 28n52-n59
narrative windows XXII:84-5, 87-8
Gothic Revival
and Joseph Bell XXII:36-7, 39
in the USA XXIV:168
Gotland XXI:22
Gouda (Netherlands) XXIII:29; XXIV:67, 68, 69
Gourock (Inv) XXIII:98
Gragg, Randy XXII:72
Grant, Marion XXI:69, 71
Grantham (Lincs) XXIV:120
Gravesend (Kent) XXIV:185
Gray, Jane
on Stevens Competition XXII:79
work by XXI:99; XXII:80; XXIV:126
Grayswood (Surrey) XXI:30, 32
Great Brinton (Northants) XXIV:163
Great War
Mary Lowndes and XXIV:45
Mary Lowndes XXIV:42, 45
William Morris & Co (Westminster) XXIV:55-6
War Damage XXIV:62-3
Green House Environmental Visitors Centre XXIV:138
Greenbury, Edward XXII:3, 4
Greenbury, Richard XXII:1-15
Greenbury, Robert XXII:3, 4
Greenwich see under London
Grimshaw, Rosalind XXII:front cover, 80; XXIII:86, 87
Grodecki, Louis, national stained glass photographic archive XXIV:63
Guide to Painting, The XXIII:16
Guildford (Surrey) XXIII:86, 87
Hadley, Dennis, article by XXIV:29-37
Hägg (Haig), Axel Herman XXI:16, 27, 30, 38n16
Hale Bopp (comet) XXIV:110
Hall, John H, article by XXIII:16-26
Hall, Sarah
The Color of Light: Commissioning Glass for a Church, reviewed XXIV:148
website XXIV:86
Hampson, Louise XXIV:69
Hancock, Kenneth XXI:45, 47
Hardgrave, Charles XXIV:29
Hardman, John XXIV:170
Hardy, Thomas XXIV:168
Harrington, Lord XXII:51, 52
Harris, Lord of Peckham XXIV:108, 112
Harrison, Madeline, Paintings on Glass: Studies in Romanesque and Gothic Monumental Art, reviewed XXII:87-8
Harrison, Martin
books reviewed by XXIV:168, 170-1
editorial by XXIV:5-7
on Pugin/Hardman windows XXI:8
Victorian Stained Glass, 2002 revised edn XXIV:5, 6
Hartley, James, and Pugin XXI:2-8 passim, 9n4
Hartley Wood & Co. XXII:90, 91
Haslemere (Surrey) XXIV:41
Hatton, Prof Richard George XXII:91
Haughton-le-Skerne (Darl) XXIV:34
Havant (Hants) XXIV:31, 34
Hayes, St Nicholas XXI:82
Hayward, John
articles by XXI:92-9; XXIV:117-22
work by XXI:90-8; XXIII:86, 87, 88; XXIV:123
Hazlemere (Bucks) XXIV:34
Headington (Oxon) XXIV:123
Hederman, Dr Mark Patrick XXIII:93
Hedgeland, J. Henry XXIV:91
Heidelberg (Germany) XXIII:67, 71-2
Helme atelier XXIV:170
Henderson, Samuel A XXIV:89, 90
Hendrie, Herbert XXIII:95
Henfield (E. Sussex) XXIV:40, 41
Henig, Martin and Philip Lindley, Alban and St Albans: Roman and Medieval Architecture, Art and Archaeology XXIV:164
Henry I, King XXIV:121
Henry VII, King XXIV:108-9
Henry VIII, King XXI:53; XXIV:119, 121
heraldic glass
at auction XXIV:142-3
City seals XXIV:118
de la Warre Arms XXIV:121
medieval XXIV:73
at Ockwells (Berks) XXIV:74
at Westminster Abbey XXIV:109
Herschel, Sir William XXIV:107, 129
Hexham Abbey (Northumberl) XXII:92
Heyford (Northants) XXIV:162
Hill House (Glasgow) XXIII:37, 39, 41
Hill, Keith, article by XXII:51-62
Hilman, David XXI:69
Hinkley, Francis XXIV:89, 90
Hinton (Hants) XXIII:88, 89
Hinton St Mary (Dorset) XXIV:49
Hita-chuoh Hospital (Japan) XXIII:88
Hoarworthy (Herefs) XXIV:31, 34
Hoddesdon (Herts), St Cuthbert’s XXI:84-5
Hogan, James, and Hubert Thomas XXI:47, 51
Hogg, Douglas
contribution by XXIII:98; XXIV:172
work by XXI:100; XXIII:88; XXIV:126
Holdenby (Northants) XXIV:162
Holiday, Henry
Salisbury Cathedral XXIV:165
and Carl Almquist XXI:11, 14-17, 18-19, 38n20
and Mary Lowndes XXIV:40
Holland, William XXIV:88, 89, 105
Hollaway, Antony, commissioned works XXIV:184-5
Hollaway, Antony XXIV:181-4†
Holy Dove, iconography XXI:back cover; XXIV:120
Hone, Evie XXIII:66
influence on Mararet Traherne XXI:75
Hong Kong, Cathedral XXIV:54, 59n7
Hookers of St Albans (firm) XXIII:56
Hortus Deliciarum, manuscript XXIV:13, 15, 23, 25n16, 26n23
Horwood, Edwin XXIV:89
hot glass, working XXII:63-70
House for an Art Lover (HAL) XXIII:36, 37, 42, 43
Howard, Constance XXI:75, 76, 89n1
Howe, Ralph XXIII:55
Hudson, Octavius XXIV:166
Humphreys, Bill XXI:48
Humphreys, Nancy XXI:46, 48
Hunt, Arthur William XXI:20-2, 31, 32-3
Hunt, Derek XXI:100, XXIII:87, 88; XXIV:130
Huovinen, Tapani XXIII:76, 77
Huré, Marguerite XXIV:170
Hutchings, Patrick XXIV:157
Hutchinson, W. O XXIII:52
Hutton (Som) XXII:44
ICOM-CC Working Group for Glass, Ceramics and Related Materials XXIII:90-1
in Oxford XXII:13
at Westminster Abbey XXIV:109
in East Anglia XXIV:150-2
in Northants XXIV:161
under Edward VI XXIV:69, 109, 161
architectural/canopywork XXIV:10-28, 118, 121-122
Armenian XXIV:126
City government XXIV:118
historical figures XXIV:121
landscape XXIV:183
machines XXIV:120, 121-2
missionary work XXI:53
Our Lady of Walsingham XXIV:119
preaching of the Word XXI:53
rainbow XXIV:138
warning against gossiping XXIV:73-4, 75
WWII prison camp XXIV:130
