Abbott, George Rex XV iii: 71
Abbott & Co. XV iii: 57,61-2
abrasion XV i: 47; XV iii: 40
Acker, Hans XV ii: 76-7
Acts of Mercy XV ii: 20, 24-5, 27
Adam and Eve XV i: 48
Addington (Bucks) XV ii: 16
Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen, Princess, later Queen XV ii: 42
Alfrick (Worcs) XV ii: 26n.
Alice Through the Looking Glass XV ii: 60
All Saints, Margaret Street (London) XV i: 64
Alskog, Gotland, Sweden XV i: 44, 56
Andersson, Dr. Aron XV i: 41-9
Anglo-Saxon glass XV ii: 55-6
‘Antique’ glass XV i: 73, 78-9
Antwerp, Belgium XV iii: 23-4
architectural features depicted in glass XV iii: 11-13
Art Nouveau XV iii: 40, 46, 67
Ascension XV i: 51
Assesse, Belgium XV iii: 28
Assumption of the Virgin XV iii: 26
Augsburg, W. Germany XV i: 29, 31, 35
Auvelais, Belgium XV iii: 27
Bacher, Dr. E. XV i: 31, 35
Baerum, Norway XV ii: 7
Baptism of Christ XV i: 45, 57
Barber, Basil XV ii: 61
Barker, Frederick XV ii: 59
Beauchamp, Margaret XV iii: 64
Beauraing, Belgium XV iii: 30
Bede, Venerable XV i: 73
Belgium XV iii: 23-33, 39-46
Bell, Messrs Joseph XV ii: 60
Bell, Michael Farrar XV i: 19
Bemden, Y. Vanden XV iii: 23-33
Bennett, Beverley Shore XV ii: 61-2
Benedicite XV ii: 62
Bern, Switzerland XV ii: 76
Berrow (Som) XV ii: 60
Binnall, Peter B. G. XV ii: 42-5
Bishop Norton (Lines) XV ii: 63
Bissiere, Roger XV ii: 72
Blake, Peter XV ii: 60
Blaney, Paul XV ii: 63
Blank, Andre XV iii: 26, 27, 28
borders XV iii: 12, 13
BossanyXV i: Erwin XV iii: 5-7
Bradford-on-Avon (Wilts) XV ii: 19
Brandon-Jones, John XV iii: 59
Bridges, Stephen XV iii: 35-8
Brighton, J. T. XV iii: 17-22
Brill, Dr. Robert XV i: 31, 35
Broad, Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. XV iii: 58
Brussels, Belgium XV iii: 24, 26, 27, 28, 31,
44, 46
Bryans, Herbert XV ii: 31 Bryans& Webb XV ii: 31-2
Burges, William XV i: 63, 64
Burne-Jones, Sir Edward XV i: 20, 62, 63-5,
67; XV ii: 54, 75 Burrell Collection, Glasgow XV ii: 52
Caldwell, Samuel XV i: 27
Camberwell (London) XV iii: 35-8
Canada XV ii: 63; XV iii: 45
Canterbury Cathedral (Kent) XV i: 24,
27-33, 37-8; XV iii: 6, 55, 68-9
Carpenter, Edward XV ii: 54
Carte, Anto XV iii: 24, 32
cast glass XV i: 74; XV iii: 40 C
attistock (Dorset) XV i: 64
Cavell, Edith XV ii: 35
Cefalu, Sicily XV i: 42, 44
‘Chagall Windows, The’ (McCabe) XV iii: 60
Chance, William Edward XV i: 77-8
Charles I, King XV iii: 56
Chicksands Priory (Beds) XV iii: 8-9, 11-16
Christensen, Finn XV ii: 5, 9
Clarke, Harry XV i: 69-70; XV iii: 64
Clarke Studios, Harry XV ii: 49-50
Clayton, John Richard XV i: 77
Clayton & Bell XV i: 64
Clifton College (Glos) XV ii: 60
Coe, Brian XV ii: 56
Cole, Frederick XV i: 21, 27, 28; XV iii: 68-9
Cole, Dr. William C. XV ii: 16-26, 56; XV iii: 60
colours XV i: 67, 79; XV ii: 7, 17, 18, 45, 55, 56; XV iii: 13, 35-6, 40, 56
Colpaert, J. XV iii: 26, 27, 28, 29
Comper, Sir Ninian XV ii: 61
