With its interdisciplinary approach, The Journal of Stained Glass covers all aspects and periods of stained glass, making it an invaluable resource for historians, students and anyone with an interest in the medium, as well as for designers, craftworkers and conservators. Featuring wide-ranging articles by recognised experts in the field, each issue includes a provocative guest editorial and sections on: the History of stained glass; Research & Methodology; Contemporary Practice; and Technical Inquiry; along with a New Work Portfolio, reports on recent prizes and awards, exhibitions and obituaries, and a comprehensive book review section. The Journal of Stained Glass is the only English-language publication to cover all of these subjects in depth.

The scope is strongly international, with articles on stained glass in the Ukraine, Iceland, Australia, Canada, Poland, Ireland, Australia and the United States, as well as from the United Kingdom! Themed issues include: the Medievalism Special Issue; The Glass House Special Issue; Burne-Jones Special Issue; America Issue; Scotland Issue, and The Stained Glass Collection of Sir John Soane’s Museum.

Each volume usually includes a minimum of 200 pages with well over 100 colour illustrations.

Sandra Coley Hon FMGP is Editor, for enquiries about submissions contact journaled@bsmgp.org.uk


Vol. XXXVIII (2014)

ISBN 978 0 9568762 4 9 192 pages, over 190 illustrations, many large scale

Celebrating its 90th year of publication, this issue also commemorates the WW1 Centenary with a cover article by Peter Cormack on stained glass artist Hugh Arnold (1872-1915), whose distinguished career was cut short at Gallipoli. Historical articles cover the extensive Yorkshire legacy of Belgian artist Jean-Baptiste Capronnier (1814-1891) and the expressive impact of early 20th-century German stained glass in Pittsburgh. The powerful stained glass of Holocaust survivor Roman Halter is traced, as well as an enticing road trip through France highlighting the variety of techniques and imagery adopted by contemporary glass artists. A rich portfolio of new work by Fellows and Associates this year is complemented by an Olympic commission for Coventry exploring the journey of Lady Godiva and by a well-illustrated analysis of the techniques and history of acid-etching. An insightful guest editorial on stained glass education from Rachel Phillips, tutor at Swansea College of Art, University of Wales Trinity St David exhorts every reader to take up the challenge in these difficult times of furthering all aspects of stained glass!

£20.00 £12.00 Table of contents Buy now

Vol. XXXVII (2013)

ISBN 978 0 9568762 3 2 192 pages, 150 colour illustrations, many large scale

This strongly international issue begins with a guest editorial on the complex ethics of stained glass conservation focusing on the state of practice in Spain, along with two articles on American stained glass firms: the Victorian partnership of John and George H. Gibson in Philadelphia, and Charles J. Connick’s modern and Art Deco commissions produced from his Boston studio. Important work by British artist Henry Holiday for Philadelphia patrons is examined along with Arts & Crafts stained glass by Christopher Whall in Middleton Church, Lancashire. Technical Inquiry publishes the issues involved in conserving rare Catalan cloisonné stained glass and the concluding article on the conservation of glass in the Royal Apartments of Stirling Castle in Scotland. Plus a comprehensive study of the variety of marks used by the famous Kempe studio, and an outline of the work and collections of the London Stained Glass Repository. A Portfolio of New Work, and recent prizes and awards and seventeen book reviews round off the issue.

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Vol. XXXVI (2012)

ISBN 978 0 9568762 2 5 224 pages, 175 colour illustrations, many large scale
stained glass window

From A. W. N. Pugin’s first painted glass to John Piper in Wales, from mid-18th century armorials to the Diamond Jubilee window at the Queen’s Chapel of the Savoy: this is a richly illustrated issue covering new glass devoted to the 2012 Olympic games, the careers of John Beare and William Price the younger; early American windows for Trinity, Wall Street, New York; the work of J. W. Brown for Powell & Sons with a comprehensive list of international windows; recent prizes and awards for stained glass, new heraldic glass for Stirling Castle and much more. Includes a guest editorial by Douglas Hogg FMGP, 18 book reviews and an obituary for Keith New FMGP.

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stained glass window

Vol. XXXV (2011)

ISBN 978 0 9568762 1 8 335 pages, 150 illustrations, many in colour

A Special Issue of The Journal of Stained Glass devoted to the stained glass career of the most influential post-medieval designer working in the medium, Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones Bt. (1833-1898), including:

Groundbreaking research by an impressive line-up of experts, with an insightful guest editorial by his biographer Fiona MacCarthy; the first ever full transcript of Burne-Jones’s Account Books with Morris & Co. by Dr Douglas Schoenherr, along with a comprehensive Checklist of all Edward Burne-Jones’s designs for Morris & Co. (including designs known to have been created but not entered in the accounts); John Christian on Burne-Jones’s roles as both designer and painter; Albert Tannler on the complex influence of Burne-Jones and Morris in the USA; Brian Clarke with a contemporary artist’s reaction to Burne-Jones’s stained glass; Martin Harrison on Burne-Jones’s stained glass in transition, as shown by the Lyndhurst ‘New Jerusalem’ window; and Tony Benyon’s important new biographical research on the stained glass workers employed by Morris & Company. Plus, a hitherto unknown photograph of the young Burne-Jones and a specially-written new poem about the artist…

Also, new commissions in the UK and a powerful scheme by Judith Schaechter installed in a former prison in Philadelphia; conservation at Stirling Castle; obituaries for the Duke of Grafton, Lawrence Lee, Harry Harvey and Adelle Corrin; extensive book reviews and more.