see also animals; angels; Celtic Christianity; Christ; Faith, Hope and Charity; Holy Dove; heraldic glass; Jerusalem; kings; Mary; New Testament; Old Testament; Paganism; Paradise; plants; saints; science; Sorgheloos saga; Tabernacle; Tree of Life
illuminated manuscripts see manuscripts, illuminated
Images of England, website XXIV:82
Innocent, Pope XXIII:13
internet, stained glass and XXIV:80-6
Inverness (High) XXIII:98
Iona, iconography XXIV:127
Arts and Crafts movement in XXI:120-1; XXIV:170
C. E. Kempe Stained Glass XXIV:166-7
see also individual places by name
see also individual places by name
ivorywork, canopywork and XXIV:11, 17, 27n37
Jackson, Francis XXIV:175
Jackson, John (mason) XXII:2
Jacques, Faith XXIV:176
James, Montague Rhodes, The Treasure of Abbot Thomas XXIV:62
Japan, stained glass in see individual artists and places by name
Jenkins, Simon, England’s Thousand Best Churches, reviewed XXIV:154-5
Jerusalem, Heavenly, iconography XXIV:23, 28n52, 68-9
Jerusalem (Israel) XXIV:36
Jervais, Thomas XXII:12,15n30, 25
cutting technique XXIII:10, 13
Uranium glass XXIII:38 39
Jewitt, E. H. XXI:21, 30, 33
John Hall Glass (firm) XXIII:100
John, St, iconography XXII:32, 33, 34
Jones, Graham, London offices XXIII:68
Jones, Inigo XXII:4
Joseph Bell & Sons XXII:31, 32, 39, 49n4
and Geoffrey Robinson XXIII:62-5
Jobs Book XXII:32, 34-6, 38, 44
see also Bell, Joseph
Joseph, St, iconography XXII:67
Jung, Carl XXII:66, 69, 70n10
Kajiwara, Kuni XXIII:87, 88
Kangra, Punjab (India) XXIII:98
Kantorowicz, Nicola XXI:100
Karaszkiewicz, Pawel XXIV:171
Kateri Takakwitha, Blessed XXII:72, 73, 74
Kelly, Sam XXIII:88, 89
Kemp, Wolfgang, The Narratives of Gothic Stained Glass XXIV:69-71
reviewed XXII:84-5
Kempe, C. E. (& Co.) Ltd XXIV:166-7, 175, 176
Kempe, Charles Eamer
Margaret Stavridi and XXIV:175-6
St Alban windows XXIV:164
Stained Glass in the United Kingdom and Ireland (book) XXIV:166-7
Kempe Society
Margaret Stavridi and XXIV:175, 176
website XXIV:81
Kenelm, St, iconography XXI:78, 80
Kensington see under London
Kent, Graham R., contribution by XXI:107-8
Kettering (Northants) XXIII:87, 88
Kettlewell, Piers XXIII:36-7, 38
Kidwelly, St Mary’s XXI:57, 58
Kierong XXIII:59
kiln-forming XXII:63-70
Kilndown (Kent) XXIV:164
King, Lawrence XXIV:118-19
Kinghorn (Fife) XXII:97
kings, iconography, see also individual kings
kings, iconography XXIII:18, 19, 20, 119
Kingston Lacy (Dorset) XXIV:162
Kirkby Lonsdale church XXI:31
Kita-Kampo Hotel (Japan) XXIII:87, 88
Kjellström, Adolf XXI:11-19 passim, 23, 30, 35
letters XXI:23, 30, 34, 35, 38n26, 39n48, 40n77
Knightley family XXIV:71
Knowles, David XXIV:113, 114
Knowles, J. A., at York Minster XXIII:6, 9
Koch Portfolio XXIII:36, 38, 43
Kolbe, Father Maximillien XXIV:130
Koller, Alex, article by XXII:1-15
Königsfelden (Germany) XXIV:61, 62, 72
Krakow (Poland) XXIV:171
Kummer, Sybille XXII:81
Kurmann-Schwartz, Brigitte XXIV:72
Kyoto Summit XXIV:136
La Farge, John, Virginia Raguin on XXIV:170
Lamarsh (Essex) XXIV:49
Lamberts (firm), website XXIV:86
Lancaster stained glass XXI:20-1
Lancaster Priory, ’King’s Own Chapel’ XXI:30
see also Shrigley & Hunt
Lancing College (W. Sussex) XXIII:57, 99
Landrake (Cornwall) XXIV:139
Langley Burrell (Wilts) XXIV:34
Langton, Thomas XXII:2, 11n9
Lardner, Revd Dionysius, A Treatise on the Progressive Improvement and Present State of the Manufacture of Porcelain and Glass XXII:32, 49n8
Lassen, Michael XXIII:64
Laud, Bishop XXIV:151, 152
Lavers, Barraud & Westlake XXIII:16; XXIV:153
Lawrence, Meg XXI:100, XXIII:88, 89
Lawrence, St, iconography XXIV:12, 13, 15
Lawson, John
article by XXIII:55-61
work by XXIII:67, 68, 69
Lawson, William XXIII:55
Le Brun, Charles XXII:21, 22
Leadenham (Lincs) XXIV:34
Leal, Juan Valdes XXIII:30
Leck (Lancs) XXIV:34
Lee, Lawrence, Royal Military Chapel Sandhurst XXII:80
Lee, St Mildred XXI:73-4
Leeds (Yorks)
City Art Gallery XXIV:132-3
St Peter-at-Leeds XXI:42, 43, 43n14
St Saviour XXI:41-3
Leicestershire, Margaret Traherne glass in schools XXI:76-7, 78, 80, 89n5
Leverington (Cambs) XXIII:18
Leyland (Lancs)XXII:80
Library Index, website XXIV:82
Lighthorne (Warwicks) XXIV:34
Lincoln (Lincs)
Cathedral, Soldiers’ Chapel XXIV:164
St Giles XXIV:185
iconography XXIV:127
images from gospels XXIV:124, 125
Lindley, Philip, Martin Henig and, Alban and St Albans: Roman and Medieval Architecture, Art and Archeology XXIV:164
Linge, Abraham van, ‘Last Judgement’ XXII:2-3, 6-7, 9, 12, 14n11
Lingfield (Surrey) XXIII:89
Lisle, John William XXIV:175, 176
Litmer, Laurie XXII:71
liturgical revival, stained glass and XXIV:117, 119
Liverpool (Merseyside)
Cathedral, Scholars’ window XXIII:96-7
