Training in Stained Glass Conservation
Trainees and graduates in conservation can find their way into endlessly varied, interesting and fulfilling careers and they form a sizeable percentage of stained glass professionals today. Conservation training generally takes place in established conservation studios and is accredited by the Institute of Conservation (ICON). York University offers an MA in Stained Glass Conservation and Heritage Management.
Details of the two-year MA programme at York University can be found at
Potential applicants for accreditation are advised to contact the Institute of Conservation, Unit 1.5 Lafone House, The Leathermarket, Weston Street, London SE1 3ER; website:
A list of accredited conservation studios where training may be available can be found on the Find a Conservator page.
Employment opportunities where training is included are listed here.
Awards and scholarships for conservators include:
- Worshipful Company of Glaziers Professional Development Awards and Conservation Accreditation Awards
- Institute of Conservation (ICON) Awards
- Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust Apprenticeship Scheme