conservation XV i: 20, 28, 29-33, 35, 36; XV ii: 11-15, 52
Constantinople (Istanbul), Turkey XV i: 44, 49
Convent of the Clares, Ostend, Belgium
XV iii: 25, 29, 30
Cornelius, Jacob XV ii: 19
Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi XV i: 19, 20,
27-40; XV iii: 53
corrosion XV i: 29-30, 31
Cramp, Prof. Rosemary XV ii: 55-6
crematorium XV ii: 7
Cricks, F. XV iii: 24, 32
crown (or Norman) glass XV i: 74
Curtis, Thomas Figgis XV i: 71-2
Dalhem, Gotland, Sweden XV i: 42, 43, 49, 57, 54
dalle-vitrail technique XV ii: 6, 7, 8, 9, 53, 72-3
Dambiermont, Mary XV iii: 44
Denys, St XV ii: 57
de Vos, Marten XV ii: 20, 24, 27
d’Hont, C. Annys XV iii: 24
diaper XV iii: 12, 13
Diksmuide, Belgium XV iii: 28
double glazing XV i: 30-1, 33, 36
Drake, Maurice XV iii: 54
Dronfield (Derby) XV iii: 63
Dubois, Andre XV iii: 47
DubruXV i: Leon XV iii: 42, 43
Duncan, Alastair: The Technique of
Leaded Glass XV iii: 80
Dunning, Elizabeth XV ii: 65
Durk, Vincent XV iii: 66-7
Durst, Hans: Vitraux Anciens en Suisse/ Alte Glasmalerei der Schweiz XV ii: 75-8
Edwards, Margaret XV iii: 57
Eksta, Gotland, Sweden XV i: 44, 55
Elizabeth I, Queen XV iii: 65
Ely Cathedral (Cambs) XV i: 20
Endre, Gotland, Sweden XV i: 43, 52
engravings XV ii: 19-21
Entry into Jerusalem XV i: 43, 44-5, 52
Essay on the Art of Painting on Glass (Fromberg) XV ii: 45
Etelhem, Gotland, Sweden XV i: 45, 46, 57
Evangelists, symbols of XV i: 49, 61
exhibitions XV i: 20; XV ii: 54, 55, 56, 67, 69, 71; XV iii: 63
Eyck, Charles XV ii: 46-8
Feeny, Patrick XV iii: 66-8
Fisher, Alfred XV i: 20, 34-40, 63; XV ii: 49
Florence, Italy XV ii: 11, 12, 15
Forseth, Prof. Einar XV ii: 59; XV iii: 56, 69
Forsyth, Moira XV iii: 61
Fourmaintraux, Pierre, Obituary, XV iii: 72
Frenzel, Dr. G. XV i: 28-30, 31, 35
Frodl-Kraft, Dr. Eva XV i: 28, 30, 32, 35
Furich, V. XV ii: 39
Gamlen, St John O. XV iii: 8-16
Gathering of Herbs XV iii: 4
Gembes, Belgium XV iii: 28, 29
George, St XV ii: 36
Gerente, Henri XV i: 64
Germany XV iii: 45
Geyling, Andreas XV ii: 37, 38
Geyling, Carl XV ii: 36, 38-9
Geyling, House of XV ii: 37-41
Geyling, Prof. Rudolf XV ii: 39
Gibbs, Alexander XV i: 64
Glaziers, Worhsipful Company of XV i: 19; XV ii: 65; XV iii: 51
Goddard & Gibbs XV i: 25; XV ii: 59; XV iii: 57
Godfrey, Eleanor S.: The Development of English Glassmaking 1560-1640 XV iii: 77-8
Gotland, Sweden XV i: 41-9
Grant, F. B. XV i: 18
Grantham (Lines) XV iii: 64
grisaille XV ii: 14
Guevel, Job XV i: 25
Hahnloser, Prof. Hans XV i: 30, 32, 35
Hajnal, Janos (Giovanni) XV iii: 48, 49-50
Halmstadt, Sweden XV ii: 59; XV iii: 69
Hamand, Laura Frances Obituary, XV iii: 73
Harden, Dr. D. B. XV i: 74
Hardman & Co., John XV iii: 57-8, 66-8
Harpenden (Herts) XV ii: 29, 34
Harrison, Martin XV i: 63-5
Harrison, Martin and Waters, Bill: Burne-Jones XV ii: 75
Hartley, James XV i: 78
Hartley Wood & Co. XV i: 78
Hayes, Cyril H. XV iii: 59
Hayman, Roger J. XV iii: 63-4