Metropolitan RC Cathedral, Margaret Traherne windows XXI:81, 83-4
St Chad, Everton XXIV:34
St John, Tue Brook XXIV:167
St Leonard, Seaforth XXIV:34
St Mary, Walton XXIV:34
Victorian firms in XXII:48
Llandeloy (Pemb) XXI:56-7
Llanfachreth (IOA) XXIV:34
19th cent. glass-painters XXIV:91-104
Airport XXIII:67, 68
All Hallows, Gospel Oak XXIV:42, 44
All Saints, Tuffnell Park XXIII:98
America Sq XXIII:69
Camberwell School of Art XXIII:98-9
Carlton House XXII:26
Central School of Arts and Crafts XXIV:149
Glass House (Lettice Street, Fulham) XXI:68-74;XXIV:43
see also Lowndes and Drury
Greenwich, Our Lady, Star of the Sea XXII:69
Hampstead, St John XXIII:71
Hounslow XXI:48, 58, 66
Mormon Church XXIII:69
St Augustine XXIV:51
St Sarkis XXIV:126
Lloyds Bank, Cornhill XXIV:184
London Bridge, Dai Ichi Kango Bank XXIII:69
Minster Court XXIII:69
Moreira Welsh Presbyterian chapel, Leytonstone XXI:53
Museum of London, Powell archives XXIV:30, 32
New Bridge St XXIII:69
Our Lady of Lourdes, St John’s Wood XXII:69
Our Lady of Sorrows, Hendon XXII:69
Royal Academy XXII:25
Royal College of Art (RCA) XXIV:181
Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel XXII:front cover, 67, 71-72
St Andrew, Catford XXII:80
St Anthony, Stepney XXIV:34
St Barnabas, Dulwich XXIII:67, 70
St Botolph, Aldersgate XXII:21, 22, 24, 29n16
St James, Portobello XXIII:97
St James XXII:4
St John of Jerusalem, Hackney XXII:80
St Luke, Soho XXII:62n10
St Mark, Old Marylebone Rd XXIV:51
St Martin’s School of Art XXIV:117
St Mary, Battersea XXIV:121
St Mary, Kilburn XXIV:34
St Mary, Sloane Sq XXIV:49
St Michael, Paternoster Royal XXIV:119
St Olave, Hart St XXIII:99; XXIV:51
St Padern, Holloway XXI:48, 65n10
St Pancras glass-painters XXIV:91
St Paul, Finchley XXIV:34
St Paul, Walworth XXIV:34
St Peter, Cranley Gardens XXIV:43, 52
St Peter, Highgate XXIV:34
St Peter, London Docks XXIV:34
St Pius X, W10 XXII:70
Sisterhood Chapel, Queen’s Sq XXIV:49
Southwark, Cathedral XXIII:73, 75
St-Mary-le-Bow XXIV:117-18
Strawberry Hill XXIV:71
Tate Gallery, Traherne Rotunda banners XXI:84, 85
Ursuline Convent, Forest Gate XXII:69
Victoria and Albert Museum
C. E. Kempe & Co archives XXIV:167, 176
James Pearson XXII:22, 24
Powell archives XXIV:32
Westminster Abbey quarries XXIV:109
West Ham Infirmary XXIV:49
St John, Wilton Road XXIV:34
St Stephen’s Chapel XXIII:6-7
Westminster Abbey: Chaucer Memorial XXII:52; Henry Holiday window at XXI:15;
Henry VII Chapel XXIII:59, 60-1; XXIV:front cover, 63; 108-16
Westminster Cathedral XXII:70
Westminster Palace, Pugin glass at XXI:1
Looking at Buildings, website XXIV:82
Lorimer, Sir Robert XXI:120
Loughton (Essex) XXIV:34-5
Lövgren, Birgitta Rengmyr, article by XXI:11-40
Low Countries, stained glass auctions XXII:81-3;XXIII:82-6; XXIV:142-5
Lowick (Northants) XXIV:161, 162
Lowndes, Canon William XXIV:39, 45
Lowndes and Drury XXI:68-74; XXIV:43
Lowndes family XXIV:39, 42, 44-6, 48n23
Lowndes, Mary XXIV:38-48
list of works XXIV:49-52
Lowndes, Revd Willliam XXIV:45-6
Lucky, Paul XXI:100
Ludlow (Salop) XXIV:160
Luneau, Jean-François XXIV:171
Lutis, Karen De, article by XXIV:80-6
Luton (Beds), Someries chapel XXI:31, 39n63
Lyminge (Kent) XXIV:69
Lyminster (Sussex) XXII:62n11
Lympne (Kent) XXIV:35
Lyon and Turnbull, website XXIV:84
McCartney, Sir Paul XXIII:68
MacDonald, Juliette, article by XXIII:47-54
MacDonald Lindsay see Brown, Sarah
MacDonald, Margaret XXIII:39
MacInnes, Rab and Linda Cannon, article by XXIII:36-46
Mackintosh, Charles Rennie
glass and glazes XXIII:36-46
symbolism XXIII:43-5
Madonna see Mary, Virgin
Maeterlink, Maurice XXIII:45
Maidenhead (Wind) XXIV:50
Mainstone (Salop) XXIV:35
Making of America, website XXIV:82
Malawi (Africa) XXIII:99
Mallinson, Maisie XXIV:174
Maltman, Zara XXIV:132
airport, Margaret Traherne screen XXI:82
Antony Hollaway windows XXIV:181-2, 184, 185
Margaret Traherne window XXI:86
Middleton XXIV:185
university, A Hollaway work XXIV:184
Manchester, Earl of XXIV:150, 151
Manhes, Colette, Paul Deremble and Les vitraux légendaires de Chartres XXIV:69, 70
manuscripts, illuminated, and stained glass XXIV:13-16, 25n16-17, 26n23, n31, 162
Maplethorpe (Lincs) XXIV:185
Margaretting (Essex) XXIII:16-26
Margate (Kent)XXII:69
Market Harborough (Leics) XXI:60
Markham, Canon XXIV:122
Marks, Richard
article by XXIV:62-79
The Medieval Stained Glass of Northamptonshire, Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi, Great Britain, Summary Catalogue 4, reviewed XXIV:161-4
marouflage technique XXIII:47
Martin, Howard XXI:45-58 passim, 59, 64n6, 66
Mary Magdalene, St, iconography XXII:40-1, 45, 46; XXIV:31, 34, 40, 41