£28.00 Table of contents Buy now

Vol. XXXIV (2010)

ISBN 978 0 9568762 0 1 256 pages, almost 200 illustrations, most in colour, many large scale

With a wealth of material on 19th- & 20th-century stained glass, featuring the latest research on Horace Walpole’s Continental and English glass collections at Strawberry Hill with a detailed account of their restoration; fascinating documentary history on Sir Ninian Comper and Charles Eamer Kempe, and the shadowy story of F. Sydney Eden. Plus a full catalogue of Christopher Whall’s recently restored windows at Holy Trinity Church, Sloane Street and information on collections in the USA (Lamb Studios) and Hungary (Miksa Róth). The meteoric career of artist Brian Clarke is illustrated in two articles, one a review of his recent exhibition. Plus 12 book reviews, 8 obituaries and much more.

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Vol. XXXIII (2009)

ISBN 978 0 9540457 8 4 224 pages, 285 illustrations, most in colour, many large scale

The issue begins with an intriguing guest editorial on the spiritual side of medieval stained glass by scholar/artist Richard Lannoy. Fully illustrated accounts of the stained glass collection of the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool and of little-known but important Continental stained glass at the Royal Clarence Hotel in Exeter. Insights into London glass-painters between 1660 and 1710 and the revival of Gothic glasspainting in the work of Joseph Hale Miller. Stained glass in the Australian studio of Donald Taunton for John Hardman & Co. is examined along with a study of studio life in early 20th-century America with artist Wilbur Herbert Burnham Sr. Author Dennis Hadley adds a postscript to his previously-published work on William Glasby. Contemporary Practice features new commissions by Mel Howse for Sainsbury’s, Ruth Taylor Jacobson for the Schonfeld Square Synagogue and Helen Whittaker for the RAF Club in London. New work by BSMGP Fellows and Associates and annual Glaziers prizes and awards round out the section, while Technical Inquiry explores how a 110-year Brangwyn & Tiffany design was newly created. Plus 18 book reviews and highlights of stained glass at auction, an appreciation for Lawrence Lee FMGP on his hundredth birthday and an obituary for Kerry Ayre.

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Vol. XXXII (2008)

ISBN 978 0 9540457 8 4 224 pages, 285 illustrations, most in colour, many large scale

Guest editorial on stained glass treasures in disused churches by Secretary of the Ancient Monuments Society and Hon. Director of the Friends of Friendless Churches, Matthew Saunders MBE. Plus fascinating comprehensive studies of stained glass from Mariawald Abbey in the UK and beyond and of Herkenrode glass at Lichfield Cathedral, the latter with stunning new photographs; William Glasby’s career is outlined along with an entertaining account of glass painters who appeared at the Old Bailey. Contemporary Practice features architectural glass by Alexander Beleschenko and by Brian Clarke, as well as the latest BSMGP exhibition. Technical Inquiry provides fully-illustrated details of the complicated restoration of the scheme of James Powell and Sons, Whitefriars windows at St Thomas’s, New York, and much more. Obituaries for Klaus Zimmer and Canon Arthur Penn.

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Vol. XXXI (2007)

ISBN 978 0 9540457 7 7 216 pages, over 100 illustrations, many in colour

An insightful and provocative guest editorial by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, is followed by in-depth studies of medieval stained glass: John Thornton at St Mary's Hall, Coventry and Bishop Richard Fox of Winchester’s influence on early 16th-century stained glass in England. Superb research on the invention and development of the Victorian memorial stained glass window, and on the ways artists John Piper and Pat Lipksy looked at stained glass. Fiona MacCarthy presents a cautionary tale for culture in the UK reporting on threats to the William Morris Gallery in her piece on William Morris, Burne-Jones and the politics of art. Alfred Fisher FMGP responds to the newly issued CVMA Guidelines for the conservation of stained glass. Obituaries are included for John Hayward FMGP, Sadie McLellan and Albinas Elskus, plus 18 book reviews, auction room surprises and much more.

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Vol. XXX (2006) Special Issue: Scotland Issue

ISBN 978 0 9540457 6 0 288 pages, over 150 illustrations, most in colour, many large-scale

A very Special issue devoted to Scottish stained glass - much of it spectacular! Begins with pertinent insights in a guest editorial by Elizabeth Cumming and goes on to explore the rich careers of Douglas Strachan, Stephen Adam, Margaret Isobel Chilton, William Wilson, and Sadie McLellan, as well as recent contemporary work by Douglas Hogg FMGP, Emma Butler-Cole Aiken AMGP, Linda Cannon AMGP, Roland Mitton AMGP, Jennifer-Jane Bayliss AMGP plus Rona Moody, Anne Ferguson, and Ronnie Ryan. Published for the first time is a biographical list of 200 Scottish stained glass artists past and present, plus a glazing history of the Rosslyn Chapel, a study of two stained glass portraits of James VI of Scotland and his English favourite, Edinburgh's stained glass revival, Maximilian Ainmiller's painted window for Parliament Hall in Edinburgh, a prize-winning restoration technique, the restoration of a Scottish window in America and much more. Includes a review by Martin Harrison of stained glass at the V&A, obituaries for Donald J. R. Green and Margaret Traherne, plus 7 book reviews.

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