Heasman, Ernest XV ii: 28, 29-35
Heaton, Butler & Bayne XV iii: 54
Heavens, Prof. Oliver XV ii: 50
Hejde, Gotland, Sweden XV i: 48, 60
Henry VII, King XV iii: 64
heraldic glass XV ii: 62, 63, 77; XV iii: 9, 17, 18, 63, 64
Heraldry Society XV ii: 57
Hetley & Co., James XV ii: 53
Heysecom, Francois XV iii: 43
Hinne, nr Stavanger, Norway XV ii: 7
Hiscott, Amber XV iii: 51, 52
Hogg, Douglas XV ii: 65
Holy Family,
Heath End (Surrey) XV iii: 61
Hone, Evie XV i: 70
Horsne, Gotland, Sweden XV i: 46, 55
Hortus Conclusus XV iii: 62
Hutchins, Paul XV iii: 51
Ide Ltd, T. & W. XV ii: 60
Immaculate Heart, Hayes (Middx) XV ii: 59
ironworks XV iii: 63
Isenberg, Anita and Seymour: How to Work in Stained Glass XV ii: 73-4
Italy XV ii: 11-15, 63-4; XV iii: 49-50
Jarrow (Durham) XV ii: 55
John the Baptist, St XV iii: 63
Joseph, St XV ii: 40
Kempe, C. E. XV i: 68; XV ii: 30, 31; XV iii: 68
Kenyon, G. H. XV i: 74
King, Denis XV i: 21, 28, 31, 35; XV iii: 66
King’s Langley Priory (Herts) XV iii: 9-10, 11-16
Kjellberg, Pierre XV ii: 54
Klaus, Prof. Reinhold XV ii: 40
Klaus, Wolfgang XV ii: 40
Knowles, J. A. XV iii: 17-18
Konigsfelden, Switzerland XV ii: 76
Kolbe, Maximilian XV iii: 67
Kristiansen, Oddmund XV ii: 5, 6-7
Large Passion (Cornelius) XV ii: 19
Last Supper XV i: 44, 45, 56
Lavers & Barraud XV i: 64; XV ii: 58
Lee, Lawrence XV i: 19, 21; The World of Stained Glass XV iii: 74
Leipzig, Germany XV ii: 40
Lerwick (Shetland) XV ii: 61
le Strange, H. S. XV i: 64
Liege, Belgium XV iii: 44
Lincoln Cathedral XV ii: 56; XV iii: 19
Lojsta, Gotland, Sweden XV i: 43, 53
Londot, Louis-Marie XV iii: 26, 28, 30
Lorraine XV i: 75-6
Luther, Martin XV iii: 58
Lye, Gotland, Sweden XV i: 46-7, 59
Lyttelton, George William, 4th Baron XV ii: 42-3, 44
McCabe, John XV iii: 60
McLellan, Sadie XV ii: 52-3
McWilliam, Colin XV ii: 53
Magi XV i: 44, 55
Malvern (Glos) XV ii: 32
MarchinXV i: Giuseppe XV ii: 11-15
Maredsous, Belgium XV iii: 30
Margaret, St XV i: 43-4, 46, 54
Martens, Michel XV iii: 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33 n. J
Martyrs, English XV iii: 67
Massinon, Guy XV iii: 45
Masterby, Gotland, Sweden XV i: 49, 61
Memlinc, Hans XV ii: 17
Michael, St XV iii: 27
Miller, Roy XV ii: 61, 62
Millidal, Annar XV ii: 6, 9
Molde, Norway XV ii: 6
Monkwearmouth (Durham) XV ii: 55
Moore, Rev. Canon Peter XV i: 20; The Stained Glass of Ely Cathedral XV ii: 78
Mornimont, Belgium XV ii: 27
Morris & Co. XV i: 64, 66
Morris, Olivia XV ii: 63-4
Morris, William XV i: 65, 66, 67-8; XV iii: 38, 59, 74-6
Moseid, Toryald XV ii: 5, 8
Mostyn Lewis, Dr. H. XV iii: 56
Mott, David J. XV ii: 65
Mowbray, Wippell XV iii: 61
muffing XV i: 74, 78-9
Museum of Stained Glass XV i: 20
Music, History of XV ii: 29-30, 33, 35
music, influence of glass on XV iii: 60
Namur, Belgium XV iii: 30
Newton, Dr. R. G. XV ii: 50, 51, 55, 58; The Deterioration and Conservation of Painted Glass XV iii: 78-9