Mary, St, iconography XXIV:181
Mary, Virgin, iconography
Assumption of the Virgin XXIV:109-12
Ave Maria XXI:82
Coronation of the Virgin XXIV:162
Life of the Virgin XXIV:143, 145
St Anne and the Virgin XXIV:36, 162
Virgin and Child
by John Hayward XXI:92-6
by John Trinick XXII:65
by Margaret Traherne XXI:77-8, 79
Flemish Gothic XXIV:141, 144
see also New Testament
Masham (N. Yorks) XXIII:86, 87
Matisse, Henri XXIII:68, 72
Matlock (Derbys) XXIV:35
Mawgan in Meneage (Cornwall) XXIV:35
Mayenne, Sir Theodore Turquet de XXII:4
Mayer, George XXII:51-62
Mayfield (Sussex) XXIII:88, 89
medieval stained glass
canopywork XXIV:10-28
design developments XXIV:70
and medieval architecture XXIV:13, 26n21
in Northamptonshire, CVMA, Great Britain, Summary Catalogue 4 XXIV:161-4
reproduction of XXI:3-9
trends in scholarship XXIV:62-79
workshops XXIV:67
Mein, James XXIV:105
Melbourne (Australia) XXIV:157
Mells (Som) XXIV:89
Mentone (France) XXIV:36
Merseyside, Victorian firms in XXII:48
Merthyr Vale (Mer T) XXI:front cover, 58, 60
Mester, Éva XXIII:94
Methodist churches XXI:107-8
Mexborough (S. Yorks) XXI:106
Michael, M. A., book reviewed by XXIV:161-3
Michael, St, iconography XXIV:65, 66, 119
Michelham Priory (Sussex) XXI:77-8, 79
Middle East, Goddard & Gibbs stained glass XXIII 58–61
Middleton, Marjory XXIV:174
Miles, Mrs XXII:43
millenium windows XXI:90-1; XXIII:86, 87, 88, 89; XXIV:126-9
Miller, Beale & Hider (firm) XXIV:119
Miller, Corinne XXIV:133
Mitton, Roland XXII:80
modern art, stained glass and XXIII:66-72
Modern Stained Glass (exhibition) XXIV:7
monastic orders XXIV:72
Monomarks XXIV:56-7
Montreal (Canada) XXIV:160
Moor, Andrew Architectural Glass Art, Form and technique in contemporary glass XXII:78
reviewed XXI:125-6
Morgan, Gareth XXIII:88, 89
Moriaty, Amanda XXIII:74
Morris Art Bronze Foundry XXIV:55-6
Morris and Co
John Trinick at XXII:63
and William Morris & Co (Westminster) Ltd XXIV:54-5, 58
window-viewing apparatus XXIV:112
Morris, Marshal, Faulkner & Co XXII:44
see also individual artists
Morris, Percy XXIV:58n1
Morris, Richard XXIV:53
Morris, Roland XXIV:58, 59n20
Morris Singer Company XXIV:56, 57
Morris and Sons XXIV:53, 58n1-n3
Morris, William, and C. E. Kempe XXIV:167
Morris, William & Co (Westminster) Ltd XXI:130; XXIV:53-9
Morris, William Thomas XXIV:53-9
Mortimer, John Hamilton XXII:21, 29n13
mouth-blown glass, manufacture of XXIV:137
Mowse, H. XXIV:58
Murdac, Archbishop Henry XXIII:8, 9, 10-11, 14
Murray, Grant XXI:46-7
Napier (New Zealand) XXIV:125
Napier Waller, Mervyn XXII:66, 70n8
Nassau (Bahamas) XXIV:40, 45-6
National Glass Centre (NGC), website XXIV:83
National Monuments Record, website XXIV:82
National Register of Archives (NRA)(UK), website XXIV:81
Natland (Westmorland) XXI:45
Nazarenes XXIV:171
Neat, Timothy XXIII:45
Nefyn (Gwyn) XXI:51
Netherlands see Low Countries
Netteswell (Essex) XXIV:35
Nettleham (Lincs) XXIV:120
New, Keith, contribution by XXIV:181-4
New Testament, iconography XXI:54
Adoration of the Magi XXI:95, 97; XXIII:47-54
Agony in the Garden XXII:21, 22, 24;XXIII:31, 33
by Ada Currey XXIV:31, 33, 37
by Howard Martin XXI:58, 67
by Mary Lowndes XXIV:41-2, 43
Westminster Abbey XXIV:112
apostles XXI:41-3; XXIV:16, 17, 68, 69, 127
Ascension XXI:21, 24-5; XXII:40; XXIII:28-32, 33
Centurion of Capernaum XXIV:43
Christ blessing children XXIII:31, 33
Christ carrying the Cross XXIII:28, 29, 30, 31
Christ and Mary Magdalene XXII:40-1, 45, 46; XXIV:31, 34
Christ and the Canaanite woman XXII:4
Crucifixion XXI:76-7; XXII:39; XXIII:28-31; XXIV:31, 33
descent from the cross XXII:40
Evangelists XXIV:127
Herod and John the Baptist XXIV:142, 143-4
Incarnation XXI:92-8, back cover
Jesus in the home of the Sisters of Bethany XXI:17, 18
Kingdom of Heaven XXIV:120
Last Judgement XXII:1, 3, 6-13
Last Supper XXII:3;XXIII:28, 29
Lazarus XXI:26; XXIV:71
life of Christ XXII:1, 3-13; XXIV:10-11, 24n6, 25n7-8
Marys at tomb XXII:40-1
Massacre of the Innocents XXIV:11
Miraculous Draught of Fishes XXI:76
Nativity XXIV:40, 41
parable of the prodigal son XXI:17, 18; XXII:84-5; XXIV:73
parable of the good Samaritan XXIV:41, 73
Pentecost XXII:69
Resurrection XXIII:31, 33; XXIV:31, 33, 37
Revelation, Book of XXIV:110, 111, 181, 182
see also Christ; Mary
New York (USA)
Corning Museum of Glass XXIV:169
St Ann, Brooklyn XXIII:27
St James, Batavia XXI:48
Theological College, Chelsea Sq XXIV:37
Newick (Sussex) XXIV:31, 33, 35
Newman, John, Buildings of England XXIV:5-6
Newsham, Revd Dr XXI:2
Newton, Peter XXIV:64
Newton (USA), website XXIV:85
Nicholas, St, iconography XXIV:64
Nicholson, A. K.
James Mein and XXIV:105
St Alban windows XXIV:164
nineteenth century
glass-painters XXIV:87-105
glass-painting, Joseph Bell and XXII:31-50
see also Gothic Revival, Victorian s g
Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide, website XXIV:83
Norfolk, iconoclasm in XXIV:152
Northamptonshire, medieval stained glass in XXIV:75
CVMA Summary Catalogue 4, reviewed XXIV:161-4
Norwich (Norfolk) XXIV:73
Nottingham (Notts)
Boots Co. XXIV:184
HMP Lowdham Grange XXIV:130
NRA (National Register of Archives)(UK), website XXIV:81
Nuttgens, Edward XXIII:62
Nuttgens, Joseph
article by XXI:90-1
work by XXI:100, 90-1
Oare (Som) XXIV:57
Ockwells (Berks) XXIV:74
O’Connor, David, book reviewed by XXIV:158-9
O’Connor, Michael XXI:41, 42, 42n2, 43
O’Donoghue, Ann, article by XXIV:38-52
Old Basing (Hants) XXIV:120
Old Malden (Surrey) XXIV:35
Old Testament, iconography
Abraham XXIV:43
ancestors of Christ XXIV:14, 15-16, 26n32
Creation XXII:66, 68; XXIV:123
Joseph’s dream XXIV:11
Moses and the Brazen Serpent XXII:21; XXIV:165
Tree of Jesse XXIII:16-26; XXIV:162
Vision of Isiah XXIV:17, 18
Örebro (Sweden) XXI:11-14
Nikolai church XXI:13, 17-19, 23, 26
Petri church XXI:26, 33, 34
Orpington (Kent) XXI:84-5, 87
Osborne, June, John Piper and Stained Glass, reviewed XXI:127-8
Oster, Clifford XXII:77
Oswald, St, iconography XXIV:127
O’Toole, Shane XXIII:93
Oundle (Northants) XXI:128
Overmonnow (Monmouths) XXI:51, 52
Overton (Hants) XXIV:35
All Souls College XXIII:22
Brasenose CollegeXXII:20-1
Christ Church XXII:3
iconoclasm in XXII:13
Magdalen College XXII:1-15; XXIII:30
Merton College XXIV:163
New College XXII:6; XXIII:22
Queen’s College XXII:6-7, 12
St Hugh’s Hall XXIV:35
St Peter XXIV:119
Winchester College XXIII:10, 14, 15n18
Worcester College XXI:15
Oxford Society for Promoting the Study of Gothic Architecture XXII:37
Paganism, iconography
philosophers XXIII:49, 51, 54n7
Sibyls XXIII:48-9, 51-2, 54n4
Painter’s Guide XXII:64, 70n3
Painting on Light (exhibition) XXIV:68
website XXIV:83
Paley & Austin XXI:21
Palmer, Phillip XXII:48
Paradise, iconography XXIV:12, 13, 15, 26n23
Parello, Daniel XXIV:170
Paris (France)
auctions of stained glass XXIII:84-5; XXIV:145
Sainte-Chapelle XXIV:71-2
Parkhurst, Henry XXIV:168
Parochial Church Council (PCC), artists and XXI:104-6
Paterson, Samuel XXII:18-19
Paul, St, iconography XXI:32, 81, 84; XXII:19; XXIV:19, 20
Paul of the Cross, St, iconography XXI:81, 84, 89n9
Pearson, Eglington Margaret XXII:18-19, 28n8, 29n10
Pearson, James XXII:16-30; XXIV:165
Peckitt, William
at Cambridge, Trinity College XXII:29n24
and James Pearson XXII:18
Pemberton, Kay XXI:70
Peover, Dr Michael, contributions by XXIII:78-80; XXIV:146-7
Peplow (Salop) XXIII:47-9, 50
Perier, Jehan XXIV:67
Peter, St, iconography XXIV:119, 120, 129, 136
Peterborough, Diocese of XXI:122-3
Petts, John XXI:53, 63
Pevsner, Nikolaus, on C. E. Kempe XXIV:175-6
Pevsner Architectural Guides, website XXIV:82
pewter, in C. R. Mackintosh doors XXIII:43
Phillips Auctioneers
auctions of stained glass XXII:81-2, 83; XXIV:143
website XXIV:84
philosophers, iconography XXIII:51
’Phoenix Glass’ XXIV:138
photography, of church furnishings XXIV:155-6
Pilgrim’s Progress XXIII:99
Piper, John XXI:127-8; XXIII:66, 67
Stained Glass:Art or Anti-Art XXI:127; XXIII:66, 68
Pitt, Sue, article by XXI:75-89
Pittsburgh (USA), Heinz Memorial Chapel website XXIV:85
plants, in stained glass XXII:73; XXIV:128, 130
Plato XXIII:49, 50
Pleij, Prof Hermann XXIV:73
Pollard Group XXIV:57, 58, 59n18, n23
Pontardawe (Neath) XXI:53, 54
Pontigny Abbey (France) XXI:103
Poole Keynes (Glos) XXIV:39
Portland, Ohio (USA) XXII:71-7
Portsmouth (Hants) XXIV:35
post-Reformation XXIV:69
Poucher, Walter XXIV:156
Powell, James, & Sons
Ada Currey and XXIV:29, 30-7
archives XXIV:32
Salisbury Cathedral XXIV:165
and medieval-type glass XXI:8-9
Powell, John Hardman, and Pugin XXI:1-6 passim, 7-8, 10n13
pre-medieval s g
CVMA catalogues XXIV:65-6
see also Byzantine, Carolingian
Preedy, Frederick XXII:48
Price, Joshua XXII:12, 18, 28n4
Price, William, the Younger XXII:18
Prior, Edward XXIV:40
Prior (slab) glass XXIV:40
Pritchard, Walter XXIII:95
protective glazing
aesthetics of XXI:109-13
CVMA Guidelines XXI:110
Prudde, John XXIII:21-2, 23, 24
Pugin, A. W. N.