New Zealand XV i: 20; XV ii: 61-2
Nieuwpoort, Belgium XV iii: 26
Nivelles, Belgium XV iii: 28
Norfolk Society XV iii: 56
Norman glass see crown glass
Norway XV ii: 4, 5-10
Notley Abbey (Bucks) XV iii: 8, 10, 11-16
Notman, Janet XV ii: 52
Nowton (Suff) XV ii: 18, 19
Nuttyens, Joseph Edward XV i: 21
Oakes, Orbell Ray XV ii: 18
O’Connor, Arthur XV ii: 43
Ohyama, Yoshiro XV iii: 57
Olaf, St XV i: 46, 58
Oldfield, Edmund XV iii: 35-6, 38
Old Hunstanton (Norfolk) XV i: 64
Olson, Erik XV iii: 64
Ortkens, S. XV ii: 19, 20, 22, 23
Oslo, Norway XV ii: 8, 9
Ostend, Belgium XV iii: 25, 27, 29, 30, 32
Pace, George T XV iii: 71
Paddockhurst (Sussex) see Worth Abbey
Page, Judith XV ii: 65
Parmann, Oistein XV ii: 5-10
Parsons, Karl XV i: 69
Payne, Edward R. XV ii: 46-8
Peckitt, William XV iii: 17, 18-19, 20, 21
Philippe, Prof. Dr. Joseph XV iii: 39-46
photographs, coloured XV ii: 56-7
Portobello Works, Monkwearmouth (Durham) XV i: 78
Powell & Sons XV i: 63, 64, 65
Preedy, Frederick XV i: 64; XV ii: 43-5
Price, Joshua XV iii: 67
prices, glass XV iii: 58
Pullen, Derek XV ii: 65
Purser, Sarah XV i: 70
Read, Herbert XV iii: 38
reamy glass XV i: 79
Remfeldt, Per XV ii: 5, 9
Repton (Derby) XV iii: 56
resin adhesive XV ii: 13
Respighi, Ottorino XV iii: 60
restoration XV i: 20, 27, 36, 37, 38; XV ii: 11-15; XV iii: 68, 78-9
Resurrection XV i: 42, 47, 51, 59
Rets, Jean XV iii: 44, 45
Reynolds, Sir Joshua XV i: 76
Reyntiens, Patrick XV i: 20; XV ii: 55
Rjukan, Norway XV ii: 8
Roberts, Rhian L. XV ii: 65, 66
Robinson, Geoffrey XV ii: 60, 61
Rogers, George XV ii: 44
Roman glass XV i: 74
Rome, Italy XV iii: 49
Romont, Switzerland XV ii: 76
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel XV ii: 56
Rottingdean (Sussex) XV i: 64
’roundels’, Flemish XV ii: 16-26; XV iii: 9
Ruskin, John XV iii: 35-6, 38
Rutherford, Rosemary XV i: 25-6; XV ii: 57
Sacraments XV iii: 64
Sacre Coeur, Koekelberg, Brussels, Belgium XV iii: 24-5, 32
St Albans Cathedral (Herts) XV iii: 10, 11-16, 59
St Andrew, Cleveleys (Lanes) XV iii: 62
St Christopher, Morecambe (Lanes) iii. 61-2
St Denys, France XV i: 75
St Epre, Nancy, France XV ii: 39
St Giles, Camberwell (London) XV iii: 35-8
St James, Garlickhythe (London) XV iii: 54
St James, Norwich XV ii: 19
St John, Sir John XV iii: 64
St John, Brigg (S. Humb) XV iii: 63
St John, Harpenden (Herts) XV ii: 34
St Joseph’s Cathedral, Hartford, Conn., U.S.A. XV iii: 50
St Julien, Auderghem-Brussels, Belgium XV iii: 28
St Kenelm, Alderley (Glos) XV ii: 60
St Magnus, Lerwick (Shetland) XV ii: 61
St Mary, Amersham (Bucks) XV ii: 59
St Mary, Battersea (London) XV iii: 64, 65, 66
St Mary, Wolverhampton (W. Mid) XV iii: 67
St Michael and All Angels, Waterford (Herts) XV i: 21
St Nicholas Cathedral, Halmstad, Sweden XV ii: 59; XV iii: 69
St Paul’s Cathedral, Wellington, N.Z. XV ii: 61-2
St Peter and St Paul, Ostend, Belgium XV iii: 32, 33 n.J.