and medieval-type glass XXI:1-10
and Michael O’Connor XXI:41
and The Ecclesiologist XXII:36-7
Pyrford (Surrey) XXI:82-3
Quail, Paul XXI:100
Quin (Irish Rep:) XXIV:36
RAF Lyneham (Wilts) XXIII:64
RAF memorials, Margaret Traherne XXI:82
Raguin, Virginia Chieffo
on La Farge and Riffany XXIV:170
Glory in Glass: Stained Glass in the United States, Origins Variety and Preservation, reviewed XXIV:168
rail transport, and stained glass industry XXII:44
Rainbird, Victor Noble XXII:90-1
Raincy (France) XXIV:170
Rambaut, Aletta XXIV:170
Rattery (Devon) XXII:32-4, 49n12
Ray, William XXII:48
Reay Young, Helga XXIII:69
Recycled Bottle Glass Centre XXIV:139
recycled glass XXIV:135-40
Redruth (Cornwall) XXIV:138-9
Reed Millican & Co XXII:90-2 passim
Reformation, see also iconoclasm
Reformation XXIV:69
Regensburg (Germany) XXIV:170
Repton (Derbys) XXIV:35
Reynolds, Sir Joshua XXII:15n29-30, 16, 25, 29n14-15
Reynolds, Stefan D. C., article by XXII:63-70
Reytiens, Patrick
and John Piper XXIII:66, 67
The Beauty of Stained Glass XXIII:70
The Technique of Stained Glass XXII:78
Rheims (France), war damage in XXIV:62
RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects), website XXIV:81
Riccarton (New Zealand) XXIV:31, 37
Riding Mill on Tyne (Northumberl) XXIV:35
Roberts, Eileen, Images of Alban: Saint Alban in Art From the Earliest Times to the Present, reviewed XXIV:163-4
Roberts, Page, memorial window XXIV:166
Robinson, Arnold Wathen XXIII:63
Robinson, Geoffrey
article by XXIII:62-5
work by XXI:100; XXII:80, XXIII:89
Robinson, John, Bishop of Woolwich XXIV:119
Rochdale (G Man), Town Hall XXI:14, 15, 16, 38n17
Rogers, George XXII:48
Romanesque period
architecture and stained glass XXIV:12-13, 15, 26n21
book review XXII:87-8
Roos family XXIII:5, 8
Ross, Douglas, auctioneers (Woburn, Beds) XXIV:145
Roth, Miksa XXIII:94
Rouen Cathedral (France) XXIV:65, 67
Royal Academy, London XXII:25
Royal College of Art (RCA), London XXIV:181
Royal Commission on Historical Monuments in England (RCHME) XXIV:158, 159, 165-6, 178-9
Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), website XXIV:81
Royal Naval Air Station (Cumbria) XXIII:98
ruby glass, reproduction of ancient XXI:3-6, 8
Rushden (Northants) XXIV:162
Rusper (Sussex) XXIV:35, 37
Rutland, stained glass in XXI:122-3
Ryton (Tyne) XXIV:35
sacred geometry XXII:72
Sadeler, Joannes XXII:7, 8
St Albans (Herts), Abbey, rose window XXIV:113, 163, 164
St Andrews (Fife), University, St Salvator’s Chapel, website XXIV:85
St Francis’s College (Herts) XXII:69
St George-super-Ely XXI:55, 56, 59
St Helens (Merseyside) XXIV:128
St Neot (Cornwall) CVMA XXIV:73, 74
Saint-Denis (France) XXIII:16
canopywork XXIV:10, 24n6, 25n7
saints, iconography XXII:4-7; XXIV:12
American XXII:72-4
female XXII:72-4; XXIV:73-4
see also individual saints by name
Salesbury (Lancs) XXIV:126
Salisbury Cathedral (Wilts) XXIV:72-3
decoration and furnishings XXIV:165-6
Francis Eginton window XXII:29n15
grisaille stained glass XXIV:72-3, 165
James Pearson east window XXII:21
Salmestone Grange (Kent) XXII:64-6, 67-9
Salon de Lux (Glasgow) XXIII:36, 42, 43, 44
Saltley (W. Midlands) XXIV:50
salvaged glass, use of
Westminster Abbey XXIV:109, 110
by John Hayward XXIV:120
SALVO (Architectural Salvage Dealer Directory), website XXIV:84
Sandhurst, Royal Military Chapel (Kent) XXII:80; XXIII:89
Sandy (Beds) XXIV:41-2
Saxon stained glass, in Winchester (Hants) XXIV:66
Scanlon, James, In the Shadow of a Big Heart, reviewed XXIII:92-3
Schaechter, Judith XXIV:169
Schaffrath, Ludwig XXIV:169
Schapiro, Meyer XXIV:10, 19
Schnebbelie, Jacob XXIV:166
scholarships, Worshipful Company of Glaziers XXIV:133
Scholz, Hartmut XXIV:68
Schreiter, Johannes
Heidelberg (Germany) XXIII:67, 71-2
Royal London Hospital XXIII:front cover, 67, 71-72
Schwartz, Christoph XXII:7-9, 15n33
Schwarzach (Germany) XXIV:65
science, iconography XXIII:67, 71-2; XXIV:107, 128, 129
Sax Shaw XXIV:173
Scottish stained glass XXI:123-4
website XXIV:86
Victorian firms in XXII:48
see also individual places by name
Scott, Stanley Murray XXII:90-2†, back cover
Scotton (N. Yorks) XXI:105-6
Scruton (N. Yorks) XXIII:31
sculpture, and 12th cent. canopywork XXIV:11
Searle, Jack, contribution by XXIII:95-8
Second World War
prison camp, iconography XXIV:130
war damage claims XXIV:58
war damage, Westminster Abbey XXIV:62-3, 109
Sedding, _ (architect) XXIV:121-2
Seend (Wilts) XXIV:31, 35
Selby Abbey XXIV:73
Settle XXI:21
Seven Sisters, St Mary’s (Llandaff) XXI:58, 67
Sharpling, Paul, Stained Glass in Rutland Churches, an Historic Survey, reviewed XXI:122-3
Shaw, Sax Roland XXIV:172-4†
Shepard, Mary XXIV:71
Shepherd, iconography XXI:60, 61, 98
Shepherd, Stanley, article by XXI:1-10
Sherborne Abbey (Dorset)
south aisle XXIII:88
west window XXI:92-9; XXIV:122
Shillingstone (Dorset) XXIV:35, 45
Shore Bennett, Beverley XXI:101; XXIV:124-5
Shoreham (Kent) XXIII:55
Shrewsbury, Lord XXI:1
Shrewsbury, Victorian firms in XXII:48
Shrigley & Hunt
and C. E. Kempe XXIV:167
Carl Almquist at XXI:11, 19-22, 30-3
and John Blyth XXIII:96
Shropham (Norfolk) XXIV:49
Sibyls, iconography XXIII:48-9, 51-2, 54n4
silver stain
John Hayward’s use of XXIV:114
Oster XXII:77
Simla (India) XXIV:37
Skellbrooke (S. Yorks) XXIV:49
Skellingthorpe (Lincs) XXIV:123
slab glass, Norman, at Westminster Abbey XXIV:111
slab (Prior) glass XXIV:40
Slough XXIV:35
Smith, Dr Donald XXIV:172-3
Smith, Dr James XXII:3,
Smith, Janice XXIV:67-8
article by XXIII:5-15
Smith, John Moyr XXIV:169
Snape (Suffolk) XXIV:42-3, 46, 51
Society of Antiquaries (London)XXII:29n21; XXIV:166
Society of the Faith XXIII:55
Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB) XXI:110
medieval stained glass in XXIV:64
Victorian glass-painters in XXII:48
see also individual places by name
Sotheby’s auctioneers
auctions of stained glass XXI:115; XXII:81; XXIII:82, 83-4; XXIV: 144-5
website XXIV:84
Sotheran, Ann
contribution by XXI:104-6
work by XXI:101; XXIV:127
South African War see Boer War
Sowers, Theresa Obermayr XXIV:169
Spencer Thomas, Martin, auctioneers XXII:83
Stafford, Beatrice XXIII:5, 8, 12
Stagsden (Beds) XXIV:126
Stained Glass Association of America (SGAA), website XXIV:80, 83, 84
Stained Glass Quarterly, website XXIV:83
Stanford-on-Avon (Northants) XXIV:73, 75, 162, back cover
Stansted Airport (Essex) XXIII:67, 68
Starcross (Devon) XXII:40, 46, 50n32
Stavridi, Margaret XXIV:166-7, 175-6†
Stephens, Francis XXIII:56
Stevens Competition XXIII:76-7; XXIV:132-3
Stichberry, Robert XXIV:161
Stoke Abott (Dorset) XXIII:88
Stokes, Colin XXI:101
Stokes, Thomas XXI:1
Stone, W. G., Tale of Beryn XXIV:70
Stonehaven (Ayrshire) XXII:97
Stowmarket (Suffolk) XXIV:152
Strachan, Douglas XXI:120
Adoration of the Magi designs XXIII:47-54
unexecuted designs XXIV:85
Strasbourg (Germany)
15th cent. stained glass XXIV:68
cathedral, canopywork XXIV:9, 12-13, 15, 25n13-n15, 26n24
Street, G. E. XXII:37
Strobl, Dr Sebastian, books reviewed by XXIII:90-1
(Studio) Magazine, The XXIII:43-4
Sturminster Newton (Dorset) XXIV:39, 43
Suffolk, iconoclasm in XXIV:150-2
suffragist movement, Mary Lowndes and XXIV:43-4
Sunderland School of Art (Tyne) XXII:78-9
sundial windows XXIV:122
Surfleet (Lincs) XXIV:123
Surrey, Carl Almquist windows in XXI:21
Sutton Bridge (Lincs) XXIV:123
Sutton Coldfield (W. Midlands) XXIII:86
Sutton Montis (Som) XXIV:123
Swanage (Dorset) XXIV:35
Swanscombe (Australia) XXIV:37
Celtic Studios XXI:45-65
St Gabriel XXI:51
St Michael, Manselton XXX:45
School of Art, and Celtic Studios XXI:45-6, 50, 62-3
Swash, Caroline
article by XXIII:66-72
book reviewed by XXIV:156-8
St Barnabas, Dulwich XXIII:67, 70
Sweden, Almquist windows in XXI:17-19, 23-7
Swift, Mike, article by XXI:41-3
Swilland (Suffolk) XXIV:35
Painting on Light (exhibition) XXIV:68, 83
Swiss stained glass at auction XXII:82; XXIII:83
Tabernacle, iconography XXIV:23, 27n43
tapestries, Sax Shaw XXIV:174
Taunton (Som) XXII:48
Taylor, Andrew XXI:101; XXIV:107, 129
Tekakwitha, Blessed Kateri XXII:72, 73, 74
Temple, symbolism of the XXIV:23
Templeton, Sir John XXIV:109
Tennant, Norman H. (ed.), The Conservation of Glass and Ceramics:Research, Practice and Training, reviewed XXIII:90-1
Thenford (Northants) XXIV:162-3
Thermoform Cast Glass XXI:112
Thomas Becket, St XXIV:16
iconography XXII:24
Thomas Glazier (Oxford) XXIII:10, 14
Thomas, Hubert XXI:45, 46-56 passim, 62, 65n9
Thomas, Stuart XXI:46, 47
Thornton, John, and St William window, York XXIII:6-7, 12, 14-15
Thubron, Harry XXI:84
Thursby (Cumbria) XXIV:183, 185
Tickner, Lisa, The Spectacle of Women XXIV:44
Tiffany Studios XXIV:169
Virginia Raguin on XXIV:170
Tilmanstone (Kent) XXIV:35
Tingrith (Beds) XXIII:27-35, back cover
Toller Porcorum (Dorset) XXIII:88; XXIV:122
Toms, John XXII:48
Toronto, Bloor St United church XXI:53
Toronto, Runnymede United church XXI:53
Torre, John XXIII:6
Tours MS XXIII:18
Towcester (Northants) XXIV:161
Tower, Walter XXIV:167, 176
Townshend, Jenny XXIV:159, 160
Traherne, Margaret XXI:75-89
Traherne memorial windows XXI:55, 56, 59
Transition: The London Art Scene in the Fifties (exhibition) XXIV:5, 6
Travers, Martin
and Faithcraft XXIII:56
and Margaret Traherne XXI:75
St Andrew, Catford XXII:80
Tree of Jesse see under Old Testament, iconography
Tree of Life, iconography XXIV:127, 128-9
Treeck, Peter Van XXIV:171
Trent (Dorset) XXII:40, 45
Trent Polytechnic, Antony Hollaway at XXIV:181
Treslothan (Cornwall) XXIV:35
Trier Cathedral MS XXIII:17
Trinick, John XXII:63-70
Tuckingmills, Camborne (Cornwall) XXII:40
Turner, J. W. XXIV:121
Tyldesley (Lancs) XXIII:35n15
Umtali (Zimbabwe) XXIV:37
United States of America
Corning Museum of Glass XXIV:169-70
First Unitarian Society in Newton Windows, website XXIV:85
Gothic Revival XXIV:168
Making of America website XXIV:82
origins, variety and preservation of stained glass XXIV:168
Stained Glass Association of America (SGAA), website XXIV:80, 83, 84
see also individual people and places by name
Upton (Bucks) XXIV:107, 129
Uranium glass jewels XXIII:42, 43
Ushaw, St Cuthbert’s Chapel, Pugin glass at XXI:2
Vaassen, Elgin XXIV:170
Vence (France) XXIII:68, 72
Verulanium XXIV:163, 164
Victoria and Albert Museum see under London