St Peter, Harborne (W. Mid) XV iii: 67
St Peter, Southsea (Hants) XV iii: 63
St Sepulchre, Holborn (London) XV ii: 62
St Swithin, Bromley (Kent) XV ii: 59-60
sales, auction XV ii: 53, 54; XV iii: 54-5
Salmond, Hugh XV i: 66-72; XV ii: 53; XV iii: 59
Salmond, R. W. XV i: 73-9
sand-blasting XV ii: 8, 59
Schaffrath, Ludwig XV iii: 57
Schimmert, Netherlands XV ii: 46
Schnorr van Carolsfeld, L. XV ii: 39
Seasons of the Year XV ii: 28, 35
secular buildings, glass in XV ii: 6-7, 32, 59, 62, 64, 65, 77; XV iii: 4, 44, 64, 67
Selway, Nicola XV ii: 65
Seraing-sur-Meuse, Belgium XV iii: 39, 45
Settle, Elkanah XV iii: 21 Seward & Co., A. XV iii: 57
Sewter, A. Charles: The Stained Glass of William Morris and His Circle XV iii: 74-6
sheet glass, making of XV i: 74, 78-9
ships XV iii: 15, 16
Shrigley & Hunt XV iii: 57
Simon, St XV ii: 60
Skaare, Jorgen XV ii: 5, 6
Skeat, Francis XV ii: 62-3; XV iii: 49, 62-3
slabglass and concrete XV i: 25; XV iii: 30, 42-3, 72
slabglass mosaic XV iii: 41
slabglass and resin XV ii: 59, 60, 63
slabglass and wood XV iii: 44, 46
slides, colour XV ii: 54
Small, Andrew R. W. XV ii: 65; XV iii: 51
Smith, Capt. John XV iii: 62
Snow, Sir Frederick S. XV ii: 65, 66, 67
Snow, Michael XV i: 18; XV ii: 67, 68, 70
Sohier, Belgium XV iii: 28
solarisation XV ii: 55
Sopwell Nunnery, St Albans (Herts) XV iii: 10, 11-16
Spanish glass XV ii: 52
Sparre, Victor XV ii: 4, 5, 6, 7-8
Spencer, John, 7th Earl XV iii: 58-9; t70-l
Spreadbury, Vernon XV ii: 30, 33
Spring, R. O. C.: The Stained Glass of Salisbury Cathedral XV ii: 78
Staatliche Glasfachschule, Hadamar, W. Germany XV ii: 51
Stavanger, Norway XV ii: 5
Steger, S. XV iii: 26, 27-8, 29
Steinkjer, Norway XV ii: 8-9
Stephens, Francis XV iii: 68
Strickland, Hilda XV ii: 29-35
Suger, Abbot XV i: 75
Sweden XV i: 41-9; XV ii: 59; XV iii: 69
Switzerland XV ii: 72-3, 75-8
synagogues XV ii: 60; XV iii: 63, 67
Thomas, Brian XV i: 19, 20
‘Tower of Glass’ XV i: 70
Tree of Jesse XV i: 62, 63, 64; XV ii: 44
Tremeirchion (Clwyd) XV iii: 56
Tromso, Norway XV ii: 8
Union Church, Pocantico Hills, U.S. XV iii: 55
United States of America XV iii: 50, 55
Val-Saint-Lambert, Belgium XV iii: 39-46, 46, 47
van de Velde, Henry XV iii: 40-1
van Espen, J.-M. XV iii: 28
van Linge, Bernard XV iii: 64, 65, 66
Verviers, Belgium XV iii: 4 7
Victoria and Albert Museum XV i: 19, 64; XV ii: 18, 55
Vienna, Austria XV ii: 39
Virton, Belgium XV iii: 26
Visby, Gotland, Sweden XV i: 41-2
Vitraux du Jura XV ii: 72
Waltham Abbey (Essex) XV i: 63
Ward & Hughes XV i: 71, 72
Ward &. Nixon XV iii: 35, 36
Washington, George XV iii: 47
Waters, Bill see Harrison, Martin
Wayment, Hilary: The Windows of King’s College, Cambridge XV i: 21
Weatherley, James XV iii: 57
Webb, Christopher XV ii: 32
Weidemann, Jakob XV ii: 5, 8-9 Westwood (Wilts) XV ii: 60
Whitefriars Studios XV i: 20; XV ii: 49
Willoughby by Orford (Lines) XV iii: 62-3
Wilson, William, Obituary, XV i: 23-4
Winston, Charles XV i: 76-7, 79
Wood, Alfred XV i: 78
Woolaton (Notts) XV iii: 67-8
Worcester Cathedral XV ii: 42-5
Worth Abbey, formerly Paddockhurst (Sussex) XV ii: 29-30, 35
yellow stain XV ii: 17
Yoki: Vitraux Modemes en Suisse XV ii: 72-5
Yoors, Eugene XV iii: 24, 31
York, arms of XV iii: 20, 21
York Glaziers Trust XV ii: 51; iii. 5:
York, Guildhall XV iii: 17-19, 20. 21.
York Minster XV i: 35, 75; XV ii: 50
Zodiac, Signs of XV ii: 35