Victorian period
glass-painters XXIV:87-105
stained glass XXII:31-50; XXIV:5-7, 153
see also Gothic Revival, nineteenth century, individual artists by name
Victorian Society XXI:92
Vincenzo al Volturno (Italy) XXIV:65
Viollet-le-Duc, at Ste-Chapelle, Paris XXIV:71-2
Virgil XXIII:49, 50, 54n7
Virgin and Child, iconography see under Mary, Virgin
Vitrail – La Grande Crucifixion, website XXIV:85
Voragine, Jacques de, Golden Legend XXIV:70
Wailes, William
in Devon and Somerset XXII:44
James Mein and XXIV:105
Pugin and XXI:2, 9n5
Wales, see Celtic Studios, individual places by name
Walkerville (S. Australia) XXIV:31, 37
Wallasey (Cheshire) XXI:31, 32; XXIV:49
Wallingford (Berks) XXIV:35
Walmer (Kent) XXIV:35
Walpole, Horace XXIV:71
Walsingham (Essex) XXIV:119
Walsingham, Thomas XXIV:163
Walter of Milomete Treatise XXIV:162
War Damage Commission, and John Blyth XXIII:96
war memorials see Boer War, Great War, Second World War
Warblington (Hants) XXIV:35
Ward & Hughes XXIII:29
and C. E. Kempe XXIV:167
Ware (Herts) XXIV:164
Wargrave (Berks) XXIV:35
Warkworth (Northumberl) XXII:back cover
Warren, H. J. XXIV:57, 59n17
Warwick (Warwicks)
19th cent. glass-painters XXIV:88-9
castle XXII:28n4
St Mary’s, Beauchamp Chapel XXIII:21-2, 31-32; XXIV:163
Wasley, David XXI:101
Watt, Quintin (ed) The Bromsgrove Guild:An Illustrated History, reviewed XXIV:159-61
Wayfarer’s window XXI:29, 30
Wayment, Hilary, on Fairford glazier’s marks XXIII:12
weathering, of glass XXIII:90
Weatherley, James A, contribution by XXIII:98-9
Weatherley, James XXIII:57
Weatherstone, Alfred Charles XXI:34
Webb, William XXIV:90
Wells, Thomas XXII:48
Wells cathedral (Som)
Lady Chapel, glaziers’ marks XXIII:12
Tree of Jesse XXIII:16, 20, 25n7
Welwyn (Herts) XXIV:51
West, Benjamin XXII:24, 25
West Camel (Som) XXIV:35
West Chiltington (W. Sussex) XXIV:39
West Lynn (Norfolk) XXIII:27, 29, 35n5
West Midlands, Bromsgrove Guild gazeteer XXIV:160
West Rounton (N. Yorks) XXIV:127
Westgate-on-Sea (Kent) XXIV:35
Westlake, N. H. J., and Margaretting XXIII:16, 17, 20-3, 24
Westminster Abbey Fabric Commission XXIV:108, 115n1
Westminster see under London
Weston (Bath) XXIV:33
Weybridge (Surrey)
cemetery chapel XXIV:36
Cottage Hospital XXIV:36
St James XXIV:29, 31, 35
Whall, Christopher
advice on glazing XXIV:109, 110
on C. E. Kempe XXIV:167
Gloucester Cathedral XXIV:149, 160, 164
Holy Advent, Boston XXIV:156
John Trinick and XXII:64
stained glass work 1849–1924 XXIV:149-50
St Alban windows XXIV:164
Stained Glass Work, A Text-book for Students and Workers in Glass XXI:68; XXIII:71; XXIV:149
new edition reviewed XXIII:91-2
on window viewing XXIV:112
Whitchurch (nr Ross-on-Wye) XXIV:36
white glass, reproduction of ancient XXI:6-8
Whitehouse, David The Corning Museum of Glass: A Decade of Glass Collecting 1990–1999, reviewed XXIV:169-70
Whittington, Dick, iconography XXIV:119
Whittock, Nathaniel XXIII:30
Wickwar (Glos) XXIV:121
Wiesbaden (Germany) XXIV:36
Wigginton (Herts) XXIV:36
Wigley, George, articles by XXI:114-17; XXIII:81-5; XXIV:142-5
Wilday, George XXIV:90
Wilkinson, John XXII:13
Willement, Thomas
and Pugin XXI:1
Tyldesley (Lancs) XXIII:35n15
William Morris Gallery, website XXIV:83
William, St, iconography, York Minster XXIII:5-15; XXIV:66
Williams, Jane Welch XXIV:70-1
Wilmington (E. Sussex) XXIV:128-9
Wilson, Muriel XXI:69
Wilson, Warren XXI:70
Wilson, William XXIII:96-7
Wimpole (Cambs) XXIV:31, 36
Winchester (Hants), Saxon stained glass in XXIV:66
Windsor Castle
George III at XXII:16, 25, 26-7, 29n30, 30n31
St George’s Chapel XXII:23, 25, 29n22; XXIV:164
State Apartment XXII:27, 29n30:30n31
Winston, Charles
antique glass XXII:42, 47
glass investigations XXI:1, 3-9 passim; XXII:47
and Joseph Bell XXII:38-40, 41-2, 47, 50n35
and The Ecclesiologist XXII:38
Winton, Penny XXIV:159
Wippell, J. & Co Ltd XXI:130; XXIII:100
Wittersham (Kent) XXIV:49
Wood, Alfred XXII:90
Woolton Hill (Berks) XXIV:36
Woore, Edward XXIV:166
Wootton Wawen (Warwicks) XXI:78
World War I see Great War
World War II see Second World War
World Wide Web, stained glass and XXIV:80-6
Worshipful Company of Glaziers and Painters of Glass
Prizes and Award, 2000 XXIII:76-7
Prizes and Awards, 2001 XXIV:132-3
website XXIV:80
Worthing (Sussex) XXII:44
Wraxall (Avon) XXII:44
Wrecclesham (Surrey) XXIV:36
Wright, Frank Lloyd XXIV:169
Wright, Thomas XXI:42
Yattendon (Berks) XXIV:31-2, 36
Ynyscynhaiarn (Wales) XXIV:36
Glaziers Trust XXIV:159, 179
Minster XXIV:158-9
CVMA in XXIV:64, 66, 67, 159, 178
Five Sisters window XXIII:71
great east window XXIII:6; XXIV:68-9
nave clerestory XXIV:64, 66
Oxford New College window XXIII:22
St William window XXIII:5-15; XXIV:66, 67, 75
T. W. French and XXIV:178-9
Royal Commission on Historical Monuments in England (RCHME) XXIV:178
Younger, Alan
article by XXIV:front cover, 108-16
work by XXI:101; XXII:80; XXIII:89
Ypres Cathedral (Belgium), Geddes rose window XXI:71-2
Zaverda, Eleni XXIV:133
Zimmer, Jenny XXIV:157, 158
Zimmer, Klaus XXIV:156-8
Zsuzsa, Lórincza (ed.) Budapest in Detail: Épitészeti Részletek, reviewed XXIII:93-4